TAA Tools

The TAA Spell  Checking support provides  both a rich  English language
dictionary (including  i5/OS and TAA  Productivity Tool words)  as well
as  several commands to check text  members and literals within source.
If you  write  in English,  it  is not  necessary  to have  the  system
Dictionary  product  in order  to  assist you  in  a  variety of  spell
checking requirements.

Several specific TAA Tools exist for spell checking such as:

     - CHKSPELL      Checks all records in a text member
     - CHKSPELL2     Checks a string of text (passed as a parameter)
     - CHKARASPE     Checks spelling in a data area
     - CHKCMDSPE     Checks literals in command definition source
     - CHKCLSPE      Checks literals in CL source
     - CHKDDSSPE     Checks literals in DDS source
     - CHKIFSSPE     Checks spelling in an IFS stream file
     - CHKMBRSPE     Checks spelling in member heading text
     - CHKOBJSPE     Checks spelling in object descriptions
     - CHKRPGSPE     Checks literals in RPG III or RPG IV source
     - CHKMSGSPE     Checks the spelling of all messages in a MSGF
     - CHKMSGDSPE    Checks a single message description in MSGF
     - CHKFLDSPE     Checks a field in a DB file
     - CHKSPCSPE     Checks spelling in a user space
     - CRTDCTARA     Defines a dictionary set (see later discussion)
     - CHKWRD        Checks the spelling of a single word
     - FNDWRD        Helps to find a word based on a character string

The  spell checking tools require a  dictionary (or dictionaries) to be
named to perform spell checking.

The TAADFT dictionary  is provided  within the  TAA Productivity  Tools
product which is made up of:

  **   About 80,000  English words.  Also  included are words  that are
       somewhat   unique  to   the   IT  industry,   many  geographical
       locations, and  proper  names.    This  differs  from  the  QDCT

  **   i5/OS terminology such as QCLSRC.

  **   TAATOOL terminology such as RGZLIB.

See the  later section which  describes the  TAADFT dictionary in  more

System support

  **   APIs  exist for spell  checking that are  part of i5/OS  and are
       independent  of the system  Dictionary product.   These APIs are
       used by the TAA spell checking commands.

  **   The Create  Spelling Aid  Dictionary (CRTSPADCT) command  allows
       you  to  create  your  own   dictionary.    The  words  for  the
       dictionary must exist in a source member.

       CRTSPADCT  also allow you to create  a dictionary which combines
       an existing  dictionary and a  new set  of words  from a  source
       member.   However, you can only  name an existing  dictionary if
       it  was  created from  CRTSPADCT.   This  includes  all  the TAA
       provided dictionaries,  but excludes  the dictionaries  provided
       by the system Dictionary product.

  **   The Dictionary  product (not  part of  i5/OS) includes  language
       specific  dictionaries.   There  are  multiple English  language
       dictionaries  (including US English)  and other dictionaries for
       French, German, etc.


The performance of the TAA Spell  Checking tools is not as fast  as the
spell  checking  that  is done  by  a  function  such as  checking  the
spelling of a document written with a PC word processor.

The tools  do let you check all your source  in a reasonable time.  For
example,  to  spell  check  all  of  the  text  provided  by   the  TAA
Productivity Tools product takes about an hour.

One of  the major performance considerations  in spell checking  is how
many dictionaries  you specify.  You  can specify multiple dictionaries
be used, but  there is  a definite  performance advantage  in having  a
single dictionary.

Because the  TAA  provided dictionaries  are created  by the  CRTSPADCT
command,  it is possible  to make a  combined dictionary with  your own
unique  words  plus one  of  the supplied  TAA  Dictionaries.   See the
later discussion on how to do this.

Dictionaries provided in the TAA Productivity Tools product

Four dictionaries  are provided  by the  TAA Productivity  Tools.   The
TAADFT dictionary has  many English words plus combines  the words from
the other 3 dictionaries.

         - TAADFT     Contains about 80,000 words and names, plus
                        other dictionaries TAA400, TAATOOL,
                        and PRTSEUTXT.
         - TAA400     Contains i5/OS terminology
         - TAATOOL    Contains TAATOOL terminology
         - PRTSEUTXT  Contains the TAA PRTSEUTXT formatting commands

The major dictionary is TAADFT.  It is a combination of:

  **   English  words  and  names.    There  are  about  80,000  words,
       geographical locations,  and  proper  names.    This  is  not  a
       strict  subset of  the  system US  English  dictionary, but  you
       will   find   most   typical   words   exist   (in  fact,   most
       correspondence uses a set of only about 5,000 words).

       In addition, you will find  many words that are somewhat  unique
       to the IT industry such as 'enqueue' and 'startup'.

       You will also find  proper names that must begin  with a capital
       letter  for many cities,  counties, countries, and  other proper
       names.   The  system provided US  English dictionary  has only a
       few of these names.

  **   i5/OS terminology.   Included are  all i5/OS  command names  and
       keywords  plus  command  and  keyword  names  from  many  system
       products.    In addition,  all  system values  (such  as QDATE),
       file names (such  as QCLSRC),  and many other  system names  and
       terminology   (such  as   QBATCH,  QSECOFR,   and  V5R3M0)   are

       This  part  of  the TAADFT  dictionary  is  also  provided as  a
       separate dictionary named TAA400.

  **   TAA Productivity Tool  terminology.   Included are  all the  TAA
       command and keyword names  as well as other specific  TAA names.

       This  part  of  the TAADFT  dictionary  is  also  provided as  a
       separate dictionary named TAATOOL.

  **   PRTSEUTXT   Tool  terminology.     This   includes  the  special
       formatting commands  such as  LT9 as required  by the  PRTSEUTXT

       This  part  of the  TAADFT  dictionary  is  also provided  as  a
       separate dictionary named PRTSEUTXT.

Note   that  the  source  for  these   dictionaries  is  not  provided.
However, you can combine your own  unique set of words with one of  the
TAA supplied dictionaries.  See the next section.

Creating your own dictionary and combining it with TAA Dictionaries

Creating  your own  unique  dictionary  is simple.    You  need a  text
member  and then use a  source editor function  to enter the  words.  A
single word can appear in one record or multiple words such as:

           important fish Dowling

CRTSPADCT considers  a blank  to  be end  of  a word.   See  the  later
section Spell Checking of Words.

Assuming  you placed  the above  source  in MBR1  of  QTXTSRC, you  can
create a dictionary with the command:


If a  spelling dictionary already  exists by the name  you assigned, it
is replaced by default (see the REPLACE parameter).

If  you want  to combine  your text  member of  words with  an existing
dictionary, you can  do so  if the existing  dictionary was created  by
the CRTSPADCT command.

You  can combine  your words  with a  shipped TAA  Dictionary,  but not
with a system supplied dictionary from the Dictionary product.

To combine with a TAA Dictionary (such as TAADFT), you would specify:


There  is a  performance advantage  in using  only a  single dictionary
with the  TAA Spell  Checking commands  (or directly  using the  APIs).
If you have your  own set of unique words and want  them in addition to
TAADFT, you should create a combined dictionary.

Specifying your own dictionary on a TAA Spell Check command

The default  for all of the  TAA Spell Checking commands  is to use the
supplied TAADFT dictionary.

However, you can also specify:

  **   Your own dictionary  (or dictionaries) during  the running of  a

  **   Your  own dictionary  (or  dictionaries) as  a  default for  the
       entire system.

  **   Your  own  dictionary  (or  dictionaries)  as a  default  for  a
       specific user profile.

To  specify your  own unique  dictionary to  be used  on a  TAA Command
such as  CHKRPGSPE when  checking source  member MBR1  in QRPGSRC,  you
would specify:

                           DICT(xxx) DCTARA(*NONE)

To specify your  own dictionary as a system default  or a user default,
see the CRTDCTARA tool documentation.

Spell checking parameters for the dictionary to be used

The TAA Spell Check command defaults are set to:


If both defaults are taken, the following rules exist.

  **   If  the library  TAADCT does not  exist (by  default the library
       does not exist), the TAADFT dictionary in TAATOOL is used.

  **   If the TAADCT  library exists, a  data area by  the name of  the
       user of  the job  is searched  for in  TAADCT.   If it does  not
       exist,  a data  area by the  name of  SYSTEM is searched  for in

  **   If neither data  area exists, the  TAADFT dictionary in  TAATOOL
       is used.

See the  discussion  for the  CRTDCTARA tool  for how  to enter  values
into the data areas in TAADCT.

Spell Checking of Words

Assume you enter the following words into a Dictionary:

         start Chicago

The spell checker will consider the following valid:


The following would be considered invalid:


Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2001

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