TAA Tools

The Compare  Journal Image  2 command  provides a significantly  better
approach  to  comparing   journal  images  than  the  system  CMPJRNIMG
command.     Instead  of  comparing  record  images  and  packed  data,
CMPJRNIMG2 provides field names  and converted values.  A  selected set
of field  names may be named or  all fields in the  record.  CMPJRNIMG2
allows  comparisons to be made  when only after  images exist (2 images
must exist for the same relative record number).

One to  three ID  fields must  be named  to help  identify the  record.
All records may be compared or a specific relative record number.

A typical command would be:


The  named  file  must  be  journaled.    The  journal  being  used  is
determined  from the  specified file  and DSPJRN is  used to  create an
outfile of the journal entries.  in QTEMP.

The file is sorted in sequence by:

            Relative record number
            Time stamp

For update entries, there  must be two or  more entries for a  Relative
Record number in order to compare values.

  **   If IMAGES(*AFTER)  was specified for  journaling, there  must be
       two entries  (UP) for the  same relative record  number in order
       for a comparison to be made.

  **   If  IMAGES(*BOTH)  was  specified  for  journaling,  the  update
       before (UB) and update after (UP) images are compared.

The two rollback type entries (BR and UR) are bypassed.

Add  (PT)  and  Delete  (DL)  entry  types  always  print  without  any
comparison  information.   An option  exists to  list the  detail field
changes for additions (see the ADDDTL parameter).

If  the values of  the two  fields to be  compared differ,  a series of
lines is printed:

  **   Heading line for the 2nd Journal Entry information:

          - Relative Record number
          - Date and time of the journal entry
          - Qualified job name
          - Program
          - User profile
          - System

  **   Lines for the 1st and 2nd journal entries which describe:

          - Journal sequence number
          - Type of journal entry and description

  **   Lines for each  ID field you specified.   There can  be up to  3
       fields to help  you identify the record such  as Employee Number
       and Name.

          - Field name
          - Value (packed or binary are converted)

  **   A line  for the From Field and a line  for the To field for each
       field to be compared that differs.

          - Field name
          - Value (packed or binary data is converted)

Note that only the field values that differ are shown.

You can further limit  the amount of output  by requesting that one  or
more of the following be selected:

          - A specific Relative Record number
          - A specific Program
          - A range of dates and times
          - A specific job or user

CMPJRNIMG2 can  be helpful in  problem determination.   If you see  bad
information in  the data base and you are  journaling the file, you can
help identify the program and user causing the error.

An  alternate  solution  allows you  to  build the  TAATMPJRNO  file in
QTEMP  using  DSPJRN directly.    See  the  section  on  'Using  DSPJRN

Use of Logical Files

Journaling of data only occurs to physical files.

When a  data base change  occurs thru a  logical file and  the physical
file  is  journaled, the  system  captures  the image  of  the physical
file.  The journal  does keep track of which  logical file was used  to
cause a change.  The journal entry does include the program name.

CMPJRNIMG2 only  supports physical  files and  there is  no information
provided for whether a logical file was used.

Identifying a Relative Record number in a Keyed file

If  you have a  keyed file and  want to see  the journal  entries for a
specific Relative Record number, you may  not have a program to  assist
you in translating a key into a Relative Record number.

A tool to consider is DSPDB.  Enter the following:

             DSPDB      FILE(xxx) FROMKEY(*YES)

You will see a prompt  for the key fields in the file.   After entering
the key, a  single screen is displayed with  the fields and values from
the  record along  with the Relative  Record number in  the upper right
hand corner of the display.

If there  are duplicate keys,  you can roll  forward or backward  using
the keyed access path.

After  determining  the Relative  Record  number  you need  information
for, you could enter CMPJRNIMG2 such as:

             CMPJRNIMG2  FILE(xxx) IDFLDS(yyy) CMPFLDS(zzz)

and  see the journal  entries for the specific  Relative Record number.
At least two update entries must  exist for a comparison.  DSPJRN  does
not support  selection by  Relative Record  number.   The selection  is
done when using the Sort function.

Comparison with the system command CMPJRNIMG

Both commands support similar selection criteria.

The  system command provides  only a  record image of  the differences.
There is no distinction as to where  fields begin or end and packed  or
binary data is not converted.

The CMPJRNIMG2 command allows you to:

          - Specify field names to help you identify the record
          - Allows a list of field names to be compared for
               rather than the entire record
          - Describes the field names and converts decimal data

CMPJRNIMG2 does  not  support the  CMPOPT parameter.   Journal  entries
are compared  regardless of whether you have  *BEFORE or *AFTER images.

Using DSPJRN directly

In  some environments you may want  to use DSPJRN directly and multiple
times to  create the  specific information you  want to  analyze.   For
example, you  may only  be interested in  certain user profiles.   This
can  be effective  if you  are using  both before  and after  images to
isolate particular situations.

to  create  a file  in  QTEMP  to be  analyzed.    Be sure  to  specify
ENTDTALEN  with a long enough  length to hold the  largest record to be
compared.  The maximum record  length is 9000 bytes.   ENTDTALEN(*CALC)
may be  used  if you  are using  only a  single DSPJRN  command.   Then
specify  RCVRNG(*QTEMP)  when  using  CMPJRNIMG2.   All  other  journal
receiver   parameters  (FROMENT,  FROMTIME,   TOENT,  TOTIME)  will  be

If multiple  DSPJRN  commands are  used, the  entries  for a  specified
relative record  number will  not be in  time sequence in  the outfile.
When  CMPJRNIMG2 is  used, a sort  occurs by  timestamp within relative
record number to bring the  entries into time sequence (the high  order
keys are file, library, and member).

CMPJRNIMG2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Selection criteria caused no records to be compared

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The  qualified  name  of the  physical  file  that  is
                 being  journaled.    The  library  value  defaults  to
                 *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be used.

                 Journal entries  caused  by data  base  changes  using
                 logical files  cause the physical  record image  to be

   IDFLDS        A  list of  1  to 3  fields  that will  be  printed to
                 assist   you   in  identifying   the  record.     Only
                 character (type  A), packed  (type  P), zoned  decimal
                 (type S),  binary (type B), date (type  L), time (type
                 Z),  and timestamp (type  Z) fields  may be specified.
                 The field length must be 50 bytes or less.

   CMPFLDS       A list  of  1  to  10 fields  that  will  be  compared
                 between journal entries.   The special value  *ALL may
                 be  used to  compare all  of the  fields in  the file.
                 If the field  exceeds 250  bytes, only  the first  250
                 are compared.

                 Only  character  (type  A),  packed  (type  P),  zoned
                 decimal  (type S),  binary  (type B),  date  (type L),
                 time  (type Z), and  timestamp (type Z)  fields may be

                 If  *ALL  is   specified  and  the  file   contains  a
                 non-supported  type,  the  data  is  compared  and  an
                 indication  of a  difference will  be noted,  but only
                 the field name is printed and not the data.

   MBR           The name of  the member  in the file  to be  compared.
                 The default is *FIRST.

   RCVRNG        The receiver  range to process.   Two  qualified names
                 may  be entered  for the  Starting and  Ending Journal

                 The  Starting  Journal   receiver  name  defaults   to
                 *CURRENT  meaning   the  currently  attached   Journal

                 *CURCHAIN  may  be   specified  to  mean  the  current
                 receiver  chain.   This  has  the same  meaning  as on

                 *QTEMP may  be specified  meaning that  you have  used
                 DSPJRN  directly  with  OUTFILE(QTEMP/TAATMPJRNO)  and
                 OUTFILFMT(*TYPE3).    Be  sure  to  specify  ENTDTALEN
                 with a long enough length  to hold the largest  record
                 to be compared.   ENTDTALEN(*CALC) may be  used if you
                 are using  only a single DSPJRN command  or if you are
                 creating an  outfile for  the  file with  the  largest
                 record  length  to  be used  in  the  analysis.    The
                 OUTMBR parameter  should specify *ADD for  all but the
                 first  output to the same member.   This allows you to
                 build your  own version of  the outfile with  multiple
                 DSPJRN  requests such  as  bypassing certain  programs
                 or profiles.

                 When  *QTEMP  is  used,  all  other  journal  receiver
                 parameters  (FROMENT,  FROMTIME,  TOENT,  TOTIME)  are
                 ignored.   The  outfile will  be  sorted by  timestamp
                 within  relative record number  before processing (the
                 high order keys are file, library, and member).

                 The  Ending   Journal  receiver   defaults  to   blank
                 meaning the *CURRENT  journal receiver.   *CURRENT may
                 be specified.

   FROMENT       The   Starting  Sequence  number   to  be   used  when
                 converting  the journal.   The  default is  *FIRST.  A
                 specific number  may  be entered  if FROMTIME  is  not

   FROMTIME      The  From Date  and Time  to be  used  when converting
                 the  journal.   The  values default  to  blank meaning
                 use the FROMENT value.   A specific date (job  format)
                 and time may  be entered if FROMENT  is not specified.

   TOENT         The   Ending   Sequence  number   to   be   used  when
                 converting the journal.  The default is *LAST.

   TOTIME        The To Date and  Time to be  used when converting  the
                 journal.   The  values default  to  blank meaning  use
                 the  TOENT value.   A specific  date (job  format) and
                 time may be entered if *LAST is not used.

   RCDNBR        The   Relative  Record  Number  in   the  file  to  be
                 compared.  The default is *ALL.

                 A specific  relative record number  may be entered  to
                 compare only for a single Relative Record number.

   ADDDTL        A  *YES/*NO option  for  whether to  list the  compare
                 field information for new records (additions).

                 *NO  is the default  to list only  one line  for a new

                 *YES may  be  specified  to  list all  of  the  fields
                 described in  the CMPFLDS parameter and  their values.

   JOB           The  Qualified Job Name  of the journal  entries to be
                 selected.   The  default is  *ALL.   If  *ALL  is  not
                 used,  either  a   fully  qualified  job  name   or  a
                 partially qualified job name may be used.

                 You cannot  enter just a  user name.   To select those
                 entries   for   a  specific   user,  see   the  USRPRF

   PGM           The  Program  name  of  the  journal  entries   to  be
                 selected.   *ALL is the  default.  If a  specific name
                 is  entered, only  the journal  entries caused  by the
                 Program name will be selected.

   USRPRF        The User Profile  name of  the journal  entries to  be
                 selected.   The default is *ALL.   In some  cases, the
                 name  will   differ  from  the  user  portion  of  the
                 Qualified job name.

                 You can  use this  parameter to  select those  journal
                 entries caused by a specific user profile.

   JRN           The  Journal that  should  be used.    The default  is
                 *FILE meaning  that the file named will  be checked to
                 see what journal the file is journaled to.

                 A  specific  journal  and  library  qualifier  may  be
                 used.   The intent of  this support  is when you  want
                 to compare journal images from a remote journal.


  **   To  use the command  you must  be authorized  to use  DSPJRN for
       the named file.

  **   See  previous  comments  for  the  type  of  fields and  lengths

  **   The record length of the file cannot exceed 9000 bytes.

  **   The number of fields in the file cannot exceed 998.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EXTLST          Extract list
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve field attributes
     RTVFLDARR       Retrieve field array
     RTVPFJRNA       Retrieve PF file journal attributes
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SORTDB          Sort data base file


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CMPJRNIMG2    *CMD                   TAAJRNP       QATTCMD
   TAAJRNPC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJRNPC      QATTCL
   TAAJRNPR      *PGM       RPG         TAAJRNPR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 1, 1999

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