The Convert Job Log command converts a job log to an outfile. The
system DSPJOBLOG command provides a similar function, but is limited
to operating on the current job and produces an outfile with variable
length fields. CVTJOBLOG works on any job log and produces a file
that can be read by a normal RPG program.
The outfile is always named JOBLOGP in a specified library. The
model file is TAALOGDP with a format name of JOBLOG.
You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use CVTJOBLOG for a
spooled file other than your own.
A typical command would be:
The JOBLOGP file would be created in the named file. If the job log
file did not exist, a temporary one would be created using DSPJOBLOG
and then deleted at the end of the command.
At least one record would be written for each message. Most messages
require multiple records. The JGRCDT field has a 'P' for the primary
record and an 'O' for each overflow record. All records contain the
standard information such as job name, message ID, message type, etc.
The JGMSGL field contains the text of the message. Each record has
one line of text from the job log.
Only the lower and upper case English language versions of the job
log are supported. If the printed format changes, the program to
read the printed output may have to be changed.
Saving - Restoring - Reprinting
CVTJOBLOG provides a method of converting the job log to a data base
file/member so that the file may be saved and restored. You may
re-print the information from the job log by using the command
Completion code field in outfile
The JGCMPC field in the outfile is the job completion code from the
CPF1164 message if it can be determined. The value does not appear
in the first CPF1164 record written to the JOBLOGP file, but every
CPF1164 record written after.
Because the program is converting job log spooled records as they are
read, the completion code is not known until the 3rd line of the job
log CPF1164 information. The completion code is determined by
scanning the text (either upper or lower case English) for the string
'end code'.
If the completion code cannot be determined, the field will be blank.
Command parameters *CMD
JOB The qualified name of the job log to be converted.
The default is * meaning the current job. The
spooled file must be named QPJOBLOG.
OUTLIB The library in which the file JOBLOGP will be
placed. The default is *LIBL. If the JOBLOGP file
does not already exist, a library must be named.
OUTMBR The member of the JOBLOGP file to be used. If the
member does not exist, it is added. The default is
The special value *JOB may be entered to create a
member by the name of JOBnnnnnn where nnnnnn is the
job number assigned to the job.
REPLACE A *YES/*NO value for whether the member should be
cleared before writing records into it. The default
is *YES.
*NO will add records to the same file. Your
processing function must recognize that multiple job
logs exist.
SPLNBR The spooled file number. The default is *. If the
job is active, * causes DSPJOBLOG to be used to
create a temporary job log for use with the command.
At the end of the command, the job log is deleted.
If the job is not active, the last job log for the
job is used if it exists. If it does not exist, an
error occurs.
The other values (*LAST, *ONLY, or a specific
number) have the same definition as on CPYSPLF.
Only the lower and upper case English language versions of the job
log are supported. If the printed format changes, the program to
read the printed output may have to be changed.
Unit of work information is bypassed.
*JOBLOG special authority is required to read a spooled file other
than your own.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CVTDAT Convert date
CVTSPLNBR Convert spooled file number
EDTVAR Edit variable
RTVJOBSTS Retrieve job status
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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