TAA Tools

The Print Job  Accounting command 2 is  the old form of PRTJOBACG.   It
prints the  *JOB journal entries from the job  accounting journal.  The
command  can  be used  to provide  a simple  job accounting  report, to
help you  analyze specific  situations,  or as  a performance  analysis

A typical command would be entered as:


This provides  a listing with  one line per  job for the jobs  found in
the  job accounting  journal for  todays date.   Various  selection and
sorting  options  exist  on  the  command.    The  information   listed

     - Job name
     - Start and end time
     - Job type
     - CPU seconds used
     - Auxiliary I/O used
     - Number of print lines
     - Number of data base reads
     - Job time in seconds

An extended print option exists for additional information.

An  option  exists  to  allow  reuse  of  the  same  converted  journal
information  or to  allow you  to specify your  own file  that contains
the information.

The dates specified may not a century boundary.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   STRDATE       The start date to be used.  The default is *TODAY.

                 *ALL may be entered  to use all jobs  found.  See  the
                 QAJBACG parameter.   If a specific date is  needed, it
                 must be entered in job format.

   ENDDATE       The  end date  to be  entered.   The default  is *LAST
                 which  means  the  last  journal entry  found.    If a
                 specific date  is needed,  it must be  entered in  job
                 format.    The  two  dates  may not  cross  a  century

   USER          Whether  to print only  a specific user.   The default
                 is *ALL for all  users.  A specific  user name may  be

   SEQ           The sequence of  the report.  The  default is *STRDATE
                 meaning the oldest date is printed first.

                 *USER can  be entered to sequence  the report by user.

                 *CPU may  be  entered  to sequence  the  jobs  by  the
                 amount  of CPU  used  with the  job  with the  highest
                 amount used first.

                 *TRANS  may be  entered to  sequence  the jobs  by the
                 number  of  transactions entered.    The job  with the
                 highest  number  is  shown   first.    Jobs  with   no
                 transactions (e.g.  batch) are excluded.

   JOBTYP        The job  type to  be selected.   *ALL is  the default.
                 The    following    are   supported:    *BATCH,   *INT
                 (interactive),  *SBSMON  (subsystem  monitor),   *AUTO
                 (auto  start   job),  *SPLRDR   (spool  reader),   and
                 *SPLWTR (spool writer).

   EXTPRT        A   *YES/*NO  value  that  defaults   to  *NO  for  an
                 extended  print  option.     Specifying  *YES   causes
                 multiple  lines   to  be   printed  per   job.     The
                 additional  information includes  information  such as
                 start  date/time,  active  and  suspended  time,  data
                 base writes, and data base updates/deletes.

   REFRESH       A *YES/*NO option  for whether to refresh  the QAJBACG
                 file  described in  the next  parameter.   The default
                 is  *YES.   This will cause  the DSPJRN  command to be
                 used  to  take  the  data  from  the  current  journal
                 receiver   and  convert   it  to   the  QAJBACG   file

                 A *NO  should be used when you  are reviewing the same
                 information that  has  previously  been  converted  or
                 you are performing your own DSPJRN command.

   OBJACG        The qualified  name of  the file  to be  used for  the
                 DSPJRN  command.   The  default is  QAJBACG  in QTEMP.
                 If  the file  does not  exist, it  will be  created by
                 PRTJOBACG2  using  the  CRTDUPOBJ  command   from  the
                 system supplied file QABJACG in QSYS.

                 There  are several  reasons  you may  want to  convert
                 the  journal  yourself with  DSPJRN  rather  than have
                 PRTJOBACG2 do it  for you.  For  example, if you  have
                 more  that one  journal  receiver  for the  accounting
                 journal  that  you want  to analyze,  you  must create
                 your own file with DSPJRN.


The job accounting function must  exist before you can use  PRTJOBACG2.
To determine if it has been established, do


If it does not say  at least *JOB, you must follow  the instructions in
the Work Management Guide to set up job accounting.

You must be authorized to use DSPJRN on the Job Accounting Journal.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

           RTVSYSVAL3    Retrieve system value 3
           SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
           SNDESCMSG     Send escape message
           SNDSTSMSG     Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTJOBACG2    *CMD                       TAAACGA       QATTCMD
   TAAACGAC      *PGM           CLP         TAAACGAC      QATTCL
   TAAACGAR      *PGM           RPG         TAAACGAR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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