The CRTPRTPGM command creates a program that can be used for simple
printing requirements for any externally described data base file.
You must have the RPG compiler on your system to be able to create
the programs. Once a program is created, it may be used on any
system that has the TAA Productivity Tools.
Once the print program is created, you can issue the PRTDBF command
and name the program that you created. This will print a listing of
your file and allow you to alter the order in which the fields are
printed (left to right across the page). Three control levels are
The PRTDBF command allows a simple method of printing records in a
formatted manner from a data base file. The command is primarily
aimed at:
- Debugging
- Problem determination
- One time reports
- Low volume production work
The command prints either a single line per record or control totals
with the field names used as the column headings. Numeric fields are
converted to character values, zero suppressed and a decimal point
Basic listing output
7:29:14 7/17/09 Run ID-*NONE PRTDBF Command output
010 12345 100.00 50 SMITH 04/15/09
010 12345 35.15 12 SMITH 04/24/09
010 20000 23.45 6 JOHNSON 04/06/09
010 21345 34.00 9 MILLER 05/01/09
010 30000 405.67 100 HORNER 06/10/09
012 00346 94.50 17 HUMMER 05/03/09
012 45674 75.00 20 WILLIAMS 04/15/09
Fn 767.77 214
Av 109.68 31
Mn 23.45 6
Mx 405.67 100
Record count- 7 Records requested- 60
** The DDS field names are used for the column headings.
** Any packed or binary fields are converted to character.
** Simple editing occurs for numeric fields including a decimal
point for non zero decimal fields and separator slashes for
fields using the Y edit code.
** If the last field is a character field which exceeds the print
line, the data is printed in a truncated manner.
** Any excess fields are truncated.
** Numeric values are added up and a final total line (Fn) is
** A line of column headings always prints before the final
output to allow easier reading of the totals by DSPSPLF. A
new page is forced for the final totals if they are to print
beyond line 55. The line of column headings is indicated by
an * in position 1.
** An average line (Av) is always output which provides an
average for each numeric field (Final total divided by number
of records).
** A minimum value line (Mn) shows the minimum value for each
numeric field.
** A maximum value line (Mx) shows the maximum value for each
numeric field.
** The default is to use the fields defined in the file and
spread them across the printed output left to right. You may
also name the fields in the order you want printed or be
prompted with a selection display of the existing fields.
** The default is to process the file in arrival sequence. This
allows your to frontend the function with an OPNQRYF command
for specific sequencing and selection. An option exists to
use the sequence of the file. This causes an internal OPNQRYF
to be used.
** The command defaults to use the DSPSPLF command to display the
printed output. After the display occurs, a prompt appears
asking the operator whether the user wants to save the spooled
output (the default is 'N'). If 'N' is entered, the spool
file is deleted. If the command is submitted to batch, the
output is just sent to a spool file. You may request just
spooled output on an interactive request.
** The command defaults to print 60 records if executed
interactively (approximately 3 pages of DSPSPLF information)
and 1000 if executed in batch. You may request more or less.
** The heading line allows for a run identification and a title.
If no title is specified on the command, a default (as shown
in the example) occurs. The command parameters and the
specific file being processed are also printed.
** The command defaults to use the file that was named on
CRTPRTPGM. An option exists to use a different file or
Note that the command outputs the name of the file/library/member
that was used on the open. This can be helpful information if
overrides are involved to determine the actual file/member opened.
Creating the program
Assume you have a file named CUSTDLP with fields SLSMAN, CUST, AMT,
QTY, NAME and DATE. You want to create a print program so you
specify the following:
The command submits a job to batch to create an RPG program. A
default source member and program name will be assigned with a Z
followed by the FILE name (i.e. ZCUSDTLP).
The batch program first issues the DSPFFD command to extract the
field definitions for CUSDTLP. The member ZCUSDTLP is added to the
PRTDBFSRC file in TAATOOL. The batch program creates a set of
generalized RPG specifications for CUSTDLP. The CRTBNDRPG command is
then issued to create ZCUSDTLP. The default is to create the program
in your current library and to remove the source after the program is
To print the information in the file you would specify PRTDBF as:
Controlling the fields to be printed and the order
The default order of the command is to print the fields left to right
according to the sequence they were specified in DDS. You can alter
this by specifying the FIELDS parameter such as:
Note that you do not have to print all the fields and any excess data
after 132 positions will be truncated.
By default the file will be processed in arrival sequence. If the
file is keyed, you may specify SEQ(*FILE). This will use an internal
OPNQRYF command with KEYFLD(*FILE) to use the access path of the
named file. You should not use SEQ(*FILE) when you are frontending
PRTDBF with your own OPNQRYF command.
Control levels
Up to 3 control level fields may also be specified. The program
assumes the data is in sequence (it does not sort the data). See the
SEQ parameter to determine the sequence to be used. Assume you
sequenced the file in SLSMAN order and then issued the following
You would receive the following output:
7:35:57 7/17/09 Run ID-*NONE PRTDBF Command output
010 12345 100.00 50 SMITH
010 12345 35.15 12 SMITH
010 20000 23.45 6 JOHNSON
010 21345 34.00 9 MILLER
010 30000 405.67 100 HORNER
1 5 598.27 177
012 00346 94.50 17 HUMMER
012 45674 75.00 20 WILLIAMS
1 2 169.50 37
Fn 7 767.77 214
Av 109.68 31
Mn 23.45 6
Mx 405.67 100
Record count- 7 Records requested- 60
Note the following:
** The level number of the total line prints in position 1.
** The control level fields always appear on the left with the
high order first.
** A count field is always provided just following the L1 control
** The total fields default to be 2 positions larger than the
field size in the record. You may specify additional
positions. Truncation occurs on any arithmetic overflow.
** Numeric control fields are never accumulated.
** Only a single field can produce a control break (e.g. you
cannot specify multiple fields making up the L1CTL parameter).
Totals only
You may also request 'totals only' in which case no detail lines
would appear. If you had specified:
You would receive the following output:
7:42:25 7/17/09 Run ID-*NONE PRTDBF Command output
1 010 5 598.27 177
1 012 2 169.50 37
Fn 7 767.77 214
Av 109.68 31
Mn 23.45 6
Mx 405.67 100
Record count- 7 Records requested- 60
Note the following:
** Each line contains the control field data.
** Any fields which are not control fields or not accumulated are
automatically dropped.
** TOTONLY(*YES) is valid with no control fields specified. In
this case you would receive only the final total line.
Field name prompting
You may prompt for the fields that exist in the file. If you had
you would receive the following prompt:
File- CUSDTLP Library- QGPL Select fields Prt pos rqstd-
Seq Ctl Field Len Dec Text
___ _ SLSMAN 3 Salesman number
___ _ CUST 5 Customer number
___ _ AMT 7 2 Sales amount
___ _ QTY 5 0 Quantity sold
___ _ NAME 15 Customer name
___ _ DATE 6 0 Last sale date
F3=Exit F6=Use all fields Help ENTER-Refresh if changes or
Note the following on the prompt display:
** The fields and their text descriptions are displayed.
** You may enter into the 'Seq' field any values. After the
enter key is pressed, the fields are sorted in the sequence
you specified. Unspecified fields appear last. The sequence
numbers will be changed to 010, 020 etc. The sequence
determines the order in which the fields will appear left to
right on the printed output. If you specify control fields,
they always appear as the first fields on the display
(leftmost fields on the listing).
One way to use this function is to first place X's next to all
the fields you want on the report and press Enter. The
display is resequenced and the X'd fields now have sequence
numbers. You can also determine how many print positions will
be required by the value in the upper right hand corner. You
can now change the sequence numbers to provide a left to right
positioning and add or delete fields. When Enter is pressed
again, your desired sequence is shown. When you press Enter
without making any changes, the command will execute.
** You may modify the display to reposition fields, drop fields
(by blanking out the value) or add fields that were not
originally specified. Each time you make a change the screen
will be re-displayed. When no changes have occurred, the
fields will be passed to the processing function.
** You may specify the control levels to be used. Any value may
be entered, but only 3 control fields may be named. The first
control field (per the sequence entry) is considered the most
major control field. Entering a 1 does not signify the L1CTL
parameter. The sequence of the control fields controls the
major (L3) to minor (L1) order. Two fields cannot contribute
to the same control level. After the enter key is pressed,
the control fields will be sorted to appear at the top when
the screen is re-displayed. This is where the fields will
** If you specify a control field on the command and
FIELDS(*YES), the prompt will display your control fields
first. You may modify them prior to execution.
The CRTPRTPGM command operates on an externally described physical
file or a logical file which has only a single format. If more than
250 fields exist, the excess are dropped. Any files containing
floating point fields, decimal fields exceeding 15 digits or 9
decimals cannot be used. Only 20 fields may be requested to be
printed using PRTDBF. A maximum size of 130 bytes may be printed
which is a combination of field names, values and spacing (The print
line is 132 positions, but includes the special entries in positions
1-2 to indicate the total lines). Any excess data is truncated.
The default program name assigned is 'Z' followed by the file name.
If your file name is PAYMST, the default program name is ZPAYMST.
The intent of this is twofold:
** To provide a convention to follow so that if you know the name
of the data base file, you will know the name of the print
** To isolate all of the programs for this function so that it
does not interfere with your normal production objects.
The default source file for CRTPRTPGM is PRTDBFSRC in TAATOOL. The
SAVSRC parameter on CRTPRTPGM defaults to *NO meaning the member is
removed after the create. The intent of these defaults is to place
the source where it will not interfere with any production source and
then to remove it. If the CRTBNDRPG command fails, the source will
remain in the source member.
The source code generated is RPG, but it is complex code and is not
written to be maintained. If the format of the file changes, you
should just re-execute the CRTPRTPGM command.
In most cases, the generated source is of little value and therefore
it is removed as a default. There are situations where you may want
to modify some of the functions such as a column heading or an edit
code. These types of changes can be made without understanding the
logic of the program. If you choose to make such a change, you will
need to specify SAVSRC(*YES). See the later discussion on modifying
the source.
Caution must be taken if you assign a program name or change the RPG
source file to be used. CRTPRTPGM will delete any program of the
same name and will clear any existing member without a warning. This
allows you to easily recreate the print program if you make changes
to the file, but requires that you have a good naming convention so
that your production objects are not accidentally destroyed.
The created program will automatically add up all numeric fields
which are not control fields or do not use an edit code of X or Y.
Numeric fields which have an edit word are also added. This results
is some nonsense totals such as totalling time of day fields,
telephone numbers etc.
You may avoid totalling these fields by:
** Specifying a X or Y edit code in the data base file.
** Modifying the created source to eliminate the L edit code.
See the later discussion on the created source.
In some cases you may prefer a different column heading than the
field name used in your file. This can be achieved by either:
** Specifying a logical file format with the DDS RENAME keyword
and then using CRTPRTPGM against the logical file.
** Modifying the created source to change the field name. You
can have up to a 10 character field name.
An option on the CRTPRTPGM command determines the number of extra
digit positions for the total fields. Arithmetic overflow is
For the fields that are accumulated, an edit code of L is forced.
This provides for the stripping of leading zeros, a decimal point (if
decimal positions exist), a minus sign and zero balances are forced
to print. The Y edit code fields are printed with separating
slashes. The X edit code is handled by performing no editing.
Because the CRTPRTPGM generates RPG source with your field names
included, there is a potential conflict between your field names and
the standard names used within the program. This is minimized by the
use of the @ character to precede any names in the pre-specified
source. If a conflict exists, the program create step will probably
fail. If you normally use the @ character to begin field names you
could consider modifying the source in the TAADBFR3/4/5 members to
begin with a different character.
The PRTDBF command can be used on a file which is either a full or a
shared open. PRTDBF works well with files opened by the OPNQRYF
command. If you want to reprocess the file using the same OPNQRYF,
you can use the POSDBF command after each PRTDBF command.
** If OPNQRYF is used, the FROMRCD parameter must not be used.
** If OPNQRYF is used, the SEQ(*FILE) option must not be used.
CRTPRTPGM command parameters *CMD
FILE The qualified file name to be used. It must be an
externally described physical file or a single
format logical file. Only an 8 character name may
be used as the value will be used in an RPG program.
PGM The qualified program name to be created. The
default is *DFT in *CURLIB. When *DFT is used, a
'Z' will be the first character followed by the file
name. This is a convention to assist in avoiding
specifying one of your production objects as well as
easily remembering the name. If you already use
'Z', you could consider a different convention.
The member name will be cleared for the RPG source
generated by the CRTPRTPGM command. See the RPGSRCF
parameter discussion.
You could consider changing the default library name
in the command to place all of the print programs in
a special library.
JOBD The qualified JOBD name to use to submit to batch.
*USRPRF is the default which means to use the JOBD
in the user profile. The command is designed to be
entered interactively with the create being
submitted to batch. If the command is executed in
batch, the JOBD parameter is ignored.
RPGSRCF The source file to be used to hold the generated
source. The member name defaults to the same name
as the program name. If the member already exists,
it will be cleared for the new generated source.
The default source file is PRTDBFSRC in TAATOOL.
This is a special source file that is created
automatically as part of the CRTTAATOOL function.
Since the source member will be cleared
automatically, you should be careful about assigning
a different value to RPGSRCF as it may delete a
production member.
ADDLPOS Totals will be taken during the PRTDBF command.
This entry determines the additional positions to be
used to hold the total. For example, if you have a
7 digit field, the default is 2 meaning the total
will be appear in a 9 digit field. If this is not
large enough, you should increase the additional
positions. If a total overflows, no error occurs
and the value is truncated. The total field created
will not exceed 15 digits. The additional positions
entry cannot be greater than 5 positions.
SAVSRC An option to save the generated source which
defaults to *NO. In most cases the generated source
is of little value and is removed by the *NO option
if the CRTBNDRPG command completes successfully. If
you want to change some of the column headings or
editing, you should specify *YES.
RMVOBS A *YES/*NO option that defaults to *YES. *YES
specifies to remove the observability (debug
information) after it is created. This has a
dramatic impact upon the size of the program
created. *NO should only be used when you need to
debug the created program.
TEXT The text description for the source which also
becomes the text description of the created program.
The default is *DFT which causes the command to
generate a text description such as:
CRTPRTPGM created pgm for file yyyy/xxxx
If *DFT is specified, it is only used when a member
is added. If a value is specified, it is used
either when the member is added or when it is
PRTDBF command parameters *CMD
PGM The qualified program name to be executed. It must
be a program that was created by the CRTPRTPGM
FIELDS The default is *NO meaning use the fields in the
order in which they are defined to the file. Up to
20 field names can also be entered. If the option
*YES is specified, a field selection prompt appears.
The field selection prompt allows for the selection
and ordering of fields to be printed as well as the
designation of control fields. When the command
completes, the command as it would have been
specified at command entry is written back to the
command entry display. This allows you to use the
command entry functions (e.g. F9/F4) to re-enter
the command or a modified version of the command.
SEQ The sequence to use to process the file. The
default is *ARR for arrival sequence. *FILE may be
used if the file is keyed to use the access path of
the file. *FILE causes an OPNQRYF command to be
executed with KEYFLD(*FILE). This will use the
access path of the file and not build an access path
(unless the file is very small). Do not use *FILE
if you are frontending PRTDBF with your own OPNQRYF
L3CTL L3 is the highest control break. If you specify L3,
you must specify L2 and L1. Control fields always
appear on the left of the printed output. If you
specify the same name in the FIELDS parameter, it
only appears once.
Your data must be in the proper sequence in order
for control level parameters to produce meaningful
results. When a control break occurs, the fields
which are being added will appear as a total. A
count field always appears of the number of records
in each group.
L2CTL The second control break. Like L3.
L1CTL The first control break. Like L3.
TOTONLY This allows you to specify 'totals only'. The
default is *NO meaning each record read is printed.
If *YES is specified, a print line will occur only
for a total. If no control levels are specified,
only a final total will appear.
If *YES is specified, the control fields will also
appear on each total line.
NBRRCDS This defaults to *DFT meaning 60 records for
interactive jobs and 1000 for batch. When the value
is reached, the command terminates. The value used
is printed as part of the final totals. A specific
value may be entered.
DSPSPLF A default of *YES is used meaning to display the
printed output using DSPSPLF. After the display
occurs, a separate prompt appears asking the
operator if the spooled output should be saved. If
the command is entered in batch, or *NO is entered,
the output is printed. The name of the spooled file
will be the same name as the program (e.g.
FROMRCD This defaults to *START which is the first record in
the file. A specific relative record number can be
entered to start the program reading at a specific
record. This parameter should not be used for a
file that has been opened by the OPNQRYF command.
You may receive a level check indication or attempt
to access a record which has not been selected.
RUNID This is a 10 character identifier with a default of
*NONE. It prints on every page and is intended to
allow a brief description to alter repeated use of
the same function.
TITLE This is a 50 character field that will print at the
top of each page of output. The default is *DFT
which causes 'PRTDBF Command Output' to be the
FILE This is an optional qualified name which can be used
if the file you want is in a library which is not on
your library list or the file has a name other than
that used on the CRTPRTPGM command. The default for
the file is *PGM meaning use the file name that was
used on CRTPRTPGM. The default for the library is
to use the library list (*LIBL).
If you use a specific name, the file must have the
same format as that used on CRTPRTPGM or
unpredictable results will occur.
MBR This is an optional parameter to designate a member.
The default is *FIRST.
HEADINGS A *YES/*NO value that defaults to *YES. When *NO is
specified, neither the headings nor the final totals
print. This allows the output to be spooled and
copied into a text document. You supply your own
column headings.
DSPDBD command *CMD
The DSPDBD command exists as an independent display to display the
existing fields in a file. The command uses the same program as was
created by CRTPRTPGM. This is the same function as exists with the
FIELDS(*YES) option on the PRTDBF command except that the user is
only allowed to view the fields in the file. When PRTDBF is used,
the user is allowed to select the fields so they may be passed to the
PRTDBF function.
DSPDBD is intended as a fast method of determining a summary of the
file's field descriptions. It is faster and simpler to read than
The DSPDBD command supports the following parameters:
PGM The qualified program name to be executed. It must
be a program that was created by the CRTPRTPGM
FILE This is an optional qualified name which can be used
if the file you want is in a library which is not on
your library list or the file has a name other than
that used on the CRTPRTPGM command. The default for
the file is *PGM meaning use the file name that was
used on CRTPRTPGM. The default for the library is
to use the library list (*LIBL).
If you use a specific name, the file must have the
same format as that used on CRTPRTPGM or
unpredictable results will occur.
Performance implications
In general, the use of the PRTDBF command should be limited to such
functions as:
- Debugging
- Problem determination
- One time reports
- Low volume production applications
The PRTDBF command must operate on a generalized basis such as
allowing any character in the data base to be printed at any location
in the output. This is achieved by using arrays and moving one
character at a time to the output area. Because of the generalized
nature, a performance degradation occurs.
A sample comparison of the same program coded using different
techniques produced the following results:
Specifically written RPG program 1.0
S/38 Query 2.0
PRTDBF command 6.0
The sample was a typical report type of program involving several
fields across the page and three control levels.
Assuming these relationships occur for any typical use, a
specifically written RPG program which would take 2 minutes to
execute, would take approximately 4 minutes using S/38 Query and
approximately 12 minutes using PRTDBF.
You must have the RPG compiler on your system to use the CRTPRTPGM
command. Programs already created by CRTPRTPGM may be used on any
system that has the TAA Productivity Tools.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system.
PMTOPR Prompt operator
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ----- --------- ---------- -----------
may use the TAADBFCR2 pgm
Modifying the source
The created source can be modified for individual requirements, but
the code is so general purpose that it is generally non-maintainable.
If the file changes in definition, the CRTPRTPGM command must be used
Modifications should be done by using CRTPRTPGM SAVSRC(*YES) and then
modifying the generated source.
There are some typical functions that can be easily changed that
relate to the description of the fields to be printed. This
information is kept in an array as part of the generated source and
can be changed without understanding the logic of the program. These
** Accumulation - Any numeric field that is not specified in DDS
as an X or Y edit code is accumulated. You can avoid
accumulating nonsense fields (e.g. telephone numbers) by
blanking out the A in position 17 of the array.
** Edit code - The program will assume an L edit code for any
numeric field that does not have a DDS EDTCDE of X or Y. If
an edit word exists, it is ignored and the L edit code is
used. In some cases you may prefer to specify an X edit code
(no editing) which can be done by modifying position 16 of the
** Column heading - The default column heading is the field name.
You may change the name to any value that you want printed.
It does not have to be a valid field name nor are you limited
to the RPG 6 character requirement. For example, if you have
a field name like AC123 you could change the name in positions
1-10 of the array to any of the following type values:
If you change the length of the name, you may also want to
consider changing the indentation positions for the data or
column heading. See positions 18-19 and 20-21 of the array.
The following describes the information in the array data which will
appear for the @FL array at the end of the created source:
Position Description
-------- -----------
1 - 10 Field name - used for both column heading and
and on DSPDBD. It does not have to be a valid
field name.
11 - 11 Field type (DDS types eg A=Char, P=Packed)
12 - 14 Field length - also used on DSPDBD
15 - 15 Decimal positions - also used on DSPDBD
16 - 16 Edit code - only the following are supported
blank = no editing (used on character fields)
X = no editing (used on numeric fields)
L = edit per RPG L edit code
Y = edit per RPG Y edit code (only / used)
17 - 17 Field addition (A = add, blank = do not add)
18 - 19 Field start relative location - how far to indent
the detail field
20 - 21 Column heading relative location - how far to
indent the column heading
22 - 24 Field width
25 - 27 Field beginning location in the record
31 - 80 Text for DSPDBD