TAA Tools
CALC            CALCULATOR                             TAACLCC

The Calculator tool is a  series of commands that allow you  to use the
system  as  a  simple  add/sub  calculator  and  provides  an  optional
listing.   The CLCFILP  file must be  created first.   Many members may
exist in the file thus  allowing both temporary and permanent  lists to
be  created and  changed.   Each amount  entered may  have  an optional
text description.  The last date changed exists for each record.

Over  the  last  several  years the  use  of  personal  calculators has
increased dramatically.    They  are now  everywhere.    Unfortunately,
most of  them do not  produce a  listing or allow  a change to  a value
that  was entered  previously.  Consequently,  any keying  errors often
cause the entire list to be keyed again.

CALC can  be an  effective tool  when  you need  to add  up a  list  of
values and  compare the sum to  a previous total  or you want  to check
the values  to ensure they were  keyed properly.  Being  able to change
one  or two values can  be a lot easier than  re-keying the whole list.

CALC can also be used  for permanent amount lists such as as  where you
make  an entry  every  month either  by  adding a  new  month value  or
changing one or more entries in the list.

Getting started with CALC

  **   You begin by creating the required file with:

             CRTCALC    CLCFILLIB(xxx)

       This  creates the CLCFILP file in  the named library and defines
       the file to  allow the maximum  number of members  to be  added.
       Normally,  you  would create  the  file  in  a library  on  your
       library list to allow the use of the *LIBL default on CALC.

  **   Then use CALC as:

             CALC       MBR(BASE) NBRDEC(0)
                          MBRTXT('My base member')

       This creates  the member and describes  that the amounts entered
       will not  have any  decimal positions.   Whole  numbers will  be
       entered for this definition.

       The command begins  by displaying an  empty subfile.  Use  F6 to
       enter  'add mode'  where you can  enter amounts  to be  added or
       subtracted.      Each   record  may   have   an   optional  text
       description.   After  the  Enter  key  is  pressed,  the  prompt
       re-appears to  allow another amount to  be entered.   A total of
       the amounts in the member is also displayed.

       When  the list is  complete, press  F3 to return  to the subfile
       display which now shows a  record for each amount entered.   The
       amount total  is also displayed.   You may change or  delete any
       record.  You may use F6 again to enter additional records.

       When  the list  is complete,  press F3.   A prompt  appears that
       allows you to  make a listing.   If one of  the listing  options
       is chosen, the DSPCALC command is used to produce a listing.

  **   DSPCALC can also  be done at any  time to create a  listing such

             DSPCALC   MBR(BASE)

  **   Since  the data still  exists in the  member that was  used, you
       can  make changes and  add new records by  using CALC again such

             CALC      MBR(BASE)

       The defaults  allow the same  data to be  displayed and you  may
       make changes  or add new records.   If you have  a different set
       of  amounts  to be  added,  you can:  1)  Use F9  to  delete any
       detail records  and reset the  total to  0.   The same  function
       could be  achieved by using  REPLACE(*YES) on the  CALC command.
       2) Name a new member on CALC.

       It  would generally  be a good  idea to  allow the  first member
       created with  CALC  to be  reusable  for any  temporary  set  of
       amounts  that need  to  be  entered.   Additional  member  names
       could be  added for listings that  may need to be  modified at a
       later point.

Decimal positions

When  a new member  is created, the  number of decimal  positions to be
entered for  each amount  is defined.   You  may change  the number  of
decimal  positions  on  the  CALC   command  for  the  same  member  if
REPLACE(*YES) is specified.

If data  exists in the member, it is  not possible to change the number
of decimal positions.

The valid decimal  and separator characters are  determined by the  job
decimal format.   In  the USA, this  is '.' for  the decimal  point and
',' for the separator characters

Valid amounts

The amount should be left justified.

A valid amount can contain up to 15 digits.

A  leading or  trailing minus  sign  may exist  to describe  a negative

If the  number of  decimal positions  is  0, no  decimal point  may  be
entered for an amount.

If  the number  of  decimal  positions is  greater  than 0,  then  each
amount entered  must contain a decimal point and  the correct number of
digits to the right of the decimal point.

Separator  characters are  ignored on  input of  the amount.   When the
subfile is  displayed, the amounts  are edited  according to the  rules
for  the  RPG  '1' edit  code.    Separator  characters will  exist  if

Entering and displaying amounts

When  entering a new amount, the data  should be entered left justified
(it cannot  begin with a  leading blank).   When  changing an  existing
amount, the data is edited and appears left justified.

When the data is  displayed in the subfile (or  by DSPCALC), the edited
data is right justified.

CALC escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CRTCALC Command parameters                            *CMD

   CLCFILLIB     The  library where the  CLCFILP file  will be created.

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.  The default is *TAAARC.

                 A specific user  library may be named, but  the source
                 file name must be QATTDDS.

   AUT           The authority to the CLCFILP physical file.

                 *USE is the default.

                 *CHANGE or *EXCLUDE may be specified.

DLTCALC Command parameters                            *CMD

   CLCFILLIB     The  library where the  CLCFILP file exists  that will
                 be deleted.

CALC Command parameters                               *CMD

   MBR           The  member of the  CLCFILP file to be  used.  BASE is
                 the default.

                 If the  member does  not exist,  it will  be added  to
                 the file.

                 If the member exists, it will be used.

   MBRTXT        The text description of the member.

                 *DFT is the default.

                      If the  member does not exist,  default text will
                      be assigned.

                      If  the  member  exists, no  change  in  the text

                 A text description of up  to 42 bytes may be  entered.

                      If the  member does not  exist, the text  will be
                      used  as the  first 42  characters of  the member

                      If the  member exists,  the first  42  characters
                      of the  member text  will be  changed to the  new

                 The member  text assigned to  the member is  50 bytes.
                 The  first 42 are  from the MBRTXT value.   The last 8
                 describe the  number of decimal  positions to be  used
                 for  the member.   This value  should only  be changed
                 using the CALC command.

   NBRDEC        The  number of decimal positions  that must be entered
                 for each amount.

                 *DFT is the default.

                      If the member does not  exist, 0 is used and  all
                      amounts  must   be  entered  without   a  decimal

                      If  the  member  exists,  the  previous value  is
                      used when entering an amount.

                 A number between 0 and 9 may be entered.

                      If the member  exists and the  value is the  same
                      as  the  previous  value,   processing  continues

                      If  the  member  exists, contains  data  records,
                      and   the  number  of   decimal  positions  value
                      differs  from  the   previous  value,  you   must
                      specify  REPLACE(*YES).    This causes  all  data
                      records  to be cleared and  the new value becomes
                      the  definition   for  the   number  of   decimal
                      positions for how amounts should be entered.

                      If the member  does not exist, the  value defines
                      the  number of  decimal positions for  any amount

   REPLACE       A *YES/*NO parameter for  whether to replace the  data
                 in  the specified  member.    *NO  is the  default  to
                 allow  additional records to  be added to  the member.

                 *YES  may be  specified to clear  the member.   The F9
                 command key may  also be used  on the subfile  display
                 to clear the member.

   CLCFILLIB     The library  where the CLCFILP file exists.   *LIBL is
                 the  default.   A specific  library or *CURLIB  may be

DSPCALC Command parameters                            *CMD

   MBR           The member to be displayed.  BASE is the default

   CLCFILLIB     The library where the CLCFILP file exists.

   OUTPUT        How to  output  the results.    *  is the  default  to
                 display the  spooled file  if the  command is  entered
                 interactively.   The spooled file is  deleted after it
                 is displayed if  DSPSPLF is ended  with F3/F12 or  the
                 Enter key.   To retain the  spooled file, you  may use
                 the  the  System  Request  'Cancel' function  and  the
                 spooled file will exist in a HLD status.

                 If  the  command  is  entered in  batch  or  *PRINT is
                 specified, the  spooled file is  output and  retained.


See the rules relative to entering an amount.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKACTOBJ       Check active object
     CHKDBFMBR       Check data base file member
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EDTVAR2         Edit variable 2
     PMTOPR          Prompt operator
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     TAAARC          TAA archive


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTCALC       *CMD                   TAACLCC       QATTCMD
   DLTCALC       *CMD                   TAACLCC2      QATTCMD
   CALC          *CMD                   TAACLCC3      QATTCMD
   DSPCALC       *CMD                   TAACLCC4      QATTCMD
   TAACLCCC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLCCC      QATTCL
   TAACLCCC2     *PGM       CLP         TAACLCCC2     QATTCL
   TAACLCCC3     *PGM       CLP         TAACLCCC3     QATTCL
   TAACLCCC4     *PGM       CLP         TAACLCCC4     QATTCL
   TAACLCCC13    *PGM       CLP         TAACLCCC13    QATTCL
   TAACLCCR3     *PGM       RPG         TAACLCCR3     QATTRPG
   TAACLCCR4     *PGM       RPG         TAACLCCR4     QATTRPG
   TAACLCCP      *FILE      PF          TAACLCCP      QATTDDS
   TAACLCCQ      *FILE      PF          TAACLCCQ      QATTDDS

The TAACLCCQ file is  used to allow a second ODP to  be opened by CALC.


   TAACLCCC   CL pgm

   TAACLCCC2  CL pgm

CALC        Cmd
   TAACLCCC3   CL pgm
     TAACLCCR3   RPG Pgm
       TAACLCCC13   CL Pgm
       TAACLCCD    Display file

   TAACLCCC4  CL pgm
     TAACLCCR4   RPG Pgm
       TAACLCCC13   CL Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2011

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