TAA Tools

The Retrieve  Spool Size command  retrieves the  number of members  and
their  size  from a  QSPL  library.   The  number of  members  with and
without  data are  also retrieved.   A member  may exist  that does not
hold any  spooled data  as  the system  tries to  limit  the number  of
members that must be created.

Because all  members in  a QSPL  library must be  retrieved, this  is a
slow running RTV command.

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL           &TOTMBRS *DEC LEN(11 0)
             DCL           &TOTSIZE *DEC LEN(15 0)

The  number of  members and  their total size  would be  retrieved from
the QSPL library.

Multiple files  exist in  each QSPL  library.   The  members from  each
file are accessed to determine the count and size totals.

Security considerations

The QSPL  library is shipped  as excluded from  the *PUBLIC user.   For
this reason, the CPP adopts as it performs its function.

RTVSPLSIZ escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RTVSPLSIZ Command parameters                           *CMD

   TOTMBRS       The  number  of  members found  in  the  QSPL library.
                 This is an  optional return  value that  if used  must
                 be specified as *DEC LEN(11 0).

                 The  number of  members is  probably  larger than  the
                 number  of  spooled   files  that  exist  because  the
                 system  retains the  members even  though the  data is
                 cleared  when  a  spooled  file  is   deleted.    This
                 minimizes the overhead of creating members.

                 See  the  QRCLSPLSTG  system   value  for  how  excess
                 members in QSPL are removed.

                 See  the EMPTYMBRS  parameter for those  members which
                 have no records.

                 See the  DATAMBRS  parameter for  those  members  with

   EMPTYMBRS     The number of  members found in the  QSPL library that
                 do  not have  any data.   This  is an  optional return
                 value that if  used must be  specified as *DEC  LEN(11

   DATAMBRS      The number of  members found in the QSPL  library that
                 contain  spooled data.    This is  an  optional return
                 value  that if used  must be specified  as *DEC LEN(11

   TOTSIZE       The size  of the members  in the  QSPL library.   This
                 is  an optional  return  value that  if  used must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(15 0).

                 The  size includes the size of  the member header plus
                 at least a minimum size for data.

                 The total  size  includes members  which do  not  have
                 any  data.   These  members exist  because the  system
                 retains  the members even  though the  data is cleared
                 when a spooled  file is deleted.   This minimizes  the
                 overhead of creating members.

                 See  the  QRCLSPLSTG  system  value   for  how  excess
                 members in QSPL are removed.

                 See  the EMPTYSIZE  parameter  for the  size  of those
                 members which have no records.

                 See  the  DATASIZE  parameter for  those  members with

   EMPTYSIZE     The size  of the  members  found in  the QSPL  library
                 that  do not  have  any  data.   This  is an  optional
                 return  value that if  used must be  specified as *DEC
                 LEN(15 0).

   DATASIZE      The size  of the  members found  in  the QSPL  library
                 that  contain  spooled  data.   This  is  an  optional
                 return  value that if  used must be  specified as *DEC
                 LEN(11 0).

   QSPLLIB       The  library  containing  the  spool  members.     The
                 default is QSPL.

                 A  specific  name  may be  entered  when  IASPs  exist
                 containing   output  queues  and   QSPLnnnn  libraries


Because  the command  returns variables,  it may only  be used  in a CL


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVSPLSIZ     *CMD                   TAASPNX       QATTCMD
   TAASPNXC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPNXC      QATTCL
   TAASPNXC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASPNXC2     QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2005

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