TAA Tools

The Convert  WRKDSKSTS command  converts the  information displayed  by
WRKDSKSTS  and creates  a data base  file DSKSTSP  with one  record per
disk  unit.  This allows you to program  the information that is on the
WRKDSKSTS display.  The QYASPOL API is used.

The  model file  used  is  TAASYSFP  for arrival  sequence  output  and
TAASYSFQ  for  keyed  sequence   output  on  ASP  (see  the  KEYOUTFILE
parameter).   The files are in  TAATOOL and both have  a format name of

As of  V4R5, the  values for  the fields  DSPRSZ,  DSPPRC, DSUPSZ,  and
DSUPPC is  no longer  available.   The fields  names are  still in  the
outfile, but zero values will exist.

A typical command would be entered as:


The command  creates a file named DSKSTSP in  QTEMP with one record for
each disk unit.   You  can then  read the  file in  a CL  or other  HLL
program.    The  outfile includes  the  generated  field  DSDUSG  which
describes how many  millions of bytes of each  disk unit is being used.

An  option  exists  to allowed  the  output  file to  be  keyed  on ASP
number.   If you  use the  same library for  both types  of files,  you
should delete the existing file first.

Special handling

In some  cases the  data available from  the system exceeds  the values
that are  returned from the API or the  the field sizes in the outfile.
The following describes some of these exceptions:

  **   DSSIZE.  Disk size.

       If greater than 99999,  the value is set  to 99999.  The  actual
       size is always placed in DSSIZ2.

  **   DSPCTF.  Percent full.

       If ASP is 0, the value is set to 0.

  **   DSDUSG.  Disk usage.

       If ASP  is 0, the  value is set  to 0.   If greater  that 99999,
       set to 99999.  The actual usage is always in DSDUS2.

  **   DSIORQ.  Average I/O requests per second.

       If ASP  is 0 or elapsed  time is 0, the  value is set to  0.  If
       an underlying counter has wrapped, set to 9999.9.

  **   DSRQSZ.  Average request size.

       If ASP is 0, or  the elapsed time is 0,  the value is set to  0.
       If  an  underlying  counter has  wrapped  or  a  division  error
       occurs, set to 999999.9.

  **   DSRDQ.  Read requests per second.

       If ASP  is 0 or  the elapsed time is  0, the value is  set to 0.
       If  an  underlying  counter  has  wrapped  or  a  division error
       occurs, set to 9999.9.

  **   DSWTRQ.  Write requests per second.

       If ASP is  0 or the elapsed  time is 0, the  value is set to  0.
       If  an  underlying  counter  has  wrapped or  a  division  error
       occurs, set to 9999.9.

  **   DSRDSZ.  Average read request size.

       If  ASP is 0 or  the elapsed time  is 0, the value  is set to 0.
       If  an underlying  counter  has  wrapped  or  a  division  error
       occurs, set to 999999.9.

  **   DSWTSZ.  Average write request size.

       If ASP  is 0 or the  elapsed time is 0,  the value is set  to 0.
       If  an  underlying  counter  has  wrapped  or a  division  error
       occurs, set to 999999.9.

  **   DSPCBS.  Percent busy.

       If ASP is 0  or the elapsed time  is 0, the value  is set to  0.
       If  an  underlying  counter has  wrapped  or  a  division  error
       occurs, set to 9999.9.

  **   DSPROT.  Disk protection type.

       If  ASP is  0 or  the elapsed  time is  0, the  value is  set to
       blanks.   If an  unexpected value is received,  the value is set
       to blanks.

  **   DSPROS.  Disk protection status.

       If ASP is  0, blanks are  returned.  If  an unexpected value  is
       received, the value is set to UNKNOWN.

  **   DSCPRS.  Disk compression status.

       If  ASP  is 0,  blanks  are  returned.   Otherwise  'Active'  or
       blanks are returned.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   RESET         Whether  to reset the  WRKDSKSTS statistics.   This is
                 the same  parameter  as  on WRKDSKSTS  and  is  passed
                 through to  the command to provide  for a reset.   The
                 default is *NO.

   OUTLIB        The  library   in  which  the  file  DSKSTSP  will  be
                 placed.  The default  is *LIBL.   If the DSKSTSP  file
                 does not already  exist, a library must  be specified.

   OUTMBR        The  member of the  DSKSTSP file to  be used.   If the
                 member  does not exist,  it is added.   The default is

   REPLACE       A *YES/*NO  value  for whether  the member  should  be
                 cleared before  writing records into it.   The default
                 is *YES.

   KEYOUTFILE    A  *YES/*NO value  for whether  the outfile  should be
                 keyed on  ASP.   The default  is *NO  resulting in  an
                 arrival sequence file.

File format

The file name that is output is DSKSTSP.

The  model file  used is  TAASYSFP for  arrival sequence  output.   For
keyed sequence  output the model file is  TAASYSFQ.  Both files produce
the DSKSTSP outfile.

The record name is DSRCD.

To see the field names used:



As of  V4R5, the  values for  the fields  DSPPSZ, DSPPRC,  DSUPSZ,  and
DSUPPC are  no longer  supported.  The  fields names  are still  in the
outfile, but zero values will exist.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

           EDTVAR       Edit variable
           SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
           SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
           SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   CVTDSKSTS     *CMD                      TAASYSF        QATTCMD
   TAASYSFC      *PGM          CLP         TAASYSFC       QATTCL
   TAASYSFR      *PGM          RPGLE       TAASYSFR       QATTRPG
   TAASYSFP      *FILE         PF          TAASYSFP       QATTDDS
   TAASYSFQ      *FILE         PF          TAASYSFQ       QATTDDS
   TAASYSFS      *FILE         PF          TAASYSFQ       QATTDDS

TAASYSFQ is a keyed version of TAASYSFP with a key on ASP.

TAASYSFS is  a keyed version  of the DSPHDWRSC outfile  to allow access
to additional information.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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