TAA Tools

The Restore  Authorization List tool  is intended for  those situations
where objects  authorized by authorization lists must  be restored to a
second system.

RSTAUTL is the companion tool to SAVAUTL.

When  an  object  that  is  authorized  by  an  authorization  list  is
restored to a  another system,  the system will  not (by default)  hook
up the  object to the authorization list  even if it exists.   You must
specify  ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) on the  restore command  and the authorization
list must exist on the second  system.  In addition, none of the  users
that were authorized  on the original system will be  authorized on the
second  system   (you  must  add  them   to  the  authorization  list).
SAVAUTL/RSTAUTL provide an alternative solution.

SAVAUTL  is  first   used  to   capture  the   information  about   the
authorization lists that need  to be transferred.  A  unique library is
used.    The  library  and  the  objects  to be  transferred  are  then
restored to the second system.

The RSTAUTL tool is two commands:

  **   RSTAUTL  ensures that  the authorization  lists that  were saved
       by SAVAUTL exist  on the second system.   It provides an  option
       for  what to  do  with the  users  that were  authorized to  the
       list.    You can  ignore  them, change  their  authorizations to
       agree with what existed on  the original system or only add  new

       A spooled  file named  AUTL is  created to describe  authorities
       that are added or changed.

  **   GRTAUTL  changes  the authorization  of  the  objects that  were
       captured  by  SAVAUTL  so  they  are  authorized  by  the   same
       authorization list.  An  option is provided to determine  if the
       *PUBLIC  should be  authorized be  authorized  to the  object by
       using the authorization list.  The default is *YES.

       The  same  object  and  library  names  for  the  objects  to be
       authorized  must  be used  on  the  second  system.    The  same
       authorization list name must be used on the second system.

       The  GRTAUTL command creates  a spooled  file AUTHORIZED.   This
       should  be reviewed for what  occurred.  If  the object does not
       exist on the second system,  a special indication occurs in  the

Specific sequence of steps

One of  the advantages of  SAVAUTL/RSTAUTL is  that the major  steps do
not have  to be followed in the exact order.   For example, if you have
already restored your objects on a  second system and realize that  the
authorization  structure is  now  incorrect  (e.g.   the  authorization
lists  did not  exist  or you  forgot  to specify  ALWOBJDIF),  you can
recover by using SAVAUTL/RSTAUTL.

  1.   Use  SAVAUTL and name  the authorization lists.   Up to 40 lists
       may  be  named.   A  specific  name,  a  generic  name,  or  all
       authorization  lists may be  specified.   A unique  library (one
       that does not exist) must be named.

            SAVAUTL   AUTL(xxx) LIB(yyy)

  2.   Save the library that was created by SAVAUTL.

  3.   Save the objects you want to transfer.

  4.   Delete  the library you  saved with SAVAUTL  as it  is no longer

  5.   Restore both the  library that  was created by  SAVAUTL and  the
       objects you  want to transfer  onto the second  system.   If the
       objects  have already  been restored to  the second  system, you
       do not have repeat this step.

  6.   Use RSTAUTL to ensure the  authorization lists exist.  Name  the
       library that was  specified on SAVAUTL: You must  determine what
       option  you want  to specify  for the  AUTLAUTH parameter.   The
       default  is *SAME  meaning to  make the  authorizations the same
       as the original system.

            RSTAUTL   LIB(xxx)

  7.   Use  GRTAUTL  to grant  the  same  list  of  objects  that  were
       authorized  to   the  authorization  list   on  the  originating
       system.  Name the same library that was used on SAVAUTL.

       You  must decide on how the *PUBLIC  should be authorized to the
       object.  The  default is  to make the  *PUBLIC authorized  using
       the authorization list.

            GRTAUTL   LIB(xxx) OBJPUBLIC(*YES)

  8.   Review the spooled file AUTHORIZED.

  9.   If you  forgot to  save/restore one  or more  objects that  were
       authorized  to  one of  the  authorization lists,  they  will be
       flagged on  the listing  as 'not  found'.   You can  recover  by
       doing the following:

         --   Save/restore the missing objects.

         --   Run GRTAUTL  again.  It  is not  necessary to repeat  the
              other  steps as  the  information already  exists  on the
              second  system.    No  error  occurs  if  you  request to
              re-grant  an object  that  is  already authorized  to  an
              authorization list.

  10.  Delete the library that was used for SAVAUTL.

RSTAUTL Command parameters                             *CMD

   LIB           The  library  that  was   saved  with  SAVAUTL.    The
                 library    contains   the    data   file    with   the
                 authorization list information.

   AUTLAUTH      How  to   process   the   authorizations   that   were
                 specified  for  authorization lists  on  the  original

                 If  the same  user profile  name  does not  exist, the
                 entry is flagged.   If  a user  is already  authorized
                 on  the second  system  and  does  not appear  on  the
                 saved authorized list, no change will occur.

                 *SAME   is   the    default   and   means   that   the
                 authorizations  are  made  the  same  as  the original
                 system.   *NONE may be  specified to  mean no  changes
                 occur.   *NEWUSER may  be specified  to mean  only new
                 users  are  added to  the authorization  list  and any
                 existing users are left as is.

                 See the  later  example  how  what  the  options  will

GRTAUTL Command parameters                             *CMD

   LIB           The  library  that  was   saved  with  SAVAUTL.    The
                 library  contains a  data file  with the  objects that
                 were authorized to the authorization lists.

   OBJPUBLIC     This parameter determines  how the  *PUBLIC should  be
                 authorized  to the  object.    If  the object  on  the
                 first  system  was   specified  so  that  the  *PUBLIC
                 obtained  its  authorization  from  the  authorization
                 list, the authority  will be *EXCLUDE when  the object
                 is restored  if the authorization list  does not exist
                 or ALWOBJDIF(*YES) was not specified.

                 The  default for OBJPUBLIC  is *YES  meaning to change
                 the  authorization  to  the  object  so  the   *PUBLIC
                 obtains authorization from the authorization list.

                 *SAME   may  be   specified  to   leave  the   *PUBLIC
                 authorization as it is on the object.

   ALWMISSLIB    A  *YES/*NO parameter  for what to  do if  the library
                 does not exist on the system to be restored.

                 *NO is  the default.   The  command will  fail with  a
                 message stating the library does not exist.

                 *YES may  be specified  to flag  objects in a  library
                 that does not exist.

AUTLAUTH Parameter

Assume  you are going  to transfer  the AUTL1 authorization  list which
has the following authorizations:

     USERA    *ALL
     USERB    *USE
     USERD    *USE

If  AUTL1  does not  exist on  the second  system, and  USERD is  not a
valid profile, the following would be the result:

     AUTLAUTH         USERA      USERB    USERC      *PUBLIC
     --------         -----      -----    -----      -------

      *SAME           *ALL        *USE    *EXCLUDE   *CHANGE
      *NONE                                          *CHANGE
      *NEWUSER        *ALL        *USE    *EXCLUDE   *CHANGE

If AUTL1 exists on the second system with:

      - USERA     *CHANGE
      - *PUBLIC   *USE
      - USERD  (not a valid profile)

the following would be the results:

     AUTLAUTH         USERA      USERB    USERC      *PUBLIC
     --------         -----      -----    -----      -------

      *SAME           *ALL        *USE    *EXCLUDE   *CHANGE
      *NONE           *CHANGE                        *USE
      *NEWUSER        *CHANGE     *USE    *EXCLUDE   *USE


  **   The  same  object and  library  names  for  the  objects  to  be
       authorized must be used on the second system.

  **   The  same authorization  list name  must be  used on  the second


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

           RSTFIL          Restore file
           RTVDOCOBJ       Retrieve document object
           SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
           SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
           SNDSTSMSG       Send status message

The RSTFIL tool is only used for its authorization list in QSYS.


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RSTAUTL       *CMD                   TAASEDA       QATTCMD
   GRTAUTL       *CMD                   TAASEDA2      QATTCMD
   TAASEDAC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEDAC      QATTCL
   TAASEDAC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDAC2     QATTCL
   TAASEDAC9     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDAC9     QATTCL
   TAASEDAR      *PGM       RPG         TAASEDAR      QATTRPG
   TAASEDAR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASEDAR2     QATTRPG


      TAASEDAC9   CL Pgm
         TAASEDAR   RPG Pgm

      TAASEDAR2   RPG Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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