TAA Tools

The Save and Receive  Library with FTP command is  designed to simplify
receiving  a  library from  another  i5 System.    The SAVRCVL  command
saves  the library to a save file in  QTEMP and transmits the save file
using FTP.

A separate  command SBMSAVRCVL  should be  used to  submit the  SAVRCVL
command to batch (see the later discussion).

FTP   requires  the  proper   TCP/IP  connections   and  configuration.
SAVRCVL  differs from  the system SAVRSTLIB  command in  that TCP/IP is
used.  SAVRSTLIB uses APPN.

The SAVRCVL function  is a simple  front end to  the TAA FTP2  command.
It is designed for transferring a library.

When  using  SAVRCVL, you  must  identify  the  remote system,  a  user
profile on that system, and the password for the profile.

Some  FTP connections  may hang  if either or  both of  the user  ID or
password exceeds the maximum size supported by the FTP server.

A typical command on the source system would be:


A save  file named  ABC  would be  created in  QTEMP  for the  FTP  job
running on the  remote system.  The library  ABC would be saved  to the
save file and transmitted to the local system.

By  default, a save  file by the  name of ABC  would be created  in the
TAAWORK  library on the local system.   TAAWORK is shipped with the TAA
Productivity Tools product and  is used for temporary objects.   If the
save file already exists, it is cleared first.

You may  then use  the RSTSNDL  command (part of  the SAVSNDL  tool) to
restore the library.  A typical command would be:

            RSTSNDL   LIB(ABC)

By  default, it would  restore from the  ABC save file in  TAAWORK.  If
the ABC  library already  exists, you  must specify  DLTLIB(*YES).   By
default, the ABC save file is deleted from TAAWORK.

RSTSNDL is designed  to work with save files created  by either SAVSNDL
or  SAVRCVL.   RSTSNDL can  be used with  any save  file, but  the data
within the save file must have been saved by a SAVLIB command.

RSTSNDL does not  have all the  parameters of the  RSTLIB command.   If
you need the additional function, use the RSTLIB command.

SAVRCVL uses the TAA Tool FTP2.


The command  SBMSAVRCVL is  intended for  use when you  want to  submit
the SAVRCVL command.

SBMJOB  can be used  to submit  the SAVRCVL  command, but the  value of
the  RMTPWD  parameter is  left in  the job  log of  the user  that did
SBMJOB.  To  avoid leaving the  password in the  clear, you should  use

All  the parameters  of SAVRCVL  exist on  the SBMSAVRCVL  command plus
the  JOB, JOBD,  and JOBQ  parameters.   The additional  parameters all
have default values.

The password value does not appear  in the job log of the current  user
if SAVRCVL  is used interactively  or SBMSAVRCVL  is used.   If SAVRCVL
is  submitted to  batch by  either SBMJOB  or SBMSAVRCVL,  the password
value does not appear in the job log of the submitted job.

Typical use of SAVRCVL and RSTSNDL

The need  to  transfer objects  between  systems is  a  fairly  typical
requirement.   In  many cases,  the objects  to be  transferred may  be
part  of a large  library, but only  a few need  to be replaced  on any
one transfer.

This  can be  accomplished by having  work libraries on  the source and
target system such  as TMPTFR.  You  would perform the following  steps
on the target system:

             CLRLIB        LIB(TMPTFR)
             MOVOBJ        ... TOLIB(TMPTFR)

On the local system, you would enter:

             RSTSNDL       LIB(TMPTFR)

By using  the defaults, a  save file by  the name of TMPTFR  is created
in  QTEMP  library  of  the  job  running  on  the  target  system  and
transferred to  the local  system.   It is  placed (by  default in  the
TAAWORK) library.

On the local system, you would enter:

             RSTSNDL       LIB(TMPTFR)

This would  restore the  TMPTFR library  from the  TMPTFR save file  in
TAAWORK and then delete the save file.

You  would then  enter the commands  to move  or copy the  objects from
TMPTFR to the large library.

Error handling

SAVRCVL invokes the TAA FTP2 command.

FTP2 provides  for  a  log of  the  FTP  operations.   If  the  SAVRCVL
command is run interactively, the log may be displayed using:

            DSPPFM      QTEMP/FTPOUT

If the SAVRCVL  command is run in batch,  a spooled file of the  log is

Why is a save file used

FTP only  sends files.  Therefore, other object  types such as programs
or  data areas cannot be sent directly.   By saving a library to a save
file, there are essentially no restrictions.

If FTP is  used to send  a file, the unique  AS/400 attributes will  be
lost.   This  includes  such attributes  as  the text  of  the file  or
members  and the source type.   These problems are  avoided by saving a
library to a save file.

Note that the text  description of the save file  is lost, but not  the
attributes of the objects within the save file.

Using a CL program

A CL program may  be used to include one of the  SAVRCVL commands.  The
disadvantage  of this approach is  that you must  include your password
in the source.

If you are  going to call  the program in an  interactive session,  you
could use the selective prompting function such as:

             SBMSAVRCVL ??LIB(x) ?*RMTSYS(y) ?*RMTUSER(z) +
             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF6801) EXEC(DO) /* User cancelled */
                        /* Your code for cancel */
             ENDDO      /* User cancelled */

When  the CL  program  is  run,  the SBMSAVRCVL  command  prompt  would
appear  with the  values as specified  and you  must enter  a password.
The other parameters on the command (eg TGTRLS) would not appear.

The selective prompting functions are as follows:

   ??LIB(x)      The  prompt appears with the  library name, but can be

   ?*RMTSYS(y)   The prompt  appears with  the remote  system name  and
                 cannot be changed.

   ?*RMTUSER(z)  The  prompt  appears with  the  remote  user name  and
                 cannot be changed.

   ?*RMTPWD()    The prompt appears and must be entered.

If  you  want  to  run a  SAVRCVL  command  without  prompting  for the
password, you could hard  code the password or  use a validation  list.
A validation list  allows you to store  an encrypted password.   An API
will allow you to retrieve the password as a variable.

SAVRCVL escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9877    FTP failed - see the log

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

SAVRCVL Command parameters                            *CMD

   LIB           The library  on the remote system to  save and send to
                 the  local  system.    The  library  is  saved  to  an
                 internal  save  file  and  then  FTPed  to  the  local

   RMTSYS        The remote  system which has  the library to  be saved
                 and  received.   Either a name  or an  IP address must
                 be  entered.    The  proper  TCP/IP   connections  and
                 configuration must exist.

   RMTUSER       The name  of the user  on the remote system  that will
                 be  used for the job  to be run  on the remote system.
                 Up to 100 characters may be entered.

   RMTPWD        The password of  the user  on the remote  system.   Up
                 to 100 characters may be entered.

                 If SAVRCVL  is entered interactively, the  password is
                 not displayed and will not appear in the joblog.

                 If SBMJOB  is used for SAVRCVL,  the password as keyed
                 will appear will appear in  the command prompt and  in
                 the current  job log.   It  will not be  in the  batch
                 job log.

                 See   the  SBMSAVRCVL   command   which   removes  the
                 password from current job log.

   LCLSAVF       The  save  file to  be  created on  the  local system.
                 The default  file name  is  is *LIB  meaning the  same
                 name  as  the  library  on  the remote  system.    The
                 default library is TAAWORK.

   TGTRLS        The  target release  to  save the  library for  on the
                 remote system.  The default is *CURRENT.

                 Use the prompter  to see the  other values which  have
                 the  same  definition  as   the  TGTRLS  parameter  on

                 If  the  target  system is  at  the  same  or a  lower
                 release, you  may  take the  default  and be  able  to
                 transmit and  restore properly.   For example,  if the
                 target system  is on V5R2  and the local  system is on
                 V5R3, the default may be used.

                 However,  if the target system  is at a higher release
                 you may must specify a value.

                 For example,  if the  target  system was  on V5R3  and
                 the  local  system is  on  V5R2,  you  must specify  a
                 value  such as *PRV  or V5R2M0.  You  must ensure that
                 all objects in the library  to be transferred will  be
                 restorable to the  release of the local  system.  Most
                 non-program  objects (such  as  data base  files) will
                 be restorable,  but programs  must have  been  created
                 with the appropriate TGTRLS parameter.

   UPDHST        A  *YES/*NO parameter  for  whether the  save  history
                 information  should be updated.   The default  is *NO.

                 *YES  may  be  specified to  update  the  save history

SBMSAVRCVL Command parameters                         *CMD

   LIB           The library on the  remote system to save and  send to
                 the  local  system.    The  library  is  saved  to  an
                 internal  save  file  and  then  FTPed  to  the  local

   RMTSYS        The remote system  which has the  library to be  saved
                 and received.   Either  a name or  an IP  address must
                 be  entered.     The  proper  TCP/IP  connections  and
                 configuration must exist.

   RMTUSER       The name of the  user on the  remote system that  will
                 be used for  the job to  be run on the  remote system.
                 Up to 100 characters may be entered.

   RMTPWD        The password of the user on the remote system.

                 If SAVRCVL  is entered interactively,  the password is
                 not displayed and will not appear in the joblog.

                 If  SBMJOB is used for  SAVRCVL, the password as keyed
                 will appear will appear  in the command prompt and  in
                 the  current job log.   It  will not  be in  the batch
                 job log.

                 See   the   SBMSAVRCVL  command   which   removes  the
                 password from current job log.

   LCLSAVF       The save  file  to be  created  on the  local  system.
                 The  default file  name is  is *LIB  meaning the  same
                 name  as  the  library  on  the  remote system.    The
                 default library is TAAWORK.

   TGTRLS        The target  release to  save the  library for  on  the
                 remote system.  The default is *CURRENT.

                 Use the  prompter to see  the other values  which have
                 the  same  definition   as  the  TGTRLS  parameter  on

                 If  the  target  system  is at  the  same  or  a lower
                 release, you  may  take the  default  and be  able  to
                 transmit and  restore properly.   For example,  if the
                 target  system is on  V5R1 and the local  system is on
                 V5R2, the default may be used.

                 However, if the target system  is at a higher  release
                 you may must specify a value.

                 For  example, if  the target  system was  on V5R2  and
                 the  local  system  is on  V5R1,  you  must specify  a
                 value such as *PRV  or V5R1M0.   You must ensure  that
                 all objects in  the library to be transferred  will be
                 restorable to  the release of the local  system.  Most
                 non-program  objects  (such as  data base  files) will
                 be restorable,  but programs  must  have been  created
                 with the appropriate TGTRLS parameter.

   UPDHST        A  *YES/*NO parameter  for  whether  the save  history
                 information  should be updated.   The  default is *NO.

                 *YES may  be  specified  to update  the  save  history

   JOB           The job name  assigned to the batch job.   The default
                 is SAVRCVL.   *JOB may be entered  to mean the name of
                 the job description used.

   JOBD          The qualified  name  of  the  job  description.    The
                 default  is   *USRPRF  meaning  the   job  description
                 assigned to the current user profile.

                 If  a specific job  description is entered,  a library
                 qualifier  may be entered or  the special values *LIBL
                 or *CURLIB.

   JOBQ          The qualified name of  the job queue to be used.   The
                 default  is *JOBD  meaning the  job queue  defined for
                 the   job   description   specified   for   the   JOBD


The proper TCP/IP connections and configuration must exist.

Some FTP  connections may hang  if either  or both  of the  user ID  or
password exceeds the maximum size supported by the FTP server.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FTP2            Start TCP/IP file transfer 2
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SAVRCVL       *CMD                   TAAFTPC       QATTCMD
   SBMSAVRCVL    *CMD                   TAAFTPC2      QATTCMD
   TAAFTPCC      *PGM       CLP         TAAFTPCC      QATTCL
   TAAFTPCC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAFTPCC2     QATTCL


   TAAFTPCC   CL pgm

   TAAFTPCC2  CL pgm  - Submits the SAVRCVL command to batch

Added to TAA Productivity tools March 31, 2004

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