TAA Tools

The Compare  Command  List command  is intended  for the  case where  a
command  supports both a  'select' and an  'omit' list of  system names
or  generic  system  names.   CMPCMDLST  ensures  that  both  lists are
unique from  each  other  and generic  names  do not  overlap  specific
names (or  generic names)  in the other  list.  TAA9896  is sent  as an
escape  message for non-unique  situations.  An option  exists to allow
generic overlap.

Consider use of the CHKSELOMT tool  to determine if a name you want  to
process is in the list.

Assume you  have a  command that  allows you to  specify both  a select
and an omit list such as:


Since  ABC is  in both  lists, the  sequence and  logic of  the command
processing program will determine whether  ABC is selected or  omitted.
However,  the  user of  the  command  has  probably made  an  error  in
describing  the same name  in both  lists.   By using CMPCMDLST  in the
command processing program, an escape message will occur.

A similar situation can occur with a generic request such as:


The  omit value AB*  will cover the  selected value ABC.   Checking the
lists with CMPCMDLST would cause an escape message.

In some cases  you may want  to select names such  as AB* and  yet omit
ABC.  An option exists on CMPCMDLST to allow this generic overlap.

CMPCMDLST  expects  the lists  to  be  passed  from command  definition
including  the leading 2 bytes describing the  number of elements.  The
number of elements may  differ.  Only 10  byte system names or  generic
names are valid within each list.

A typical CMPCMDLST command for the previous TESTCMD would be:

                          PARM1(SELECT) PARM2(OMIT)

The purpose of the CMD, PARM1, and PARM2 parameters is to allow
a specific error message to be produced that would describe
the error such as:

          CMPCMDLST found the same name of ABC in parameter
          SELECT and parameter list OMIT of the TESTCMD command.


The defaults  are SELECT(*ALL) and OMIT(*NONE).   If both  defaults are
used, an escape message is sent.

If  only one of  the defaults is  used, the command  completes normally
without checking anything.

See the CHKDUPLST command for  checking for duplicates within the  same

Values not described

Assume you specified:


CMPCMDLST will determine that  both lists are unique, but  your program
logic must  determine what to  do with a  value such as  GHI which does
not appear in either list.


Assume you have written the CMD1 command which is defined as:

             CMD        PROMPT('...')
             PARM       KWD(SELECT) TYPE(*GENERIC) MAX(40) +
                          PROMPT('Select list')
             PARM       KWD(OMIT) TYPE(*GENERIC) MAX(40) +
                          PROMPT('Omit list')

You  intend to process a list of all  objects in a library, but want to
allow the user  to select  specific objects by  describing them in  the
select list and omit those in the omit list.

The command processing program with CMPCMDLST would appear as:

             PGM        PARM(&SELECT &OMIT)
             DCL        &SELECT *CHAR LEN(402)
             DCL        &OMIT *CHAR LEN(402)
                          PARM1(SELECT) PARM2(OMIT)

If the  same value appeared in  both lists, the  TAA9896 escape message
would be issued.

In  most cases the user  would probably either  select or omit specific
names.  However, the  user may want to  select any name beginning  with
ABC  (specify  ABC*)  except  for  ABCD   and  ABCE.    The  GENOVERLAP
parameter  defaults to *NO  to prevent this.   By specifying  *YES, you
would allow this condition.

The command would appear as:

                          GENOVERLAP(*YES) +
                          CMD(CMD1) PARM1(SELECT) PARM2(OMIT)

CMPCMDLST escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9894    Both defaults were used
      TAA9896    The lists have equal values or generic overlap

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CMPCMDLST Command parameters                          *CMD

   LIST1         The first  list  of  names  or  generic  names  to  be
                 compared.   *ALL is  the default.   Only system  names
                 (objects,  jobs, spooled  file names,  etc) may  be in
                 the  list.   Each name  (or generic  name) must  be 10
                 bytes in  a  length  and may  have  a maximum  of  300

   LIST2         The  second  list of  names  or  generic  names to  be
                 compared.   *NONE is  the default.   Only system names
                 (objects, jobs,  spooled file  names, etc)  may be  in
                 the list.   Each  name (or  generic name)  must be  10
                 bytes  in  a length  and  may have  a  maximum  of 300

   GENOVERLAP    Whether to consider generic overlap or not.

                 *NO is the default to  cause an escape message if  the
                 lists  have either  equal  values or  one  list has  a
                 value  such as  AB*  and the  other list  has  a value
                 such  as ABC.  This  prevents an illogical definition.

                 Specifying *YES  allows the situation  where you  want
                 to  select ABC*,  but omit  a specific  value  such as
                 ABCD.   Or you  may want  to select ABC*  and omit the
                 name ABCD.

   CMD           The name  of  your command  that  has the  two  lists.
                 The name  is used in the  escape message to  assist in
                 identifying the error.

   PARM1         The  name of your first  list parameter.   The name is
                 used in the  escape message to  assist in  identifying
                 the error.

   PARM2         The name of your  second list parameter.  The  name is
                 used  in the escape  message to assist  in identifying
                 the error.


The  command  requires that  each  list be  passed  from a  command (or
appear as  such) with  the  leading 2  bytes describing  the number  of
elements in 2 bytes.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     EXTLST          Extract list
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CMPCMDLST     *CMD                   TAACLTA       QATTCMD
   TAACLTAC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLTAC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2007

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