TAA Tools

The Set  Status Message command  allows a  simple control over  whether
status messages will appear to the user.

For example,  CPYF and OPNQRYF  send status messages while  they are in
operation.   Many TAA Tool commands also  send status messages.  If you
want to  shut off  the status messages  from these  commands a  typical
series of commands would be:

           CPYF         ...

You can use  SETSTSMSG many times in  the same job.  The  first time it
is  used, a a data area  in QTEMP by the name  of TAASETSTS is created.
It is used to contain the previous setting and the first setting.

You can  use the special  value *FIRSTUSE  to return  the job's  status
message  value  to the  value  that  existed  when  the data  area  was
created.   This is the 'first  use' value.  For  example, you could use
*FIRSTUSE in  any error  recovery code  to set  the value  back to  the
original setting.

When STATUS(*NONE) is used  (or any value other than  *PREV), SETSTSMSG
saves the current  setting of the STSMSG value  of the current job into
the  data area.   When STATUS(*PREV) is  used, the value  from the data
area is accessed  and used on  CHGJOB.  When  value *FIRSTUSE is  used,
the initial value in the data area is accessed and used on CHGJOB.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   STATUS        The  status to  be set.   The  values  *NONE, *NORMAL,
                 *USRPRF,  or  *SYSVAL may  be specified  and  have the
                 same meaning as  for the  STSMSG parameter on  CHGJOB.
                 Before  CHGJOB  is  used, the  current  job  value  is
                 stored in the TAASTSMSG data area in QTEMP.

                 The  value  *PREV may  be specified  which  causes the
                 existing value  in  the  TAASTSMSG  data  area  to  be
                 accessed and  used on  CHGJOB.   If no previous  value
                 exists, the current value is used.

                 The  value  *FIRSTUSE may  be  specified which  causes
                 the  initial value  placed in the  TAASTSMSG data area
                 to be  accessed and used  on CHGJOB.   If no  previous
                 value exists, *NORMAL is used.

                 *NORMAL means that status messages will be shown.

                 *NONE means that status messages are not shown.

                 *SYSVAL means  that status  messages are shown  or not
                 shown based on the system value QSTSMSG.

                 *USRPRF  means that status  messages are  shown or not
                 shown based on the user profile parameter STATUS.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SETSTSMSG     *CMD                   TAAMSHA       QATTCMD
   TAAMSHAC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSHAC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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