TAA Tools

The Work  Validation List  Entries tool  is a series  of commands  that
simplify  working  with  validation list  entries.    After creating  a
Validation  List,  the remaining  functions  such as  adding, changing,
removing, displaying,  verifying,  retrieving,  and converting  can  be
done with TAA commands rather than system APIs.

Validation  lists   are  typically   used  with  web   applications  to
authenticate  internet users  to  avoid having  to create  user profile
objects  for them.    Password  like  values  may  be  assigned.    Web
configuration tools  normally allow  authentication using  a validation

The  system supplied  APIs do  not  provide data  translation (CCSIDs),
but the TAA commands do.

A validation  list may  also  be used  for  any application  use  where
password  type  checking  or  additional   password  type  checking  is

A validation list entry contains:

  **   Entry ID information  used to identify the entry.   It may be up
       to 100 characters and is case sensitive.

  **   Encryption  data (normally used  as a password)  is encrypted by
       the system when  an entry is stored.   Up to 600  characters may
       be entered and is case sensitive.

  **   Data  associated with  the entry  may be  up to  1000 characters
       and  is case sensitive.  This can  be just a text description or
       it can  be  a formatted  data  structure  to assist  in  various

  **   Attribute information.   The system currently supports  a single
       attribute which  determines whether the encryption  data is used
       only to verify a user (one-way  encryption) or to verify a  user
       and be retrieved and displayed (two-way encryption).

       However,  verification  can  only  be  done  if  the  QRETSVRSEC
       system value  is set to '1'  to retain the encrypted  data.  See
       the later discussion of the QRETSVRSEC system value.

Commands provided

  **   ADDVLDLE.  Adds a validation list entry.

  **   CHGVLDLE.  Changes a validation list entry.

  **   RMVVLDLE.  Removes a validation list entry.

  **   RTVVLDLE.  Retrieves a validation list entry.

  **   CVTVLDLE.  Converts validation list entries to an outfile.

  **   VFYVLDLE.  Verifies a validation list entry.

  **   WRKVLDLE.    Work with  validation list  entries for  a specific
       validation list.

  **   WRKVLDL.  Works with  validation list objects (a separate  tool)
       and allows access to WRKVLDLE.


To understand  the system  validation list support,  you must  be aware
of  the QRETSVRSEC  system value function  and the  'method' chosen for
the ENCRYPT parameter on ADD/CHGVLDLE.

  **   The QRETSVRSEC system value  controls whether the security  data
       needed  to authenticate  a  user can  be  retained  on the  host
       system.   The system uses  the word 'retained', but  this is not
       a good description of  how the system  operates.  Regardless  of
       the  system  value  setting, the  system  actually  retains  the
       encrypted  data when you  add or change  an entry.   The setting
       of  the system value  determines whether you  can actually 'use'
       the encrypted data.   The words 'using' and 'use' will  occur in
       this section rather than 'retained'.

       The  shipped value  of QRETSVRSEC  by  the system  is '0'  which
       prevents  any use  of the  encrypted data such  as verification.
       For example, the VFYVLDLE command  will always return an  escape

       When  QRETSVRSEC is  '0',  it does  not  matter  what method  is
       specified  for the  ENCRYPT parameter.   Verification  cannot be
       performed.  The  RTVVLDLE command will  return *UNAVAILABLE  and
       the  display  option   will  also  show  *UNAVAILABLE   for  the
       encrypted data.

  **   If  QRETSVRSEC  is  '1',  the  system  will  allow  use  of  the
       encrypted  data  and can  authenticate  (verify) an  entry using
       either the *ONEWAY  or *TWOWAY method.   For example, the  entry
       can be  authenticated by using the VFYVLDLE  command and passing
       it the value that is specified for 'encrypted data'.

       The  ENCRYPT  method  value  determines  whether  the  encrypted
       value can be displayed or retrieved.

         --   If *ONEWAY is  specified, the  value cannot be  displayed
              or  retrieved.     *UNAVAILABLE  will  be   displayed  or

         --   If  *TWOWAY  is  specified, the  encrypted  value  can be
              displayed and retrieved.

  **   Since regardless  of  what  is  specified  for  QRETSVRSEC,  the
       system is actually storing  the encrypted data, a change  to the
       system value  will change how the system functions.   You do not
       have  to change  the way the  entries were  originally added (or

       For example,  if you change  the system value  from '0' to  '1',
       an  entry can  be  authenticated  and the  method  of the  entry
       determines whether you can display or retrieve the data.

       Conversely,   if  you  change  from  '1'   to  '0',  you  cannot
       authenticate the  entry  and  cannot  retrieve  or  display  the
       encrypted  data.   The  encrypted  data  remains stored  on  the
       system and  can be used if  you change the system  value back to

       To remove all information,  the CLRSVRSEC system command  exists
       which was added in V5R3.

       V5R2  users should  note  that changing  from  '1' to  '0'  will
       remove all information.

Getting started

  **   Review if  you have any  Validation List (*VLDL)  objects on the
       user library list with WRKVLDL (a separate tool):

             WRKVLDL   VLDL(*ALL)

       WRKVLDL  defaults the qualified  name portion to  *USRLIBL.  The
       system ships  several  validation list  objects in  QUSRSYS  and
       QUSRDIRDB,  but  these  should  be  avoided unless  you  have  a
       specific need.

  **   If  you  do not  have  any Validation  List objects,  use  F6 to
       prompt for  the  CRTVLDL command.    Enter  values to  create  a
       validation list.

       When  you return  to  the WRKVLDL  display,  the new  validation
       list will be displayed.

  **   Use  Option 6 (Work  with Validation  List Entries) for  the new
       Validation List or  an existing  validation list  to prompt  for
       the WRKVLDLE command.  Take the defaults and press Enter.

  **   The WRKVLDLE display  allows you to change, remove,  display, or
       verify an entry.

  **   Use F6  to prompt for a  new entry.  Enter  the values (multiple
       displays) are used for ENTRYID, ENCRYPT, and DATA.

       Each  keyword  has  multiple elements  including  a  CCSID value
       which defaults to  the current CCSID for  the job.  You  can see
       the current CCSID with DSPJOB or CHGJOB.

       The ENTRYID  value is  the ID  assigned to the  entry.   This ID
       must  be  specified when  entering  a command  such  as VFYVLDLE
       directly (not using an option on WRKVLDLE).

       The ENCRYPT keyword  allows the  entry of data,  CCSID, and  the
       'method'  (*ONEWAY or  *TWOWAY).   The  'data' is  the value  to
       encrypted.   A  blank value is  not valid.   *NONE may  be used,
       but  a  typical  entry  would  be  a  string  of  characters  to
       simulate  a password.   The  'method'  entry determines  whether
       you can  retrieve or display the encrypted  value (if QRETSVRSEC
       is  '1').   *ONEWAY means the  encrypted value  can be verified,
       but not  displayed or retrieved.   *TWOWAY  means the value  can
       be verified, displayed, or retrieved.

       The  DATA  keyword  may  be  as simple  as  a  text  description
       assigned  to an entry or  as complex as a  data structure with a
       variety of information.

  **   When you  return to  the WRKVLDLE  display, the  new entry  will
       appear (rollup or 'position to' may be required).

       Help text is supported for the display and all commands.

  **   If your  QRETSVRSEC system value  is '1',  you can use  Option 6
       (Verify) to  authenticate the entry.  A  prompt will appear that
       allows you  to  enter  a  value to  match  the  encrypted  value
       stored in the system.

  **   Option 5  (Display) will  allow you  to display the  entry.   If
       the  QRETSVRSEC system  value is  '0',  the encrypted  data will
       never  be displayed.  If the  QRETSVRSEC system value is '1' and
       method *ONEWAY  was specified,  the encrypted data  will not  be
       displayed.   If the system value  is '1' and method  *TWOWAY was
       specified, you will be able to display the encrypted data.

  **   Option  2 (Change) will allow you to  change an entry.  If *SAME
       appears as  the default  for ENCRYPT,  the  current value  could
       not  be  retrieved because  1)  QRETSVRSEC  is  set to  '0',  2)
       *ONEWAY  is  specified   for  the  'method',  or  3)  *NONE  was
       specified for the encrypted value.

       You can change the  encrypted value.  However,  if you take  the
       default of *SAME,  you cannot change  the 'method' or  the CCSID
       value  of the  encrypted data.   A  message  will appear  if you
       specify  this.    The  'method' and  CCSID  value  will  only be
       changed if you enter a value for the encrypted data.

APIs Used

  **   QsyAddValidationLstEntry

  **   QsyFindValidationLstEntry

  **   QsyChangeValidationLstEntry

  **   QsyRemoveValidationLstEntry

  **   QsyFindNextValidationLstEntry

  **   QsyVerifyValidationLstEntry

Escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9871    Error found (text explains specifics)
      TAA9872    Verification failed

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

ADDVLDLE Command parameters                           *CMD

   VLDL          The qualified name  of the validation  list to add  an
                 entry  for.   The  library  value  defaults to  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB or a specific library may also be used.

   ENTRYID       A two part value for the entry ID.

                 The  first  part is  the  data  for the  entry  ID and
                 cannot be blank.   The value  may be up  to 100  bytes
                 of mixed case.

                 The  second  part  of   the  parameter  is  the  CCSID
                 assigned  to the  entry.   The default  is *CURUSRDFT.
                 To see the  value, prompt for  the CHGJOB command  and
                 review the  CCSID parameter.   An  entry in the  range
                 of 1-65535 may be entered.

   ENCRYPT       A  3  part  parameter  that describes  the  encryption
                 data and attribute.

                 The  first part is the data  to be encrypted which can
                 be up to  600 bytes of mixed  case.  A blank  entry is
                 valid  if  enclosed  in  apostrophes.   *NONE  may  be
                 specified for unusual cases.

                 The  second   part  of  the  parameter  is  the  CCSID
                 assigned to  the data.    The default  is  *CURUSRDFT.
                 To see  the value, prompt  for the CHGJOB  command and
                 review  the CCSID  parameter.  An  entry in  the range
                 of 1-65535 may be entered.

                 The third  part of  the  parameter is  the  encryption

                      If  the  QRETSVRSEC  system  value  is  '0',  the
                      entry cannot  be verified and  the encrypted data
                      cannot  be retrieved  or displayed.   This occurs
                      regardless  of  whether  *ONEWAY  or  *TWOWAY  is

                      *ONEWAY  is the  default  and means  the text  is
                      encrypted  and cannot be  retrieved or displayed.
                      It can  be  verified  if  the  QRETSVRSEC  system
                      value is '1'.

                      *TWOWAY  means  the  text  can  be  retrieved  or
                      displayed  if  the  QRETSVRSEC  system  value  is

   DATA          A 2  part parameter.   The  first part  describes  the
                 data which  may be  up to  1000 bytes  of mixed  case.
                 This  can be  as simple  as a  text description  or as
                 complex as a data structure.

                 The  second  part  is  the  CCSID.    The  default  is
                 *CURUSRDFT.  To see  the value, prompt for  the CHGJOB
                 command and  review the CCSID parameter.   An entry in
                 the range of 1-65535 may be entered.

RTVVLDLE Command parameters                           *CMD

   VLDL          The   qualified  name   of  the  validation   list  to
                 retrieve an  entry for.   The  library value  defaults
                 to *LIBL.   *CURLIB or a specific library  may also be

   ENTRYID       A 2 part entry for the entry ID that is requested.

                 The  first part is the  entry ID.  The  second part is
                 the CCSID of the  entry which defaults to  *CURUSRDFT.

                 The  parameter's  text, length,  and  CCSID  must  all
                 match  an existing  entry.   The  entry IDs  length is
                 assumed  to  be defined  by the  position of  the last
                 non-blank.    If  it  contains  blanks,  it   must  be
                 enclosed between apostrophes.

   DATACCSID     The  default is *CURUSRDFT.   A  CCSID may  be entered
                 to  specify that  translation from the  stored entry's
                 CCSID should be made.

                 *ENTRY may be specified  to retrieve the data  without

   RTNENTID      The  return entry  ID.   This  is  an optional  return
                 variable  that  if  used must  be  specified  as *CHAR

   RTNENTCCSI    The return entry  CCSID.  This  is an optional  return
                 variable  that if  used  must  be specified  as  *CHAR

   RTNENTLEN     The return  length of the entry.   This is an optional
                 return  variable  that if  used  must be  specified as
                 *CHAR LEN(5).

   RTNENCRYPT    The  return  encrypted data.    This  is  an  optional
                 return  variable that  if  used must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR  LEN(600).   If  *UNAVAILABLE  is  returned, see
                 the METHOD help text.

   RTNENCCCSI    The  return  encrypted  data   CCSID.    This  is   an
                 optional  return   variable  that  if  used   must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(5).

   RTNENCLEN     The return  length of the encrypted data.   This is an
                 optional  return  variable  that   if  used  must   be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(5).

   RTNENCMTH     The method  of encryption.   *TWOWAY will  be returned
                 if   two   way  encryption   is   specified  and   the
                 QRETSVRSEC  system  value  is  set to  '1'.    If not,
                 *SEEHLP is returned.

                 *SEEHLP means  the information  is  not available  for
                 one of the following reasons:

                      - The QRETSVRSEC system value is '0'.

                      -  The   QRETSVRSEC  system  value   is  '1'  and
                      *ONEWAY was specified.

                      -  The QRETSVRSEC system  value is  '1' and *NONE
                      was specified for the ENCRYPT parameter.

                 This is  an  optional  return variable  that  if  used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(7).

   RTNENTDATA    The return  entry data.   This  is an  optional return
                 variable  that  if  used must  be  specified  as *CHAR

   RTNDTACCSI    The return  entry data  CCSID.   This is  an  optional
                 return  variable that  if used  must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(5).

   RTNDTALEN     The  return entry data  length.   This is  an optional
                 return  variable  that if  used  must be  specified as
                 *CHAR LEN(5).

CHGVLDLE Command parameters                           *CMD

   VLDL          The qualified  name of the  validation list to  change
                 an entry  for.  The  library value defaults  to *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB or a specific library may also be used.

   ENTRYID       A  entry ID to be changed.   This is a two part entry.
                 The first part is the  entry which may be a value  may
                 be up  to 100 bytes  of mixed case  and must  match an
                 existing entry ID value.

                 The  second  part  is the  CCSID  of  the entry  which
                 defaults to*CURUSRDFT.    An  entry in  the  range  of
                 1-65535 may be entered.

   ENCRYPT       A  3  part parameter  that  describes  the  encryption
                 data and attribute.

                 The  first part  is the data  which can  be up  to 600
                 bytes  of mixed  case.   The default  is *SAME meaning
                 no  change  occurs  to   the  value.    If  *SAME   is
                 specified, any  changes to  the METHOD or  CCSID parts
                 are  ignored and the  completion message will describe
                 this non-action.

                 *NONE may  be specified  which prevents  verification.

                 The  second  part  of   the  parameter  is  the  CCSID
                 assigned  to  the data.   The  default  is *CURUSRDFT.
                 To see the  value, prompt for  the CHGJOB command  and
                 review the  CCSID parameter.   An  entry in the  range
                 of 1-65535 may be entered.

                 The  third part  of  the parameter  is  the encryption

                      *ONEWAY  means the  text is  encrypted and cannot
                      be  displayed  or  retrieved  regardless  of  the
                      QRETSVRSEC system  value setting.   The entry can
                      be  verified if  the  QRETSVRSEC system  value is

                      *TWOWAY  means   the  text   can  be   retrieved,
                      displayed, or  verified if the  QRETSVRSEC system
                      value is '1'.

   DATA          A  2 part  parameter.   The  first part  describes the
                 data which  may be  up to  1000 bytes  of mixed  case.
                 This can  be as  simple as  a text  description or  as
                 complex as a data structure.

                 The  second  part  is  the  CCSID.    The  default  is
                 *CURUSRDFT.   To see the  value, prompt for the CHGJOB
                 command and review the  CCSID parameter.  An entry  in
                 the range of 1-65535 may be entered.

RMVVLDLE Command parameters                           *CMD

   VLDL          The qualified  name of  the validation list  to remove
                 an  entry from.  The library  value defaults to *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB or a specific library may also be used.

   ENTRYID       The entry to be removed.

   ENTRYID       A entry ID to be changed.   This is a two part  entry.
                 The first part  is the entry which may be  a value may
                 be  up to 100  bytes of mixed  case and must  match an
                 existing entry ID value.

                 The second  part  is  the CCSID  of  the  entry  which
                 defaults  to*CURUSRDFT.   An  entry  in the  range  of
                 1-65535 may be entered.

                 The value  must match what was  specified on ADDVLDLE.

CVTVLDLE Command parameters                           *CMD

   VLDL          The  qualified  name  of  the  validation  list  to be
                 converted to an  outfile.  The library  value defaults
                 to *LIBL.   *CURLIB or a specific library  may also be

   RANGE         A  two part entry  to describe the range  of entry IDs
                 to be converted.

                 The first part  is the  starting value.   It  defaults
                 to *FIRST.

                 The second part  is the ending value.   It defaults to

                 The  entry  IDs entered  do  not have  to  exist.   An
                 entry  ID  is  converted  if  the  value  is  *GE  the
                 starting entry  ID and *LE  the ending  ID.  See  also
                 the NBRTOCVT parameter.

   NBRTOCVT      The number of entries to convert.

                 *RANGE  is the default  meaning all  entries described
                 by the RANGE parameter.

                 If  a value is  entered in the  range of 0-999,999,999
                 the  conversion   stops  when   either  the   NBRTOCVT
                 entries  have been  converted or  the RANGE  parameter
                 excludes fewer entries than the NBRTOCVT value.

   OUTLIB        The  library  for  the  VLDLEP  file  to  contain  the
                 converted entries.

                 *LIBL is the  default and  may be used  if the  VLDLEP
                 file already exists.

                 *CURLIB or a  named library may also  be specified and
                 must be used if the VLDLEP file does not exist.

                 The  model  file is  TAAVLEAP  with a  format  name of

   OUTMBR        The member of  the output  file to  write records  to.
                 The default is VLDLEP.

   REPLACE       A *YES/*NO parameter  for whether to replace  the data
                 in  the outfile.   The default  is *YES.   *NO  may be
                 specified to add to the existing data.

VFYVLDLE Command parameters                           *CMD

   VLDL          The  qualified name of  the validation list containing
                 the  entry  to   be  verified.    The   library  value
                 defaults  to *LIBL.    *CURLIB or  a specific  library
                 may also be used.

   ENTRYID       The entry to be verified.

   ENTRYID       A  entry ID to be changed.   This is a two part entry.
                 The first part is the  entry which may be a value  may
                 be up  to 100 bytes  of mixed case  and must  match an
                 existing entry ID value.

                 The  second  part  is the  CCSID  of  the entry  which
                 defaults to*CURUSRDFT.    An  entry in  the  range  of
                 1-65535 may be entered.

                 The value must  match what was specified  on ADDVLDLE.

   ENCRYPT       The  data  to be  compared  to  the entry's  encrypted
                 data.    If  the  data does  not  match  the encrypted
                 value stored  in the  system,  TAA9872 is  sent as  an
                 escape message.   Other reasons exist  for the TAA9872
                 message being sent are:

                      1)  If  the  QRETSVRSEC system  value  is  set to

                      2) If the ENCRYPT value is currently *NONE.

                 This is  a two  part value.   The  first  part is  the
                 text to  be verified.   The second  part is  the CCSID
                 (defaults  to CURUSRDFT) to be  used when co¢paring to
                 the entry's encryption data.

WRKVLDLE Command parameters                           *CMD

   VLDL          The qualified  name  of  the  validation  list  to  be
                 worked with.   The  library value  defaults to  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB or a specific library may also be used.

   START         The starting entry ID.  The default is *FIRST.

   NBR           The  number of  entries to  be  made available  in the
                 subfile.   The default  is 500.  The  value must be in
                 a range of 1 16,750.


A limit of 16,750 entries may exist in a single validation list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RMVLSTMSG       Remove last message
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ADDVLDLE      *CMD                   TAAVLEA       QATTCMD
   RTVVLDLE      *CMD                   TAAVLEA2      QATTCMD
   CHGVLDLE      *CMD                   TAAVLEA3      QATTCMD
   RMVVLDLE      *CMD                   TAAVLEA4      QATTCMD
   CVTVLDLE      *CMD                   TAAVLEA5      QATTCMD
   VFYVLDLE      *CMD                   TAAVLEA6      QATTCMD
   WRKVLDLE      *CMD                   TAAVLEA7      QATTCMD
   TAAVLEAC      *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC      QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC2     QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC3     QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC4     *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC4     QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC5     *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC5     QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC6     *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC6     QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC7     *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC7     QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC17    *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC17    QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC18    *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC18    QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC19    *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC19    QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC20    *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC20    QATTCL
   TAAVLEAC21    *PGM       CLP         TAAVLEAC21    QATTCL
   TAAVLEAP      *FILE      PF          TAAVLEAP      QATTDDS


   TAAVLEAC   CL pgm

   TAAVLEAC2   CL pgm

   TAAVLEAC20  CL pgm - Prompt override
   TAAVLEAC3   CL pgm

   TAAVLEAC4   CL pgm

   TAAVLEAC5   CL pgm

   TAAVLEAC6   CL pgm

   TAAVLEAC7   CL pgm
       TAAVLEAC17  CL Pgm    Prompt for VFYVLDLE
       TAAVLEAC18  CL Pgm    Prompt for ADDVLDLE
       TAAVLEAC19  CL Pgm    Prompt for RMVVLDLE
       TAAVLEAC21  CL Pgm    Prompt for CHGVLDLE

Added to TAA Productivity tools January 1, 2007

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