TAA Tools
AUDLOG          AUDIT LOG                              TAASEDS

The Audit Log tool is  a series of commands that let you  work with the
audit  log entries from  the QAUDJRN journal.   You may  either display
the  entries using several different access  paths or print the entries
using different  selection and sequencing  criteria.   Audit logs  from
multiple systems may be stored in the same data base.

The  QAUDJRN journal  entries must  be converted  to a  data  base file
before  the display or print  functions may be  used.  Special commands
exists  to  create  the  required  data  base  files  and  convert  the

See also the SCNAUDLOG tool.

Size of journal entry data

The  default when  using CRTAUDLOG  is to  create the  AUDATA field  in
AUDLOGP  as a  102 byte  field.   This will  contain the  journal entry
data.  Some  journal entries have  a larger amount of  entry data  than
102 bytes.

You may  make the AUDLOGP  field larger by  specifying a longer  length
on the CRTAUDLOG command.

You can determine how long the field should be by using:

             DSPJRN   - you may need RCVRNG(*CURCHAIN)

When the  display appears, use  Option 5 to  display an entry  that you
want  to capture  all the  entry data for.   When  the display appears,
use F15  to see  a display  of just the  entry data  and determine  how
many bytes exist.

Repeat the  use of  Option 5  and F15 for  other journal  entries until
you are satisfied with the length you want to capture.

If  you have already created the AUDLOG  files using CRTAUDLOG and want
to make the  file larger, see  the section on  'Converting to a  longer
entry data length'.

Creating the Audit Log Journal

If you  have not already  created the Audit  Log journal  and specified
the  QAUDLVL  system value,  do  the following  steps  as  the Security
Officer (the library  QGPL is used  for the Journal  receiver, but  any
user library may be used):

  **   Create a journal receiver:

              CRTJRNRCV    JRNRCV(QGPL/AUD00001)
                             TEXT('Audit log receiver')

       The  Audit   Log  tool  does   not  require  a   special  naming
       convention  for the  journal receivers.   However,  a convention
       such as AUD00001 is recommended.

  **   Create  the Audit  Log journal  (it must  have the  name QAUDJRN
       and exist in QSYS):

              CRTJRN       JRN(QSYS/QAUDJRN)
                             TEXT('Audit log journal')

  **   Check the system  value QAUDLVL with  WRKSYSVAL.  You must  have
       some  entries  to  cause  auditing.    See  the  description  of
       possible  entries   and  enter  your  required  values  such  as
       *AUTFAIL.   You should  also review  the  possible choices  with
       the QAUDCTL system value.

Creating the required data base files

The CRTAUDLOG  command creates the files  used by the  AUDLOG function.
A typical command would be:


where  nnn is  the  length of  the entry  data length  of  the journal.
Using more than  the 102 byte  default will allow you  to capture  more
of  the entry  data  for  some journal  entries.   However,  this  will
increase the  size of the  file as the  AUDATA field is  a fixed length

You  can have multiple  sets of audit  log files, but  only one set per
library.   A single  physical  file AUDLOGP  is created  and 5  logical

If you  have created the required  files and then wish  to delete them,
the special command DLTAUDLOG should be used.

Converting the journal entries

You  need to convert the journal entries  to the data base files before
displaying or  printing them.    To convert  the QAUDJRN  entries  from
your own system specify:

             CVTAUDLOG   AUDLOGLIB(xxx)

CVTAUDLOG  should be  specified  on a  regular basis  such  as once  or
twice a  day.  If you have a 'start of  day' or 'end of day' procedure,
CVTAUDLOG could be included  or as a  'time dependent scheduling'  job.
If you  change the audit journal  receiver at the  end of the  day, you
should follow this process with a CVTAUDLOG command.

An option  exists on CVTAUDLOG  to allow a  new journal receiver  to be
generated.   You may  use this option  on CVTAUDLOG and  then a command
like the TAA Tool MTNJRN to delete the old receivers.

CVTAUDLOG  has  the  smarts  to  determine  the  last  entry  that  was
converted  for the  current system  and will  only convert  the journal
entries  that have occurred after  that point.   Therefore, you may run
CVTAUDLOG whenever  required  to convert  the current  entries  without
concerning yourself about duplicating the entries.

The process  that CVTAUDLOG uses  is to  determine the last  entry that
was  converted previously.   The journal receiver  containing the entry
will be converted  to a data  base file  and read.   Conversion to  the
audit log file does not  start until entries which do not  exist in the
audit  log file  are read.   Therefore, to  minimize conversion  of the
journal  receivers  during your  regular use  of CVTAUDLOG,  you should
switch to  a new  receiver before using  CVTAUDLOG.   This causes  both
the old and  new receivers to be  read.  Once the entries  from the old
receiver   have  been  converted,  the  old   receiver  will  never  be
converted again.

In V5R3, the  system CRTJRN command  changed the default  of MNGRCV  to
*SYSTEM.   This means the  system will change  the journal  receiver at
each IPL and reset the sequence number to 1 for the new receiver.

Note  that DSPAUDLOG  does not  convert the  journal.   The information
will only be as current as the last use of CVTAUDLOG.

CVTAUDLOG uses DSPJRN  and specifies  a *TYPE5 format  for the  outfile
as of  V7R1.   This  includes additional  fields  that are  not in  the
*TYPE1 format.

You must  periodically clean out old entries from  the data base files.
A  special command  MTNAUDLOG is provided  for this function.   See the
later discussion.

A special  command CVTAUDLOG2 is  used for  converting journal  entries
from other systems that  you want to store in the same  data base.  See
the later discussion of CVTAUDLOG2.

A  separate  tool  CVTAUDLOG3  is  available  to  allow  entries to  be
converted as soon as they occur.   An option exists with CVTAUDLOG3  to
allow  a message  to  be  sent immediately  to  a  message queue  if  a
specific   JournalCode/EntryType/SubType   has  occurred.      See  the
CVTAUDLOG3 documentation.

Displaying the entries (DSPAUDLOG command)

There are two methods of displaying entries.

  **   Display all of  the entries for  a range of dates  and then  use
       the F9 key to position.

  **   Use  the  selection  criteria on  the  command  to  display  the
       required entries.

A typical command to display all of the entries would be:


A  subfile is displayed  with 'position  to' values  at the top  of the
display.   The default  is to display  the first entry  for the current

Two options exist for displaying a detail entry.

  **   An  abbreviated  version of  the  entry  text  (100  bytes)  may
       always be displayed.

  **   The  full entry may  be displayed  by use  of the  system DSPJRN
       command  if the journal  receiver containing the  entry is still
       on line.   If  the date/time/code/type  are  the same,  multiple
       entries may be displayed.

Journal  entries have  a  common set  of  standard  fields followed  by
variable  information termed 'entry  data'.   Each journal entry  has a
one byte  journal code  and a  2 byte  journal entry  type.   Different
journal  codes  may  appear in  the  QAUDJRN  journal,  but  you  would
primarily see 'T' codes which are the 'audit entries'.

The 2  byte journal entry  type varies depending  on the type  of audit
entry  written.  For example,  you may see 'ZC'  which is 'Change of an

The audit entries  also include a  sub entry type which  is a one  byte
character modifier of the 2 byte entry type.

The subfile  display shows  only the codes  and entry  type characters.
A  description of the  meaning of the  codes and types can  be found on
the detail display.

Each 2 byte  audit entry type is  supported by the  system with a  data
base file that  describes the layout of  each entry.  The  file formats
exist in  QSYS and are named  QASYxxJE.  For example,  the ZC entry has
a format of QASYZCJE.

When the  detail display  appears, the  standard fields  are  described
and the variable information  appears as a string called  'Entry data'.
You can  see a description of what  the entry data means by  using F6 =
DSPDBFDTA.    It  will  display  the  data  using  the  format  of  the
corresponding journal entry.

For the  T entries,  the sub  entry type  is shown  at the  top of  the
display along with  the entry type.  The data exists  as the first byte
in the  entry data.  Rather than show  this value, it is truncated off.

As you  become familiar with  what the  entries mean  and the  variable
data, you  will probably  be able to  determine what  you want  to know
without using the DSPDBFDTA command.

When  the subfile display  first appears, the  sequence of the  data is
system, date, and  then time.   This is  due to the  keyed sequence  of
the access path being used to display the data.

You  can change  the  sequence  by using  the  F9  key.   Assuming  you
entered  a value and  pressed Enter,  the subfile is  re-displayed with
the  new sequence.  The 'position to' fields  at the top of the display
change to correspond with the access path being used.

The F6 key is also supported  to allow you to prompt for  the PRTAUDLOG

DSPAUDLOG also supports selection criteria on the command such as:


All the  entries generated  by the specified  user that  occurred today
would be displayed.

Printing the entries (PRTAUDLOG command)

The  Print Audit  Log  command allows  you to  print the  entries using
different selection  and sequencing.   For  example, if  you wanted  to
print  in order  by user  name for  a  specific entry  type, you  would


The  command uses OPNQRYF to  select and sequence the  records and then
prints the records in a standard format.

The standard fields  are always printed  on the left hand  side of  the

The  right hand  side  will  contain  the variable  information  in  an
unformatted manner  (same as on the detail display  of the record using
DSPAUDLOG).   There  is no  explanation of  the data.   If you  are not
familiar with  what the  data means,  use the  DSPDBFDTA function  from

Maintaining the audit log files

The  CVTAUDLOG command converts  entries into  the audit  log file.   A
separate command MTNAUDLOG is used to delete entries.

Normally,   you  would  run   MTNAUDLOG  periodically   based  on  your
retention period of  audit entries.  The  command supports the  RTNDAYS
parameter which allows you to name your retention period in days.

A typical command would be:

             MTNAUDLOG    RTNDAYS(30) AUDLOGLIB(xxx)

This would  remove all  the entries that  are 30  prior to  the current

MTNAUDLOG  creates a  work file AUDLOGP2  to copy  records to  based on
the retention date.   The records are then  copied back to the  AUDLOGP
file using MBROPT(*REPLACE) and the AUDLOGP2 file is deleted.

A check  occurs to  ensure the AUDLOGP2  file does  not exist  when the
file is  created.  If  so, it indicates  a failure occurred  during the
previous use of MTNAUDLOG and you must manually correct the error.

MTNAUDLOG  supports the WRKFILLIB  parameter.  By  default, this is the
same library as  AUDLOGP.  You  may prefer to  use a different  library
which could be in a different ASP.

System auditing functions

The  system supports a  wide variety  of auditing  options such  as the
use or change of an object or what an individual user does.

There  are  two  system  values  and  two  commands  you should  become
familiar with.

  **   The  QAUDCTL  system  value  has  some  high  level  options  to
       control auditing.  A typical setting would be:

               *OBJAUD  *AUDLVL  *NOQTEMP

  **   The QAUDLVL system  value (use QAUDLVL2 if many  options need to
       be  entered)  also   helps  control  auditing.    To  log  audit
       failures, you  must  specify  at least  *AUTFAIL.    Review  the
       other options to determine what is required for your system.

  **   The CHGOBJAUD  command allows  you to  audit actions against  an
       individual object.

  **   The CHGUSRAUD  command allows you  to audit actions  taken by an
       individual   user.     CHGUSRAUD   works  in   conjunction  with
       CHGOBJAUD so that you  can audit actions taken by  an individual
       user on a specific object.


All examples assume that the QAUDCTL system value includes *OBJAUD.

  **   To  audit  the use  of  any access  to  FILEA  in library  LIB1,


  **   To log all commands entered by QSECOFR, specify:


  **   To log any changes to FILEB in LIB1 taken by USERX, specify:



Converting to a longer or shorter entry data length

To  change the length of  the AUDATA field (either  larger or smaller),
and convert  your current  data,  the RFMAUDLOG  command may  be  used.
You should  create an  empty work library  for use  by the  command and
retain it until you are satisfied with the reformatting.

  **   Create  a temporary library.   The  name TMPAUDLOG will  be used
       in this example.

             CRTLIB   LIB(TMPAUDLOG)

  **   Use RFMAUDLOG  and  specify the  desired  field length  for  the


Securing the AUDLOGP file

The AUDLOGP file is  created with PUBLIC(*EXCLUDE).  This  prevents the
*PUBLIC  user from any  access.   The user  who uses the  CVTAUDLOG and
MTNAUDLOG  commands  must  have  *CHANGE  authority  to  AUDLOGP.   The
display or print functions will require *USE authority.

There is  no method  of preventing an  *ALLOBJ user  from changing  the
data in  the AUDLOGP file.   What you can  do is cause  a journal entry
if  any changes are  made to  the file and  thus allow a  review of who
has  made  a  change.    See  the  CHKAUDLOGP  tool  for  a  method  of
determining if valid changes have been made to AUDLOGP.

You must  set the  QAUDCTL system  value to  *OBJAUD and  then run  the


Any  user changing  the file  would cause a  T ZC  journal entry  to be

You can use DSPJRN to  create an outfile of the  T ZC entries and  then
run a query  or use SCNDTA  to scan the JOESD  field for AUDLOGP.   You
should list the JOSEQN field as well as AUUSER.

Converting journal entries from other systems

The AUDLOG  tool lets you  have a single  data base with  audit entries
from  one or more  systems.  The  high order key  field for all logical
files is the system name.

Or you may  want to use AUDLOG  for multiple systems, but  would rather
have unique files  for each system (this would  require one library per

The  steps described are the same for  whether you have one or multiple
sets of files.

In the  following  discussion,  the  term  'master  system'  means  the
system where AUDLOG  will be run.   The term 'remote system'  means the
system that  is only capturing audit entries,  but not using the AUDLOG

The CVTAUDLOG command  is used to  convert the audit  entries from  the
master system.

The  special command  CVTAUDLOG2  is used  to  convert journal  entries
from  the  remote  systems.   CVTAUDLOG2  must  be  run  on the  master
system.   The  remote system  must do DSPJRN  to get  the audit journal
entries into a data base file that can be used by CVTAUDLOG2.

Do the following steps:

  **   Use DSPJRN  on the remote  system to  convert the journal  audit
       entries to a  data base file.   A good time to do  this would be
       just  after converting to  a new  journal receiver.   You do not
       have to  concern  yourself with  ensuring  that the  same  entry
       only be  converted once  from the journal.   When  CVTAUDLOG2 is
       run,  it will bypass any  journal entries that  already exist in
       the data base file.

       When DSPJRN  is used,  you  must specify  OUTFILFMT(*TYPE5)  and
       ENTDTALEN of  between 102  and 3000.   A  typical command  would

                        OUTFILFMT(*TYPE5) OUTFILE(xxx/DSPJRNP)

  **   You would  then transfer the DSPJRNP file  to the master system.

  **   Then run the CVTAUDLOG2 command on the master system as:


The audit data is then available to be reviewed or printed.

Security discussion

To  work with the audit journal,  the user must have *ALLOBJ authority.
AUDLOG provides  only  a single  command that  works  with the  journal
object and that is CVTAUDLOG.

AUDLOG  provides   the  TAAAUDLOG   authorization  list  to   allow  an
authorized  user to the  list to  use CVTAUDLOG.   A user  who has *USE
authority to the  authorization list may  use CVTAUDLOG to  any set  of
audit  log  files.    This  is  the  only  function  of  the  TAAAUDLOG
authorization  list.  The  user authorized  to TAAAUDLOG does  not have
the automatic  right  to  DSP  or PRTAUDLOG.    This  allows  a  system
operator to perform the conversion on a regular basis.

The user who  uses CRTAUDLOG becomes the  owner of the data  base files
that  are  created.   To  minimize  exposures,  you  must have  *ALLOBJ
special  authority  to use  CRTAUDLOG.   The  AUDLOGP physical  file is
created as  AUT(*EXCLUDE).   This prevents  any other  user from  using
the  data in  the  file by  default  (access to  the  logical files  is

The  owner may authorize other  users to *USE  authority to the AUDLOGP
file.   This will  allow them  to use  the functions  of DSPAUDLOG  and

The MTNAUDLOG  command deletes  old entries  in the  AUDLOGP file.   To
run the  command, the user must have  *ALL authorization to the AUDLOGP

The CVTAUDLOG2 command  adds records  to the AUDLOGP  file from  remote
systems.  A user  with *ALLOBJ authority on the remote  system must use
DSPJRN  to convert  the QAUDJRN journal  entries to  a data  base file.
The  file is then placed  on the master system.   To run the CVTAUDLOG2
command, the user must have *ALL authorization to the AUDLOGP file.

Option 7  on DSPAUDLOG  allows a direct  display of  the journal  entry
itself  assuming the  journal  receiver  is online.    To provide  this
function,  the TAASEDSC23 program adopts authority  of QSECOFR to allow
the display.  Since  the user must have  *USE authority to the  AUDLOGP
file to use  DSPAUDLOG, this is a  safe use of program  adoption.  Code
within  TAASEDSC23 prevents  a user from  calling the  program directly
unless he has at least *USE authority to the AUDLOGP file.

Resetting the journal sequence number

In V5R3, the  system change to  the CRTJRN command  using a default  of
MNGRCV(*SYSTEM) causes  the system to  change the  receiver at IPL  and
restart the sequence number.

The  audit log tool  was changed to  be tolerant of  this.  You  do not
have  to clear the  audit log files  if either the  system or you reset
the sequence numbers.

CRTAUDLOG parameters                                  *CMD

   AUDLOGLIB     The name  of the  library  where the  audit log  files
                 will be created.

   ENTDTALEN     The length  of the entry data  which contains variable
                 information about the journal entry.

                 The  default is 102.   Some journal  entries have more
                 than 102  bytes.   Increasing  the  size can  cause  a
                 significant  growth in  the  AUDLOGP file  if you  are
                 capturing  many journal entries.   The AUDATA field is
                 a fixed length field in AUDLOGP.

                 The entry data  length must be  between 102 and  3000.

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.    The  default  is  *TAAARC meaning  the  TAA

                 A  specific user library may  be named, but the source
                 file must be QATTDDS.

CVTAUDLOG parameters                                  *CMD

   RMVALLLFM     A  *YES/*NO parameter  for  whether the  logical  file
                 members should  be removed  before the  update program
                 runs   and  then  added   back  after.     This  is  a
                 performance  option.    It  is  generally  faster   to
                 remove the members  and then add them back  if a large
                 percentage of records will be added to the file.

                 *NO is  the default which should be  used when a small
                 percentage of records are added.

                 *YES should be  specified to  improve the  performance
                 when adding a large percentage of records.

   GENNEWRCV     Whether to  generate a new  journal receiver.   *NO is
                 the default.

                 *YES may  be specified to cause the  CHGJRN command to
                 occur with JRNRCV(*GEN).

   AUDLOGLIB     The  name  of the  library where  the audit  log files
                 exist.   The default is  *LIBL.   *CURLIB may also  be

DSPAUDLOG parameters                                  *CMD

   AUDLOGLIB     The  name of  the library  where the  audit  log files
                 exist.   The  default is *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may also be

   STRDATE       The date to start the  first display.  The default  is
                 *CURRENT  which means  the  current day.   A  specific
                 date may be entered in YYMMDD format.

                 If  a  record   does  not  exist  for  the  date,  the
                 previous days record will be shown

   STRTIME       The time to start the  first display.  The default  is
                 000000 which means  the first record of  the requested

   ENDDATE       The  date to end  the first  display.  The  default is
                 *CURRENT  which  means the  current  day.   A specific
                 date may be entered in YYMMDD format.

   ENDTIME       The time  to end the  first display.   The default  is
                 235959 which  means the  last record of  the requested

   JOB           The  job  to  display.    *ALL  is  the  default.    A
                 specific job name may be entered.

   USER          The  user to  display.    *ALL  is  the  default.    A
                 specific user may be entered.

   USERTYPE      The user type  to display on the subfile.   *CURUSR is
                 the  default  to display  the current  user.   *JOBUSR
                 may be  specified  to  display  the  job  user.    The
                 detail display describes both.

   JRNCDE        A 3 part field for selection of the journal code.

                 1) The journal code  to select.  *ALL is  the default.
                 A  specific  journal   code  such  as  'T'  for  audit
                 entries may be displayed.

                 2)  The journal  entry type  to select.   *ALL  is the
                 default.  A specific  journal entry type such as  'AF'
                 for authorization failures may be displayed.

                 3)  The journal  sub  code  to select.    *ALL is  the
                 default.   A specific journal sub  code such as 'K' be

MTNAUDLOG parameters                                  *CMD

   RTNDAYS       The number of  days of audit entries  to retain.   The
                 default is  30 meaning that  any audit entries  with a
                 date  prior to 30  days ago  will be deleted  from the

   AUDLOGLIB     The name  of the  library where  the audit  log  files
                 exist.   The default is  *LIBL.   *CURLIB may also  be

   WRKFILLIB     The name  of the library where the  AUDLOGP2 file will
                 be  created  as  a  work file  during  the  copying of
                 data.  If the  AUDLOBP2 file already exists,  it means
                 a failure  occurred in  the previous use  of MTNAUDLOG
                 and  you  must  manually  correct  the  problem.   The
                 records  from  AUDLOGP   are  copied   based  on   the
                 retention date  to AUDLOGP2  and then  copied back  to
                 AUDLOGP  using  MBROPT(*REPLACE).   The  AUDLOGP2 file
                 is then deleted.

                 *AUDLOGLIB is  the default  meaning the  same  library
                 where the AUDLOGP file exists.

                 A different  library may  be named  which could be  in
                 an ASP.

PRTAUDLOG parameters                                  *CMD

   SEQ           The  sequence of  the report.    The default  is *DATE
                 which  means  the sequence  will  be by  system, date,
                 and time.

                 *CODE may be specified  which means the sequence  will
                 be by system, code, entry type, date, and time.

                 *USER may  be specified which means  the sequence will
                 be by system, user, date, and time.

                 *JOB  may be specified  which means  the sequence will
                 be by system, job, date, and time.

                 *CODESUB may  be specified  which means  the  sequence
                 will be by  system, code, entry type,  sub type, date,
                 and time.

   STRDATE       The  start date  of  the entries  to select  on.   The
                 default is *TODAY meaning the current days date.

                 *FIRST may  be specified  meaning the  oldest date  in
                 the file.

                 A  specific  date  may  also  be  entered  in  CYYMMDD

   ENDDATE       The  end  date  of the  entries  to  select  on.   The
                 default  is *LAST meaning  the last date  in the file.

                 A  specific  date  may  also  be  entered  in  CYYMMDD

   USER          The user  to select on.   The default is  *ALL meaning
                 all users.  A specific user may be named.

                 The  user value is built on  the JOUSPF field from the
                 journal entry  and not  the user  portion  of the  job
                 name.   In some cases, the  actual user can  be varied
                 within  the job  so the user  value reflects  the user
                 profile that caused  the entry and  not the job  name.

   JRNCDE        A 3 part  parameter to select the journal  code, type,
                 and subtype.  Up to 50 entries may be made.

                 *ALL  is  the default  for  journal  code meaning  all
                 journal   codes.    This  will  include  some  general
                 journal codes  such as 'J'  with an  entry type of  IN
                 meaning a  normal IPL.   A specific code may  be named
                 such as 'T' for the audit entries.

                 *ALL  is the default  for journal  entry types meaning
                 all  journal  entry  types  such  as  'AF'  for  audit
                 failure.  A specific entry type may be named.

                 *ALL  is  the  default  for  journal  entry  sub  type
                 meaning all  sub types.  A specific  sub type type may
                 be named.   Only the  journal entries of  JOCODE =  T,
                 provide a sub type.

                 If  a  sub  type is  entered,  the  journal  code  and
                 journal type may not be *ALL.

   JOB           The  default  is  *ALL  meaning  all  job  names.    A
                 specific job name may be named.

   STRTIME       The  default is  *FIRST meaning  the first  time based
                 on the  STRDATE parameter.    A specific  time may  be
                 entered in the format HHMMSS.

   ENDTIME       The default  is *LAST meaning  the last time  based on
                 the  ENDDATE  parameter.    A  specific  time  may  be
                 entered in the format HHMMSS.

   PROGRAM       The  default  is  *ALL   meaning  all  programs.     A
                 specific  program may  be  entered.   See  the  PRTOPT

   OBJ           The  default is  *ALL objects  in  *ALL libraries.   A
                 specific object  and/or  a  specific  library  may  be
                 entered.  See the PRTOPT parameter.

                 Note that  this parameter may  only be used  to select
                 those  entries where  a  value exists  in  the journal
                 entry  for the  JOOBJ and  JOLIB field.   This  can be
                 determined  by  using  DSPAUDLOG  and  displaying  the
                 details  of  an  entry.     If  data  exists  for  the
                 'Object/Library/Member'  line, selection  may be made.

   MEMBER        The default is  *ALL members.   A specific member  may
                 be entered.  See the PRTOPT parameter.

                 Note that  this parameter may  only be used  to select
                 those  entries  where a  value exists  in  the journal
                 entry for the  JOMBR field.   This  can be  determined
                 by using  DSPAUDLOG and displaying  the details  of an
                 entry.       If   member    data   exists    for   the
                 'Object/Library/Member'  line, selection  may be made.

   SYSTEM        The default is *ALL  meaning all systems.   A specific
                 system may be entered.

   ENTTXT        How to print the entry text.

                 *YES is  the default which will  cause the description
                 of  the  audit  code/type/subtype  to  appear  on  the
                 first line and  a second line  will contain the  entry

                 *NO may be  specified which will cause  the entry data
                 to  appear on  the first  line.   No second  line will

                 *ONLY  may   be  specified   which  will   cause   the
                 description of  the audit code/type/subtype  to appear
                 on the first line.  No second line will appear.

   PRTOPT        An option  to determine whether an extra  line will be
                 printed  with  the  program,  object,  object library,
                 and member  associated with  the  entry.   *NO is  the

                 *YES   may   be  specified   to   print   a  line   of
                 information.    The 4  fields will  be  listed without
                 any identification if any value exists.

   AUDLOGLIB     The name  of the  library where  the  audit log  files
                 exist.   The default  is *LIBL.   *CURLIB may  also be

DLTAUDLOG parameters                                  *CMD

   AUDLOGLIB     The  name of  the library  where  the audit  log files
                 will be deleted.

CVTAUDLOG2 parameters                                 *CMD

   JRNOUTF       The name  of  the  qualified file  that  contains  the
                 journal  entries from  another  system.   The  library
                 defaults to *LIBL and *CURLIB may be used.

                 DSPJRN  must have  been used  to  create the  file and
                 must  have been specified  as OUTFILFMT(*TYPE5) and an
                 ENTDTALEN value between 102 and 3000.

   RMVALLLFM     A  *YES/*NO parameter  for  whether the  logical  file
                 members should  be removed  before the  update program
                 runs   and  then  added   back  after.     This  is  a
                 performance  option.    It  is  generally  faster   to
                 remove the members  and then add them back  if a large
                 percentage of records will be added to the file.

                 *NO is  the default which should be  used when a small
                 percentage of records are added.

                 *YES should be  specified to  improve the  performance
                 when adding a large percentage of records.

   AUDLOGLIB     The name  of  the library  where the  audit log  files
                 exist.   The default  is *LIBL.   *CURLIB may  also be

RFMAUDLOG parameters                                  *CMD

   AUDLOGLIB     The  name  of the  library where  the audit  log files
                 exist.   The default is  *LIBL.   *CURLIB may also  be

   WRKLIB        The  work  library  that  will  be used  to  copy  the
                 current  files to.   A unique library  is desirable so
                 you can simplify review and deletion.

                 After the command completes,  the old versions of  the
                 files  will be  retained in  the work  library.   When
                 you  are satisfied with  the new  versions, delete the
                 files from the work library.

   ENTDTALEN     The length of the  entry data which contains  variable
                 information about the journal entry.

                 The default  is 102.   Some journal entries  have more
                 than  102 bytes.    Increasing  the size  can  cause a
                 significant  growth  in the  AUDLOGP  file if  you are
                 capturing many journal  entries.  The AUDATA  field is
                 a fixed length field in AUDLOGP.

                 The entry  data length must  be between 102  and 3000.

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.   The  default  is  *TAAARC  meaning  the  TAA

                 A specific user  library may be named,  but the source
                 file must be QATTDDS.


Up  to  3000 bytes  of  journal  entry data  from  the  JOESD field  is
supported.   The  length of  the  AUDATA  field is  determined  by  the
ENTDTALEN parameter on CRTAUDLOG.   If any additional entry  data exist
beyond the size of the AUDATA field, it is truncated.

The use  of Option 7 for DSPAUDLOG will  cause multiple journal entries
to be displayed if they are the same time and type.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT          Add date
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ authority
     CPYTAADDS       TAA Archive
     CVTDSPDTA       Convert display data
     CVTJRNA         Convert journal attributes
     DSPDBFDTA       Display data base file data
     DSPJRNCDE       Display journal codes
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     PRTJRNCDE       Print journal code
     RMVALLLFM       Remove all logical file members
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve data base field attributes
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDAUDMSG       Send audit message
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     WRTSRC          Write source


None,  the tool is ready to use.   You must use CRTAUDLOG to create the
required files and  CVTAUDLOG to convert  the entries before using  DSP

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTAUDLOG     *CMD                   TAASEDS       QATTCMD
   CVTAUDLOG     *CMD                   TAASEDS2      QATTCMD
   DSPAUDLOG     *CMD                   TAASEDS3      QATTCMD
   MTNAUDLOG     *CMD                   TAASEDS4      QATTCMD
   DLTAUDLOG     *CMD                   TAASEDS5      QATTCMD
   PRTAUDLOG     *CMD                   TAASEDS6      QATTCMD
   CVTAUDLOG2    *CMD                   TAASEDS7      QATTCMD
   RFMAUDLOG     *CMD                   TAASEDS9      QATTCMD
   TAASEDSC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC      QATTCL
   TAASEDSC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC2     QATTCL
   TAASEDSC3     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC3     QATTCL
   TAASEDSC4     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC4     QATTCL
   TAASEDSC5     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC5     QATTCL
   TAASEDSC6     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC6     QATTCL
   TAASEDSC7     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC7     QATTCL
   TAASEDSC9     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC9     QATTCL
   TAASEDSC13    *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC13    QATTCL
   TAASEDSC14    *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC14    QATTCL
   TAASEDSC15    *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC15    QATTCL
   TAASEDSC23    *PGM       CLP         TAASEDSC23    QATTCL
   TAASEDSR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASEDSR2     QATTRPG
   TAASEDSR3     *PGM       RPG         TAASEDSR3     QATTRPG
   TAASEDSR6     *PGM       RPG         TAASEDSR6     QATTRPG
   TAASEDSR9     *PGM       RPG         TAASEDSR9     QATTRPG
   TAASEDSR12    *PGM       RPG         TAASEDSR12    QATTRPG
   TAASEDSR17    *PGM       RPG         TAASEDSR17    QATTRPG
   TAASEDSP      *FILE      PF          TAASEDSP      QATTDDS
   TAASEDSL      *FILE      LF          TAASEDSL      QATTDDS
   TAASEDSM      *FILE      LF          TAASEDSM      QATTDDS
   TAASEDSN      *FILE      LF          TAASEDSN      QATTDDS
   TAASEDSO      *FILE      LF          TAASEDSO      QATTDDS
   TAASEDSQ      *FILE      LF          TAASEDSQ      QATTDDS
   TAASEDSS      *FILE      PF          TAASEDSS      QATTDDS

The files created from CRTAUDLOG use the following source.

        File          Source       Description
        ----          ------       -----------

        AUDLOGP       TAASEDSP     Physical
        AUDLOGL       TAASEDSL     LF by system, date, and time
        AUDLOGM       TAASEDSM     LF by system, code, type, date, time
        AUDLOGN       TAASEDSN     LF by system, curr user, date, time
        AUDLOGO       TAASEDSO     LF by system, job, date, time
        AUDLOGQ       TAASEDSQ     LF by system, code, type, sub type,
                                     date, time

The TAASEDSS file  is copied from the source of  QADSPJR5 with a larger
JOESD field.


   TAASEDSC   CL pgm

   TAASEDSC2  CL pgm
     TAASEDSR12  RPG Pgm
     TAASEDSR2   RPG Pgm

   TAASEDSC3  CL pgm
       TAASEDSD   Display file
       TAASEDSC13  CL pgm - Converts to displayable entry data
       TAASEDSC14  CL pgm - Uses DSPDBFDTA for T formats
       TAASEDSC15  CL pgm - Prompts for PRTAUDLOG
       TAASEDSC23  CL pgm - Displays full entry

   TAASEDSC4  CL pgm

   TAASEDSC5  CL pgm

   TAASEDSC6  CL pgm

   TAASEDSC7  CL pgm
     TAASEDSR12  RPG Pgm
     TAASEDSR17  RPG Pgm

   TAASEDSC9  CL pgm
     TAASEDSR9   RPG Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 1, 1997

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