TAA Tools
RPLPGM        REPLACE PROGRAM                            TAAPGMC

The Replace  Program command re-creates  an existing program  using the
parameters  that are  stored in  the object.    Most program  types are
supported including multi-module ILE programs.

The  intent of RPLPGM  is to provide  a simple re-create  when only the
source statements have been changed.

A typical command would be entered as:

       RPLPGM   PGM(xxxxxx)

RPLPGM extracts the  libraries specified  for any externally  described
files used  in the  program (if  not already on  the library  list) and
adds  them to the current library list  when the program is re-created.
The same libraries are then removed.

RPLPGM  extracts  the  existing   parameters  from  the  object   (e.g.
ALWRTVSRC  and  RMVOBS)   and  re-creates  the  object.     The  source
file/library/member   information  is  used  from   the  object  unless
specified on the  command.   REPLACE(*YES) is specified  on the  create
command which  will  place the  old object  into  the QRPLOBJ  library,
copy  the authorizations  and  re-establish  the values  of  USRPRF and
USEADPAUT.   The TEXT  parameter value is taken  from the source member
and not  the existing  object.   CHGPGM  is used  for attributes  which
only exist on CHGPGM.

Not  every  parameter on  all  of  the  create commands  is  supported.
RPLPGM  uses the sub tools RTVPGMA,  RTVILEPGMA, and RTVILEMODA.  These
commands do not support all possible parameters.

Error messages you may wish to monitor for are:

      TAA9891    ILE program failed due to module or service pgm
      TAA9892    Create module or single bound program failed
      TAA9893    CRTPGM failed
      TAA9895    A supported source type does not have the
                    corresponding create command on the system
      TAA9896    An unknown or unsupported source type exists
      TAA9897    Program exceeds 135 modules or 277 service pgms

To  replace  a  program  that  adopts  authority  using  USRPRF(*OWNER)
requires *SECADM  authority.  No pre-check  occurs.  A  specific escape
message will occur.

S/38 Commands

The   CRTxxxPGM  commands  for   S/38  did  not   support  the  REPLACE
parameter.  This handles  the USRPRF parameter, copies  authorizations,
and deletes the old program if the create is successful.

This replace  function  is simulated  by RPLPGM.   The  new version  is
created  in  QTEMP  with the  USRPRF  value  of  the original  program,
authorizations  are copied  from the  old version,  the old  version is
deleted, and the new version is moved.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   PGM           The qualified  name  of the  program to  be  replaced.
                 The library defaults to *LIBL.

   SRCFILE       The  qualified name  of the  source file  to  be used.
                 The  default is *OBJD meaning to  use the same file as
                 is specified  in the  object description  (the  source
                 file originally used).

                 To  use a  different  source  file, specify  both  the
                 source  file  and source  file library  (*LIBL  may be
                 used for the library name).

   SRCMBR        The source member to  be used.   The default is  *OBJD
                 meaning  to   use  the  same   source  member   as  is
                 specified  in  the   object  description  (the  source
                 member originally used).

   GENLVL        The    generation   severity   level   specifies   the
                 diagnostic-message severity  level  at which  creation
                 of the program stops.

                 *DFT  is  the default  which  is  passed  thru to  the
                 CRTRPGxxx  or CRTCBLxxx  commands  to use  the default
                 supplied by the compilers.

                 A specific  value between  1 and  50  may be  entered,
                 but see the specific command for a narrower range.

   ALWRTVCL      Whether to  allow the  retrieve of CL  source if  a CL
                 program  is replaced.   The  default is  *SAME meaning
                 the current  attribute of  the program  for  ALWRTVSRC
                 is used.   *YES or  *NO may  be specified to  override
                 the current attribute.

   RMVOBS        How    the   observable   information    (the   debug)
                 capability  should be  handled.  *SAME  is the default
                 which means the  same as the  existing program.   *ALL
                 may   be  specified   to   make   the  program   fully
                 observable.    *NONE may  be specified  to  remove the

                 Note that you cannot  compress the observability  with
                 this option.   If it is already  compressed, replacing
                 the  program will cause  the full  observability to be
                 re-created.  You  must use the  CPROBJ system  command
                 or consider the use of the SQZPGMSIZ TAA tool.

   TGTRLS        The  target  release  of  the  program  that  will  be
                 created.   This is the  same value as  used on several
                 CRT  program commands  and is  passed thru  to the CRT

                 *CURRENT  is the  default.    *PRV may  be  specified.
                 Use the  command prompter to see  the specific release
                 names that may also be entered.

   OWNER         Who  should  be the  owner  of  the new  object.   The
                 default is *SAME, meaning  the same owner will  exist.

                 If  the owner  is  the group  profile  of the  current
                 user, OWNER(*SAME)  may be used.   Otherwise, you must
                 be the  owner or  have  *ALLOBJ special  authority  to
                 use OWNER(*SAME).

                 *NEW  may be  specified  to allow  you  to become  the
                 owner  of the program.   You  must have  the *OBJEXIST
                 right to the existing program to specify *NEW.

                 To  replace  a  program  that  adopts  authority using
                 USRPRF(*OWNER) requires *SECADM authority.

   DLTSPLF       A *YES/*NO  parameter  for  whether the  spooled  file
                 for  the compiler  listing  should be  deleted if  the
                 create  is  successful.   *NO is  default  meaning the
                 spooled file is always retained.

                 *YES may be  specified to delete  the spooled file  if
                 the create is successful.

   DETAIL        The  type  of   CRTPGM  listing  to  output   for  ILE
                 programs.   The  default is  *NONE meaning  no listing

                 *BASIC, *EXTENDED,  or *FULL  may be  specified  which
                 are  passed thru  to  the  CRTPGM  command.   See  the
                 CRTPGM DETAIL parameter for a full explanation.


The following program types are supported.


The  TGTRLS parameter is  not supported.   The RPG  parameter IGNDECERR
and ALWNULL are not supported.

Some  ILE parameters are not supported.   For example, if observability
is  removed from  a  program  created  by CRTBNDRPG  or  CRTBNDCL,  the
information is not available to specify on CHGPGM.

To  replace  a  program  that  adopts  authority  using  USRPRF(*OWNER)
requires *SECADM authority.

ILE  programs are limited  to 135 modules  per program  and 277 service
programs per program.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      CHKALLOBJ     Check *ALLOBJ special authority
      CHKSECADM     Check *SECADM special authority
      RTVILEMODA    Retrieve ILE module attributes
      RTVILEPGMA    Retrieve ILE program attributes
      RTVPGMA       Retrieve program attributes
      RTVPGMREFL    Retrieve program reference libraries
      SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
      SNDESCMSG     Send escape message
      SNDDIAGMSG    Send diagnostic message
      SNDSTSMSG     Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   RPLPGM        *CMD                      TAAPGMC        QATTCMD
   TAAPGMCC      *PGM          CLP         TAAPGMCC       QATTCL
   TAAPGMCC2     *PGM          CLP         TAAPGMCC2      QATTCL
   TAAPGMCC3     *PGM          CLP         TAAPGMCC3      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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