The Check IFS Save command displays or prints a listing of IFS
objects that need to be archived (saved). An outfile is optional.
Using WRKLNK and option 8 (Display attributes), you can see the 'Need
to archive (System)' information for an IFS object. It is changed to
'No' when the object is saved with a SAV command specifying
UPDHST(*YES). CHKIFSSAV allows a review of the objects needed to be
If an outfile is created, the model file used is the same as used
with CVTIFS. The model file name is TAAIFSAT with a format name of
You must be authorized to the TAACVTIFS *AUTL to use CHKIFSSAV.
A typical command would be:
This would display a listing of all IFS objects in your current
directory that need to be saved.
The system does not keep a last save date/time for IFS objects as it
does for library objects. Instead, it updates the field in the IFS
object description which is described as 'Need to archive (System)'.
A 'Yes' value indicates either 1) the object has never been saved or
2) the object has been saved since the last change, but with
Commands that save library objects such as SAVOBJ or SAVLIB, default
to UPDHST(*YES). The SAV command used for IFS objects defaults to
The 'Need to archive (System)' information is in the IFSARC field of
the IFSDIRT (based on the model file TAAIFSAT) file used by
CHKIFSSAV. A 'Y' value causes the object to be listed.
CHKIFSSAV escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 No objects needing a save were found.
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
CHKIFSSAV Command parameters *CMD
OBJ The path name of the object to be checked. The
object path name must be a single object (either a
directory or a file). The default is *.
Specifying * will start the process at the current
directory level. If the current directory level is
the root ('/') directory, the convert process will
start at the home directory ('/home').
The special value of *IFS may also be entered.
Specifying *IFS will start the convert process at
the root directory ('/') excluding /QDLS, /QOPT and
/QSYS.LIB. If additional directories are to be
excluded, the OMITDIR parameter can be used.
The special value *IFSLST may be entered to refer to
a list of IFS objects/directories entered using the
IFSLST tool (see the WRKIFSLST command). If *IFSLST
is entered, the IFSLST parameter must name a file
created by the CRTIFSLST command.
OUTPUT How to output the results. * is the default to
display the spooled file if the command is entered
interactively. If the display is ended with F3/F12
or the Enter key, the spooled file is deleted after
it is displayed. To retain the spooled file, you
may use the the System Request 'Cancel' function and
The spooled file (named IFS) will exist in a HLD
If the command is entered in batch or *PRINT is
specified, the spooled file is output and retained.
OUTFILE An outfile to be created of the objects listed.
*NONE is the default meaning no outfile will be
created. If *NONE is used, take the defaults for
the OUTMBR and REPLACE parameters.
If an outfile name is described, it will be
formatted like a CVTIFS *TYPE2 outfile (model file
is TAAIFSAT). The format name will be IFSDIR2.
OUTMBR The outfile member to be used. The default is
REPLACE A *YES/*NO value for whether the member should be
cleared before writing records into it. The default
is *YES.
*NO may be specified to add records to an existing
PROCSUBDIR If the Object parameter is a directory, specify a
*YES/*NO value to indicate whether all
subdirectories relative to that directory are to be
included. The default is *YES.
*NO may be specified to process only at the
specified directory's level.
OMITDIR If the Object parameter is a directory, specify up
to 10 subdirectory names relative to that directory
to be excluded.
Any of the OMITDIR entries may be a subdirectory of
the directory specified for the OBJ parameter. A
subdirectory can go multiple levels deep, but cannot
skip any directories along the way. For example, if
'Sub2' is a directory in directory 'Sub', you cannot
specify OBJ('*') and OMITDIR('Sub') and keep
directory 'Sub2'.
Generic directories are supported by using an * as
the last character of an OMITDIR path. This causes
any directory starting with the characters before
the * to be omitted.
An omitted directory cannot begin with a / or \. If
a directory specified to be omitted does not exist,
no error occurs.
Omits /home/xxx/dir1 and all its subdirectories
Omits /home/xxx/yyyy where yyyy is all
subdirectories beginning with 'dir' and
and all their subdirectories
IFSLST If OBJ(*IFSLST) is specified, the IFSLST parameter
must name a file created by CRTIFSLST. The
WRKIFSLST command is used to enter directory records
into the file.
USRPRF The user profile that will be switched to during run
time. QSECOFR is the default. For file systems
(such as QNTC), CVTIFS (used internally) will fail
if QSECOFR does not exist.
*CURRENT may be used or a specific user profile, but
the profile must have *ALLOBJ special authority.
You must be authorized to the TAACVTIFS *AUTL to use CHKIFSSAV.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CRTDUPPF Create duplicate physical file
CRTLFSRC Create logical file source
EDTVAR Edit variable
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
RTVIFSED Retrieve IFS entry description
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
WRTSRC Write source
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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