The Scan All Source 2 command will scan for up to 20 arguments in all
source files in one or more libraries. Special values exist for the
library name such as *ALLUSR. An omit list of libraries may also be
named. The command is submitted to batch with JOBD and JOBQ
parameters. An outfile is optional.
A typical command would be:
The defaults for JOBD (*USRPRF) and JOBQ (*JOBD) would be used to
submit to batch.
The arguments ABC and DEF would be scanned for in all source files in
libraries AAA, BBB, and CCC. A spooled file would be created for
each source file containing an argument. A line would be listed for
each statement that contained a string that matches an argument.
Batch job
The batch job is named SCNALLSRC2. A batch job is used as scanning
many members may overflow the internal job log. The batch job
prevents the overflow by removing messages from inactive jobs.
SCNALLSRC2 escape messages
TAA9894 No arguments were found
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
SCNALLSRC2 Command parameters *CMD
ARGUMENT Up to 20 bytes to use in the scan and up to 20
arguments. This is the string that will be scanned
for. You may need to surround the value in quotes
and enter in upper case depending on the value. For
typical field names (e.g. ACCRCV), the value may be
entered in lower case without quotes. Trailing
blanks will be trimmed off.
If the value in the source is in lower case,
consider the use of TRANSLATE(*YES).
LIB Specifies 1 to 300 libraries or generic library
names to be searched. QTEMP may not be named
because it is not in the system file that is
The special value *LIBL may be used to describe all
libraries on the current library list. The current
library is also considered to be part of *LIBL.
QTEMP is bypassed if *LIBL is requested. Product
libraries are not considered.
The special value *USRLIBL may be used to describe
all user libraries on the current library list. The
current library is also considered to be part of
*USRLIBL. QTEMP is bypassed if *USRLIBL is
requested. Product libraries are not considered.
The special value *ALL may be used to mean all
libraries (except QTEMP). You must have *USE
authority to the TAACVTLIBD authorization list to
use *ALL.
The special value *ALLUSR may be used to mean all
user libraries. These are the same libraries saved
by SAVLIB LIB(*ALLUSR). For a full definition, see
the SAVLIB prompt. You must have *USE authority to
the TAACVTLIBD authorization list to use *ALLUSR.
The special value *ALLUSR2 may be used to mean all
normal user libraries. This includes all libraries
that do not begin with the letter Q plus the QGPL
library and excludes the S/36 libraries #LIBRARY,
#SEULIB, and #DSULIB. You must have *USE authority
to the TAACVTLIBD authorization list to use
The special value *ALLNONQ may be used to mean all
libraries that begin with a letter other than Q.
You must have *USE authority to the TAACVTLIBD
authorization list to use *ALLNONQ.
The special value *IBM may be used to mean the same
libraries saved by SAVLIB LIB(*IBM). For a full
definition, see the SAVLIB prompt. You must have
*USE authority to the TAACVTLIBD authorization list
to use *IBM.
OMITLIB A list of up to 300 libraries or generic library
names to be omitted.
The omit function takes precedence over the LIB
parameter. If you specify LIB(ABC) and
OMITLIBS(AB*), the ABC library files will not be
TRANSLATE A *YES/*NO option that defaults to *NO. *YES causes
the source statement to be translated to upper case
before scanning for the argument.
JOBD The job description to submit the job for. *USRPRF
is the default to use the job description specified
for the user profile.
A specific job description may be named. If the
library value is blank, *LIBL is assumed. A
specific library or *CURLIB may also be used.
JOBQ The job queue to submit the job to. *JOBD is the
default to use the job queue specified in the job
A specific job queue may be named. If the library
value is blank, *LIBL is assumed. A specific
library or *CURLIB may also be used.
OUTLIB The library in which the file SCNSRCP will be
placed. The default is *NONE meaning no outfile is
A library may be named or *LIBL or *CURLIB if the
SCNSRCP file exists.
The file will contain one record for each detail
print line.
If the SCNSRCP file does not exist, a library must
be specified.
OUTMBR The member of the SCNSRCP file to be used. If the
member does not exist, it is added. The default is
REPLACE A *YES/*NO value for whether the member should be
cleared before writing records into it. The default
is *YES to clear the member before adding records.
*NO may be specified to add records to an existing
FILE The name or generic name of the file to be searched.
The default is *ALL meaning all file names.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
CVTLIBDBF Convert library data base file
EDTVAR Edit variable
EXTLST2 Extract list 2
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
RTVDBFA Retrieve data base file attributes
SCNSRC Scan source
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------