TAA Tools

The Retrieve IFS  Path command retrieves the  IFS path name based  on a
'File  ID' such  as found  in a  journal entry  when  an IFS  object is
journaled.   An  IFS journal entry  does not contain  the complete path
name.   The 'File  ID' (16  bytes) is  placed  in the  object name  and
library  name (first  6 bytes).   RTVIFSPATH  allows a  conversion from
the  'File ID' to the actual path  name.  The API Qp0LGetPathFromFileID
is used.

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL           &FILEID *CHAR LEN(16)
             DCL           &PATH *CHAR LEN(3483)
             DCL           &PATHLEN *DEC LEN(5 0)

The FILEID would be input and  the &PATH and &PATHLEN would be  output.

More on File ID

The assigned File  ID may be seen  using WRKLNK and rolling  to the 3rd
screen.   The  RTVIFSED2 command  will allow you  to retrieve  the File

Checking the IFS Path names

In some cases you may have a File  ID that is no longer attached to  an
IFS entry.   If  this occurs,  RTVIFSPATH returns  an error  indication
that 'No  such path or directory exists'.   If this is the  case, it is
probably  because the IFS entry has been  deleted after the File ID was
output (such as to a journal entry).

You  can  ensure   that  RTVIFSPATH  is   working  properly  by   using

CHKIFSPATH uses  CVTIFS to  create an outfile  of IFS entries  and then
does  RTVIFSPATH for each  entry based on  the File ID  in the outfile.
CHKIFSPATH  has  no  other  function,  but  to  assure  you   that  the
RTVIFSPATH command is working properly.

RTVIFSPATH escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9898    Command failed.  Error text contains the reason.

Typical errors  will contain a  5 digit error  number at  the beginning
of  the message  (beginning  of MSGDTA).   The  value can  be  used for
further processing if needed.  The  error numbers are described in  the
ERRNO member of the  QSYSINC/H source file.  The QSYSINC  library is an
optional part  of i5/OS and may  not be installed on your  system.  The
numbers   describe  the  relationship  to  the  alphabetic  description
provided  in  the API  documentation.    For  example,  3401  =  EACCES
(permission denied).

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RTVIFSPATH Command parameters                         *CMD

   FILEID        The 16 byte ID assigned to an IFS object.

                 The  assigned File  ID may  be seen  using  WRKLNK and
                 rolling  to  the 3rd  screen.   The  RTVIFSED2 command
                 will allow  retrieval  of the  File  ID.   The  DSPJRN
                 outfile  function places  the  File  ID in  the  JOOBJ
                 field  (1st  10 bytes)  and  the JOLIB  field  (last 6
                 bytes) of IFS journal entries.

   PATH          The return  path name.   This  is an  optional  return
                 variable  that if  used  must  be specified  as  *CHAR

   PATHLEN       The return  path length.   This is an  optional return
                 variable  that  if  used  must  be  specified  as *DEC
                 LEN(5 0).

CHKIFSPATH Command parameters                         *CMD

   OBJ           The path  name of  the object  to be  converted.   The
                 object  path name  can be  either a  simple name  or a
                 name   that  is  qualified   with  the   name  of  the
                 directory  in  which  the  object  is  located.    The
                 default is *.

                 Specifying *  will start  the convert  process at  the
                 current  directory level.    If the  current directory
                 level is at the root  ('/'), the convert process  will
                 start at the home directory ('/home').

                 The  special  value  of  *IFS  may  also  be  entered.
                 Specifying  *IFS  will start  the  convert process  at
                 the   root  directory  level  ('/')  excluding  /QDLS,
                 /QOPT and  /QSYS.LIB.  If  additional directories  are
                 to be excluded, the OMITDIR parameter can be used.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTIFS          Convert IFS
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     PRINT           Print
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVIFSPATH    *CMD                   TAAIFSY       QATTCMD
   CHKIFSPATH    *CMD                   TAAIFSY2      QATTCMD
   TAAIFSYC      *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSYC      QATTCL
   TAAIFSYC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSYC2     QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 15, 2003

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