TAA Tools

The  Copy To  Stream  File 2  command  is a  front  end to  the  system
CPYTOSTMF command.   CPYTOSTMF2 uses a normal object  prompt for a file
and  member.  The  TOSTMF name defaults  to allow a  simple copy from a
data base member to  an IFS stream file  in the user's home  directory.
Only  a member  of a  program described  physical file,  a member  of a
source physical file, or a save file may be copied.

Error  messages   are  significantly  better  than  those  provided  by
CPYTOSTMF when  the object  is not  found or  a  non-supported file  is

A typical command would be:


The ABC member  of the QCLSRC file  would be copied to  the user's home
directory  and given the name  'ABC.mbr'.  If the  stream file does not
exist, it would be created.

A save file is also supported using a command such as:

             CPYTOSTMF2   FILE(SAVF1) MBR(*NONE)

The stream file name would named 'SAVF1.savf'.

CPYTOSTMF2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9894    The file type is not supported.
      TAA9895    Object exists and STMFOPT(*NONE) was specified.
      TAA9896    Not authorized for *W to object.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CPYTOSTMF2 Command parameters                         *CMD

   FILE          The qualified  name of  the file  to be  copied.   The
                 library value defaults  to *LIBL.  A  specific library
                 or *CURLIB may also be used.

                 The  file must be  a program described  physical file,
                 a source physical file, or a save file.

   FROMMBR       The  member to be  copied.  *FIRST is  the default.  A
                 specific member or *LAST may be specified.

                 If a source  member is copied,  the date and  sequence
                 number  are  dropped  and  only the  SRCDTA  field  is

                 If  a  save  file  is  to  be  copied,  *NONE must  be

   TOSTMF        The stream file name to copy to.

                 *DFT is the  default which  means: 1) if  a data  base
                 file member  is copied, the  stream file name  will be
                 the  member name plus '.mbr'  or 2) if a  save file is
                 copied, the stream  file name  name will  be the  file
                 name plus  '.savf'.  The  stream file would  be placed
                 in the user's home directory.

                 A full path name may be entered.

   STMFOPT       The  stream file option.   *NONE  is the default.   If
                 the  stream  file does  not exist,  it is  created and
                 the records  added.   *ADD  or *REPLACE  may be  used.
                 *ADD  is not  valid when  copying  a save  file.   The
                 value is passed thru to the CPYTOSTMF command.

   CVTDTA        The data conversion option defaults to *DFT.

                 If  *DFT  is  used, and  1)  if a  data  base  file is
                 copied, the value  assigned is *AUTO or  2) if a  save
                 file is copied, the value assigned is *NONE.

                 *AUTO, *TBL,  or *NONE  may be  specified.   The value
                 is passed thru to the CPYTOSTMF command.

   DBFCCSID      *FILE is  the default meaning to use  the CCSID of the
                 data base file.  The value  is ignored if a save  file
                 is copied.

                 A value  between 1 and  65533 may  be specified.   The
                 value is passed thru to the CPYTOSTMF command.

   STMFCCSID     *STMF is  the default meaning to use  the CCSID of the
                 stream  file.  If the stream  file does not exist, the
                 CCSID from the data base file is used.

                 The value is ignored if a save file is copied.

                 The special values  *PCASCII or *STDASCII may  be used
                 or a value  between 1 and 65533.   The value is passed
                 thru to the CPYTOSTMF command.

   TBL           The  path name  to be  used to  convert data  from the
                 data base  file  member  to  the stream  file.    This
                 parameter   is   only   valid   if   CVTDTA(*TBL)   is

                 The value is ignored if a save file is copied.

                 The value is passed thru to the CPYTOSTMF command.

   ENDLINFMT     Specifies  the end-of-line  characters to  insert into
                 the stream file.   *CRLF  is the default.   *LF,  *CR,
                 *LFCR, or *FIXED may be entered.

                 The value is ignored if a save file is copied.

                 The value is passed thru to the CPYTOSTMF command.

   AUT           The authority assigned to the stream file.

                 *DFT is the  default meaning the owner will  have *RWX
                 authority.   *INDIR,  *FILE, and  *INDIRFILE  may also
                 be specified.

                 The value is passed thru to the CPYTOSTMF command.

   STMFCODPAG    The  code page to be  used when determining the stream
                 file CCSID.   *STMF  is  the default  meaning no  code
                 page processing is performed.

                 *PCASCII  or  *STDASCII  may  be entered  or  a  value
                 between 1 and 32767.

                 The value is ignored if a save file is copied.

                 The  value  is passed  thru to  the  CPYTOSTMF command
                 which has a  special note in  the help text  regarding
                 the use of STMFCODPAG with STMFCCSID.


Only a  member of  a program  described physical  file, a  member of  a
source physical file, or a save file may be copied.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKDBFMBR       Check data base file member
     CHKIFSE         Check IFS entry
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYTOSTMF2    *CMD                   TAAIFUG       QATTCMD
   TAAIFUGC      *PGM       CLP         TAAIFUGC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2012

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