TAA Tools

The  Duplicate  Data  Base  Network  command  duplicates  one  or  more
physical  files from one  library to another  as well as  any dependent
logical  files.   The CRTDUPOBJ command  is used  internally (no source
members are read).

A typical command would be:


The physical files  ABC and DEF would  be duplicated from library  LIB1
to library  LIB2.  Any  dependent logical files  over ABC or  DEF would
also be duplicated to library LIB2.

All  dependent files must be in the  same library as the physical file.
If a multi-format  logical exists  in the network,  all physical  files
must be named on the command.

An  option exists  to  copy the  physical file  data.   Another  option
determines how  the existence of the same file  names in the To library
will be  handled.   By default  an escape  message is  sent.   You  may
optionally delete the data base network in the To library.

An  optional spooled  file is  created  with the  details  of what  was

You  must  have  *USE   and  *OBJMGT  authority  to  the  files  to  be

A generic name or *ALL can be specified such as:


DUPDBN  is  intended for  the case  where you  are  going to  be making
changes to  one or more  existing existing physical  files and need  to
change  the data  base network  and the  using programs  in  a separate

The following are the normal steps for this process:

  1.   DUPDBN  would be  used to  duplicate the  physical files  in the
       data base file network to a work library.

  2.   The DDS would be changed.

  3.   A function like the  TAA Tool RPLPF would  be used to  re-create
       the data base network with the new definition.

  4.   CPYF, a  program, or  the TAA Tool  CVTDBFFMT would  normally be
       used to  reformat a sample of the  production data to test with.

  5.   A list of the programs that  use the data base network would  be
       determined.   A tool  such as  the TAA Tool  DSPWHRUSE could  be

  6.   The  programs  (and  any  associated  display or  printer  files
       would be changed and re-created in the work library.

  7.   Final testing would occur.

To cutover to the new objects:

  8.   CPYF,  a program,  or the  TAA Tool  CVTDBFFMT would be  used to
       reformat all of the physical data to the work library.

  9.   The TAA Tool  MOVLIBOBJ would be used  to move the objects  from
       the   work   library   to   the   production   library.      The
       DLTEXIST(*YES)   option    would   be   used   to   delete   any
       corresponding objects.

The  intended  use  of  the  work  library  would  be  to  contain  the
production  objects.   You  may  place the  source  files  in the  work
library,  but you should copy  the entire source file  (all members) as
the MOVLIBOBJ command will replace the file.

Checking dependencies

If all  of  the physical  and  logical  files have  been  created,  the
DUPDBN command uses DSPFD  to build a member list of  the logical files
in the  To library.   The records are read  to ensure that  none of the
files  are  dependent on  files in  the FROMLIB.    This would  tend to
defeat the purpose  of DUPDBN.   If a dependency  is found outside  the
library, an indication  is printed in the spooled  file and the command
will complete abnormally.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          A  list  of  physical files  to  be  duplicated.   The
                 special value *ALL or generic  names may be used.   Up
                 to 40 files may be specified.

   FROMLIB       The library where the physical files exist.

   TOLIB         The  library  where  the data  base  files  should  be

   DATA          Whether  the  data  in  the  physical  file should  be
                 copied to the  new file  in the  To library.   *NO  is
                 the default and does  not copy any data.   *YES may be
                 specified to copy the data.

   DELETE        A   *YES/*NO    option   that   determines    if   the
                 corresponding   'To   library'   objects   should   be
                 deleted.    *NO  is  the  default  to  send  an  error
                 message  if corresponding  files exist.   *YES  may be
                 specified to delete the corresponding files.

   DLTSPLF       A  *YES/*NO  option  that  determines  if  the summary
                 spooled file  output  will be  deleted.   *NO  is  the
                 default meaning the spooled file is retained.

                 *YES  may be  specified  to delete  the spooled  file.
                 If  an error  occurs, a  *YES  request is  ignored and
                 the spooled file is retained.


  **   You must have  *USE and  *OBJMGT authority  to the  files to  be

  **   All  dependent  files  must  be  in  the  same  library  as  the
       physical file.

  **   If a  multi-format logical exists  in the network,  all physical
       files must be named on the command.

  **   During  the  running  of  the command,  the  current  library is
       changed to  be the  To library to  allow for  the proper  'based
       on'  file to  be determined.    Because of  this technique,  the
       From  library cannot be a  library on the system  portion of the
       library list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CHKOBJ2         Check object 2
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     PRINT           Print
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DUPDBN        *CMD                   TAADBHM       QATTCMD
   TAADBHMC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBHMC      QATTCL
   TAADBHMC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHMC2     QATTCL
   TAADBHMC3     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHMC3     QATTCL
   TAADBHMC4     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHMC4     QATTCL
   TAADBHMC5     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHMC5     QATTCL


TAADBHMC2 is used at  the end of the  command to check dependencies  in
the To library.

TAADBHMC3 is used to  validate the physical files if  *ALL or a generic
name is used.

TAADBHMC4 is  used to process the  physical files if *ALL  or a generic
name is used.

TAADBHMC5 is used to delete any existing files in the 'To library'.

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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