TAA Tools
SORTTXT        SORT TEXT MEMBER                        TAAMBRC

The Sort Text command  sorts the records in a text  member according to
a control record.

Assume  you  have  entered a  list  of  names  into  a text  member  as

                     JB Smith
                     AH Jones
                     BR Smith

After  entering the list,  you decide that  it would be  better to keep
the list  in alphabetical  sequence.   The SORTTXT  command will  allow
you to do this in a few simple steps.

  1.   Set up a  separate source member with the  list you want sorted.
       For  example, you could set up a  new source member and copy the
       list.   Only the records  you want  sorted should  exist in  the
       new  member.   The  SORTTXT  command  will  default to  use  the
       SORTOUT  member name.   You could use  this member name  for all
       of your sorting requirements.

  2.   Enter a control record  as the first record  in the new  member.
       You enter the characters  directly over the values to  be sorted

                     22 11111111111
                     JB Smith
                     AH Jones

       In  this case  you are  describing that  the sequence  should be
       last  name (high  order) followed by  the initials.   The result
       of the sort  is to place  the sorted records  into a new  member
       (the same  member could  be used).   The control record  will be

  3.   Specify the SORTTXT command such as:


       The  default of the  command is to  use the QTXTSRC  file on the
       library list  and to  sort  the SORTOUT  member and  replace  it
       with  the  sorted  version.    The  control  record  is  deleted

  4.   You  can then  copy  the sorted  records back  to  your original
       source or use an 'include' function.

Up to  4 sort  fields can  be described.   Descending  sequence can  be
specified on the command.

The control record must be  the first record in the source  member.  It
cannot be all blank.

The control  record can only  contain blanks and  the characters 1  2 3
4.   You cannot  have a split  control field (a  single sort field must
be in consecutive  positions).   If you enter  any other characters  on
the control record, an error will occur.

You can  use consecutive  positions for sort  fields.  For  example, if
you had a date field to sort on as:

             060188      Jones
             052288      Smith
             032187      Miller
             011299      Williams

You  could specify the  high order to  be on year followed  by MMDD and
then the name field.

             222211      33333333333
             060188      Jones

The FROMMBR  and TOMBR can  be the  same.   In this  case, the  control
record will be deleted and the records written back in sequence.

By default,  if the  Text Management  special statement  .PRT is  read,
the  source is assumed  to be  complete.  All  records read up  to that
point will be  sorted.  The  special records added  by Text  Management
will not be included.

The source file can be up to 240 bytes and be sorted correctly.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FROMMBR       The  member name  which  contains  the records  to  be
                 sorted.  The default is SORTOUT.

   TOMBR         The member  name which will contain the  output of the
                 command.    The default  is  *FROMMBR meaning  to copy
                 the sorted output back  into the from member.   If the
                 member  does not exist,  it is  added with  the source
                 type and text of the 'from member'.

   FROMFILE      The  qualified name  of  the from  file.   The library
                 defaults to *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be specified.

   TOFILE        The  qualified  name  of  the  to  file.    The   name
                 defaults  to  *FROMFILE.    The  library  defaults  to
                 *LIBL.   *CURLIB may  also be  used.  If  *FROMFILE is
                 specified and  the  library qualifier  is  *LIBL,  the
                 library is taken from the FROMFILE parameter.

   SRT1SEQ       The sequence  of the  Sort 1  field.   *ASCEND is  the
                 default, *DESCEND may be specified.

   SRT2SEQ       The  sequence of  the Sort  2 field.   *ASCEND  is the
                 default, *DESCEND may be specified.

   SRT3SEQ       The  sequence of  the Sort  3 field.   *ASCEND  is the
                 default, *DESCEND may be specified.

   SRT4SEQ       The sequence  of the  Sort 4  field.   *ASCEND is  the
                 default, *DESCEND may be specified.

   TXTMGT        Whether to  end the source  being read if  the special
                 Text  Management End statements  (beginning with .PRT)
                 are read.

                 The default  is *YES.   All  records read  up to  that
                 point will  be sorted.   The special records  added by
                 Text Management will not be included.

                 *NO  may  be  specified to  sort  the  Text Management




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      HLRMVMSG      HLL Remove message
      SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
      SNDESCMSG     Send escape message
      SNDSTSMSG     Send status message
      WRTSRC        Write source records


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   SORTTXT       *CMD                      TAAMBRC        QATTCMD
   TAAMBRCC      *PGM          CLP         TAAMBRCC       QATTCL
   TAAMBRCR      *PGM          RPG         TAAMBRCR       QATTRPG
   TAAMBRCR2     *PGM          RPG         TAAMBRCR       QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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