The Print Library Authority 2 command prints the authorities of users
to library objects (not the objects within a library). Different
options exist for the list of libraries, the type of libraries,
library ownership, and if only a single user's authorities should be
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use PRTLIBAUT2.
See the PRTLIBAUT tool to print authorities of objects within a
A typical command would be:
A listing would be produced with multiple lines for each library:
** A line for the owner and his authorizations.
** A line for the *PUBLIC user.
** A line for any individual authorizations.
** If the library is controlled by an *AUTL and the *PUBLIC user
is *AUTL, an additional line is printed describing the *PUBLIC
authorities to the authorization list.
Command options exist to eliminate the owner line, the *PUBLIC line,
just print the *PUBLIC line, just print libraries owned by a specific
user, etc.
See also the PRTLIBAUT command which will print a list of
authorizations for the objects within a library.
PRTLIBAUT2 escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
LIB The library to be printed. The default is *ALLUSR
for all user libraries.
*ALL, *USRLIBL, or *IBM may also be specified.
These have the same meanings as on the DSPOBJD
TYPE The type of library to be printed. The default is
*PROD or *TEST may be used to print just production
or test libraries (as defined by the CRTLIB TYPE
OWNER The owner of the library to be printed. The default
is *ALL for all owners.
A specific owner may be named in which case only
libraries owned by that user will be printed.
USER The User to be printed for individual
authorizations. The default is *ALL. A specific
user or *PUBLIC may be specified.
Entering a name or *PUBLIC will allow a simple
review of the authorities for that user.
If the *PUBLIC user line is printed and the library
is controlled by an authorization list for which the
public authority comes from the authorization list,
a second line is printed. It will contain the
*PUBLIC authority to the authorization list.
Note that if a specific user (other than *PUBLIC) is
specified and the object is controlled by an
authorization list, the listing does not include any
authorizations the user may have to the
authorization list. The additional line only occurs
for the *PUBLIC user.
PRTOWNER A *YES/*NO parameter for whether a line should be
printed for the owner. The default is *YES to print
a line for the owner and his authorities.
The owner name appears on the first line of each
library printed and in a separate column. The owner
line can be eliminated to reduce the amount of
output if the owner typically has all rights to the
PRTPUBLIC A *YES/*NO parameter for whether a line should be
printed for the *PUBLIC user. The default is *YES.
*NO may be specified to not print the *PUBLIC user
If a USER parameter is specified, libraries that are not specifically
authorized to the user may still be accessible because of the *PUBLIC
** You must have *ALLOBJ authority to use PRTLIBAUT2.
** See the previous comments about the library being controlled
by an Authorization List.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check *ALLOBJ special authority
CVTLIBOBJD Convert library object description
RTVOBJAUT Retrieve object authority
RTVOBJD2 Retrieve object description 2
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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