TAA Tools
FNDOBJNAM       FIND OBJECT NAME                       TAAOBKR

The Find  Object Name command  searches for an  object name, a  generic
object  name, or a  string of characters  in a  object name.   A single
object  type or all  object types may  be searched.   A single library,
multiple  libraries,  or  all  libraries  may  be  searched.     Either
messages  are  sent  or a  spooled  file  is  output.   The  intent  of
FNDOBJNAM  is to assist you  when you can  remember something about the
object name,  but not necessarily  the full  name or  where you  placed
the object.

You must have  *ALLOBJ special authority to specify a  library value of

A typical command would be:


Messages  would be produced  for all objects  that had DEF  in the name
regardless of type.  For example, ABCDEFGHI, DEFxxx, etc.

For a description of how to enter  a generic name or a string, see  the
OBJ parameter description.

FNDOBJNAM escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    No objects exist in the library
      TAA9893    The string is not found in any object name
      TAA9894    The library does not exist

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   OBJ           The object name to  be searched for.  The  name may be
                 a  specific name,  a generic  name,  or a  string (two
                 forms of string are supported).

                 If  ABC (specific  object) is entered,  only the exact
                 object name ABC would  be searched for.   Object names
                 such as XABC or ABCX would not satisfy the search.

                 If ABC*  (generic) is specified, object  names such as
                 ABC,  ABCX,  and  ABCXYZ  would  satisfy  the  search.
                 Object names  such  as  XABC  would  not  satisfy  the

                 If *ABC*  is entered  (string), the  command can  only
                 be  entered by  using the prompter.   This  is similar
                 to the  same  type  of  entry  supported  by  the  OBJ
                 parameter of  WRKOBJPDM (you  can use  a command  line
                 if  you surround the  value in  quotes such  as '*ABC'
                 for  the  OBJ  parameter).   Object  names  ABC, ABCX,
                 XABC,  XABCX,   and  JKLMNOPABC   would  satisfy   the
                 search.   Note that  if you prompt  and enter  a lower
                 case  value  such  as  '*abc*',  the  command returned
                 will have the OBJ value  in lower case.  However,  the
                 value  is translated  to upper  case before  searching
                 for an object name.

                 If  *ABC is  entered (second  form of  string), object
                 names  such  as  ABC,   XABC,  and  JKLMNOPABC   would
                 satisfy  the  search.    The  second  form  of  string
                 requires that  blanks follow the string  in the object
                 name  or  that  the name  end  with the  string  to be
                 scanned for.   Values such as  ABCX would not  satisfy
                 the search.

   LIB           The  library containing  the object  to be  checked or
                 the   special   values   *LIBL,   *USRLIBL,   *CURLIB,
                 *ALLUSR, *ALLUSR2, *IBM, or *ALL.

                 A generic library name may  also be entered.  The  API
                 used does  not support  a generic  library name.   The
                 function  occurs  by using  *ALL for  the  library and
                 then selecting the individual  objects to see if  they
                 exist in  the generic library  name.  Because  of this
                 approach, if  a short generic object  name is entered,
                 the  performance can be slow  as many objects may need
                 to be  accessed and  checked for  the generic  library

                 For *LIBL  and *USRLIBL, if a  current library exists,
                 it will also be searched.

                 *ALLUSR  means  any library  that was  not  created by
                 the system according to the CHKIBMLIB command.

                 *ALLUSR2 means  any library  that meets  the  criteria
                 specified  for   the  SAVLIB   LIB(*ALLUSR)  function.
                 This   excludes  #  libraries  such   as  #SEULIB  and
                 includes QUSRSYS, QGPL,  etc.  See  the help text  for
                 the SAVLIB LIB  parameter for a  complete description.

                 An entry  of *IBM causes all libraries  to be included
                 as per the definition of the CHKIBMLIB tool.

                 Product libraries are never included.

   OBJTYPE       The  object type to  be searched for.   The default is
                 *ALL.  See the command prompt for a complete list.

   OUTPUT        How  the  output  should  be  presented.    *  is  the
                 default and  means that messages  will be sent  if the
                 command  is executed  interactively.   If  the command
                 is executed in batch, a spooled file is created.

                 *PRINT may be specified to cause a spooled file.


You must have  *ALLOBJ authority to  specify a library  value of  *ALL,


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKALLOBJ    Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKGENERC    Check generic
     CVTLIBOBJD   Convert library object description
     EDTVAR       Edit variable
     PRINT        Print from a CL program
     RTVOBJLST    Retrieve object list
     SCNVAR       Scan variable
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message
     TRNVAL       Translate value


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   FNDOBJNAM     *CMD                   TAAOBKR       QATTCMD
   TAAOBKRC      *PGM       CLP         TAAOBKRC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools December 15, 2002

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