The Print Non-IBM Objects command is designed for use when converting
from one hardware system to another. If any user objects have been
accidentally placed in system libraries, they will be lost if only
user libraries are restored. PRTNONIBM can help find any user
objects that may exist in system libraries.
PRTNONIBM may also be used as a security check. See the detail
When a new release is installed on the same hardware, the primary
restore technique is to replace any existing objects. Consequently,
if a user object existed in a system library, it would still exist
after the new release is installed.
However, when new hardware is acquired, the user may not be able to
follow the recommended install process of installing the new release
on the old hardware and then doing a scratch install on the new
hardware. If the user objects must be saved from the old hardware
and restored on the new hardware, there is an exposure to losing
The system provides a solution for typical object types that must
exist in QSYS such as security and configuration objects. No
solution is provided for other object types which are not expected.
PRTNONIBM is designed to produce a list of objects that may not have
been created by the system and should be reviewed.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use PRTNONIBM.
A typical command would be:
The following occurs:
** The command defaults to run over all libraries beginning with
the letter Q.
** Objects that are intended to be owned by users such as *USRPRF
and *LIND are omitted.
** Any objects that were created by a user profile beginning with
*IBM are implicitly omitted. The 'created by *IBM'
information only exists for objects that are on the install
tape and used in a simple restore function. Many objects are
created during the install process and the 'created by user'
may be any one of several user profiles.
By default, any objects that were created by the typical
system install profiles of QLPINSTALL, QLPAUTO, and QSYS are
** The remaining objects will be listed. Within the list, there
will still be system objects, but the list will probably be
small enough for you to manually review.
PRTNONIBM escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9895 No objects exist in the library.
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Using PRTNONIBM as a Security Review
When an object is created, the user profile name that created the
object is placed in the object description portion of the object.
The same user profile name normally becomes the owner of the object
(the owner is kept as a separate value).
The owner of an object may be changed by the command CHGOBJOWN, but
no external function (command or API) can change the information
about who initially created the object.
System objects are predominantly shipped with a 'created by user' of
*IBM. PRTNONIBM bypasses these objects implicitly.
The typical profile names that are used by the system to create
objects at installation time (QLPINSTALL, QLPAUTO, and QSYS) are
shipped as PASSWORD(*NONE) meaning they may not be signed onto
interactively. It is not possible to use external functions to
submit a job with these names (they are prevented in the USER
parameter of SBMJOB and when creating a Job Description).
It is possible to use CHGOBJOWN to change the ownership of an object
to one of these profiles.
Therefore, if only external functions (commands and APIs) are being
used on your system, PRTNONIBM will produce a listing that may be
reviewed from a security viewpoint. You may also consider specifying
OMTINSPRF(*NO) to further review certain objects.
There is no known method of determining whether the objects in the
listing are really system objects. You can only look at the names
and the other information on the listing to help you make a
determination. *PGM objects that exist in a Q library should be
Command parameters *CMD
LIB The name or generic name of the libraries to be
accessed. The default is Q* to run over all
libraries beginning with the letter Q.
OMTINSPRF Whether to omit any objects created by the
QLPINSTALL, QLPAUTO, and QSYS user profiles. The
default is *YES. These are typical user profile
names that are used during the install to create
*NO may be specified to include objects created by
these profiles. Specifying *NO may assist in a
Security review. See the tool documentation.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use PRTNONIBM.
Using the defaults will produce a list that must manually be
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check all object special authority
CHKGENERC Check generic
EDTVAR Edit variable
RTVOBJLST Retrieve object list
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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