TAA Tools

The  CVTJRNA  command  outputs  the  information  that  is  found  with
WRKJRNA to three separate data base files:

      JRNFILP    One record per file being journaled

      JRNACPP    One record per access path being journaled

      JRNRCVP    One record per receiver which is known to the journal
                   The file is output by the sub tool CVTJRNRCVD

Several APIs are used to access the information.

A typical command would be entered as:

        CVTJRNA   JRN(xxxxx) FILELIB(yyyy)

This  would output the  journal attribute  information into 3  files in
the named library.

The  CVTJRNA  command  uses  the  QjoRetrieveJournalInformation  API to
extract the  basic  information.   Additional information  is  accessed
using other  TAA Tools and  APIs.  The  information is placed  in three
separate  files.   The  data  base files  can  then be  used  for other
processing such  as  automating the  saving/deletion of  receivers  and
restarting journaling.

For example,  you could  consider making  the CVTJRNA  command part  of
your  backup procedure so that  you have processable  data base records
for the journal information  saved as part of  your backup.  This  will
provide you  with  better documentation  of the  backup  and provide  a
base  for  an  automatic  reconstruction  of  the  network  of  journal

A  performance option is available  to output the information regarding
the receivers only.

If a  file is  not found  during processing (such  as a  file is  being
journaled in  QTEMP by a  different job), the  file will not  appear in
the outfile.

Additional length fields

Since  the  journal support  was  enhanced to  allow a  larger  size of
entry and  size  of receiver,  the  original  outfile fields  were  not
large enough in  several cases.  This was handled  by adding additional
fields such as for the 'Maximum entry length':

            JRMAXL    5/0     Original field
            JRMAX2   15/0     New field

The original  fields will continue to  have valid data as  long as they
are large enough.  If not they will be set to 0.

For example, if the  max length is 98,000  both JRMAXL and JRMAX2  will
contain the same  value.  If more  than 5 digits exist, JRMAX2  will be
set to 0.

CVTJRNA command                                       *CMD

The command supports the following parameters:

   JRN           The qualified  name of the journal to  be used.  *LIBL
                 is the library default.

   FILELIB       The  library which  contains the  three files JRNFILP,
                 JRNACPP and  JRNRCVP.    If  the files  exist  in  the
                 library,  they will be  cleared first.   If  the files
                 do not exist, they will be created.

   RCVRONLY      A  *YES/*NO value  for whether  only the  JRNRCVP file
                 (journal receivers)  should  be  output.   This  is  a
                 performance   advantage   when    only   the   journal
                 receivers  are needed.  The  JRNFILP and JRNACPP files
                 are cleared regardless of the option.

   MBROPT        Whether to replace  or add records  to the members  of
                 the outfiles.  *REPLACE is the default.

                 *ADD may  be specified to  add records to  the outfile

The  command  uses  system APIs  for  most  of  the  information.   The
command  uses a technique of accessing  the physical files and then the
dependent files.   Each dependent logical file  is then checked to  see
if it is journaled.

The command  assumes that  there will  be one set  of unique  files per
journal.   You may create multiple sets  of files (one set per library)
if you have different journals.

RSMJRN command                                        *CMD

The RSMJRN (Resume Journaling) command  uses the records stored in  the
JRNFILP  and  JRNACPP  files  to  resume  journaling.    A  listing  is
produced  describing  the  file  names  which  were  read  and  whether
journaling was successfully restarted or not.

The command can be used even  if the files are already being  journaled
in which case an indication will be printed on the listing.

Two  parameters support  the  capability of  moving  the journal  to  a
different  library and  then restarting  journaling  to the  journal in
the new library (See NEWJRN and OLDJRN).

If  you  want to  move the  journal, you  must: 1)  Use CVTJRNA  2) End
journaling with  ENDJRNAP/ENDJRNPF  3)  RSMJRN with  the  NEWJRN/OLDJRN

The RSMJRN command supports the following parameters:

   FILELIB       The  library which contains  the three  files JRNFILP,
                 JRNACPP and JRNRCVP.

   JRNPF         This  is a *YES/*NO  value for whether  to restart the
                 files found in  the JRNFILP file  with STRJRNPF.   The
                 default is *YES.

   JRNAP         This is  a *YES/*NO value  for whether to  restart the
                 files  found in the  JRNACPP file with  STRJRNAP.  The
                 default is *YES.

   OLDJRN        The qualified name  of the old  journal if  journaling
                 is  being  restarted  to a  different  library.    The
                 default is *NONE.

   NEWJRN        The  qualified name of  the new journal  if journaling
                 is  being  restarted  to  a  different  library.   The
                 default is *NONE.

If no records  exist in the JRNACPP  file, no errors occur.   Therefore
the command  can be used even  if you have not  implemented access path

Resuming journaling to a journal in a different library

CVTJRNA  and RSMJRN  are also  useful if  you are  currently journaling
and want  to  move the  journal  to a  different  library.   Because  a
journal  object  cannot be  moved  to  a  different library,  you  must
achieve this  by ending journaling, re-establishing  the journal in the
desired library and restart  the journaling of files.   The Backup  and
Recovery Programmer's  Guide describes the  steps to do  this.  If  you
are  currently journaling many  files, there is  a good deal  of manual
effort  involved  to  restart  journaling.   This  can  be accomplished
easily with the CVTJRNA and RSMJRN commands.

  **   Use CVTJRNA to capture the environment.

  **   Use ENDJRNAP if access paths are being journaled.

  **   Use ENDJRNPF to end physical file journaling.

  **   Create  the  journal  receiver   and  journal  in  the   desired
       libraries.  A different name may be used.

  **   Use RSMJRN and  specify the NEWJRN and OLDJRN  parameters.  This
       will restart journaling to the journal in the new library.

  **   Save  your files to establish a  recovery point for applying the

File format

The following  are  the file  names, the  model  files and  the  record

  Function          File name      Model file in TAATOOL    Record name

  Physical files    JRNFILP            TAAJRNAP              JRNFILR
  Access paths      JRNACPP            TAAJRNAQ              JRNACPR
  Receivers         JRNRCVP            TAAJRNAS              JRNRCVR

To see the field names used:

       DSPFMT    TAAJRNAP       Physical files
       DSPFMT    TAAJRNAQ       Access paths
       DSPFMT    TAAJRNAS       Journal receivers.


to   access   information.     These   commands   have   the  following

  **   RTVJRNRCV allows a maximum of 1500 receivers

  **   CVTJRNDBF  allows   a  maximum   of  60,000   data  base   files

  **   RTVDBR allows  a  maximum of  490 dependent  files per  physical


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      CRTDUPPF      Create duplicate physical file
      CVTJRNDBF     Convert journal data base files
      CVTJRNRCVD    Convert journal receiver directory
      RTVDBR        Retrieve data base relations
      RTVJRNRCV     Retrieve journal receivers
      RTVPFJRNA     Retrieve physical file journal attributes
      SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
      SNDESCMSG     Send escape message
      SNDSTSMSG     Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   CVTJRNA       *CMD                      TAAJRNA        QATTCMD
   RSMJRN        *CMD                      TAAJRNA2       QATTCMD
   TAAJRNAP      *FILE                     TAAJRNAP       QATTDDS
   TAAJRNAQ      *FILE                     TAAJRNAQ       QATTDDS
   TAAJRNAS      *FILE                     TAAJRNAS       QATTDDS
   TAAJRNAC      *PGM          CLP         TAAJRNAC       QATTCL
   TAAJRNAC2     *PGM          CLP         TAAJRNAC2      QATTCL
   TAAJRNAC3     *PGM          CLP         TAAJRNAC3      QATTCL
   TAAJRNAC4     *PGM          CLP         TAAJRNAC4      QATTCL
   TAAJRNAC5     *PGM          CLP         TAAJRNAC5      QATTCL
   TAAJRNAR      *PGM          RPG         TAAJRNAR       QATTRPG
   TAAJRNAR2     *PGM          RPG         TAAJRNAR2      QATTRPG


    TAAJRNAC   CL pgm
      TAAJRNAR   RPG pgm
        TAAJRNAC4   CL pgm
        TAAJRNAC5   CL pgm  - Does RTVJRNRCVA

    TAAJRNAC2   CL pgm
      TAAJRNAR2   RPG pgm
         TAAJRNAC3  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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