The Convert Registration Information command converts the data
displayed by WRKREGINF to an outfile. One record is written for each
combination of exit point and program that is registered. If no
programs are registered for an exit point, a record will still be
written containing the exit point information. The
QusRetrieveExitInformation API is used to extract the information.
The model file is TAAREGAP with a format of REGINFR. You can display
the fields with DSPFMT TAAREGAP.
When the output file is created, it is specified as ALWUPD(*NO) and
ALWDLT(*NO). You cannot change a record or delete a record. You can
clear the member or use the default REPLACE(*YES) to replace the data
in an existing member.
A typical command would be:
A record would be written to the REGINFP file in QTEMP with one
record for each possible exit point and registered programs.
The model file is TAAREGAP with a format name of REGINFR.
All fields begin with RI with the following suffix:
RIExxx = Fields to describe an exit point.
RIPxxx = Fields to describe an exit point program.
In the text descriptions of the fields, the following is used
EPT = Exit point
EPR = Exit program
PEP = Preprocessing exit program
CVTREGINF escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 No entries exist to convert. Check criteria.
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
EXITPNT The name of the exit point to be converted.
*REGISTERED is the default to convert all registered
exit points. Registered exit points are exit points
that were added to the registration facility.
*UNREGISTERED may be specified to convert all
unregistered exit points. Unregistered exit points
are exit points that are created by the registration
facility in the absence of the exit point at the
time the exit point was added.
*ALL may be used for both registered and
unregistered exit points.
A specific exit point or generic exit point name may
be entered.
FORMAT The format name of the exit point to convert. The
format name is specified on the ADDEXITPGM command.
*ALL is the default for all formats.
A specific or generic format may be entered.
PGMNBR The program number that was specified on the
*ALL is the default for all program numbers. A
number between 1 and 2147483647 may be specified.
PGMDTA A two part entry for the program data that was
specified on the ADDEXITPGM command.
The default is *NONE which means the program data
will not be used to make a selection.
The first part is the length of the data to compare
to. The comparison begins at byte 1 for the length
you specify which can be up to 255 bytes.
*CALC may be entered to calculate the length based
on the number or characters entered into the second
The second part is the program data that was
specified on the ADDEXITPGM command.
OUTLIB The library in which the file REGINFP will be
placed. The default is *LIBL. If the REGINFP file
does not already exist, a library must be named.
OUTMBR The member of the REGINFP file to be used. The
default is REGINFP. If the member does not exist it
is added.
*DATE may be specified to output a member name
Mcyymmdd. This allows a unique member for each date
converted and different members can be compared with
the CMPREGINF command.
REPLACE A *YES/*NO value for whether the member should be
cleared before writing records into it. The default
is *YES.
*NO may be specified to add records to any existing
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
DUPTAADBF Duplicate TAA data base file
EDTVAR Edit variable
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools December 1, 2004