TAA Tools
JOBANZ          JOB ANALYSIS                           TAAJOEA

The Job  Analysis  tool submits  a never  ending batch  job to  capture
WRKACTJOB information  at specified intervals.   Options exist  such as
sending  a message if  a job has  used more than  a specified amount of
CPU percentage  during an  interval.   The  JOBANZ tool  can assist  in
determining  which  jobs  and  conditions  are causing  a  slowdown  in
system performance.

The  TAA Tool CVTWRKACT  is used to capture  the WRKACTJOB information.
Each time CVTWRKACT is  run, a file is  updated in a specified  library
with  the  amount  of  CPU  usage,  transactions,  response  time,  and
auxiliary  I/O.  The  file contains both  the job total  values and the
values for the interval.

Optionally, the  updated file  is copied  to a  history file  to  allow
further analysis.

Getting started

  **   As a user with *ALLOBJ authority, enter:


       And enter  a library name  where the  JOBANZ objects will  exist
       such as TAAJOBANZ.

       It  is recommended  that a  unique library  be used  because the
       data  that will exist in the  library is probably only needed on
       a temporary  basis.   Since  the  amount of  data  can be  quite
       large,  using a  unique library  will allow  you to  specify the
       library as an OMITLIB on various save commands.

  **   As a user with *ALLOBJ authority, enter:


       This  creates the JOBANZP file and the  JOBANZD data area in the
       library you  specified.    The  JOBANZP file  will  contain  the
       current and  interval information  about each  active job.   The
       JOBANZD  data   area  will  contain  the  default  settings  for
       various options.

  **   You may  optionally create  the JOBHSTP  file in  the  specified
       library, which will contain  a copy of the records  from JOBANZP
       for  each  interval.   This  file can  become  quite large,  but
       allows  for a  good analysis if  problems occur.   See the later
       section on 'Maintaining the JOBHSTP file'.

       As a user with *ALLOBJ authority, enter:


  **   Enter CHGJOBANZD and  prompt with F4  to see the current  values
       used for for JOBANZ.

       A  prompt  override  program  accesses the  current  values  and
       places them on the command prompt.

         --   The  message  queue identifies  where a  message  will be
              sent if one of the  thresholds is exceeded.  The  default
              is QSYSOPR in  QSYS.  You could name  a different message
              queue  and also process  the message queue  with your own
              break  handling  program.    See  the  later  section  on
              'Threshold message handling'.

              *NONE may  be specified  to bypass  sending any  message.
              The JOBHSTP file could still be used for analysis.

         --   Three different  threshold values exist  for interactive,
              batch,  and 'other' type jobs  for the CPU percentage use
              during an  interval.   The default  for each  is 5.0%  of
              the CPU.

              WRKACTJOB  identifies the  type  of job  that is  active.
              Interactive  jobs  are  described  as  INT  and would  be
              compared to the  interactive threshold.   Batch jobs  are
              described  as BCH  and  would be  compared  to the  batch
              threshold.   If the job  is not interactive  or batch, it
              is  considered  'other'.    'Other'  job  types   (mostly
              system   jobs)  would   be   compared  to   the   'other'

         --   The  interval time  identifies how  long to  wait between
              the use of CVTWRKACT.  The default is 30 seconds.

         --   The   Print   option   is   designed   for   testing  and
              understanding  how  the  tool  operates.    *NO   is  the
              default meaning there is no printed output.

              If  *YES  is  specified,  each  CVTWRKACT  interval  will
              cause  the data written to the  JOBANZP file to be listed
              as a separate  spooled file.   Each active  job is  shown
              along  with the  current interval  CPU %  usage and  jobs
              are  flagged  if  they  have  exceeded  a threshold.    A
              message would be sent if  a message queue was  specified.

       Make any required changes and press Enter.

  **   A  simple  command  exists  to  display  or  print  the  JOBANZD
       values.  Enter:


  **   To start  the never ending  batch job you must  be authorized to
       the  files  that  were  created.    See  the  later  section  on
       'Security'.     If  you   have  created  the   files,  you   are
       authorized.  Enter:


       The TAAJOBANZ  job begins by  determining the library  where the
       JOBANZ  objects exist  and extracting  the information  from the
       JOBANZD data  area with  the options  specified.   CVTWRKACT  is
       used to  create an outfile  of the active  jobs.  For  the first
       usage  of SBMJOBANZ, the  JOBANZP file in  the specified library
       is cleared and  a record is  added to the  file for each  active
       job.  Because  it is not known  at that point how long  the jobs
       have  been active,  the first  use of  CVTWRKACT will  not cause
       any jobs to exceed a threshold.

       The  job then  waits for the  interval to expire.   CVTWRKACT is
       done again.

       If the job record does  not exist in the JOBANZP file,  a record
       is  added.    Since any  CPU  usage  for  a  new job  must  have
       occurred  during the interval,  the CPU usage  and percent usage
       are determined.  If  a threshold is met  and a message queue  is
       specified, a message would be sent.

       If the job  already exists in the JOBANZP  file, the information
       is  updated with the  amount of CPU  usage for the  interval and
       the  CPU  %  usage.    If  the  percentage  usage  exceeds   the
       corresponding  job  type  threshold  and   a  message  queue  is
       specified, a message is sent to the message queue.

       After  all updates  have  been done,  the JOBANZP  file  is read
       again.    If a  record  has not  been  updated with  the current
       time,  the  job was  ended  during  the  interval.    These  job
       records are deleted.

       It may  be desirable  to modify the  options during  the running
       of  the TAAJOBANZ  job.   For this  reason, at  the end  of each
       interval, the current information  from the JOBANZD  description
       is  accessed and  used.   Thus  you can  dynamically change  the
       interval  time, the threshold values,  etc.  The  new values are
       not used until the current interval ends.

       To end the TAAJOBANZ job, enter:


  **   A menu of the  JOBANZ commands exist to  assist in further  use.

             GO JOBANZ

       The menu provides a  simple review of the commands  and allows a
       simple entry.


The  use of CVTWRKACT  and the calculation  of values for  the interval
is  subject  to what  is reported  by the  system and  rounding errors.
For example,  it would  not be unusual  to see  a job  using more  than
100% of the CPU.

The  intent  of the  tool  is  to allow  you  to  find instances  where
performance  is 'out of bounds' and  not necessarily to determine exact
CPU usage and response time.

Commands provided

       CRTJOBANZ       Creates the JOBANZP file and JOBANZD data area
       CRTJOBHST       Creates the JOBHSTP file
       DLTJOBANZ       Deletes the JOBANZP file and JOBANZD data area
       DLTJOBHST       Deletes the JOBHSTP file
       SBMJOBANZ       Submits the TAAJOBANZ job
       ENDJOBANZ       Ends the TAAJOBANZ job submitted by SBMJOBANZ
       DSPJOBHST       Displays the JOBHSTP file
       MTNJOBHST       Maintains the JOBHSTP file
       CHGJOBANZD      Changes the values for the JOBANZD data area
       DSPJOBANZD      Displays or prints the JOBANZD values

Ending the TAAJOBANZ job

A special  command  ENDJOBANZ may  be used  to  end the  TAAJOBANZ  job
submitted by  SBMJOBANZ.   You must have  *JOBCTL special  authority to

ENDJOBANZ  uses  OPTION(*CNTRLD).    The  TAAJOBANZ  job checks  for  a
request to  end  the  job  at  the end  of  each  interval  (after  any
messages have been sent).

The DELAY time  parameter for ENDJOBANZ  should be set  slightly larger
than  the  interval  time  you  are  using  to  allow the  job  to  end
normally.    For this  reason the  default is  *DFT which  accesses the
JOBANZD value for the time interval and adds 5 seconds.

You may also end TAAJOBANZ  with ENDJOB or as an option from  a display
such as WRKACTJOB.

Note  that if a  job ends  during an  interval it  is no  longer active
when   CVTWRKACT  is   run  and  will   not  appear   in  the  interval

Starting and ending the JOBANZ functions multiple times

You may include  the JOBANZ  job as a  startup function at  IPL or  may
start it manually  with the SBMJOBANZ command.  Only  one TAAJOBINZ job
may be active at a time.

You may  end the job and restart it as often  as needed.  Each time the
job is started with  SBMJOBANZ, the JOBANZP file  is cleared first  and
records are added for the active jobs that exist.


Only  an *ALLOBJ  user  can  use  CRTJOBANZ, CRTJOBHST,  DLTJOBANZ,  or
DLTJOBHST.   When the files are created, they  are specified as *PUBLIC
*EXCLUDE.  The JOBANZD data area is set to *PUBLIC(*USE).

To run SBMJOBANZ, the user must be authorize to the JOBANZP file for:

             *OBJMGT   *CHANGE

If  the  JOBHSTP file  exists,  the user  of  SBMJOBANZ must  also have
authorization to JOBHSTP for:

                *OBJOPR   *ADD

To use MTNJOBHST, the user must be authorized to JOBHSTP for:

             *OBJMGT   *CHANGE

To  use  CHGJOBANZD, the  user  must  have  *CHANGE  authority  to  the
JOBANZD data area.

To use ENDJOBANZ, the user must have *JOBCTL special authority.

DSPJOBANZD allows *PUBLIC usage.

DSPJOBHST requires *USE authority to the JOBHSTP file.

Threshold message handling

If  a job  exceeds the  corresponding job  type threshold  value  and a
message  queue  is specified  in  the  JOBANZD data  area,  the TAA3011
message from message file TAAMSGF in TAATOOL is sent.

The default  is QSYSOPR  in QSYS.   You  can send  the  message to  any
message queue including  one that is read by a  break handling program.
To achieve this, do the following:

  **   Assume  your message queue  is ABC in  LIB1.  You  would specify
       these values on CHGJOBANZD.

  **   Assume your break handling program name is PGM1 in LIB1.

  **   You would set the message queue as follows:


  **   The TAA3011  message  sent  for  a  threshold  exception  has  a
       message data area layout as:

            1 - 10  Job name
           11 - 20  User name
           21 - 26  Job number
           27 - 33  CPU Percent used

  **   Your program would be coded as follows:

             PGM        PARM(&MSGQ &LIB &MSGREF)
             DCL        &MSGQ *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &LIB *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &MSGREF *CHAR LEN(4)
             DCL        &MSGDTA *CHAR LEN(100)
             DCL        &MSGID *CHAR LEN(7)
             DCL        &JOB *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &USER *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &JOBNBR *CHAR LEN(6)
             DCL        &CPUPCT *CHAR LEN(7)
             DCL        &JOBANZLIB *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &THRTYP *CHAR LEN(10)
                          MSGDTA(&MSGDTA) MSGID(&MSGID) RMV(*NO)
             IF         (&MSGID *NE 'TAA3011') DO /* Diff msg ID   */
                        /*                                         */
                        /*   Your processing of diff msg ID        */
                        /*                                         */
             GOTO       LOOP
             ENDDO      /* Diff msg ID */
                        /* TAA3011 message */
             CHGVAR     &JOB %SST(&MSGDTA 1 10)
             CHGVAR     &USER %SST(&MSGDTA 11 10)
             CHGVAR     &JOBNBR %SST(&MSGDTA 21 6)
             CHGVAR     &CPUPCT %SST(&MSGDTA 27 7)
             CHGVAR     &JOBANZLIB %SST(&MSGDTA 34 10)
             CHGVAR     &THRTYP %SST(&MSGDTA 44 10)
                        /*                                         */
                        /*   Your processing of TAA3011            */
                        /*                                         */
             GOTO       LOOP

Maintaining the JOBHSTP file

The JOBHSTP  file is  optional.   Each time the  interval records  have
been updated  to the JOBANZP  file, a copy  of the records  is added to
the  JOBHSTP file.  JOBHSTP  has the same format as  JOBANZP, but is an
arrival sequence file.

For example, if you  use JOBANZ with an  interval of 30 seconds  for 12
hours and  have an average of  300 jobs active, there  would be 432,000
records  per day.  The  record length is approximately  140 bytes or 60
million bytes.

You can  perform  analysis  of the  file  such as  with  the  DSPJOBHST
command or  write your own  query.  See  the section on  'Analyzing the
JOBHSTP file'.

Because  the JOBHSTP  file can  accumulate a  large number  of records,
you need to have a maintenance strategy.

For example, you may want  to keep only the last  3 days of records  on
the system.  This could be done by entering:

             MTNJOBHST   RTNDAYS(3)

Any  records prior  to  3  days from  today  would  be retained.    The
current days  records cannot be removed.   If you want  to minimize the
space for a function such as backup, use CLRPFM.

During  the running of MTNJOBHST, a  work file (JOBHSTP2) is created in
the specified  library  and  all records  are  copied from  JOBHSTP  to
JOBHSTP2.   The retention  date is calculated  and all  records created
on  or after the  date are copied  back to JOBHSTP.   The JOBHSTP2 file
is then deleted.

MTNJOBHST may  be  run at  the  same time  that  the TAAJOBANZ  job  is
active.   Each function attempts to  allocate the file for  *SHRNUP and
loops  for 5 minutes  if the lock  is not available.   For  best use of
MTNJOBHST, run  when the  TAAJOBANZ job  is  not running  or at  a  low
activity time.

If  an  error  occurs  during  processing,  you   must  make  a  manual

Analyzing the JOBHSTP file

There is one record for each job that was active for each interval.

The  model file  used  is  TAAJOEAP in  TAATOOL.   The  format  name is
JOBANZR.   The same file  layout is used for both  the JOBANZP file and
the JOBHSTP file.

To see the field descriptions, use

             DSPFMT    TAAJOEAP

Each record  contains  both the  total (accumulated  for  the job  thus
far) and the interval value for:

           - CPU used
           - Interactive transactions
           - Response time
           - Temporary storage

           - Auxiliary I/O
           - Interval average response time

Also included is the average response time for the interval.

The  DSPJOBHST  command  provides   basic  analysis.    It  will  allow
selection  and sequencing on various fields.   Only the interval values
are shown.  A typical command would be:

             DSPJOBHST    JOB(xxx)  SEQ(*QLFJOB)

Only a  specific job  name would  be selected.   If  you have  multiple
jobs  of the  same name,  the output  would be  sequenced in  date/time
within qualified job name.

JOBANZ escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CRTJOBANZ Command parameters                          *CMD


CRTJOBHST Command parameters                          *CMD


DLTJOBANZ Command parameters                          *CMD


DLTJOBHST Command parameters                          *CMD


SBMJOBANZ Command parameters                          *CMD

   JOBQ          The qualified  name of the job queue  to be used.  The
                 default is QSYSNOMAX which exists in QSYS.

                 *LIBL, *CURLIB,  or a  specific library  may be  named
                 for the library.

MTNJOBHST Command parameters                          *CMD

   RTNDAYS       The number  of days prior  to today  to retain in  the
                 file.   The default is 3 meaning  that the records for
                 the  current day and  3 days prior  would be retained.

DSPJOBHST Command parameters                          *CMD

   JOB           The job name to select  on by an *EQ comparison.   The
                 default is *NONE.

   USER          The  user name  to  select on  by  an *EQ  comparison.
                 The default is *NONE.

   JOBNBR        The  job number  to  select on  by an  *EQ comparison.
                 The default is *NONE.

   FROMDATE      The From date to select  on by a *GE comparison.   The
                 default is *NONE.

   FROMTIME      The  From time  to  select on  by  a '*GE  comparison.
                 The default is *NONE.

   TODATE        The  To date to  select on by  a *LE comparison.   The
                 default is *NONE.

   TOTIME        The To time  to select on  by a *LE  comparison.   The
                 default is *NONE.

   INTCPU        The  interval  CPU   time  to  select  on  by   a  *GE
                 comparison.  The default is *NONE.

   INTPCTCPU     The  interval  CPU  percent  to  select on  by  a  *GE
                 comparison.  The default is *NONE.

   INTTRANS      The  interval  transactions  to  select  on  by  a *GE
                 comparison.  The default is *NONE.

   INTAVGRSP     The interval average  response to select  on by a  *GE
                 comparison.  The default is *NONE.

   INTTMPSTG     The interval  temporary storage to select on  by a *GE
                 comparison.  The default is *NONE.

   INTAUXIO      The  interval  auxiliary I/O  to  select on  by  a *GE
                 comparison.  The default is *NONE.

   SEQ           How to  sequence the  output.   The  default is  *NONE
                 meaning the  sequence the  file is  in which is  based
                 on  the convert date/time  and the order  in which the
                 CVTWRKACT command converted the jobs.

                 *QLFJOB may be specified  to sequence the  information
                 in ascending order by the qualified job name.

                 *CPUPCT may be  specified to sequence  the information
                 in descending order by CPU percentage used.

                 *TMPSTG may  be specified to  sequence the information
                 in descending order by temporary storage used.

                 *AUXIO  may be  specified to  sequence the information
                 in descending order by auxiliary I/O used.

   OUTPUT        How to  output  the  results.   *  is the  default  to
                 display  the spooled  file if  the command  is entered
                 interactively.   The spooled file  is deleted after it
                 is displayed.

                 If the  command  is  entered  in batch  or  *PRINT  is
                 specified, the  spooled file  is output  and retained.

CHGJOBANZD Command parameters                         *CMD

   MSGQ          The qualified  name of the message queue  to be sent a
                 message to  if  a  job  exceeds  the  CPU%  during  an
                 interval.   If  a  message  queue  is named,  it  must
                 exist and a specific library must be entered.

                 The default is QSYSOPR in QSYS.

                 *NONE  may  be  specified  in  which case  no  message
                 would  be sent  if a  job exceeded  a threshold.   The
                 optional  JOBHSTP  file   could  still  be   used  for

   INTTHR        The  interactive job  threshold limit.   If  the limit
                 is  reached during an interval  for an interactive job
                 and a  message queue  is defined,  a  message will  be

                 The default  is 5.0 meaning 5%  of the CPU  during the

   BCHTHR        The  batch  job  threshold limit.    If  the limit  is
                 reached during  an  interval for  a  batch job  and  a
                 message queue is defined, a message will be sent.

                 The default is  5.0 meaning 5%  of the CPU  during the

   OTHTHR        The 'other'  job threshold limit.   An 'other'  job is
                 one  which is not  an interactive or  batch job.  Most
                 system jobs  are  in the  'other'  category.   If  the
                 limit is  reached during an  interval for a  job which
                 does  not  meet  the criteria  for  an  interactive or
                 batch job and  a message queue  is defined, a  message
                 will be sent.

                 The  default  is 5.0  meaning  5%  of CPU  during  the

   INTERVAL      The  number  of seconds  the TAAJOBANZ  job  will wait
                 before using  CVTWRKACT again  and checking  for  jobs
                 exceeding the specified thresholds.

   PRINT         A  *NO/*YES value  for  whether  the contents  of  the
                 JOBANZP file will be listed or not.

                 *NO is the default.

                 *YES  may be specified  to causes  a listing  in which
                 case  there will be  one line of  data for each active
                 job.   The intent  of *YES  is to  allow an  education
                 and testing function for JOBANZ.

DSPJOBANZD Command parameters                         *CMD

   OUTPUT        How  to output  the  results.   *  is  the default  to
                 display  the spooled  file if  the command  is entered
                 interactively.  The spooled  file is deleted after  it
                 is displayed.

                 If  the  command is  entered  in  batch or  *PRINT  is
                 specified,  the spooled  file is output  and retained.

ENDJOBANZ Command parameters                          *CMD

   DELAY         The time  to  delay for  OPTION(*CNTRLD)  when  ending
                 the TAAJOBANZ job.

                 The  default is  *DFT  which  adds  5 seconds  to  the
                 number  of seconds specified  for the interval.   This
                 allows the job to end normally.

                 A number of seconds may also be specified.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT          Add date
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CLCTIMDIF       Calculate time differences
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTTIM          Convert time
     CVTWRKACT       Convert WRKACTJOB
     DLYJOBLOOP      Delay job loop
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FMTLIN          Format line
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVAPPVAL       Retrieve application value
     RTVJOBSTS       Retrieve job status
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTJOBANZ     *CMD                   TAAJOEA       QATTCMD
   DLTJOBANZ     *CMD                   TAAJOEA2      QATTCMD
   CRTJOBHST     *CMD                   TAAJOEA3      QATTCMD
   DLTJOBHST     *CMD                   TAAJOEA4      QATTCMD
   SBMJOBANZ     *CMD                   TAAJOEA5      QATTCMD
   MTNJOBHST     *CMD                   TAAJOEA6      QATTCMD
   CHGJOBANZD    *CMD                   TAAJOEA7      QATTCMD
   ENDJOBANZ     *CMD                   TAAJOEA9      QATTCMD
   DSPJOBHST     *CMD                   TAAJOEA10     QATTCMD
   TAAJOEAC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC      QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC2     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC3     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC4     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC4     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC5     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC5     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC6     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC6     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC7     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC7     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC8     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC8     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC9     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC9     QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC10    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC10    QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC24    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC24    QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC25    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC25    QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC26    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC26    QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC27    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC27    QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC28    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC28    QATTCL
   TAAJOEAC29    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEAC29    QATTCL
   TAAJOEAR10    *PGM       RPG         TAAJOEAR10    QATTRPG
   TAAJOEAR25    *PGM       RPG         TAAJOEAR25    QATTRPG
   TAAJOEAR28    *PGM       RPG         TAAJOEAR28    QATTRPG
   TAAJOEAP      *FILE      PF          TAAJOEAP      QATTDDS
   TAAJOEAQ      *FILE      PF          TAAJOEAQ      QATTDDS
   JOBANZ        *MENU


TAAJOEAC27  is  called  by  many  programs  to  determine  the  library
containing  the  files.    The  program  adopts  the  authorization  of
QSECOFR to access the JOBANZ Application Value in TAASECURE.





   TAAJOEAC5   CL pgm  - Submits TAAJOEAC25
     TAAJOEAC25  CL Pgm - Main batch program
       TAAJOEAR25  RPG Pgm
         TAAJOEAC26    CL Pgm  - Calculates time interval
         TAAJOEAC28    CL Pgm  - Sends msg to MSGQ
       TAAHSTEC9   CL Pgm

   TAAJOEAC9    CL Pgm

   TAAJOEAC6    CL Pgm

   TAAJOEAC10   CL Pgm
     TAAJOEAR10   RPG Pgm

   TAAJOEAC7    CL Pgm
   TAAJOEAC29   CL Pgm  Prompt override

   TAAJOEAC7    CL Pgm
     TAAJOEAC8    RPG Pgm for printing

JOBANZ      Menu
   TAAJOEAC24  CL  Pgm
     TAAJOEAE     Display file

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 15, 2005

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