TAA Tools
EXCSRC          EXECUTE SOURCE                         TAASRDF

The Execute Source  command is designed  for those cases  where objects
must be created from source and one or more of the following exists:

  **   PDM cannot be used without prompting for the CRT command.

       Most of  the CRTxxxPGM commands  only require the  program name.
       Other  parameters  (e.g.    source  file)  can  be  defaulted or
       filled in  by PDM.    Although other  optional parameters  exist
       (e.g.  LOG on CRTCLPGM), they are normally not used.

       However, a  command like CRTCMD  requires the PGM  parameter and
       PDM  cannot  provide a  default  for  the value.    In addition,
       there are many optional parameters  on CRTCMD and they are  more
       likely to be specified.

       ILE supports  several new object types  and CRT commands.   Many
       of  the ILE commands  will be like  CRTCMD.  Not  only are there
       parameters  that  PDM  cannot  fill  in,  but  there  are   also
       optional  parameters that  you  will  probably want  to  specify

       You'll  receive  a command  prompt  if  you try  to  use an  ILE
       command  that PDM  cannot supply a  value for or  you can prompt

       Anytime you need  to re-create an  object, this can become  very
       tedious and error prone.

  **   Additional  commands  besides  the  CRT command  are  needed  to
       tailor the object such as CHGPGM.

       As  object creation  becomes more  complex, you will  often have
       the need  to  precede or  follow  a  create command  with  other
       commands related to the object.

       This  can  also become  very  tedious  and  error prone  if  the
       object must be re-created.

  **   The  same object needs to  be created in a  different library or
       from test source etc.

       If you have some  form of complex object  creation, what do  you
       do when you  need a test version  in a separate library  or when
       you  want to create  using test source?   Often, the  same basic
       create steps need to be run, but with slight variations.

The  EXCSRC  command  allows you  to  place  the CRT  commands  and any
associated  commands  (e.g.   CHGPGM)  in  a  source  file  member  and
execute the commands  on a consistent basis.  EXCSRC  is not limited to
just CRT  functions.  You can use it  for other situations as well, but
it does have its limitations as will be discussed later.

Simple usage

EXCSRC executes commands from a source member based on a label.

Assume you  enter  the following  source  into  a source  member  named
STDCRT in the QCLSRC file.

    PGM1:       CRTxxxPGM  PGM(PGM1) ...
                CHGPGM     PGM(PGM1) ...
    PGM2:       CRTxxxPGM  PGM(PGM2)
    PGM3:       CRTPGM     PGM(PGM3) MODULE(...) ...
                CPROBJ     OBJ(PGM3) ...
                DLTSPLF    FILE(PGM3) SPLNBR(*LAST)
    MOD1:       CRTMOD     MOD(MOD1) ...

To  execute the  commands associated  with  the label  PGM1, you  would
specify the EXCSRC command as follows:


You can  have as many labels as needed in  the source member.  Each set
of commands for a  label would represent a  different object.  You  can
use EXCSRC  to execute  the commands  for a specific  label, a  generic
label name, or execute the commands for all labels.

For example, you might specify:


       to create all objects beginning with a label of PGM.

Note that you  do not compile a program from  the source that you enter
for  the CRT commands.  You just enter  the CL commands into the member
and EXCSRC executes directly against the source.

The source  file member  that you  use to  store the  source should  be
specified  as type CLP.   This  allows you  to have  the full  range of
syntax  checking and  command prompting.   Commands  which can  only be
executed within a CL  program (e.g.  MONMSG,  RTVxxx, DCL, IF,  CHGVAR,
etc.)  cannot  be used  (no  error  will  occur  until you  attempt  to
execute the command).

Commands  that you will typically  want to enter are  CRT, CHG, CPROBJ,
etc.  In the  example for PGM3,  DLTSPLF is used.   If the CRT  command
is  successful, you  can  delete the  spooled  file automatically  with
this approach.

See  the later  section for how  to make  a PDM  option for  the EXCSRC

OVR commands

Because  of  the  way  EXCSRC operates,  an  OVR  command  must specify
OVRSCOPE(*JOB) in order for  a subsequent command to use  the override.

The following  would be the correct  approach to allow  program PGM1 to
specify the simple file name of ABC.

                CALL       PGM(PGM1) ...
                DLTOVR     FILE(ABC) OVRSCOPE(*JOB)

Error handling

         *                                          *
         *   Any escape messages received during    *
         *   execution of the source by EXCSRC      *
         *   will cause an error and all the        *
         *   remaining commands for that label      *
         *   will be bypassed.                      *
         *                                          *

Because  of this  rule, you must  be careful  in the  types of commands
that you  specify with  EXCSRC.   In most  standard create  situations,
this is probably a  good rule to follow.  For example,  if the compiler
does  not create  the  object because  of source  errors,  you probably
don't want to complete the remaining steps to tailor the object.

EXCSRC produces a spooled describing  the commands that were  executed,
the messages  received, and  any error  conditions.   The spooled  file
acts as an  audit trail of what occurred.   You should find the spooled
file more useful than a job log in most cases.

EXCSRC  supports  a  DLTSPLF  parameter  that  defaults  to  retain the
spooled file.   You  can specify  DLTSPLF(*YES) to  delete the  spooled
file  if  EXCSRC  completes  normally.   The  spooled  file  is  always
retained if EXCSRC senses any error conditions.

There  are two functions  that will allow  you to  avoid typical escape

  **   STRCND/ENDCND (Start/End condition).   These  commands are  part
       of the EXCSRC  tool and allow you  to have a block  of code that
       is  or is not  executed based on  whether an object  (or member)

  **   TAA Tool DLTOBJ2.   This  allows a  method of  ensuring that  an
       object does  not exist without  the use  of the MONMSG  command.
       See the later section.

Because the  MONMSG function is  not available, you must  be careful in
what  commands are used in  the source member.   In general, you should
avoid the use  of EXCSRC if  you need a good  degree of error  handling
capability.  Write a CL program if you need more flexibility.

Conditional execution

There are two  special commands that are provided  with EXCSRC to allow
a  minimal   amount  of  conditional  execution.    The  STRCND  (Start
Condition)  command  lets  you  identify   an  object  and  check   for
existence.    You  can  conditionally  execute  the  following  set  of
commands based on whether the object is 'found' or 'not found'.

The  STRCND command  does not  allow  variables.   You must  use actual
names and an object type.

       For example, you could specify:

 PGM1:                  /* PGM1 create steps */
             CRTPF      FILE(ABC) ...
             CRTxxxPGM  PGM(PGM1) ...

The STRCND IF  parameter supports only  *FOUND and *NOTFOUND.   If  the
condition is met, any  commands that follow until the  next ENDCND will
be  executed.   If the  condition  is not  met, the  group  of commands
(bounded by STRCND/ENDCND) will be bypassed.

STRCND  also supports  a MBR  parameter to allow  you to  check for the
existence or  absence of  a member.   STRCND just  executes the  system
CHKOBJ command.   Only  the escape messages  CPF9801 (No  object found)
and  CPF9815 (No member found) are valid  conditions.  Any other escape
messages from CHKOBJ will cause an error.

The  STRCND/ENDCND  commands  must  be  properly  paired  in  a  manner
similar to DO/ENDDO.   The STRCND/ENDCND commands can  be prompted for,
but  cannot be executed  by the system.   Only the  EXCSRC command will
execute STRCND/ENDCND.   An escape  message will occur  if you  attempt
to execute STRCND/ENDCND outside of the EXCSRC environment.

For STRCND,  the parameters OBJ,  OBJTYPE, and MBR  are just passed  to
the  system CHKOBJ command.   Any  object type  valid on CHKOBJ  can be

You  can  specify a  comment on  STRCND, but  it  must follow  the last
parameter (it  cannot  precede  the command  nor  occur before  the  IF
parameter.   For  ENDCND, you  can specify  a comment,  but it  must be
after the command name.

   Valid use of comments:

        STRCND   IF(*FOUND) OBJ(PGM1) OBJTYPE(*PGM) /* If found */
        ENDCND   /* If found */

   Invalid because comments precede the special commands:

      /* Check it */  STRCND   IF(*FOUND) OBJ(PGM1) OBJTYPE(*PGM)
      /* End the check */    ENDCND

Replacement values

EXCSRC  also allows you  to specify replacement values  on the command.

For example, assume  that you want  to use the  same create steps,  but
want to be able to vary the library where the object is created in.

You could specify the source as:

    PGM1:       CRTxxxPGM  PGM(&PRMOBJLIB/PGM1) ...
                CHGPGM     PGM(&PRMOBJLIB/PGM1) ...

For EXCSRC, you would specify:


When EXCSRC executes  the source, it would  use the value TEST  when it
executes a command where the &PRMOBJLIB value is found.

PRMOBJLIB  is  just one  of  the variables  that  can be  used.   Other
standard names are PRMSRCLIB and PRMSRCFIL.   These are intended to  be
used as  replacement values when  you want to  vary the source  library
and/or  source  file.     Additional  general  parameters  PRMVARNB1  -
PRMVARNB5 are also supported which can be used for any purpose.

The  default for all  of the replacement  values is *NONE.   If you had
used the default  on EXCSRC and  &PRMOBJLIB was found  in a command  to
be  executed, an  error  would  occur.   You  do not  use  DCL for  the
replacement values.  Each is assumed to be 10 characters long.

A variable name may not be used on STRCND.

Note  that  it  is  only an  error  if  EXCSRC  attempts  to execute  a
statement where a replacement value is *NONE.  If you specify:

         EXCSRC   LABEL(PGM2) SRCFILE(xxx) SRCMBR(yyy)

and do not  name any replacement  values for PGM2,  EXCSRC will  ignore
any  of   the  commands  for  the   other  labels  which   may  require
replacement values.

Recursive use

When  you create modules and  multiple module programs, there  may be a
good reason to  want to specify  the EXCSRC command  within the  source
being executed  by EXCSRC.   For  example, you may  have several  steps
relative  to  creating a  module  that  you do  not  want to  replicate
multiple times in the same source.

If  you specify  EXCSRC within  the same  source, a failure  will occur
because the  RPG  program  TAASRDFR is  already  active and  cannot  be
called recursively.

A simple  solution is to use  the EXCSRC2 command which  is provided as
part  of the  EXCSRC tool.   EXCSRC2 is  identical to  EXCSRC, but uses
different objects.   Therefore,  you can  make one  level of  recursive

For example,  assume your source  is in the  member EXCSRC in  the file
SOURCE and looks like:

 MOD1:           /* Simple module */
        CRTMODxxx  MOD(MOD1) ...
        CHGMOD     MOD(MOD1) ...
 PGM5:           /* Multiple module program */
                 /* Instead of using CRTMODxxx which might have */
                 /*   to be replicated in multiple places in    */
                 /*   this source, use EXCSRC2                  */
        ENDCND   /* If found */
          .      /* Create other modules in a similar manner */
        CRTPGM   MODULE(MOD1 ...) ...

To create PGM5 you would specify:


If  the  MOD1 module  does  not  exist, the  EXCSRC2  command  would be
executed which would  read the  same source member  (using a  different
ODP)  and create  the  MOD1 object.    Because EXCSRC2  uses  different
objects than EXCSRC, no recursion error would occur.

It  would be  an  error if  the MOD1  label  had specified  the  use of
either  EXCSRC  or  EXCSRC2.   There  is  only one  level  of recursion
supported with EXCSRC2.

Note that it does not  matter where label MOD1 is specified  within the
source  member.   It could  be before  or after  the PGM5  label.   The
EXCSRC2  command  just reads  the  source  until it  finds  the correct


The TAA  Tool DLTOBJ2  supports an  optional parameter  to prevent  the
CPF2105 escape message 'Object not found' from occurring.

Assume  you wanted  to  ensure  that the  program  ABC  does not  exist
before you create it.  If you specify:

            DLTPGM   PGM(ABC)

and  the program does not  exist, you would receive  the escape message
CPF2105.  The  CPF2105 message  is sent  for most of  the DLT  commands
when the object does  not exist.  If you received  this escape message,
any remaining commands for the label would be bypassed.

You could have used STR/ENDCND such as:

         DLTPGM   PGM(ABC)

but you may prefer the DLTOBJ2 command.

The  TAA  Tool DLTOBJ2  is  a  generic delete  command  and supports  a
parameter  to  allow  you  to  avoid the  escape  message.    You would


DLTOBJ2 determines the  type of  object you want  to delete and  issues
the correct DLT  command.  If the object exists, it  is deleted and the
completion  message sent by  DLTPGM is resent as  a completion message.
If the  object  does  not exist,  the  escape message  sent  by  DLTPGM
(CPF2105) is resent  as TAA9891 and specified as  a diagnostic message.
Thus  DLTOBJ2 provides a good  audit trail of what  happened and avoids
any escape messages.

Could you write a CL program to do the EXCSRC functions?

Certainly, and you could  use the full range  of CL program  statements
such as IF,  CHGVAR, MONMSG, etc.  The  advantage of EXCSRC is  that it
is  already coded  and provides  for the  typical  kinds of  things you
will want to use along with appropriate audit trail output.

EXCSRC Command parameters                             *CMD

   LABEL         The  label  identifying the  commands to  be executed.
                 A  specific name,  a  generic  name, or  *ALL  may  be
                 specified.   Normally, you  will use  the name  of the
                 object you want to create as the label name.

                 If  you have two  identical label names,  both sets of
                 source will be  executed if  you specify  the name  on

   SRCFILE       The  qualified source  file to  be used.   The  source
                 file  name  defaults  to  QCLSRC.    The library  name
                 defaults to *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be specified.

   SRCMBR        The name of  the source member  containing the  source
                 to be read by EXCSRC.  The default is EXCSRC.

   PRMOBJLIB     A replacement  value  that will  be used  in place  of
                 any  &PRMOBJLIB values found  in the  source.   You do
                 not  do  a DCL  for &PRMOBJLIB.   It  is automatically
                 defined as *CHAR  LEN(10).   PRMOBJLIB is intended  to
                 be  used when  you want  the  object library  to be  a

                 The  default is  *NONE.   You  cannot use  the default
                 and  attempt  to  execute  a  command  that   contains

   PRMSRCLIB     Like  PRMOBJLIB, but  intended  to  be used  when  you
                 want the source library to be a variable.

   PRMSRCFIL     Like  PRMOBJLIB,  but  intended to  be  used  when you
                 want the source file to be a variable.

   PRMVARNB1-5   Five different  parameters  that are  like  PRMOBJLIB.
                 You  may use  them  wherever  you  have a  value  that
                 should be replaced.

   DLTSPLF       A *YES/*NO  value that determines if  the spooled file
                 will  be kept  if EXCSRC completes  successfully.  The
                 default is *NO  to always retain  the spooled file  as
                 an  audit trail.    If an  error  occurs, the  spooled
                 file  is always retained.  The  spooled file will have
                 a name of ALLLABELS or ONELABEL.

EXCSRC2 Command parameters                            *CMD

The EXCSRC2  command  uses  the  identical  parameters  as  the  EXCSRC
command.  Different  internal objects are used to allow  a single level
of recursive use.

STRCND Command parameters                             *CMD

See  the  previous  comments  about  the  restrictions for  the  STRCND

   IF            The type of condition  to be tested.   You must  enter
                 either *FOUND  or *NOTFOUND.   Based on  the condition
                 being  satisfied,  the  commands which  follow  STRCND
                 will  be  executed.   The  conditional  execution ends
                 with an ENDCND command.

                 The OBJ, OBJTYPE, and  MBR parameters are just  passed
                 to the system CHKOBJ command.

   OBJ           The  qualified  object  to  be tested.    The  library
                 defaults  to  *LIBL.   A specific  library  or *CURLIB
                 may be used.

                 Variable names may not be used.

   OBJTYPE       The object  type to  be tested.   Any  value found  on
                 CHKOBJ may be used.

                 A variable name may not be used.

   MBR           The  member  within a  data  base  file object  to  be
                 checked for.   *NONE is the default.   A specific name
                 or *FIRST may be specified for a data base file.

                 A variable name may not be used.

ENDCND Command                                        *CMD

See the  previous  comments  about  the  restrictions  for  the  ENDCND

There are no parameters for the command.


PDM provides  for  user defined  options in  addition  to the  standard
options (e.g.   2=Edit).  You  can enter a user defined  option for the
EXCSRC command.

       When  a  user  option  is specified,  PDM  will  not  prompt for
       missing parameters.

Do the  following if  you are  not familiar with  how to  create a  PDM

  **   You must  first consider  where you want  to place  the options.
       The  default is  the QAUOOPT file  in QGPL.   You  can see which
       options file is being used  by specifying F18 'Change  defaults'
       from the PDM 'Work' display.

  **   If you  do not  want to use  the default,  then you  must create
       your  own file.   A typical solution  would be to  use CRTDUPOBJ
       to duplicate the existing QAUOOPT file  in QGPL to a library  of
       your  choice (use  the same  name  of QAUOOPT).    Then use  the
       'Change  Defaults'  display  and  modify  the  library  for  the
       QAUOOPT file.

       After  you  have  selected which  file  to use,  the  PDM 'Work'
       display should  appear.   You  can  use the  F16 key  for  'User
       Options'.    This  will  display  the  'Work  with  User-Defined
       Options'  display and  you will  see the  existing options.   To
       create a new option, specify F6.

       A display  will  appear  named  'Create  User-Defined  Options'.
       You can enter a  2 character ID for the option.   You may choose
       any characters.

       PDM  has  a  syntax for  how  a  User-Defined  option should  be
       entered that allows  variable names.   The variable names  (like
       &N for member name)  are entered with the option  you create and
       are then substituted by PDM when you execute the option.

Assume you  will want to  use a user defined  option to do  a SBMJOB of
the  EXCSRC  command for  the  member that  you  identify.   Assume the

  **   The letters XS (EXCSRC) will be used.

  **   The job name should be the member name.

  **   The JOBD on SBMJOB should be the default.

  **   The EXCSRC label name should be the member name.

  **   The source file that  contains the EXCSRC source is the  same as
       the one you are currently using with PDM.

  **   The  source member containing  the commands  is EXCSRC  which is
       the default for EXCSRC.

For the XS user defined option, you would enter:


When  you enter XS next to  a member name and press  Enter, a job would
be submitted with the EXCSRC  command which would execute the  commands
you had specified for the label.

Note that with this  solution there is no prompt  if the object already
exists.   To achieve a prompt, you would have  to create a user command
(e.g.   SBMEXCSRC) and  determine  in the  CPP  if the  object  already
existed.  You could then do the SBMJOB for the EXCSRC command.

Note  that  if  you  use  the  PDM   approach,  you  could  still  have
replacement  variables and  specify them  as  constants.   For example,
you might say:


In  the  source  read by  EXCSRC  you  would use  the  &PRMOBJLIB value
whenever you specified  an object  library.  Then  you could execute  a
separate  EXCSRC  command when  you  wanted  the  object created  in  a
production library.


See  the previous restrictions discussed about  how to enter the source
and the use of the STRCND/ENDCND commands.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC    Check generic
     CHKJOBCTL    Check job control
     FILEFDBCK    File feedback
     HLRMVMSG     HLL Remove message
     RPGSTSDS     RPG Status data structure
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   EXCSRC        *CMD                   TAASRDF       QATTCMD
   STRCND        *CMD                   TAASRDF2      QATTCMD
   ENDCND        *CMD                   TAASRDF3      QATTCMD
   EXCSRC2       *CMD                   TAASRDF4      QATTCMD
   TAASRDFC      *PGM       CLP         TAASRDFC      QATTCL
   TAASRDFC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDFC2     QATTCL
   TAASRDFC3     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDFC3     QATTCL
   TAASRDFC4     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDFC4     QATTCL
   TAASRDFC9     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDFC9     QATTCL
   TAASRDFR      *PGM       RPG         TAASRDFR      QATTRPG
   TAASRDFR4     *PGM       RPG         TAASRDFR4     QATTRPG


EXCSRC      Cmd
   TAASRDFC   CL pgm
     TAASRDFR   RPG pgm
        TAASRDFC9   CL pgm

STRCND      Cmd
   TAASRDFC2   CL pgm

ENDCND      Cmd
   TAASRDFC3   CL pgm

EXCSRC2     Cmd
   TAASRDFC4  CL pgm
     TAASRDFR4  RPG pgm
        TAASRDFC9   CL pgm

The TAASRDFC2/TAASRDFC3 CPPs are simple  CL programs that will send  an
escape  message if  the commands  are  executed outside  of the  EXCSRC

The  EXCSRC2 command  is  identical with  EXCSRC, but  allows  a single
level of recursive use.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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