TAA Tools

The Compare Data Base  File command compares two data  base members and
prints a  listing of the records  that differ.  Options  exist to print
in character or hex and to compare a range of positions.

A typical command would be entered as:


A  specific member  may be  named in  each file.   An option  exists to
print in hex rather than character.

Spooled output  occurs  which describes  the  actual file  and  members
used.    If  any  differences   exist,  the  records  that  differ  are
described  and  the  locations  within  the  records  that  differ  are
highlighted with asterisks.

The files can be any length up  to 9999 bytes, but the formats must  be
the same.

CMPDBF  can be  used  for  source members.    However,  the CMPSRC  and
CMPSRC2  TAA Tools are more  specific tools to  compare source members.

An option exists to compare all members in the file.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FROMFILE      The qualified  file  name  of  the  FROM  file  to  be
                 compared.   The library  qualifier defaults to  *LIBL.

   FROMMBR       The  member name  in  the  FROMFILE to  compare.   The
                 default   is  *FIRST.    *ALL   may  be  specified  if
                 TOMBR(*ALL) is  used  to compare  all  members of  the

   TOFILE        The  qualified  file  name   of  the  TO  file  to  be
                 compared.   The  library qualifier defaults  to *LIBL.

   TOMBR         The member  name  in  the  TOFILE  to  compare.    The
                 default  is  *FIRST.     *ALL  may  be   specified  if
                 FROMMBR(*ALL)  is used to  compare all  members of the

   FROMCOL       The 'From'  column  to  begin  the  comparison.    The
                 default  is 1.    If  less  than the  full  record  is
                 compared,  the  positions  that  are  not  within  the
                 FROMCOL/TOCOL  range are  set to  blanks before making
                 a comparison.

   TOCOL         The 'To' column  to end the  comparison.  The  default
                 is *END  which means the last position  of the record.
                 If  less   than  the  full  record  is  compared,  the
                 positions  that  are  not  within  the   FROMCOL/TOCOL
                 range are  set to  blanks before making  a comparison.

   OUTFMT        The  output  format  to use.    The  default is  *CHAR
                 meaning the  records  will  be  printed  as  character
                 data.  *HEX may  be specified to print the  records in
                 both character and hex mode.

   DLTSPLF       A  *YES/*NO value  for whether  to delete  the spooled
                 file  if the  members compare  correctly.   *NO is the
                 default which retains  the spooled file  regardless of
                 the comparison.

                 *YES may  be specified to  delete the spooled  file if
                 there is a 100% comparison.


Only files up to 9999 bytes in record length may be compared.

Only files with less than 900 members can be compared.

Files with null capable fields are not supported.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system.

      CVTHEX        Convert to hex
      HLRMVMSG      HLL Remove message
      RTVMBRLST     Retrieve member list
      SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
      SNDESCMSG     Send escape message
      SNDSTSMSG     Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   CMPDBF        *CMD                      TAADBFQ        QATTCMD
   TAADBFQC      *PGM          CLP         TAADBFQC       QATTCL
   TAADBFQR      *PGM          RPG         TAADBFQR       QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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