TAA Tools
DSPQHST2        DISPLAY QHST 2                         TAAHSTE

The Display  QHST  2 command  displays QHST  messages  using a  subfile
display.  Several access paths are supported to allow quick access.

Access paths to the messages are created for:

      - Date, time
      - Job, User, Job number, date, time
      - User, date, time
      - Message ID, date, time

The messages in  QHST must first be converted to  the QHST2 file by the
CVTQHST2  command.  CVTQHST2  can be specified  at any time.   It keeps
track  of  the  last  message  converted  and  will  only  convert  new
messages added  since the last  convert operation.  A  MTNQHST2 command
is  also supported to delete QHST2 messages  that are no longer needed.

The user  of  any of  the  commands must  have  *USE authority  to  the
TAACVTQHST authorization list.

See also  the DSPQHST  tool which  provides a  display or listing  with
selection capability.

Excluding message IDs

Since  QHST may contain  a large number  of identical message  IDs that
you may want to avoid, an 'exclude' parameter exists such as:

             DSPQHST2   EXCLUDEID(CPFxxxx CPCxxxx)

If you typically  want to  exclude a list  of specific  message IDs,  a
good  tool  to  consider  is FAVCMD.    Assume  you  have  created  the
required  files with CRTFAVCMD.   You  then enter the  DSPQHST2 command
followed by ADDFAVCMD with a FAVID such as QHST:

             DSPQHST2   EXCLUDEID(...)

The next time you want the same DSPQHST2 command, you would enter:

             EXCFAVCMD  QHST

               or the shorthand version

             FV QHST

System handling of QHST

          *                                      *
          *     You can get into trouble with    *
          *     too low a setting of the         *
          *     QHSTLOGSIZ system value.         *
          *     A reasonable setting is to       *
          *     use the maximum size supported   *
          *     by the system for the release.   *
          *                                      *

QHST  contains all of the  messages sent to QSYSOPR.   It also contains
some specific  messages which  are only sent  to QHST.   This  includes
the  job  start  message  (CPF1124)  and  the  job  completion  message
(CPF1164).  Any application can also send messages to QHST.

Periodically  (or when DSPLOG is  used), the messages are  written to a
QHST log file.   These files  are automatically created  by the  system
and have the generic  name QHST with the year and day  of the year plus
a modifier (e.g.  QHST93150A).

A  new log  is started based  on the  setting of the  QHSTLOGSIZ system
value.  Therefore, there is always  a current log which is still  being
written to periodically and completed log files (old versions).

The completed log  files are not  automatically deleted by  the system.
OA (Operating  Assistant) has a function to delete  old versions or you
can  delete them yourself.   The TAA  DLTQHST command may  also be used
to delete old QHST files.

DSPLOG causes the messages in  the QHST message queue to be  written to
the current  log and then  scans the log  file(s) based on  the command
parameters.   No  access paths  are used to  access the  messages which
can make it awkward to use as well as slow.

The object names  of the log  files are QHSTnnnnnA.   The nnnnnA  value
is a  julian date made  up of YY  (such as 03),  the day number  of the
year (such  as 150) and a  letter beginning with A.   After the 'A' log
for the  day, the  system assigns  B, and  then C  thru Z,  and 0-9  if
necessary.  Thus  if you create less than  36 log files a day,  the day
number assigned will match the exact day the file was created.

If you are  creating a large number of logs  every day, the system will
automatically  roll over  as if it  is the next  day.   For example, if
the  true  day  of the  year  is  150  and  you  have  already  written
QHSTYY1509, the next  object name will be QHSTYY151A  even though it is
created on YY150.

The  text description of each log  object contains the actual date/time
of the first and last entries in  the log.  The first 13 bytes are  for
the first  entry (in the format  cyymmddhhmmss) and are followed  by 13
bytes for the last entry (using the same format).

You  can get in  trouble by generating  excess log files  so the YYnnnA
part of the  object name is  not the  current day number  of the  year.
If you  perform cleanup of  old log files,  the system will  attempt to
use the  current day number  unless it creates  a duplicate.   This can
result  in the  object names that  are assigned not  being in ascending
sequence thus causing the TAA tool to fail to convert the data.

Getting started with DSPQHST2

To  begin use  of  DSPQHST2,  you  must first  create  the  QHST2  file
structure and  convert messages to the  QHST2 file.   A typical command
would be:

          CVTQHST2    QHST2LIB(xxx) CREATE(*YES)

This  will create the QHST2  physical file and  the logical files built
over the physical.  Any existing  QHST files in QSYS are then  accessed
and converted.

You should  specify a  library on  CVTQHST2 that  will cause the  QHST2
file to  exist where it will be  backed up on a regular  basis.  You do
not need to back up  the QHST files in QSYS  if you are using  CVTQHST2
on a regular basis.

The current  QHST file in QSYS  is not complete  until a new  QHST file
is created  by the system.   When you  run CVTQHST2, it  determines the
last  QHST file that was  used and will convert it  again, but only the
messages added since the  last conversion are added to the  QHST2 file.

Once  a  QHST file  is  complete  (meaning a  new  QHST  file has  been
created  by the system) and  converted by CVTQHST2, you  may delete the
QHST file  in QSYS.   A good  cleanup command  to consider  is the  TAA
tool DLTQHST (it will not delete the current QHST file).

Periodically you  should clean  out old  messages from  the QHST2  file
with the MTNQHST2 command such as:

           MTNQHST2    RMVDAYS(nn)

This will  cause the QHST2 file to be copied  for all records that have
a date later that  the date generated from  the RMVDAYS parameter  (the
default  is 60).   The  data  is copied  to the  QHST2T  file which  is
automatically  created.  The  QHST2T file is  then copied back  and the
access  paths rebuilt.  MTNQHST2 should  be specified at a low workload

If  an  error  occurs  during  the  copy  (or   the  system  abnormally
terminates),  the MTNQHST2  command has  built in  recovery processing.
Just issue the command again.

After  the  QHST2  file  is  built,  you  can  convert additional  QHST
entries by taking the defaults.  A typical command would be:


Displaying the messages

When you are ready  to display the QHST2  file, the simplest format  of
the command is:


When the  display appears,  you are  in the  default mode of  accessing
the  records by date/time  sequence.  You  can specify a  date and time
in the -Position To- fields or use Rollup.

You can also change  the access path  used to read  the records by  use
of the F6 command key.   A prompt appears and allows you  to choose one
of the  other access paths.   When you  return to the  subfile display,
the  default display  appears for the  option chosen.   For example, if
you requested  the *JOB access  path, the lowest  value job name  would
appear first  with the  first record being  the earliest date  for that

You  can  also  specify  which access  path  should  be  used  by using
parameters on the  DSPQHST2 command.  However,  there is less  overhead
to change  the access  path being used  than to  return to  the command
and specify the access path desired.

You  can display  the  details of  any message  using Option  5  on the
subfile display.   If the  CPF1164 message  is displayed  (sent by  the
system at  end of job),  the performance  information from the  message
data is displayed.   This provides an easy access  to the number of CPU
seconds,  number  of transactions,  and  the average  response  time is
calculated for the job.

From the  detail message  display, you can  access the  2nd level  help
for any message.

You can  also directly  access what is  needed by using  the parameters
on the DSPQHST2 command such as:

         DSPQHST2   USER(xxxx)


         DSPQHST2   PERIOD(bgntime bgndate endtime enddate)

Security considerations

The tool must be created by a user with Security Officer authority.

The  user  of any  of  the commands  must  have *USE  authority  to the
TAACVTQHST authorization list.

The physical files and data  area are created as AUT(*EXCLUDE) and  are
owned  by the  user of  the CVTQHST2  command with  CREATE(*YES).   The
logical files are created as AUT(*USE).

To  allow a  user who  did not create  the files  to display  the data,
authorize the  user to  *USE of  QHST2 and  *USE to  the  authorization

The TAAHSTEC program is  created with USRPRF(*OWNER) in order  to allow
access to the QHST files in QSYS.

Any  subprograms called  by the  commands use  only qualified  calls to
TAATOOL programs or use USEADPAUT(*NO).

QHST2 Data Area

During  the running of CVTQHST, the QHST2  data area will be created in
the same  library as  the QHST2  files.   This data  area contains  the
text  description  of the  last  QHST file  that  was  converted.   The
information  is  used  to  bypass QHST  files  that  have  already been
converted the next time CVTQHST2 is run.

DSPQHST2 Command parameters                           *CMD

The DSPQHST2 command displays  a subfile of the  messages in the  QHST2
file and allows selection and different access paths to be used.

   PERIOD        A  4 part  parameter to  determine  the beginning  and
                 ending date/time values.

                 The  first part  is the beginning  time.   The default
                 is *AVAIL  which  means  the  earliest  time  for  the
                 beginning  date specified.   A  specific  time may  be
                 entered   as  100000  or   with  separators   such  as

                 The  second part is  the beginning date.   The default
                 is *CURRENT  meaning  the current  date.   A  specific
                 date  may  be  entered  in  job  date  format  or  the
                 special  value  *BEGIN  which  means  the  first  date
                 found in the file.

                 The third part  is the  ending time.   The default  is
                 *AVAIL  which means  the  latest time  for the  ending
                 date  specified.   A specific time  may be  entered as
                 100000 or with separators such as 10:00:00.

                 The fourth part is  the ending date.   The default  is
                 *CURRENT meaning  the current date.   A  specific date
                 may  be entered  in  job  date format  or  the special
                 value  *END  which means  the last  date found  in the

   JOB           The job  name to be  displayed.   The default is  *ALL
                 which  causes   the  messages  for  any   jobs  to  be
                 displayed.     to  be  displayed.    You  can  further
                 qualify the job with  the USER and JOBNBR  parameters.
                 The job  specified is used  to start  reading records,
                 but  does  not  prevent  other  job  names from  being
                 displayed  (it  only  causes   a  'Set  lower   limit'

   USER          The user name  to be displayed.   The default  is *ALL
                 which  causes  any user's  messages  to be  displayed.
                 If  JOB is  also specified, the  USER name  is used to
                 further qualify  the  job  name (the  access  path  is
                 Job, User, Job number, date, and time).

                 If  USER  is  specified  without  specifying  JOB,  it
                 causes  a  different  access  path  (User,  date,  and
                 time), In this  case, the user  specified is used  not
                 only for  a 'set lower  limit' function, but  also for
                 a  'read  equal' function  so that  only  records that
                 match the user name will be displayed.

   JOBNBR        The job number to be  displayed.  The default is  *ALL
                 which causes  the messages from  any job number  to be
                 displayed.   If JOB and  USER are also  specified, the
                 job  number is  used to  further qualify  the job name
                 (the access path is  Job, User, Job number,  date, and

   MSGID         The Message ID  to be displayed.  The  default is *ALL
                 which causes any message ID to be displayed.

                 Specifying   MSGID  causes  a  different  access  path
                 (Message  ID,  date,  and  time)  to  be  used.    The
                 Message  ID specified  is  used not  only  for a  'set
                 lower  limit' function,  but also  for a  'read equal'
                 function so that only  records that match the  Message
                 ID will be displayed.

                 You cannot  specify MSGID with  JOB, USER,  or JOBNBR.
                 You  can use  both MSGID  and DATE  in which  case the
                 subfile  will only contain the  message IDs that match
                 beginning with the date specified.

   EXCLUDEID     A  list of  up  to  100  message IDs  that  should  be
                 excluded.  *NONE is the default.

   QHST2LIB      The  library where  the QHST2  file structure  exists.
                 *LIBL is the default.

CVTQHST2 Command parameters                           *CMD

CVTQHST2  automatically determines the last  message that was converted
from  the  previous  CVTQHST2  command  (if  any)  and  only   converts
messages  that do  not  already  exist in  QHST2.    A special  message
TAA1015  is sent to  QHST as part  of the CVTQHST2  processing and then
DSPLOG is used to force any messages  in the QHST message queue to  the
current QHST  log file.   All log  files are  considered, but  only new
messages  (those   that  were  added  after  the   last  CVTQHST2)  are
converted.    The  log file  that  was  current from  the  last  use of
CVTQHST2 must  be  read  to determine  where  to start  converting  new

   QHST2LIB      The  library where  the QHST2  file structure  exists.
                 *LIBL  is the  default.   If  the file  structure does
                 not  exist,  you  must  specify  a  library  name  and

   CREATE        A  *YES/*NO value  for  whether  to create  the  QHST2
                 physical file  and the associated logical  files.  *NO
                 is the  default.   *YES must  be specified  to  create
                 the file structure.

MTNQHST2 Command parameters                           *CMD

The MTNQHST2  command removes old  messages that  are no longer  needed
in the  QHST2 file structure.   The messages  that are specified  to be
kept are copied to the QHST2T file and then copied back.

If  an error occurs  during the copying  process, recovery is automatic
by just using MTNQHST2 again.

The message TAA1016 is sent  to QHST if the MTNQHST2  command completes
successfully.   This message will  not be in  the QHST2 file  until the
next time CVTQHST2 is run.

   QHST2LIB      The  library where  the  QHST2 file  structure exists.
                 *LIBL is the default.

   RMVDAYS       The number of  days old  a message must  be before  it
                 is deleted.   The default is 60.  This  means that any
                 messages  older than  60 days would  be deleted.   The
                 minimum number of days is 5.


The QHST messages must  first be converted  with the CVTQHST2  command.

The system only  supports 132 bytes of  1st level text for  messages in
QHST.  DSPQHST2  captures up to 256 bytes of message  data.  If the 1st
level  text is  not completely  shown by  the DSPQHST2  detail display,
you can  normally access the  same information by  using F7 to  display
the 2nd level text.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT       Add date
     ALCTMPMBR    Allocate temporary member
     CHKJOBCTL    Check job control
     EDTVAR       Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK    File feedback
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message
     TAAARC       TAA Archive (CPYTAA command)


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTQHST2      *CMD                   TAAHSTE       QATTCMD
   MTNQHST2      *CMD                   TAAHSTE2      QATTCMD
   DSPQHST2      *CMD                   TAAHSTE3      QATTCMD
   TAAHSTEC      *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC      QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC2     QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC3     QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC5     *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC5     QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC6     *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC6     QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC7     *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC7     QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC8     *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC8     QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC9     *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC9     QATTCL
   TAAHSTEC13    *PGM       CLP         TAAHSTEC13    QATTCL
   TAAHSTER      *PGM       RPG         TAAHSTER      QATTRPG
   TAAHSTER3     *PGM       RPG         TAAHSTER3     QATTRPG
   QHST2         *FILE      PF          TAAHSTEP      QATTDDS
   TAAHSTEQ      *FILE      PF          TAAHSTEP      QATTDDS
   QHST2L        *FILE      LF          TAAHSTEL      QATTDDS
   QHST2L2       *FILE      LF          TAAHSTEL2     QATTDDS
   QHST2L3       *FILE      LF          TAAHSTEL3     QATTDDS
   QHST2L4       *FILE      LF          TAAHSTEL4     QATTDDS
   QHST2L5       *FILE      LF          TAAHSTEL5     QATTDDS
   QHST2T        *FILE      PF             No source
   QHST2         *DTAARA
   QHST2B        *DTAARA

The QHST2T  file is  created using the  TAAHSTEP source as  a duplicate
for use by the MTNQHST2 command.

The  TAAHSTEQ file  is  created from  TAAHSTEP source  and is  used for
compiling by other tools.

The QHST2  data area  is used  for recovery  purposes  by the  MTNQHST2

The  QHST2B  data  area  is  used  to  determine  the  last  QHST  file
converted by the CVTQHST2 command.

The QHST2 file is accessed in arrival sequence.

The logical files have the following access paths:

        QHST2L        - By date and time
        QHST2L2       - By job, user, job number, date, time
        QHST2L3       - By user, date, time

        QHST2L4       - By message ID, date, time
        QHST2L5       - By job, user, date, time


   TAAHSTEC   CL pgm
      TAAHSTEC6  CL pgm
      TAAHSTEC7  CL pgm  - Does CRTPF
      TAAHSTEC5  CL pgm  - Calls TAAHSTER to get last cvtd log ID
                         - Calls TAAHSTER to convert
         TAAHSTER   RPG Pgm

   TAAHSTEC2   CL pgm
       TAAHSTEC8   CL pgm
          QHST2    Data area

   TAAHSTEC3   CL pgm
     TAAHSTER3   RPG Pgm
       TAAHSTED    Display file
       TAAHSTEC9   CL Pgm
       TAAHSTEC13  CL Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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