TAA Tools
EDTDTAARA        EDIT DATA AREA                          TAAARAA

The Edit Data Area  command displays the current value for  a data area
and  allows keying  over the  value.   It  provides a  simple  means of
updating  a data area.   The *LDA,  *PDA, and *GDA  data areas are also

A typical command is entered as:


The  command can  be  used  against  either a  character,  decimal,  or
logical data area.   The maximum character size  data area (2000 bytes)
is  supported.  A  decimal data  area is restricted  to a  length of 15
digits (e.g.   15/0, or 15/5).   The command uses  the API QWCRDTAA  to
access the  information and  the CHGDTAARA command  to update  the data

A  display file is used  to display the  current value.   The user will
normally see an  input field  that exceeds  the length  of the  created
data area.   An error message will appear  if data is entered  into the
field so  that it exceeds  the created length  of the data  area.  Note
that  the display will not appear as 50  byte values as is displayed by

  **   For character  data  areas  of 80  bytes  or less,  the  display
       appears with an input field of 80 bytes.

  **   For character  data areas of  a length 81-800, a  single display
       with a single field is displayed.

  **   For  character data areas  of a length 801-2000,  a single field
       of 800 bytes appears on a  display and the user can rollup to  a
       second display of 1200 bytes.

  **   For  decimal  fields,  a  15   digit  decimal  field  is  always

  **   For logical variables, a single byte is displayed.

If  character data is displayed,  it is invalid to  display values less
than X'40'.  If  any of the  data is less than  X'40, the command  will

Contrast with other functions

The system  command CHGDTAARA lets  you change the  contents of a  data
area, but the existing value is not displayed.

The  TAA Tool EDTDTAARA2  allows editing  of character data  areas only
and  uses a  display that is  similar to DSPDTAARA.   Each  line of the
display is a separate 50 byte field.

EDTDTAARA considers the  entire display (e.g.   the first 800 bytes  to
be a single field).

Depending  on  the  use  you  are  making  of  the  data  area,  either
EDTDTAARA or EDTDTAARA2 should meet your editing needs.

The EDTDTAARA3 command allows editing of a data area in Hex mode.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DTAARA        The  qualified  data  area name  to  be  edited.   The
                 library  default   is   *LIBL.     *CURLIB   is   also

                 The  data  areas *LDA,  *PDA,  and  *GDA may  also  be

                 *PDA may only be entered for a prestart job.

                 *GDA may only be entered for a group job.

                 The  library  value  is assumed  to  be  blank when  a
                 special value is entered.


  **   A decimal data area cannot exceed 15 digits in length.

  **   Character data  cannot contain  hex values  below X'40.   If  it
       exists, a prompt for the EDTDTAARA3 command occurs.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

         EDTVAR        Edit variable
         PMTOPR        Prompt operator
         SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
         SNDESCMSG     Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   EDTDTAARA     *CMD                      TAAARAA        QATTCMD
   TAAARAAC      *PGM          CLP         TAAARAAC       QATTCL
   TAAARAAR      *PGM          RPG         TAAARAAR       QATTRPG
   TAAARAAD      *PGM          DSPF        TAAARAAD       QATTDDS

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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