TAA Tools
Determining TAA Tool Usage
There are several methods of determining the usage of the TAA
Productivity Tools. The following describes some typical approaches.

Checking your source

Commands in source

To determine if the TAA Tool commands have been used within your
source members, the CHKTAACMD TAA Tool can be used:


When run over many libraries and source files, CHKTAACMD is a long
running command and should be submitted to batch. The spooled file
will have one line for each source statement in a CL type source
member that contains a TAA Tool command. The command and sequence
number will be described also.

You may also run CHKTAACMD on a specific source file or all source
files in a library.

CHKTAACMD will identify TAA commands used within the source as normal
commands or on the CMD parameter of SBMJOB. It will not identify the
command if used within a variable such as with a parameter on QCMDEXC.

Many TAA Tools use other tools as sub functions. Because the TAA Tool
source is in an archive and not in a regular source file, you should
not see any references to TAA Tool source from the tools themselves
unless you have copied out some of the TAA source to actual source
members. CHKTAACMD allows you to omit a list of libraries and you
could specify to omit the TAATOOL library.

In some cases you may have an object that has the same name as a TAA
Tool command or program in one of your own libraries. The CHKTAAPRD
tool will find commands of the same name as the TAA Tool commands or
objects that begin with TAA that are outside of the TAA Tool
libraries. To find all of these situations, a typical command to enter
into batch would be:


Scanning for TAA use in source

Some TAA Tools may be used within your source either as a program name
or as a file definition. A general scan function such as the SCNSRC
tool could be used to find the 'TAA' values such as:


Some TAA Tool programs are intended for frequent use within HLL
programs and are given names that do not begin with TAA such as
HLRMVMSG and SNDESC. To determine the object names within TAATOOL that
do not begin with TAA, use the PRTNONTAA tool command. This should be
submitted to batch as:


The spooled file will describe the Non-TAA objects in TAATOOL along
with the 'last use date' and 'days use count'. You can scan for all of
some of the objects. For example, if you see objects that are being
used, you may want to scan for their names within your source. The
SCNSRC command will allow you to scan for multiple arguments at the
same time such as:


TAA Object Usage

The first time an object is run on a specific date, the system updates
the information about the date used and the count of usage. Note that
the count is really 'days used' and not a count of the times the
object has actually been used.

You can determine which TAA Tool commands are being used frequently by
using the TAA Tool PRTCMDUSE.


The spooled file will describe both the 'use count' and the 'last date

Many tools use other TAA Tools within the code. For example, the
EDTVAR command is used in many tools and will often have a high 'use
count' even though you may not have used the tool directly.

You can determine all of the usage within the TAATOOL library by using
the PRTLSTUSE tool command such as:


PRTLSTUSE is a long running command and should be submitted to batch.

Copyright TAA Tools, Inc. 1995, 2021

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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