The i5/OS operating system does not allow a display of a users
password. The passwords are kept on the system in an encrypted form.
These techniques are used to minimize security considerations
involving an accidental exposure of a password or a break in attempt.
The Display Password command provides a solution for displaying user
passwords. This can only be achieved by trading off some of the
protection offered by the system. Before you implement Display
Password, you should understand the tradeoffs. If you choose to
implement Display Password, you should try and minimize the security
Display Password keeps a file (SECPWDP in the TAASECURE library) of
the current passwords on the system in a scrambled form. When the
command is run, the password is unscrambled and displayed.
The operating system provides a validity checking exit at the time
passwords are being validated. The system value QPWDVLDPGM can
describe a program which will be called after the operating system
performs the checking described by the other QPWD... system values.
The validity checking program is only called if the CHGPWD command is
The validity checking program is not called for CRT/CHGUSRPRF. If
you want the passwords set by CRT/CHGUSRPRF to be included for
DSPPWD, a special command CHGSCRPWD (Change Scrambled Password) is
also provided. CHGSCRPWD must be specified (it is not automatically
The Display Password tool provides a program to be named for the
QPWDVLDPGM system value. The program captures the requested
password, scrambles it and stores it in a file. The password for a
individual user can then be displayed as:
A display would appear describing the user and his current password.
To display all of the passwords, specify:
A spooled file is created with all of the user passwords.
If many user profiles exist, the USER(*ALL) function should be
submitted to batch.
The only time the QPWDVLDPGM is automatically invoked is for the
CHGPWD command.
If you change passwords using CRT/CHGUSRPRF and want them included
for DSPPWD, then you must use the special command CHGSCRPWD.
The CHGSCRPWD command must be used the same day as CRT/CHGUSRPRF in
order for DSPPWD to recognize a valid change. DSPPWD assumes that if
the user profile password change date is the same as the SECPWDP
change date, the password in SECPWDP accurately reflects what is the
current user password. This can result in an out of synch condition
if the password is changed at the beginning of the day by CHGPWD and
then later in the day by CHGUSRPRF without running the CHGSCRPWD
Part of the installation instructions allow you to include your own
secret code which will further confuse a user who was able to read
the scrambled password file and attempted to unscramble the
DSPPWD keeps only the current password in the scrambled form. The
operating system keeps up to 32 of the previously entered passwords
in encrypted form.
A program can only be named for the QPWDVLDPGM system value if the
QPWDLVL is 0 or 1 (allows for a maximum of 10 byte passwords).
DSPPWD command *CMD
The DSPPWD command, displays one or all of the scrambled passwords.
USRPRF The user profile to be displayed. If a single user
is specified, an interactive display occurs. If
*ALL is specified, a list of users is produced to
the spooled file USERS.
Specifying *ALL requires building an output file of
user profiles and processing each profile. If many
profiles exist, the function should be submitted to
Specifying *ALL also cleans up the SECPWDP file for
deleted profiles. The processing determines which
user profiles are still active, writes them to a
second file and then copies back. Deleted records
will not exist in the SECPWDP file. To clean out
deleted profiles, the *ALL function should be
periodically used.
OUTQ The output queue to be used if USRPRF(*ALL) is
specified. The default is *JOB. The intent of this
parameter is to allow you to place the secure output
into a secure output queue. If a specific user
profile is named, this parameter is ignored.
The Change Scrambled Password command provides a command interface to
the same program which is used as the validity checking program for
QPWDVLDPGM. It allows a users password in the SECPWDP file to be set
independently of the CHGPWD command.
The intent of CHGSCRPWD is that it be used in conjunction with
CRT/CHGUSRPRF. These commands do not invoke the program specified
for QPWDVLDPGM. The intent is that you would have a CL program for
creating/changing user profile passwords and that part of the CL
program would be to invoke CHGSCRPWD and use the same password.
The CHGSCRPWD command must be used the same day as CRT/CHGUSRPRF in
order for DSPPWD to recognize a valid change.
PWD The new password.
USRPRF The user profile to be changed.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
OR Or bits together from two fields
SCRAMBLE Scramble bytes in a field
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
WRTSRC Write source
A default version of the tool exists. The intent of the default
version is to allow you to try out the tool. Follow the instructions
in the section on 'Testing'.
If you implement the tool, you should change the default version with
your own secret code.
You must be the security officer or a member of his group to create
the DSPPWD command.
DSPPWD is intended for use with the CHGPWD command. To force the
users to change their passwords after N days, you must be using the
QPWDEXPITV system value (or your own technique) to automatically
invoke the CHGPWD command. Use DSPSYSVAL to display QPWDEXPITV. If
it is set to *NOMAX, the normal command to set it would be:
When the DSPPWD tool is created, the library TAASECURE will also be
created if it does not exist. It will contain the following:
** The SECPWDP file for the scrambled passwords
** The SECPWDP2 file which is used for cleaning out deleted user
profiles as described earlier.
** The data area DSPPWD which is created by the CRTCONARR TAA
** The RPG program TAASECCR which is used to display passwords
and contains your secret code.
** The RPG program TAASECCR2 which is used to update the SECPWDP
file and contains your secret code.
A default secret code is used to initially create the RPG programs.
The intent of the default value is to let you try out the tool before
implementing your own unique version.
If you are implementing your own version, you should do the following
as the Security Officer:
** Change the secret code in the data area DSPPWD using the
EDTCONARR command:
When the display appears, key over the value that is specified
as DFTVALUExx with your own secret code. It can be any 10
characters such as '%T)#:?UG*Q'.
Write down your secret code on a piece of paper and file in a
secure place. If you need to recreate the tool at a later
point, you must use the same secret code.
** Use CPYTAA2 to copy out the source from the TAA Archive to the
source files in your library.
** Re-create the DSPPWD tool specifying (normally submitted to
** During the creation of the tool, the RPG source for the tool
is copied to the source file TAATOOLSRC in TAASECURE. The
secret code is added to the end of each source member (as
array data) and the programs are created. If the tool
successfully completes, the TAASECCR and TAASECCR2 members are
removed from TAATOOLSRC. You should use SEU to determine that
these members do not exist.
If the members do exist, remove them:
** Use EDTCONARR again and key over your secret code. For
example, you could enter 'CHANGED'. This will make it more
difficult for a user to determine your secret code as the only
place it will exist on the system is in the two RPG programs.
** Change the QPWDVLDPGM system value:
When the next user changes his password with CHGPWD, the validity
checking program will update the SECPWDP file.
Testing (Before and After the implementation step)
Testing before the implementation step allows you to try out the
tool. You must do the following as the Security Officer.
** Change the QPWDVLDPGM system value:
** Create a dummy profile with all of the defaults. Signon as
the dummy user. Use the CHGPWD command and specify a new
password. Signoff as the dummy user.
Signon as the Security Officer and use the DSPPWD command for the
dummy user. Then, try DSPPWD(*ALL) and review the spooled output.
Use DSPPFM to see what the scrambled password looks like:
Use CHGUSRPRF to change the dummy profile password. Use CHGSCRPWD to
change the dummy profile to the new password. Use DSPPWD for the
dummy profile to see the new change.
Delete the dummy profile.
A new release of the TAA Tools
When a new release of TAA Tools is shipped, the install code does not
replace the SECPWDP and SECPWDP2 files in TAASECURE. If the files
exist, they are left in tact. If the files do not exist, they are
The install code checks the two RPG programs in TAASECURE. If they
were created on a system which begins with a name of TAASYS, the
object programs are replaced. If they were created on a system other
than TAASYSxx, they are left in tact. Therefore, if you created the
tool on your system, the install code should not replace your
modified version.
The objects in TAATOOL related to DSPPWD (command and CL programs)
are replaced on each release, but this should not impact your use of
You should read the AAAAx members in the TAA Archive on each release
to determine if there any changes to the DSPPWD tool that will
require you to recreate the programs. If so, you must change the
DSPPWD data area with EDTCONARR as in the implementation instructions
to match your secret code and recreate the tool.
After the tool is working, you should again change the DSPPWD data
area to a different value than your secret code.
Security considerations
The code is written to attempt to minimize security exposures.
However, because the file and programs are the key to determining
what the passwords are, there is always an exposure.
For example, there is nothing to prevent an authorized user from
saving the TAASECURE library and taking it to another system where he
can analyze the information as the Security Officer.
Unless you are willing to assume a risk of this type, you should not
implement DSPPWD.
The sensitive objects:
** The data base file containing the scrambled passwords
** The data area containing the secret code
** The two RPG programs containing the secret code
are placed in the private library TAASECURE. The data base file is
made private. The data area is made private.
The DSPPWD command checks to ensure the user is authorized to the
TAASECURE library. The library is created as secure.
The validity checking program (TAASECCC2 in TAATOOL) must exist in a
public library so it can be accessed when the user signs on and the
operating system is validating a new password. The TAASECCC2 program
adopts the user profile of it's owner so that the user can access the
secure library TAASECURE.
The TAASECCC2 program is written to do a call to the qualified
program name TAASECCR2 in TAASECURE. The program also specifies a
secure override to the SECPWDP file. The TAASECCC2 program is
created to prevent logging, retrieving of CL source and debugging.
The QPWDVLDPGM system value requires that the processing program
receive a parameter list of:
- New password *CHAR LEN(10)
- Old password *CHAR LEN(10)
- Return code *CHAR LEN(1) where '0' means the password
is considered valid.
The TAASECCC2 program is also used as the command processing program
for the CHGSCRPWD command. It passes the user profile name as the
old password and a constant 'X' for the third parameter. When an 'X'
is recognized, the CL program knows that it is being called by the
CHGSCRPWD command rather than by the QPWDVLDPGM system value. The
logic is changed to use the second parameter as the user profile
rather than using RTVJOBA to determine the current user.
While the TAASECCC2 program attempts to block security exposures,
there is nothing to prevent a normal user from calling the program
during the day (e.g. after signing on). The program will cause a
change to the current signed on user's password in SECPWDP. This
does not cause a security exposure (the user profile password is not
changed), but would cause the real user profile to be out of synch
with the version kept in SECPWDP.
If the user called the TAASECCC2 program with the third parameter set
to 'X' to simulate the CHGSCRPWD command, the code checks to ensure
that the user is authorized to change the user profile.
Backup of TAASECURE Library
The SECPWDP file will be changed any time a user does the CHGPWD
function or the CHGSCRPWD command. Therefore the file should be
backed up regularly.
To handle deleted user profiles, a second file (SECPWDP2) also exists
in TAASECURE. If DSPPWD USER(*ALL) is specified, part of the
processing writes the active records to the second file. When all
records have been processed, the second file is copied back to
SECPWDP with the replace option. This has the effect of netting the
file so that it includes only the existing user profiles. The second
file is then cleared. Because of this technique, the second file
does not need to be backed up on a regular basis.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ----- --------- ---------- -----------
* SECPWDP2 *FILE PF No source
* These objects are located in the TAASECURE library.
TAASECCC2 CL (Also specified for QPWDVLDPGM)