TAA Tools

The Display  Member Statistics  command displays  or prints the  member
statistics  captured by  the CVTMBRD  command.   The  member statistics
include  fields such as  the number of  reads, updates, deletes, access
path builds,  etc.    Different sequences  can  be specified.    Member
statistics are only kept by the system for physical file members.

The  system refreshes  the data  on each  IPL.   Therefore, if  you are
going  to  analyze the  member statistics,  you  will probably  want to
capture the information  shortly before  a power down.   Capturing  the
information  is a  slow  performer.   You  may  want to  do  this as  a
regular batch job which runs off-shift.

The  data  must  be  captured  first  by  the  CVTMBRD  command  or  an
equivalent DSPFD  command  (see  later  discussion).    The  DSPMBRSTAT
command may be  used to display or  print the information in  a variety
of sequences.

Assume  CVTMBRD has  been  used to  capture member  information  in the
file CVTMBRP.  A typical DSPMBRSTAT command would be:


A  spooled  file  would  automatically  be  displayed  with  the member
information displayed  in descending  sequence on the  'number of  data
base reads'.   The member with the most number of  reads would be first
in the listing.

Since  the default TYPE(*TYPE1)  was specified, the  data would include
the number of:

      - Data base reads
      - Opens
      - Additions
      - Updates
      - Deletions

If TYPE(*TYPE2) is specified, the fields shown include the number of:

      - Records in the member
      - Clear operations (such as CLRPFM)
      - Access path builds
      - Reorganizations (such as RGZPFM)
      - Data space copies (see later definition)

Depending on the TYPE (*TYPE1  or *TYPE2), only specific SEQFLD  values
may be entered.   The SEQFLD must be one of the  fields that will print
with the TYPE specified.

You  can  also include  only  those  records that  are  greater  than a
certain value in  the SEQFLD.  For  example, if you  want to list  only
those members  that  have had  some additions  to the  member, use  the
SELSEQ parameter.

DSPMBRSTAT escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

System caveat

The  system  does  not  guarantee  the  information that  is  provided.
However,  you can rely on the information  to provide a picture of your
data base activity.

CVTMBRD Command or DSPFD equivalent

The  normal  method  of  building  a  file  that  can  be  analyzed  by
DSPMBRSTAT  is  with  the  CVTMBRD  command.   It  will  allow  various
selection  capability including the  ability to  omit libraries, source
files, etc.

You should  specify  FILETYPE(*PF)  as  the system  only  keeps  member
statistics on physical file members.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   CVTMBRD       The  qualified name  of the  file that  was output  by
                 CVTMBRD  or an equivalent DSPFD  command (see the tool
                 documentation  for  a  discussion).    The  file  name
                 defaults to  CVTMBRP.  The  library value  defaults to
                 *LIBL.   *CURLIB may also  be used.   The first member
                 of the file will be processed.

   LIB           The  library or generic library  name to be processed.
                 *ALL is the default  meaning all library names  in the
                 CVTMBRP file.

   FILE          The file or  generic file name to be  processed.  *ALL
                 is  the default meaning all file  names in the CVTMBRP

   MBR           The member  or generic  member name  to be  processed.
                 *ALL is  the default meaning  all member names  in the
                 CVTMBRP file.

   TYPE          Which  type to  be used.   *TYPE1  is the  default and
                 includes the information  for file  opens, total  data
                 base reads  (both Arrival  and Keyed sequence),  keyed
                 data base reads, adds, updates, and deletes.

                 *TYPE2  may be  specified to  include  the information
                 for  the  number  of  records,  the  number  of  clear
                 operations (such  as  CLRPFM),  the number  of  access
                 path  builds or  rebuilds,  the number  of data  space
                 copies,  and the  number  of reorganizations  (such as

                 The number  of  data space  copies  is the  number  of
                 times  a function  such  as CPYF  with FROMRCD(1)  and
                 COMPRESS(*NO)  has been  specified which  causes large
                 blocks of records  to be  written at one  time to  the

   SEQFLD        Which field  to  sequence on.   The  default is  *NONE
                 which  means the  order  of  the records  in  the file
                 named for the CVTMBRP parameter.

                 Each  of  the  fields  that  are  accumulated  may  be
                 specified  if printed  with  the correct  TYPE  value.
                 See the TYPE parameter for further discussion.

                 For TYPE(*TYPE1), you may specify:

                   *OPEN     Number of opens to the member
                   *ADD      Number of records added to the member
                   *UPD      Number of records updated in the member
                   *DLT      Number of records deleted in the member
                   *READS    Number of records read

                 For TYPE(*TYPE2), you may specify:

                   *NBRRCDS  Number records in the member
                   *APBLD    Number of access path builds or rebuilds
                   *CLEAR    Number of clear operations such as CLRPFM
                   *RGZ      Number of reorganizations such as RGZPFM
                   *COPY     Number of data space copies

   SEQ           How to sequence  on the SEQFLD field.   The default is
                 *DESCEND  for  descending  sequence.    The  value  is
                 ignored if SEQFLD(*NONE) is specified.

                 *ASCEND may  be  specified to  sequence  in  ascending

   SELSEQ        Whether to  include all or some  of the values  in the
                 SEQFLD.   The member must have  activity 'greater than
                 or equal'  to  the  value entered  to  be  considered.
                 The default  is 0 to  allow all  member records to  be
                 listed  if they  meet the  criteria specified  for the
                 LIB, FILE, and MBR parameters.

                 The  intent  of  the  SELSEQ  parameter  is  to  avoid
                 clutter if  you  are analyzing  a  field such  as  the
                 number  of access  path  rebuilds  (SEQFLD =  *APBLD).
                 By  specifying a SELSEQ value such  as 1, you can omit
                 members that  have not  had an  access  path build  or

   OUTPUT        The type of  output.  * is the default  which means to
                 display  the information for  an interactive  job.  If
                 the  command  is  run   in  batch,  the  results   are

                 *PRINT may be specified to print the results.


The  system   does  not   guarantee  the   complete  accuracy  of   the
information, but in general it provides a good picture of activity.

You  must  first  convert  the  DSPFD  *MBR  information  to  the  file
specified  on the CVTMBRP  parameter.  Either the  CVTMBRD command or a
DSPFD command as described previously can be used.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


The tool is ready to use,  but you must first build the data  base file
to  be processed  with  the  CVTMBRD command  or  the equivalent  DSPFD

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPMBRSTAT    *CMD                   TAADBJF       QATTCMD
   TAADBJFC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBJFC      QATTCL
   TAADBJFR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBJFR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 28, 2000

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