The Display All Job Logs command provides a subfile of all QPJOBLOG
files and allows them to be displayed. The user must have *JOBCTL or
be authorized to the TAADSPJLG authorization list. Either the system
DSPSPLF command, the TAA DSPJOBLOG3, or the DSPJOBLOG5 command may be
used to display the spooled file.
DSPJOBLOG3 displays the job log in an 80 wide display where each
message is one line in a subfile.
DSPJOBLOG5 uses a similar display, but attempts to start the display
at the message that caused the job to fail.
A typical command would be:
All job logs for the current user would be displayed in a sub file.
Options exist to display the job log or its attributes.
The DSPJOBLOG4 tool allows a similar function, but adopts *SPLCTL
authority. You must have a specific *USE authority to the TAASPLSEC
authorization list to use DSPJOBLOG4.
Minimizing the number of job logs displayed
To minimize the number of job logs that appear in the subfile, you
may specify:
** A specific or generic user name.
** A specific or generic job name.
** A start date and time.
** An end date and time.
The API used (QUSLSPL) will run faster if a user name is entered.
The other selection criteria occur after reading the QPJOBLOG
Authorization requirements
The user must have either *JOBCTL or be authorized to the TAADSPJLG
authorization list.
All of the objects are created as PUBLIC(*USE). The programs
TAALOGHC and TAALOGHR both check that the user has either *JOBCTL or
is authorized to TAADSPJLG.
DSPALLJLG escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
USER The name or generic name of the user to display job
logs for. The default is *ALL for all users.
The API used to find the QPJOBLOG files (QUSLSPL)
will run faster if a user is named.
JOB The name or generic name of the job to display job
logs for. The default is *ALL for all job names.
STRDATE The date to select for as the start date. This is
checked against the job log open date (not the job
start date). Any QPJOBLOG files with open dates
prior to the STRDATE are bypassed. The default is
*START to allow all QPJOBLOG files to be considered
for selection.
A specific date may be entered in job format or the
special value *CURRENT may be used for the current
ENDDATE The date to select for as the end date. This is
checked against the job log open date (not the job
start date). Any QPJOBLOG files with open dates
after the ENDDATE are bypassed. The default is *END
to allow all QPJOBLOG files to be considered for
A specific date may be entered in job format or the
special value *CURRENT may be used for the current
STRTIME The time to consider as the start time. This is
checked against the job log open time (not the job
start time). The default is *START which means the
first time of any QPJOBLOG files that are selected
by the other parameters.
A specific time may be entered in HHMMSS format. It
must be in a range of 000000 to 235959. A job log
will be considered for selection if the STRDATE date
is equal to the date the QPJOBLOG file was opened
and the open time is greater than or equal to the
Start Time.
ENDTIME The time to consider as the end time. This is
checked against the job log open time (not the job
start time). The default is *END which means the
last open time of any QPJOBLOG files that are
selected by the other parameters.
A specific time may be entered in HHMMSS format. It
must be in a range of 000000 to 235959. A job log
will be considered for selection if the ENDDATE date
is equal to the date the QPJOBLOG file was opened
and the open time is less than or equal to the End
The user must have *JOBCTL or have at least *USE authority to the
TAADSPJLG authorization list.
A maximum of 5000 job logs may be displayed.
The number of QPJOBLOG files accessed by the API cannot exceed the
size of a 16MB user space. This is approximately 32,000 joblogs.
Specifying the USER parameter can minimize the size of the data
written to the user space.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKGENERC Check generic
CHKJOBCTL Check job control
CHKTIM Check time
CVTDAT Convert date
CVTTIM Convert time
DSPJOBLOG3 Display job log 3
DSPJOBLOG5 Display job log 5
DSPSPLFA Display spooled file attributes
FILEFDBCK File feedback
HLRMVMSG HLL Remove message
RTVSYSDAT Retrieve system date
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools April 23, 2001