The Print Back to Back tool allows the printing of spooled files on
'back to back' pages using a normal printer.
The output of the command is one spooled file with the odd numbered
pages and one spooled file with the even numbered pages. The spooled
file with the even numbered pages should be printed first. The
spooled file with odd numbered pages is output as HOLD(*YES). After
the first spooled file is printed, you remount the paper to print on
the reverse side and then release the spooled file.
Note that some cut sheet printers (e.g. 4028) turn the paper before
it prints so the second pass is achieved by mounting the paper
'printed side up'.
Two commands are provided:
** PRTBCKBCK operates on a single spooled file.
** PRTBCKBCK2 operates on all spooled files in an output queue.
All of the files are concatenated together to form the two
spooled files that are output by the command. Therefore, page
1 of each spooled file (after the first) may not appear on an
odd numbered page.
The commands operate by using CPYSPLF to a temporary data base file
which is then split into two additional temporary data base files
(one for the odd pages and one for the even pages). CPYF is then
used print the odd and even data base files.
Because the data is re-printed, only normal DP output can be used (no
special printer graphics). Up to 249 bytes of print line data may be
Printing the spooled files
The two output spooled files are for the odd and even number pages.
The even numbered pages should be output first. They are placed in
the *RDY status. The odd number pages are specified as HOLD(*YES).
After you print the even numbered pages, reload the paper and release
the odd pages spooled file.
The purpose of printing the even numbered pages first is twofold:
** If there is one more odd numbered page and COPIES(1) is
specified, the last odd numbered page will print on the next
blank page that is mounted. You always reload all of the even
numbered pages.
** The pages come out in the correct order after the odd numbered
pages are printed.
If COPIES is greater than 1, the command forces the even numbered
pages to be the same as the odd numbered count. If this occurs,
there will be a blank page at the end of the even pages file for each
copy. When the odd numbered copies print, it will handle the blank
page correctly.
PRTBCKBCK command parameters *CMD
FILE The spooled file name to be printed.
TOOUTQ The qualified name of the output queue where the odd
and even spooled files will be written. The library
defaults to *LIBL. *CURLIB may be specified. The
value of this parameter overrides the output queue
specified in the TOPRTF printer file.
JOB The qualified name of the job containing the spooled
file. * is the default meaning the current job.
SPLNBR The spooled file number. The default is *ONLY.
*LAST may be specified or a specific 4 digit number.
TOPRTF The qualified name of the printer file to be used to
reprint the data. The default is QSYSPRT. The
library defaults to *LIBL. *CURLIB may be
specified. CPYF is used to reprint the data.
All the attributes from the printer file will be
used except for OUTQ (from the TOOUTQ parameter),
SPLFNAME (from the NEWSPLF parameter), USRDTA
(PRTBCKBCK is used) and COPIES (from the COPIES
You may use an OVRPRTF command in your job prior to
using PRTBCKBCK to specify individual printer file
NEWSPLF The new spooled file names to be used. The default
is *DFT which means a '1' and '2' will be
concatenated onto the end of the existing spooled
file name (assuming it is 9 characters or less). A
name (up to 9 characters) may be entered. The value
of this parameter overrides the value of the
SPLFNAME parameter specified in the TOPRTF printer
COPIES The number of copies desired. The default is 1.
This value overrides the COPIES parameter value
found in the TOPRTF printer file. If more than 1
copy is requested, the number of even pages will be
forced to agree with the number of odd pages which
may result in a blank page at the end of the even
pages output of each copy.
PRTBCKBCK2 command parameters *CMD
FROMOUTQ The qualified name of the output queue where the
spooled files exist. The library defaults to *LIBL.
*CURLIB may be specified.
TOOUTQ The qualified name of the output queue where the odd
and even spooled files will be written. The library
defaults to *LIBL. *CURLIB may be specified. The
value of this parameter overrides the output queue
specified in the TOPRTF printer file.
TOPRTF The qualified name of the printer file to be used.
The default is QSYSPRT. The library defaults to
*LIBL. *CURLIB may be specified. CPYF is used to
reprint the data.
All the attributes from the printer file will be
used except for OUTQ (from the TOOUTQ parameter),
(PRTBCKBCK2 is used) and COPIES (from the COPIES
You may use an OVRPRTF command in your job prior to
using PRTBCKBCK2 to specify individual printer file
COPIES The number of copies desired. The default is 1.
This value overrides the COPIES parameter value
found in the TOPRTF printer file. If more than 1
copy is requested, the number of even pages will be
forced to agree with the number of odd pages which
may result in a blank page at the end of the even
pages output of each copy.
Only DP output (no special printer graphics) may be used.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CVTOUTQ Convert output queue
EDTVAR Edit variable
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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