* *
* Since DLTOLDSPLF has been enhanced *
* to allow for a large number of *
* spooled files, this tool may *
* only be of a value in some *
* unique conditions. *
* *
The Move Spooled File Output Queue command is a special purpose
function intended for the case when CVTOUTQ (used by tools such as
DLTOLDSPLF) cannot be used because the number of spooled files
exceeds the 16MB limit of a user space (approximately 160,000+
spooled files). MOVSPLOUTQ reads the WRKOUTQ spooled file and moves
a specified number of spooled files.
Only spooled files in a RDY or HLD status are moved.
MOVSPLOUTQ may also be used in conjunction with the SPLARC tool which
converts spooled files to members and may reach the limit of 32K
members in a data base file.
Assume you have an excess of spooled files and DLTOLDSPLF cannot be
used because of the 16MB limit. Using MOVSPLOUTQ, you can move up to
160,000 spooled files to a unique output queue and then use
DLTOLDSPLF on that output queue.
Only spooled files in a RDY or HLD status are moved.
You may optionally specify a last date and last time to consider when
moving. For example, if you did not want to move any spooled files
that were opened after a date, specify the date in LASTDAT.
MOVSPLOUTQ escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9893 No spooled files exist in the RDY or HLD status
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
FROMOUTQ The qualified name of the output queue to move
spooled files from. The library value defaults to
*LIBL. *CURLIB may also be used.
TOOUTQ The qualified name of the output queue to move
spooled files to. The library value defaults to
*LIBL. *CURLIB may also be used.
MOVCNT The number of spooled files to be moved. The
default is 1. From 1 to 160,000 may be moved.
If a number larger than the number of spooled files
that are eligible to be moved, no error occurs.
Only the number that are eligible would be moved.
If you are using the SPLARC tool after the move, you
must limit the number to 32,767 as this is the
number of members that can exist in a single data
base file.
LASTDAT The last 'date' to consider when moving a spooled
file. The date refers to the 'date opened' which
can be seen from many spool displays. The default
is *ALL meaning all dates are considered. If a
specific date is needed, enter it in job format.
LASTTIM The last 'time' to consider when moving a spooled
file. The time refers to the 'time opened' which
can be seen from many spool displays. The default
is *ALL for all times based on the LASTDAT entered.
If LASTDAT(*ALL) is specified, LASTTIM(*ALL) must be
entered. If a specific time is needed, enter it in
HHMMSS format.
*JOBCTL special authority is required.
Because the function must read the spooled file listing, it is
release dependent and English language dependent.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKJOBCTL Check *JOBCTL special authority
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
CVTTIM Convert time
EDTVAR Edit variable
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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