TAA Tools
CLPDBR          CLP DATA BASE RECORD                   TAADBKN

The CLP Data Base  Record tool provides a command interface  to allow a
CL  program  to  position  to  (key  or RR),  read  sequentially,  read
randomly  (by key or RR), write,  update, and delete data base records.
A record buffer (string  of data) must be  provided (the tool does  not
operate on a  list of fields - see the  later discussion of CRTCLPDCL).

The  main  intent  of  the CLPDBR  tool  is  to  bring  full data  base
functions  to  CL  programs  that  require  a  small  amount   of  data
handling.   You  should  not consider  the tool  as  a replacement  for
performance sensitive applications.

The  file to be  used must  be identified ahead  of time by  entering a
record in a control file for the  name of the file/library to be  used.
The  owner of  the  control  file can  control  who may  enter  records
describing the  files to be used.   See the later  section on 'Security
and Integrity'.

To  minimize potential  errors where the  format of a  file may change,
the level  ID  of the  specified file  is extracted  when  a record  is
written to  the control file.   This level ID  must be the  same as the
level  ID  when the  file is  opened.   If  not,  an escape  message is
issued.    You  must  update   the  record  in  the  control  file   to
re-establish  the current  level  ID and  review  the  program code  to
ensure  that it  is still  operating  on the  correct definition.   For
example, the from/to positions of the data may have changed.

An exception to the level  check requirement exists for *ALLOBJ  users.
If  the  user  has  *ALLOBJ  authority  (or  the  program  adopts  this
authority),  LVLCHK(*NO) may be  specified on  OPNDBR.  This  allows an
*ALLOBJ user to use the function with a variable file name.

An  exception is also  made for certain TAA  tool programs which allows
a name of a program to be checked to allow LVLCHK(*NO).

Program described file approach

Because a buffer  is passed to  the data base,  the function of  CLPDBR
operates like  any program that  has a program  described file.   It is
possible to write bad data into decimal fields.

This potential problem can be virtually eliminated by:

  **   The use of the level ID check described previously and

  **   The  use of  the TAA  CRTCLPDCL tool.   CRTCLPDCL will  create a
       data structure and  the sub  fields to match  the definition  of
       an externally described file.

Commands provided

     Menu of commands (use GO CLPDBR)

       CLPDBR       - Menu of commands

     Controlling file commands

       CRTDBRCTL    - Creates the control files DBRCTLP and DBRCTLL
       WRKDBRCTL    - Works with the files to be used by CLPDBR
       DLTDBRCTL    - Deletes the control files

     Processing commands (may only be used in a CL program)

       OPNDBR     - Opens the file
       RDDBR      - Reads a record (Seq or Random)
       WRTDBR     - Writes a record
       UPDDBR     - Updates a record
       DLTDBR     - Deletes a record
       POSDBR     - Positions to a key or RR number
       RLSDBR     - Releases a record lock
       CLSDBR     - Closes the file

     Cleanup command (for use when errors occur or cleanup)

       RCLDBR     - Reclaims CLPDBR (close all files, pgms)

Getting started

  **   A control file  must be created before identifying  any files to
       be  used  with  the  CLPDBR tool.    Only  a  user with  *ALLOBJ
       authority may use CRTDBRCTL.

             CRTDBRCTL   DBRCTLLIB(xxx)

       A physical (DBRCTLP) and logical file (DBRCTLL) are created.

       The default  for  the  AUT parameter  is  *RPGLIKE  meaning  the
       authority to use the  CLPDBR functions is similar to  the use of
       RPG.   The *RPGLIKE function allows  any user to be  able to add
       a   record  to  describe  a  file  to  be  used  by  the  CLPDBR
       functions.  See  the later section  on 'Security and  Integrity'
       and 'Security approaches'.

       Multiple  sets of  control  files may  be  created in  different

  **   A file must be identified to be used by the CLPDBR tool.

             WRKDBRCTL   DBRCTLLIB(xxx)

       A work  display appears.  To identify a  file to be used, use F6
       and add the files that will be used.

       The level ID of  the file is stored with  the name of the  file.
       The level ID is checked when the file is opened.

  **   The  file may  now  be used  in  a CL  program.    See the  next

Basic programming concepts using the CLPDBR functions

The file must be opened by OPNDBR:

             OPNDBR     FILE(ABC)

Several  defaults  occur when  OPNDBR  is specified  with  just  a file

  **   The library list  is used  to find  the file  and determine  the

  **   The member defaults to *FIRST.

  **   The OPTION parameter  defaults to 'input only' meaning  the file
       cannot be updated or added to.

  **   The  file is opened  as it is  defined.   For example, if  it is
       keyed, it is ready to be processed in keyed order.

  **   An OPNID is assigned using the default name TAADFTDBR.

  **   The DBRCTLP file must be found using the library list.

The DBRCTLP file must contain a record for the ABC file.

A  data  area in  QTEMP  is created  with  the OPNID  name  (default is
TAADFTDBR).  The data  area acts as a  control block when other  CLPDBR
commands are run.

The  user must have  authority to  the file  based on  how the  file is
opened (*USE in this case).

The RDDBR command is used to read a record.

             RDDBR    RCD(&rcd)

Several  defaults  occur when  RDDBR is  specified  with just  a return
variable for the record buffer.

  **   The OPNID  defaults to TAADFTDBR  which is  the same  as on  the
       OPNDBR command.

  **   TYPE(*NEXT)  is the  default which  causes  a read  to the  next
       record  in the file (or  the first record if  no record has been
       read prior).  If OPNDBF  SEQOPTION(*FILE) was specified and  the
       file was keyed, the lowest key value record would be read.

The TAADFTDBR data area would be accessed and checked.

Since the file cursor  is positioned at the beginning of  the file when
a file is opened, the first record in the file would be read.

The &rcd  variable must be  declared as *CHAR LEN(5000).   This happens
if  the CRTCLPDCL  command default is  used.  CRTCLPDCL  creates a data
structure  and  the sub  fields  which  match  the  definition  of  the
externally described  file.   The data structure  name defaults  to the
format  name of  the  file and  is given  a length  of  5000.   The sub
fields may  be read and  changed such  as in  any HLL  approach.   When
reading or writing to the file, the &rcd variable name is used.

If you are not  using CRTCLPDCL or some similar technique, it  is up to
the  program  to substring  out  of  the &rcd  variable  to  access the
individual fields.

When you are finished with the file, it must be closed:


This closes the file to the system  and deletes the data area named  on
the OPNID parameter (default is TAADFTDBR).

Sample programs using the CLPDBR functions

  **   Read all records in a file

             DCL          &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             OPNDBR       FILE(xxx)
 READ:       RDDBR        RCD(&RCD)
             MONMSG       MSGID(TAA9892) EXEC(GOTO EOF)
                          /*                                       */
                          /*    Your processing of the data        */
                          /*      in &RCD                          */
                          /*                                       */
             GOTO         READ
 EOF:        RMVMSG       MSGTYPE(*EXCP)

       The  default for  RDDBR  is TYPE(*NEXT)  which  causes the  next
       record in the file to be read.

       Monitoring for  TAA9892 is required to check  for 'end of file'.

  **   Add a record to the end of the file

             DCL          &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             OPNDBR       FILE(xxx) OPNTYPE(*OUT)
                          /*                                       */
                          /*    Build data for record in &RCD      */
                          /*                                       */
             WRTDBR       RCD(&RCD)

       More   than  one  record  may  be  written  by  coding  a  loop.
       Additions occur at  the end of  the file.   An option exists  to
       write to a  deleted record slot using a  relative record number.

       An  escape message would occur if  a duplicate key was attempted
       to be written to a file that requires unique keys.

  **   Randomly access a record with the key of MMMMM and update it

             DCL          &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             OPNDBR       FILE(xxx) OPNTYPE(*ALL)
             RDDBR        TYPE(*EQUAL) RCD(&RCD) KEY(MMMMM)
                          /*                                       */
                          /*    Change &RCD variable as needed     */
                          /*                                       */
             UPDDBR       RCD(&RCD)

       An escape message would be  issued by RDDBR if the MMMMM  record
       did not exist.

       An  escape message  would  be issued  by  UPDDBR  if the  update
       caused a duplicate key in a file that requires unique keys.

  **   Randomly access all records with a key of SSSSS

             DCL        &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             OPNDBR     FILE(xxx)
             POSDBR     KEY('SSSSS')
             MONMSG     MSGID(TAA9892) EXEC(DO) /* No records */
                          /*                                       */
                          /*    Your processing for no records     */
                          /*      in existence for the key         */
                          /*                                       */
             ENDDO      /* No records */
             MONMSG     MSGID(TAA9892) EXEC(GOTO ENDGRP)
                          /*                                       */
                          /*    Your processing of each record     */
                          /*                                       */
             GOTO       READ

       The POSDBR  command defaults to position by  key.  The cursor is
       set at  the first  SSSSS key  and establishes  the key  of  that
       record for  subsequent use  of RDDBR  TYPE(*NEXTEQ).  Note  that
       if  the key  does not  exist, a  MONMSG for  TAA9892 is  used to
       handle the exception.

       The  RDDBR request of TYPE(*NEXTEQ) reads  the next record if it
       has the  same key.   A  MONMSG is  also used  for TAA9892  which
       indicates that no more records exist for the same key.

  **   Randomly  access  all records  with  a  key  of TTTTT  and  read
       backwards thru the group

             DCL        &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             DCL        &KEY *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &KEY2 *CHAR LEN(10)
             OPNDBR     FILE(xxx)
             CHGVAR     &KEY 'TTTTT'
             POSDBR     KEYOPTION(*GT) KEY(&KEY)
             MONMSG     MSGID(TAA9892) EXEC(DO) /* Not found */
             GOTO       NOTFOUND
             ENDDO      /* Not found */
             RDDBR      TYPE(*PREV) RCD(&RCD)
             MONMSG     MSGID(TAA9892) EXEC(DO) /* No record found */
             GOTO       NOTFOUND
             ENDDO      /* No record found */
             CHGVAR     &KEY2 %SST(&RCD nn 10)
             IF         (&KEY *NE &KEY2) DO /* Not expected key */
             GOTO       NOTFOUND
             ENDDO      /* Not expected key */
                        /* Expected key was found */
             GOTO       PROCESS
             MONMSG     MSGID(TAA9892) EXEC(DO) /* End of group */
             GOTO       ENDGRP
             ENDDO      /* End of group */
                          /*                                       */
 PROCESS:                 /*    Your processing of &RCD            */
                          /*                                       */
             GOTO       READ
                          /*                                       */
 NOTFOUND:                /*    Your coding for the requested      */
                          /*      key was not found                */
                          /*                                       */

       POSDBR  sets the  file cursor to  the record  (if any) following
       the key specified.  A MONMSG  command is used to ensure that  at
       least  one   record  exists  that   is  greater  than   the  key

       The  RDDBR of TYPE(*PREV)  reads the  last record of  the group.
       A comparison is  made to ensure  that it is  the correct  group.
       If  it  is  the desired  record,  a  branch  to  the  processing
       portion of the code occurs.

       The  RDDBR  command  in the  main  loop  uses TYPE(*PREVEQ)  and
       monitors  for 'not found' which could  either be the last record
       of a group or the beginning of the file.

Partial keys

The POSDBR command requires an exact key if *EQ is specified.

If an option  like *GE is  specified, the number  of characters in  the
key  may be less  than the  full key.   For  example, if  the key  is 5
bytes  in length,  you  may pass  a key  of MM  and  specify *GE.   The
cursor would be positioned to the first MM or greater record.

The RDDBR command with TYPE(*EQUAL) also requires an exact key.

Multiple files or opening the same file multiple times

You can process multiple  files (including the  same file) in the  same
CL program (overall limit of 2000 files).

The commands default the  OPNID parameter to TAADFTDBR.   If you have a
second  file to be  open at  the same time,  you must specify  a unique
OPNID on  OPNDBR  and any  commands  that  process the  file  (such  as

For example, you may have code that looks like:

             DCL          &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             DCL          &RCD2 *CHAR LEN(5000)
             OPNDBR       FILE(ABC)
             OPNDBR       FILE(DEF) OPNID(DEF)
             RDDBR        RCD(&RCD)
             RDDBR        RCD(&RCD2) OPNID(DEF)
             CLSDBR       OPNID(DEF)

If you close  the ABC file (default  OPNID of TAADFTDBR), you  may open
another file using  the default OPNID.  If more than  one file is to be
open  at  the same  time,  you must  use  the OPNID  parameter  for all
actions on any additional files.


The  CRTCLPDCL  command  provides   an  automatic  create  of   a  data
structure  and  the  individual  fields  that  make  up  an  externally
described data structure.

The  command is run  after you have  added the source member  to a file
that you want the DCLs generated into.

For example, assume  you have  an externally described  data base  file
named TEST1PF  that you want  to update with  CLPDBR.  Assume  the file
definition is:

     A          R RCD1
     A            FIELDA         5
     A            FIELDB         3  0
     A            FIELDC        20
     A          K FIELDA

Assume  your CLP source member  is named UPDTEST1PF.   After adding the
UPDTEST1PF member to the  file, you would  enter the CRTCLPDCL  command


When the  command completes,  the following  statements would be  added
to the end of member UPDTEST1PF:

                  /* Defined from TEST1PF in SLOANT           */
                  /*  Start CRTCLPDCL definitions - 02/15/09  */
       DCL        VAR(&RCD1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5000)
                    DEFVAR(&RCD1 1)
       DCL        VAR(&FIELDB) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(3 0) STG(*DEFINED) +
                    DEFVAR(&RCD1 6)
       DCL        VAR(&FIELDC) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(20) STG(*DEFINED) +
                    DEFVAR(&RCD1 8)
                  /* End of CRTCLPDCL definitions             */

CRTCLPDCL  is  designed to  work  with  CLPDBR.   Note  that the  &RCD1
variable  is declared as 5000  bytes which is required  by CLPDBR.  The
fields within the file have  been defined as subfields within  &RCD1 by
use of the STG and DEFVAR parameters.

You need  to use a  source editor to  move the generated  statements to
the proper place in the program.

Assume  you will pass the key  of a record you want  to access into the
program, retrieve  the  record,  add  one to  FIELDB,  and  update  the

       PGM        PARM(&KEY)
       DCL        VAR(&KEY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5)
                  /* Defined from TEST1PF in SLOANT           */
                  /*  Start CRTCLPDCL definitions - 02/15/09  */
       DCL        VAR(&RCD1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5000)
                    DEFVAR(&RCD1 1)
       DCL        VAR(&FIELDB) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(3 0) STG(*DEFINED) +
                    DEFVAR(&RCD1 6)
       DCL        VAR(&FIELDC) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(20) STG(*DEFINED) +
                    DEFVAR(&RCD1 8)
                  /* End of CRTCLPDCL definitions             */
       MONMSG     MSGID(CPF9892) EXEC(DO) /* Not found */
       SNDESCMSG  MSG('Key ' *CAT &KEY *TCAT ' not found ')
       ENDDO      /* Not found */
       CHGVAR     &FIELDB (&FIELDB + 1)
       UPDDBR     RCD(&RCD1)
       SNDPGMMSG  MSG('Key ' *CAT &KEY *TCAT ' was updated.')

Use of Substring

The CLPDBR  tool only  operates on a  record buffer basis.   If  you do
not  use a  function such as  CRTCLPDCL to  create a data  structure as
the record format, you must use  the CLP substring capability to  build
and extract  from  the buffer.   The  CLP data  structure function  was
added in  V5R4.  For releases  prior to V5R4, you must  use a substring

To  provide for  general purpose use,  the size of  the buffer returned
from RDDBR is always  5000 bytes.  On  RDDBR, you must declare  the RCD
return variable  as 5000  bytes.   You may provide  a variable  that is
less than 5000 bytes on the UPDDBR, WRTDBR, or POSDBR commands.

A typical substring operation would be:

            CHGVAR     %SST(&RCD 11 10) &VARA

This  would move &VARA  to the &RCD  variable beginning  at position 11
for 10 bytes.

The DSPFMT  TAA command  provides  a simple  means of  determining  the
From/To positions of a field in a file.

If  you  have  a  multi-part  key,  you  must  also  use  substring  or
concatenate   to  create   the  key   for   such  functions   as  RDDBR
TYPE(*EQUAL) or POSDBF with a key.

Because CL does not have a  function to handle placing a *DEC  variable
value  inside  a  string in  a  packed  representation,  zoned  decimal
fields are much easier to work with.

The  first example  will assume  a zoned  decimal  field exists  in the
data  base record.  Assume you have a  data base file ABC with a record
defined as:

     A          R RECORD                    TEXT('CLP files record')
     A            FLDA          10          COLHDG('File')
     A            FLDB           5S 0       COLHDG('Zoned decimal')

Typical CL code to read  the record and substring out the  fields would

             DCL          &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             DCL          &FLDA *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL          &FLDB DEC LEN(5 0)
             OPNDBR       FILE(ABC)
             RDDBR        RCD(&RCD)
             CHGVAR       &FLDA %SST(&RCD 1 10)
             CHGVAR       &FLDB %SST(&RCD 11 5)

If &FLDB is  a packed decimal field,  3 bytes make up the  field in the
data  record.  There  is no  built-in function to  allow packed decimal
data inside  a character  string to  be moved  to  a decimal  variable.
Two TAA tools  may be used to  convert from/to decimal variables.   The
following would be typical coding:

             DCL          &RCD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             DCL          &FLDA *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL          &FLDB DEC LEN(5 0)
             DCL          &WRKDEC *DEC LEN(15 0)
             DCL          &CHAR8 *CHAR LEN(8)
             DCL          &HEX00S *CHAR LEN(8)
             CHGVAR       &HEX00S X'0000000000000000'
             OPNDBR       FILE(ABC)
             RDDBR        RCD(&RCD)
             CHGVAR       &FLDA %SST(&RCD 1 10)
             CHGVAR       &CHAR8 &HEX00S /* Initialize */
             CHGVAR       %SST(&CHAR8 6 3) %SST(&RCD 11 3)
             CHGVAR       &FLDB &WRKDEC
                          /*                                     */
                          /*  Your processing to change values   */
                          /*                                     */
             CHGVAR       %SST(&RCD 1 10) &FLDA
             CHGVAR       %SST(&RCD 11 3) %SST(&CHAR8 6 3)
             UPDDBR       RCD(&RCD)

MOVCHRDEC extracts  from a *CHAR LEN(8) variable  (with the value right
adjusted) to  a *DEC  field.   The decimal  field must  be declared  as
*CHAR LEN(15 0).   If the value has  2 decimal positions, you  must use
divide by 100 to place the value in another decimal variable.

MOVDECCHR  does the  inverse (moves  from a  decimal  field to  a *CHAR
LEN(8)  field).  The decimal  field may be declared up  to 15 digits in
length, but must have 0 decimal positions.


The  main intent  of  the  CLPDBR  tool  is to  bring  full  data  base
functions  to  CL  programs  that   require  a  small  amount  of  data
handling.    You should  not  consider the  tool as  a  replacement for
performance sensitive applications.

You would find an RPG  program faster in performing reading,  updating,
and adding records.

The  CL program  capability  of  DCLF/RCVF to  read  a  data base  file
provides  better  performance  than CLPDBR.    If  you  don't need  the
function of CLPDBR, use the system  support if a significant number  of
records must be read.

CLPDBR escape messages you can monitor for

The  CPF9898 escape  message  is  sent for  a  variety of  errors  from
several commands  for invalid situations such as the  file was open for
input  and you have requested  WRTDBR.  In this  case, the file will be
closed before the escape message is sent.

CPF9898 is also sent  if the OPNID does not  exist.  Since the file  is
unknown, it cannot be requested to be closed.

The  following escape  messages are  intended  to be  monitored for  in
your program.   They do not cause the file  to be closed.  For example,
if the record  cannot be  found using  RDDBR, it is  expected that  you
will monitor and may want to read again for a different record.

      OPNDBR    TAA9896    The OPNID is already open

      RDDBR     TAA9892    The record could not be found
                              (also sent for 'end of file')
                TAA9895    Locked record found

      UPDDBR    TAA9893    Duplicate key

      WRTDBR    TAA9893    Duplicate key
                TAA9894    Write to an active RR number

      POSDBR    TAA9892    The record does not exist

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Comparison with RPG data base operations

     RPG                CLPDBR
     ---                ------

     OPEN               OPNDBR
     CLOSE              CLSDBR
     CHAIN              RDDBR     OPER(*EQUAL)
     READ               RDDBR     OPER(*NEXT)
     READE              RDDBR     OPER(*NEXTEQ)
     READP              RDDBR     OPER(*PREV)
     READPE             RDDBR     OPER(*PREVEQ)
     SETGT              POSDBR    KEYOPTION(*GT)
     SETLL              POSDBR    KEYOPTION(*LE) or *EQ
     WRITE - Note 1     WRTDBR
     UPDATE             UPDDBR
     DELETE             DLTDBR
     UNLOCK - Note 2    RLSDBR
     COMMIT/ROLBK       Not supported
     KLST/KFLD          Not supported - Note 3
     FEOD               Not supported
     FORCE              Not supported

Note 1 -  The normal write occurs to  the end of the file.   A write to
a relative record number can be used if the record is deleted.

Note 2  - Release of a record  lock in RPG is done  via UNLCK or UNLOCK
or by exception output to the record with no fields specified.

Note 3 - The  key must be built  in a single field.   The CL  substring
and concatenate  functions must  be used.   The MOVDECCHR  may be  used
when assembling a key containing packed data.

The  RDDBR  command  also  allows  options  for  *FIRST  and  *LAST  to
immediately  read records  without first  positioning to  the beginning
or end of file.

Comparison with RPG compiler actions

The RPG  compiler checks  to see  when an  operation such  as WRITE  is
used  that the file  will be  opened to  allow adding  of records.   If
not, the compilation fails.

The  CLPDBR commands cannot  be checked during  compilation because the
CL compiler treats each command  separately.  Consequently, a run  time
error occurs  if you  attempt to  use a  command like  WRTDBR when  the
file was opened for input.

File cursor positioning

The  file cursor  positioning is  intended to  operate similar  to RPG.
Each file/member opened has a separate file cursor.

The cursor  position is  moved by  the  successful use  of a  RDDBR  or
POSDBR  command.   The cursor  position  is not  changed  by a  WRTDBR,

If an error  occurs (such as a key does not exist  for a random read of
RDDBR),  the cursor position  may be lost.   Good practice  would be to
re-establish the cursor position before doing a RDDBR TYPE(*NEXT).

Record locking considerations

A record lock is placed  on a record if OPNDBR  specifies OPNTYPE(*ALL)
and the RDDBR  command uses the default of  LOCK(*OPNTYPE).  You cannot
lock a record if the file is open for input or output only.

A  record  lock is  required  in order  to  use the  UPDDBR  and DLTDBR
commands.  RDDBR must be used to achieve the lock.

You may release a record lock by  using RLSDBR.  If no lock exists,  no
error occurs.

You  may read  a  record without  locking  by  specifying LOCK(*NO)  on

POSDBR does not lock a record.

Handling of decimal fields

Binary fields are always changed to *INT types.

Because the CL compiler does not support:

  **   Zoned fields (only packed fields are supported internally).

  **   A  method of  moving a  packed field  within a  larger character
       variable to a decimal field.

special handling is needed in some situations.

  **   Data structure use of CRTCLPDCL.

       Packed fields  are handled  easily as  they are  defined  within
       the data structure with their proper length.

       Zoned fields cannot be  defined as *DEC because they  would have
       a packed  length rather than  a zoned length.   For this reason,
       they  are defined as *CHAR and you must  move the data to a *DEC
       variable in order to process it as decimal data.

  **   Non-Data structure use of CRTCLPDCL (DSNAME = *NONE).

       Zoned fields  are defined as  *CHAR fields.   You must move  the
       data  to a  *DEC  variable in  order  to process  it as  decimal

       Packed  fields  are  defined  as  *CHAR  fields.    Use the  TAA
       command MOVCHRDEC to  move the bytes  to a decimal  field.   Use
       the TAA  command MOVDECCHR to move  the bytes back to  the *CHAR
       field if you want to update the data.

Handling of multiple part keys

Randomly  accessing a record  which has  multiple part keys  are easily
handled by using  a data  structure to  define the key  field.   Packed
keys are also easily handled.

Assume you have a file definition of:

     A          R RCD3
     A            FIELDA         5
     A            FIELDB         3  0
     A            FIELDC         6
     A            FIELDD        20
     A          K FIELDA
     A          K FIELDB
     A          K FIELDC

You would define a data structure for the key such as:

             DCL        VAR(&KEY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(13)
             DCL        &KEY1 TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5) +
                          STG(*DEFINED) DEFVAR(&KEY 1)
             DCL        VAR(&KEY2) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(3 0) +
                          STG(*DEFINED) DEFVAR(&KEY 6)
             DCL        VAR(&KEY3) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(6) +
                          STG(*DEFINED) DEFVAR(&KEY 8)

When a specific key  is needed, move the key information  to the &KEY1,
&KEY2, and &KEY3 fields and then:

             RDDBR      TYPE(*EQUAL) RCD(&xxx) KEY(&KEY)


The  RCLDBR command  is designed for  cleanup of  the current  job when
files  are  left  open  or  the activation  group  used  by  the CLPDBR
function  exists.   RCLDBR  is  not  needed if  the  files  are  closed
properly with the CLSDBR command.

It is  expected that  when first using  the CLPDBR functions,  you will
make mistakes such as:

            OPNDBR     FILE(xxx) OPNTYPE(*INP)
            WRTDBR     RCD(&yyy)

Because  the file was opened for 'input  only', the WRTDBR command will
fail.  In this case, the file  will be closed by the WRTDBR command  so
there is no need for RCLDBR.

However, if you specified:

            OPNDBR     FILE(xxx) OPNTYPE(*INP)
            RDDBR      RCD(&yyy)

and no records  exist in the file,  RDDBR will send the  TAA9892 escape
message.   The file will  remain open.   If you do not  monitor for the
'end of  file'  condition,  the program  will  abnormally  end  without
closing the file.   You cannot  successfully call the program  again in
the  same job because  the file is  still be open.   To close  the file
and start over, enter:


RCLDBR  deletes any  data areas in  QTEMP that were  created by OPNDBR,
ends the main  processing program, and  reclaims the activation  group.
It is not an error to use RCLDBR if there is nothing for it to do.

Security and Integrity

The CLPDBR tool  uses normal system security to  determine who can read
or change a file using commands such as UPDDBR.

Because  of  the  requirement  that  level  checking  is enforced,  the
integrity  can  be  better  than  the  system  approach  which   allows
LVLCHK(*NO).   An exception  exists for *ALLOBJ  users who  may specify

You  may  not want  every  programmer  to be  able  to  use CLPDBR  and
particularly against some  files.  The  tool provides different  levels
of control to  allow you tailor the  security to meet your needs.   The
following describes the important considerations.

  **   An *ALLOBJ  user must enter CRTDBRCTL to  create the the DBRCTLP
       and DBRCTLL files.

  **   The  user running  a command such  as OPNDBR  must be authorized
       to the DBRCTLP file.

  **   The CLPDBR  tool requires  that any file  to be  opened must  be
       identified in  a DBRCTLP file.   Once the file  is identified in
       the  DBRCTLP file, any  programmer may use  the CLPDBR functions
       to write a  program using the  file.  Any  user who is  properly
       authorized to the file may use the program.

  **   Multiple DBRCTL files may be created in different libraries.

  **   To  add a  record for  a named  file, the  WRKDBRCTL command  is
       used.   The command  is *PUBLIC *USE,  but the user  running the
       command must  have at  least *CHANGE  authority to  the  DBRCTLP

  **   In addition to being  able to change the DBRCTL  files, the user
       entering WRKDBRCTL  must have at  least one of  the following 1)
       *ALLOBJ  authority  2)  All rights  to  the file  that  is named
       (such as  being the owner)  or 3)  the 'Object Reference'  right
       to  the  DBRCTLP  file.    The 'Object  Reference'  function  is
       intended  for the case  where you want  specific programmers (or
       *PUBLIC) to be  able to  use CLPDBR  when they do  not have  all
       rights to  the named file.   The use  of the  'Object Reference'
       right  was   chosen  to  allow  this   special  function  to  be
       performed.  The  normal use  of 'Object  Reference' is  intended
       for 'referential  integrity  constraints' which  does not  apply
       for the DBRCTLP file.

  **   The  OPNDBR and  record processing  commands  such as  RDDBR may
       only  be used in a CL program.   There is no check made when the
       command is entered  via a source editor  or when the program  is
       created  that either  the programmer  or a  user of  the program
       will  be able to  perform the  function.  This  is controlled by
       the use of normal system security.

  **   The level ID of the file  when it was added to the DBRCTLP  file
       is checked  to see if it  is still the  same.  If not  an escape
       message is issued.

       An  exception exists  for *ALLOBJ users  who may  specify OPNDBR
       with LVLCHK(*NO).    This allows  a  variable file  name  to  be
       processed by CLPDBR.

  **   An error will  occur if you pass  more data on WRTDBR  or UPDDBR
       than the current record length of the file.

  **   An error will  occur if you pass more data  for the key on RDDBR
       or POSDBR than the current key length of the file.

  **   None of the CLPDBR commands use the program adopt function.

Security approaches

Users with *ALLOBJ special authority may do whatever they want.

This  discussion  focuses  on  programmers  who  do  not  have  *ALLOBJ
special authority.

  **   *RPGLIKE control.   This is the  default value on CRTDBRCTL  and
       would  allow any  user to  enter  a file  name using  WRKDBRCTL.
       Once  the file name  has been entered, any  programmer may write
       a program using the CLPDBR  functions.  Any properly  authorized
       user to  the named  file may perform  the functions  as provided
       by  the program.   This  is  essentially the  same authorization
       approach as used by RPG or DFU.

       To achieve this level  of control, an  *ALLOBJ user creates  one
       or  more  sets  of   DBRCTL  files  and  uses  the   default  of

       The  *RPGLIKE   function  sets  the  *PUBLIC   user  to  *CHANGE
       authority and then adds the *OBJREF right to the *PUBLIC.

       If the file is already created with *USE or *CHANGE, use:


       Change  the *PUBLIC user  to *CHANGE if  not already at *CHANGE.

       Press F11 to display  the individual object authorities.   Enter
       an  X  in  the 'Ref'  column.    When  'Enter' is  pressed,  the
       *PUBLIC user will display as 'USER DEF'.

  **   Owner  control plus  trusted users.   This approach  would allow
       1) one or more trusted  users to enter records into the  DBRCTLP
       file and 2) any owner of a file.

       To achieve  this level of control,  an *ALLOBJ user  creates one
       or more sets of DBRCTL files and specifies AUT(*CHANGE).

       EDTOBJAUT would be used:


       The *PUBLIC  user already has *CHANGE  control which would allow
       any user to add a  record for a file that  he was the owner  of.

       Each trusted  user  would be  given *CHANGE  authority and  then
       press  F11  to display  the  individual  object authorities  for
       that  user.  Enter  an X in  the 'Ref' column.   When 'Enter' is
       pressed, the  user  will display  as 'USER  DEF'.   The  trusted
       users could then enter a record for any file.

  **   Owner (or  all rights) control.   This approach would  allow any
       programmer  that owns a file (or has  all rights to the file) to
       enter a record  for that file  and use the  CLPDBR functions  on
       the file.

       To achieve  this level of control,  An *ALLOBJ user  creates one
       or more sets of DBRCTL files and specifies *PUBLIC *CHANGE.

  **   Tight control.   An *ALLOBJ user creates  a single set of DBRCTL
       files (such  as  in  QGPL)  and specifies  *PUBLIC  *USE.    The
       *ALLOBJ user uses WRKDBRCTL  to enter any file names  to be used
       by  the OPNDBR command.   This  provides 100% control  over what
       files   may  be  used  with  CLPDBR.    Any  programmer  who  is
       authorized to  a  file that  is  named in  DBRCTLP can  use  the
       CLPDBR functions.

DSPPGMREF considerations

When a  CL program is  created, a file that  is used by  a DCLF command
within  the  program  is captured  and  made part  of  the  OIR (Object
Information  Repository) of  the  program.    The  information  may  be
accessed to the DSPPGMREF command.

The  CLPDBR commands  do not  contribute to  the OIR  information.   To
search  for  the usage  of CLPDBR  commands,  consider the  use  of the
SCNSRC TAA command to scan for the OPNDBR command.

CLPDBR Processing

The OPNDBR program  finds the  DBRCTLP file and  checks to  see if  the
file name  is described.   If not,  an escape message  is issued.   Any
file to  be used must  be specifically identified to  the DBRCTLP file.

If  the file name to  be used exists in the  file, the program extracts
the level ID which is stored  in the record when the file was  added by
WRKDBRCTL.   The current  level ID  of the file  is extracted  from the
actual file and the two level IDs are compared.

If the  level IDs differ, an escape message  occurs.  A change in level
ID means that you should  review the current file definition with  what
your  program is  using.   Because  the CLPDBR  tool  only operates  on
record  buffers, it is possible  that the positions of  the fields have
been changed.  For example, if you  increased the size of a field,  you
probably  need   to  adjust  the   data  structure  or   the  substring
operations in your program.

If  you are using  CRTCLPDCL, delete  the generated  specifications and
run CRTCLPDCL again.

When  you  have the  program  in synch  with  the file  definition, use
WRKDBRCTL and  the 2=Update  option.  This  will update  the record  in
the DBRCTLP file with the current level ID.

Assuming the  OPNDBR command  has found the  file and ensured  the same
level  ID, a data area in  QTEMP is created with the  name of the OPNID
parameter value.   The data area acts  as a file  control block and  is
used by all  commands such as RDDBR.   You should not  delete this data
area during processing.

The  file  you  specify  on OPNDBR  is  opened  to  the  system by  the
TAADBKNR51 program.   This  is a  common program  that is  used by  all
CLPDBR functions  in the  same job.   The  program runs  in the  CLPDBR
activation group  which is automatically created when  the program goes

When  CLSDBR is run, the data area in  QTEMP is deleted and the file is
closed to  the system.   The TAADBKNR51 program  returns the number  of
files  that remain  open for  all uses  of the  CLPDBR function  in the
same  job.  The default  for the CLSDBR RCLACTGRP  parameter is *YES to
end the activation  group when there  are no remaining  files open  for
the  same job.   With  the default  and  no remaining  files open,  the
TAADBKNR51  program  is  called  again  and  ends properly  along  with
reclaiming the CLPDBR activation group.

CRTDBRCTL Command parameters                          *CMD

   DBRCTLLIB     The  library  to   contain  the   files  DBRCTLP   and

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.   The default is  *TAAARC.  If  a full license
                 exists,  the source is used from  the TAA Archive.  If
                 a demonstration  license exists,  the  source is  used
                 from the QATTDDS file in the TAATOOL library.

                 A specific  user library may be named,  but the source
                 file must be QATTDDS.

   AUT           The  authorization to the  DBRCTLP file.   The default
                 is *RPGLIKE.  The user  running a program with  OPNDBR
                 must be able  to read the DBRCTLP file  (at least *USE

                 To  fully  understand the  AUT options,  see  the tool
                 documentation discussion of  'Security and  Integrity'
                 and 'Security approaches'.

                 *RPGLIKE  is   the  default   to  provide  a   similar
                 approach as  used by RPG where any  user authorized to
                 CRTRPGPGM  can write  a program  to use  or change any
                 file  he  is  authorized  to.    DFU  uses  a  similar
                 approach.    *RPGLIKE  allows  any  user  to  enter  a
                 record  for any  file  into the  DBRCTLP file  and use
                 the CLPDBR functions in a  CL program for any file  he
                 is authorized to.

                 *CHANGE  may be  specified  to allow  any  owner of  a
                 file to  enter a record in DBRCTLP  and use the CLPDBR
                 functions.  See  also the *OBJREF  right discussed  in
                 the tool documentation.

                 *USE may  be specified to  allow a  user of OPNDBR  to
                 access the file.

                 *EXCLUDE  may  be used  to  prevent  the *PUBLIC  user
                 from any access to the DBRCTLP file.

DLTDBRCTL Command parameters                          *CMD

   DBRCTLLIB     The  library containing the  files DBRCTLP and DBRCTLL
                 which are to  be deleted.   The default  is *LIBL.   A
                 specific  library or  the  special  value *CURLIB  may
                 also be specified.

WRKDBRCTL Command parameters                          *CMD

   DBRCTLLIB     The   library   containing  the   files   DBRCTLP  and
                 DBRCTLL.  The  default is *LIBL.   A specific  library
                 or the  special value  *CURLIB may also  be specified.

OPNDBR Command parameters                             *CMD

   FILE          The  qualified name  of the  file to  be opened.   The
                 library qualifier  defaults  to  *LIBL.    A  specific
                 library or *CURLIB may also be used.

                 The  file  must  be identified  in  the  DBRCTLP  file
                 found by the DBRCTLLIB parameter.

   MBR           The member  of the file to be opened.   The default is
                 *FIRST  for the  first member of  a file.   A specific
                 member of the file  may be named or the  special value
                 *LAST for the last member.

   OPNTYPE       The type of open to be performed on the file.

                 *INP  is  the default  for  'input  only' meaning  the
                 file may only be read.

                 *OUT  may be specified for  'output only' meaning that
                 file may only be written to by the WRTDBR command.

                 *ALL may  be  specified  meaning  any  of  the  record
                 commands  may  be  used  on the  file.    If  a  RDDBR
                 command  is used, the  record returned  will be locked
                 by default.  A lock is  required to use the UPDDBR  or
                 DLTDBR commands.

   SEQOPTION     How the file will be processed.

                 *FILE is the  default and means to use  the definition
                 of the file (either keyed or arrival sequence).

                 *ARRIVAL may  be specified to process a  keyed file in
                 arrival  order.   This allows  for reading  in arrival
                 sequence  or  randomly  accessing  using   a  relative
                 record number.

   OPNID         The  open ID  assigned to  the file.   The  default is
                 TAADFTDBR.   A data area is  created in QTEMP with the
                 OPNID name  which  acts as  a  control block  for  the
                 file.     Do   not   delete  the   data  area   during
                 processing.    CLSDBR will  properly  delete  the data

                 The use  of the  default works  well with  all of  the
                 CLPDBR commands.   However, if  you need to  have more
                 than  one file open  at a  time, each  additional file
                 must  be assigned  a unique  OPNID and  the same OPNID
                 must be used on commands such as RDDBR.

                 You may  open  the same  file more  than  once at  the
                 same   time  by   assigning  unique   OPNIDs  to   the
                 additional uses.

   LVLCHK        Whether to use a level check for the file.

                 *YES  is the default which means  the file may only be
                 processed by  entering  a  record for  the  file  with
                 WRKDBRCTL  which  captures  the level  ID.    At  open
                 time,  the level  ID of  the  current file  is checked
                 against the version  stored when  WRKDBRCTL was  used.
                 If the  level IDs do  not match,  the program must  be
                 reviewed   and  a  new   level  ID   established  with

                 *NO  may be specified  if the user  (or using an adopt
                 function) has  *ALLOBJ  authority.   This  allows  one
                 time  programs to  use CLPDBR  and for  programs where
                 the file name is a variable.

                 Certain  TAA Tools enter  a name in this  field.  This
                 allows  a  LVLCHK(*NO)  function  for  TAA  controlled
                 files.   Only  specific  TAA  names for  specific  TAA
                 files are supported.

   DBRCTLLIB     The   library   containing  the   files   DBRCTLP  and
                 DBRCTLL.  The  default is *LIBL.   A specific  library
                 or *CURLIB may also be specified.

CLSDBR Command parameters                             *CMD

   OPNID         The  open  ID  assigned  to  the  file  that  will  be
                 closed.  The default is TAADFTDBR.

   RCLACTGRP     A  *YES/*NO parameter  that determines  if  the CLPDBR
                 activation  group  will  be  closed  if  there  are no
                 remaining files open.

                 *YES is the  default.  When  there are no other  files
                 open  in the  same job  for the  CLPDBR  function, the
                 main  program  is  ended  and  the  CLPDBR  activation
                 group is reclaimed.

                 *NO should  be specified  if you  have  only one  file
                 open at  a time,  but will  be opening  the same or  a
                 different  file again in  the same  job.  When  you no
                 longer need the CLPDBR  function, specify *YES or  use
                 the RCLDBR command.

RDDBR Command parameters                              *CMD

   TYPE          The  type  of  read  to  be  performed.    The  OPNDBR
                 SEQOPTION  determines whether a  keyed file  should be
                 opened   using  keys  or  by  arrival  sequence.    An
                 arrival sequence file  may only  be opened in  arrival

                 *NEXT is  the default to  read the next record  in the
                 file  based on  the file cursor.   The  cursor will be
                 set by a successful RDDBR  or POSDBR command.  If  the
                 file  has just  been  opened, *NEXT  causes the  first
                 record in the file to be read.

                 *EQUAL  means to  randomly access  a  record by  a key
                 (KEY parameter)  or a  relative record  number  (RRNBR

                 *NEXTEQ means  to  access the  next record  if it  has
                 the  same key as  the current  record.  The  file must
                 have been opened for keyed processing.

                 *PREV  means to  access the  previous record  from the
                 current  cursor position.    *PREV  may be  used  when
                 processing either by key or arrival sequence.

                 *PREVEQ  means to  access  the previous  record if  it
                 has  the same  key as  the current  record.   The file
                 must have been opened for keyed processing.

                 *FIRST means to access the  first record in the  file.

                 *LAST means to access the last record in the file.

   RCD           The  record buffer  returned.   The  variable must  be
                 declared  as   *CHAR  LEN(5000)  and  can  be  a  data
                 structure such as  created by  CRTCLPDCL.   If a  data
                 structure is  not  used, your  program must  substring
                 out   of   the   buffer   to   access   the   required

                 The   CL  compiler  does  not  support  zoned  decimal
                 fields   (either  packed   decimal   or   integer   is
                 supported).   1) If  you are  using a  data structure,
                 packed  fields are  easily handled, but  zoned decimal
                 fields must be  declared as  *CHAR and  you must  move
                 the data  to a *DEC  field to process  it.  2)  If you
                 are  using a substring approach,  zoned decimal fields
                 are easily  handled by  moving to  a *DEC  field,  but
                 packed fields are  not.  Packed fields can  be handled
                 by the use of other TAA tools.

See the previous documentation for a more complete discussion.

   KEY           The  key to  the record to  be read.   The  default is

                 If  a  value  is specified,  the  OPNDBR  command must
                 have specified  keyed file processing.   The value  is
                 used  if TYPE(*EQUAL)  is  specified.   The exact  key
                 must be passed to match a data base record.

                 It  is an error to pass more  data than the key length
                 defined for the file.

                 A maximum of 2000 bytes may be specified.

   RRNBR         The relative record number  to retrieve a record  for.
                 The file  must have been  opened for  arrival sequence
                 processing and TYPE(*EQUAL) must be specified.

   LOCK          Whether to  lock the record on a  read.  You must lock
                 a  record  in  order  to  use  the  UPDDBR  or  DLTDBR

                 *OPNTYPE  is  the  default  meaning   if  you  specify
                 OPTION(*ALL)  on OPNDBR, the  records are  locked when
                 read by your program.

                 *NO  may be  specified when  OPNTYPE(*ALL) is  used to
                 prevent locking a record when it is read.

                 If  OPNDBR specifies  OPTION(*INP),  records  are  not
                 locked  on  a  read.   OPTION(*OUT)  prevents  a  read

   RTNRRNBR      The  relative  record number  of the  record  that was
                 found.   The relative  record may  be  helpful if  you
                 process  by  keys.     This  is  an   optional  return
                 variable  that  if  used  must  be  specified as  *DEC
                 LEN(10 0).

   OPNID         The open ID assigned to  the file for the record  that
                 will be read.  The default is TAADFTDBR.

WRTDBR Command parameters                             *CMD

   RCD           The  record buffer  to  be  output  to the  file.    A
                 variable  is normally  used  to contain  the  data and
                 must  be  declared as  *CHAR.   The maximum  length is
                 5000, but the length may be less.

                 It is  valid to  pass a  value which  is shorter  than
                 the record to  be written.  Any data  that exceeds the
                 length  of  the  record  defined  to  the system  will
                 cause an error.

   RRNBR         The  Relative  Record  number  to  be  written.    The
                 default is *NONE  causing the record to  be written at
                 the end of the file.

                 A  specific  Relative Record  number  may  be used  to
                 write to a  deleted record  if the file  is opened  in
                 arrival sequence and the record has been deleted.

   OPNID         The open ID assigned  to the file for the  record that
                 will be written.  The default is TAADFTDBR.

UPDDBR Command parameters                             *CMD

   RCD           The  record  buffer to  be  updated to  the  file.   A
                 variable  is  normally used  to  contain the  data and
                 must be  declared as  *CHAR.   The  maximum length  is
                 5000, but the length may be less.

                 A  prior successful  use of  RDDBR must  have occurred
                 to  establish  a  lock  on  the  record.   The  OPNDBR
                 command must have specified OPNTYPE(*ALL).

                 It is  valid to  pass a  value which  is shorter  than
                 the record to  be written.  Any data  that exceeds the
                 length  of  the  record  defined  to  the system  will
                 cause an error.

   OPNID         The open ID assigned to  the file for the record  that
                 will be updated.  The default is TAADFTDBR.

DLTDBR Command parameters                             *CMD

   OPNID         The open  ID assigned to  the file  for the record  to
                 be deleted.  The default is TAADFTDBR.

                 The record  must first be  read by a  RDDBR command to
                 establish  a lock on  the record.   The OPNDBR command
                 must have specified OPNTYPE(*ALL).

POSDBR Command parameters                             *CMD

   POSITION      The position type to  be used.  Note  that positioning
                 does  not cause  a record  to be  returned.   Only the
                 cursor position to the record is set.

                 *KEY  is the default  for keyed processing.   The file
                 must be opened  for keyed  processing.   When *KEY  is
                 specified,  the  KEYOPTION  and  KEY  parameters  must
                 also be entered.

                 *FIRST  may  be specified  to  position  to the  first
                 record in the file.   When the file  is opened, it  is
                 already positioned  to the first  record in  the file.

                 *LAST  may  be  specified  to  position  to  the  last
                 record in the file.

                 *RR  may  be  specified  to  position  to  a  relative
                 record number.   The file  must have  been opened  for
                 arrival  sequence processing.   When  *RR is  entered,
                 the RRNBR parameter must be entered.

   OPNID         The  open ID  assigned  to the  file to  be positioned
                 to.  The default is TAADFTDBR.

   KEYOPTION     The key option when POSITION(*KEY) is specified.

                 *EQ is  the  default  meaning  the value  of  the  KEY
                 parameter  is used  to  position  and the  value  must

                 *GE  may be specified to  position to the  key that is
                 greater than  or  equal  to  the  KEY  value  entered.
                 This acts  as the  RPG SETLL  function where an  equal
                 indicator is not specified.

                 *GT may  be specified to  position to the  key that is
                 greater  than  the KEY  value entered.   This  acts as
                 the RPG SETGT function.

                 *LE may be  specified to position  to the key that  is
                 less than or equal to the KEY value entered.

                 *LT may  be specified to  position to the key  that is
                 less than the KEY value entered.

   KEY           The  key value when POSITION(*KEY)  is specified.  The
                 file must have been opened for keyed processing.

                 If KEYOPTION(*EQUAL) is specified,  the full key  must
                 be specified and must exist in the file.

                 If any other  KEYOPTION is specified, you  may specify
                 less than  the full key.  It is  an error to pass more
                 data for the key  than is defined  for the key  length
                 of the file.

   RRNBR         The  relative  record  number  when  POSITION(*RR)  is
                 specified.   The number must  be greater than  0.  The
                 number  must be within  the range of  the records that
                 exist and cannot be  a deleted record.  The  file must
                 have been opened for arrival sequence processing.

RLSDBR Command parameters                             *CMD

   OPNID         The open  ID assigned  to the file  for the  record to
                 be released.  The default is TAADFTDBR.

                 The  lock  would be  established by  a  RDDBR command.
                 No error  occurs  if  a  lock does  not  exist.    The
                 OPNDBR command must have specified OPNTYPE(*ALL).

RCLDBR Command parameters                             *CMD



  **   The maximum record length is 5000 bytes.

  **   The maximum key length is 2000 bytes.

  **   The maximum number of  files open in a job at one  time is 2000.

  **   No support of FEOD.

  **   No support of commitment control.

  **   No  special CCSID  support.   The  default is  to use  the job's

  **   No null field support.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKACTOBJ       Check active object
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG         Lock message
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFMT          Retrieve format
     RTVOBJAUT       Retrieve object authority
     RTVOBJLST       Retrieve object list
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     UPDPFILE        Update PFILE keyword


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   OPNDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN       QATTCMD
   CLSDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN2      QATTCMD
   RDDBR         *CMD                   TAADBKN3      QATTCMD
   UPDDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN4      QATTCMD
   WRTDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN5      QATTCMD
   DLTDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN6      QATTCMD
   CRTDBRCTL     *CMD                   TAADBKN7      QATTCMD
   DLTDBRCTL     *CMD                   TAADBKN8      QATTCMD
   WRKDBRCTL     *CMD                   TAADBKN9      QATTCMD
   POSDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN10     QATTCMD
   RLSDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN11     QATTCMD
   RCLDBR        *CMD                   TAADBKN12     QATTCMD
   TAADBKNC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC      QATTCL
   TAADBKNC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC2     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC3     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC3     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC4     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC4     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC5     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC5     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC6     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC6     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC7     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC7     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC8     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC8     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC9     *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC9     QATTCL
   TAADBKNC10    *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC10    QATTCL
   TAADBKNC11    *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC11    QATTCL
   TAADBKNC12    *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC12    QATTCL
   TAADBKNC21    *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC21    QATTCL
   TAADBKNC22    *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC22    QATTCL
   TAADBKNC29    *PGM       CLP         TAADBKNC29    QATTCL
   TAADBKNR9     *PGM       RPG         TAADBKNR9     QATTRPG
   TAADBKNR29    *PGM       RPG         TAADBKNR9     QATTRPG
   TAADBKNP      *FILE      PF          TAADBKNP      QATTDDS
   TAADBKNL      *FILE      LF          TAADBKNL      QATTDDS
   CLPDBR        *MENU


OPNDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC   CL pgm
      TAADBKNR29  RPG pgm
      TAADBKNC29  CL pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

CLSDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC2  CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

RDDBR       Cmd
   TAADBKNC3  CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

UPDDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC4  CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

WRTDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC5  CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

DLTDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC6  CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

POSDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC10 CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

RLSDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC11 CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

RCLDBR      Cmd
   TAADBKNC12 CL pgm
      TAADBKNR51   RPGLE pgm
   TAADBKNC22 CL pgm

Structure - Continued

   TAADBKNC7  CL pgm

   TAADBKNC8  CL pgm

   TAADBKNC9  CL pgm
      TAADBKNR9   RPG pgm
        TAADBKNC29  CL pgm
        TAADBKND   Dsp file

   TAADBKNC21 CL pgm
      TAADBKNE    Dsp file

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 1, 2004

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