TAA Tools

The  Create Bound  CL  Program  2  command combines  the  functions  of
CRTCLMOD  and CRTPGM and  changes the  defaults of  certain parameters.
The  intent  is  to have  a  simple  create command  for  single module
programs that replaces CRTBNDCL.

The CRTBNDCL program is  limited in that it  cannot refer to a  Binding
Directory  nor   bind  a  service   program.    CRTBNDCL2   adds  these
parameters.  It also changes the defaults of a few parameters.

A typical command would be:

             CRTBNDCL2   PGM(ABC)

CRTBNDCL2 defaults to use more typical functions:

     - AUT(*USE)

The  defaults would cause member  ABC of the QCLSRC  file to be created
as  a  module  in  QTEMP.    The  CRTPGM  command  would  then  be  run
automatically to create program ABC in the current library.

Adding a PDM option for CRTBNDCL2

The ADDPDMOPT  command will  allow you  to add the  IC (ILE  CL) option
for CRTBNDCL2.  Enter the following command and press F4 to prompt.


The command  prompt will allow you  to name the PDM  options file.  You
may use a different option value (other than IC).

Assume you used the  default of IC.   You can  then use WRKMBRPDM  with
the IC option such as:

 Opt  Member      Type        Text
 --   ------      ----        --------------------
 __   MBR1        CLP         A test member
 IC   MBR2        CLLE        A second test member

When the  IC option is  used, there is  no 'Confirm Compile  of Member'
prompt  if an  object program  of the  same name  already exists.   The
REPLACE option on CRTBNDCL2 is used (default is *YES).

F4  may be used  in conjunction with  IC to change  some of the command
parameters before submitting the job.

There is  no check made  to ensure that  a CLLE  type source member  is
being  used.   The  CRTBNDCL2  command will  be  attempted on  whatever
member is specified.

Differences with CRTBNDCL

CRTBNDCL2  supports parameters  that are  not on  CRTBNDCL, but  are on

  **   BNDDIR.  Binding directory.

  **   BNDSRVPGM.  Bind service program.

A special parameter  CRTMSGS has also  been added to  allow the  CRTxxx
messages to be sent.  This is intended as a testing option.

The following defaults are changed:

  **   DFTACTGRP.  The  parameter shown is ACTGRP  (not DFTACTGRP) with
       a  default of QILE.   If *DFT  is entered, the  CRTBNDCL command
       is used to create a bound  CL program in the default  activation
       group (DFTACTGRP(*YES) is specified).

  **   DBGVIEW.  Changed from *STMT to *SOURCE.

  **   AUT.   Changed to  *USE from  *LIBCRTAUT.  This  is generally  a
       better default  as it prevents  misuse of the  debug capability.
       The following CRTPGM parameters are not supported:

  **   ALWUPD


  **   ALWRINZ

  **   OPTION

Note  that CRTPGM allows  multiple modules.   CRTBNDCL2 supports only a
single module.

Temporary module in QTEMP

The module name  created in  QTEMP is TAATMPMOD.   It is  automatically
deleted as part of CRTBNDCL2.

CRTBNDCL2 escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

The  parameters up  to  ACTGRP appear  on  the initial  prompt.   Other
parameters may be accessed using F9 or F10.

   PGM           The  qualified  name  of the  program  to  be created.
                 The library value defaults to *CURLIB.

   SRCFILE       The source file  to be used.   The default is  QCLSRC.
                 The  library qualifier  defaults  to  *LIBL.   *CURLIB
                 may also be used.

   SRCMBR        The  source member to  be used.   The default  is *PGM
                 meaning the same  name as the  program to be  created.

   TEXT          The text  description of  the program  to be  created.
                 The  default is  *SRCMBRTXT meaning  the same  text as
                 appears on the source member.

   DBGVIEW       The  Debug View  to be used.   The  default is *SOURCE
                 which  differs  from the  CRTBNDCL  default.    *STMT,
                 *LIST, *ALL, or  *NONE may also be entered.   Refer to
                 CRTBNDCL for the definitions.

   ACTGRP        The  Activation  Group to  be  used.   The  default is
                 QILE.    *NEW  or   *CALLER  (which  also  appear   on
                 CRTBNDCL) may  also be  used.   Refer to CRTBNDCL  for
                 the definitions.

                 *DFT  is   a  new  entry  which   allows  the  default
                 activation group  as  provided  by the  system  to  be
                 used.  If  *DFT is specified, the CRTBNDCL  command is
                 used     instead    of     CRTCLMOD     and    CRTPGM.
                 DFTACTGRP(*YES) is specified on CRTBNDCL.

   BNDSRVPGM     The  Bind Service  Program parameter  allows up  to 40
                 Service Programs to  be bound to  the program.   Refer
                 to CRTPGM for the definition.

   BNDDIR        The  Binding  Directory  parameter  allows  up  to  40
                 Binding  Directories  to  be  used  when  creating the
                 program.  Refer to CRTPGM for the definition.

   OUTPUT        Specifies whether  a  compiler listing  is  generated.
                 The default  is *PRINT  to cause  the listing.   *NONE
                 may  be specified  to prevent the  listing.   Refer to
                 CRTBNDCL for the definition.

   OPTION        Source level options may  be entered as  a list.   The
                 defaults  are  the   same  as  on   CRTBNDCL  (*NOXREF
                 *NOSECLVL *NOEVENTF)  and need not be  specified.  One
                 or   more  of  the  following  may  be  entered  *XREF
                 *SECLVL,  or  *EVENTF.   Refer  to  CRTCLMOD  for  the

   USRPRF        Whether to  run the program  with the user  or owner's
                 authority.   The  default is  *USER.  *OWNER  may also
                 be specified.

   LOG           Whether to log the program  commands.  The default  is
                 *JOB.   *YES or *NO may  also be specified.   Refer to
                 CRTBNDCL for the definition.

   REPLACE       Whether   to  replace  the  existing   program.    The
                 default is *YES.   *NO may also be  specified.  If  an
                 existing     program     is     replaced,     security
                 considerations   from   the   previous   version   are
                 retained.  Refer to CRTBNDCL for the definition.

   TGTRLS        The  release the program  is intended to  run on.  The
                 default is *CURRENT.   *PRV or a specific release  may
                 also  be entered.   If  the object  is intended  for a
                 prior  release,   the  TGTRLS  parameter  on  the  SAV
                 commands must also  be used.   See the command  prompt
                 for the supported releases.

   AUT           The authority  of the program.   The default  is *USE.
                 This   differs    from   the   CRTBNDCL   default   of
                 *LIBCRTAUT.  *LIBCRTAUT, *ALL,  *USE, or *EXCLUDE  may
                 also  be  specified.    Refer   to  CRTBNDCL  for  the

                 The  default has  been changed  to better  protect the
                 security  of  programs.   Using  the  default  for the
                 *LIBCRTAUT function  typically  results in  a  program
                 being  created with  *CHANGE authority.   This  allows
                 any  user who is  authorized to the  debug commands to
                 be able to  debug the program.   Because debug  allows
                 changes during  the running  of the  program, it is  a
                 questionable  function  to allow  for  all programmers
                 who have debug authority.

                 Specifying  *USE  allows   only  the   owner  (or   an
                 *ALLOBJ) user to be able to debug the program.

   SRTSEQ        The sort  sequence used by  the program.   The default
                 is *HEX.   *JOB, *JOBRUN, *LANGIDUNQ,  *LANGIDSHR or a
                 sort  table  name may  also  be specified.    Refer to
                 CRTBNDCL for the definition.

   LANGID        Specifies the  language  identifier  to be  used  when
                 SRTSEQ(*LANGIDUNQ)  or   SRTSEQ(*LANGIDSHR)  is  used.
                 *JOBRUN  is the default.  *JOB  or a specific language
                 identifier may  be  entered.   Refer to  CRTBNDCL  for
                 the definition.

   OPTIMIZE      The optimization  level of  the program.   The default
                 is *NONE.   *BASIC, *FULL, 10, 20,  30, or 40 may also
                 be specified.  Refer  to CRTBNDCL for the  definition.

   ENBPFRCOL     Whether to  enable performance  data collection.   The
                 default  is  *PEP.     *FULL  or  *NONE  may  also  be
                 specified.  Refer to CRTBNDCL for the definition.

   CRTMSGS       Whether  to send messages for  the command string used
                 for the  CRT  commands.   The default  is  *NO to  not
                 send  any CRT  messages.   *YES  may  be specified  to
                 cause  messages   to  be  sent.    This  parameter  is
                 intended as a testing option.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EXTLST          Extract list
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTBNDCL2     *CMD                   TAAPGNC       QATTCMD
   TAAPGNCC      *PGM       CLP         TAAPGNCC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2000

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