TAA Tools

The Change Distribution  List Entry command  lets you change  or remove
an entry  from one, generic, or all distribution  lists.  The From User
ID  value must  match an  existing entry.   An ACTION  parameter exists
which defaults to *TEST to  allow testing of what the  *CHANGE function
will provide.

You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use CHGDSTLE.

A typical command would be:

             CHGDSTLE    LSTID(*ALL) FROMUSRID(xxx yyy) +
                           TOUSRID(aaa bbb) ACTION(*CHANGE)

The TOUSRID  value would be  checked to see  if an entry exists  in the
system  distribution directory  (can be  displayed with WRKDIRE).   The
text description for  the TOUSRID  parameter defaults  to *RTV  meaning
the description is retrieved from the distribution directory.

All distribution  lists would  be checked  to see  if an entry  matches
the  FROMUSRID value.   If one  is found, the  entry is removed  by the
system RMVDSTLE  command  and  a  new entry  is  added  by  the  system
ADDDSTLE command.

A listing would be output describing any lists that were changed.

System support

A user  to be entered  into a distribution  list must first  be entered
into  the system distribution  directory.   The WRKDIRE command  may be
used  with option 1 to add a new user.   A 2 part address (each part is
8  bytes)  must   be  described  and   a  description  entered.     The
description is not  just text and will be compared  to when removing an
entry from a distribution list.

A distribution list is supported by several commands such as:


To  add  an entry,  WRKDSTL  could be  used  with option  8  'Work with
entries'.   The system  supports ADDDSTLE  and RMVDSTLE,  but does  not
support a  CHGDSTLE.   To change an  entry, the  entry must  be removed
and then added.

When an  entry is added, the description  of the user (USRID parameter)
must  match  the  description  in  the  system  distribution  directory
(unless the FROMLSTID parameter is used).

If  the entry  is  added by  using  the WRKDIRE  option  8 ('Work  with
entries),  the system  automatically adds  the proper  description from
the  distribution  directory.   However, when  the ADDDSTLE  command is
used  directly,  the   description  must  be   entered  to  match   the
distribution  directory  value.     Entering  an  exact  match  of  the
description  can  be  awkward as  it  may be  several  bytes  in length
(different case is allowed, but can lead to inconsistencies).

The RMVDSTLE command uses  a default of  *FIRST for the description  of
the USRID parameter.   This avoids keying the description  if the first
2 parts of the parameter provide a unique entry.

Both  the ADDDSTLE  and CHGDSTLE  commands allow  multiple distribution
lists to  be  specified, but  each  list must  be  specifically  named.
There is no *ALL or generic capability.

TAA support

The TAA  CHGDSTLE  command lets  you change  an  entry in  one or  more
distribution lists.   A change  is performed by removing  the entry and
then adding a new entry.

A  single list  may be changed,  or all lists,  or a generic  name of a
list (see  the  section on  'Generic  support of  list  names').   Only
those lists which  have an entry that matches the From  User ID will be

As  with   the  RMVDSTLE  command,  FROMUSRID  parameter  defaults  the
description to *FIRST.  This is  an appropriate default as long as  you
have a unique entry using the first two parts of the parameter.

When  an entry  is added,  the  TOUSRID parameter  for the  description
defaults  to *RTV.   This retrieves  the current text  description from
the system distribution  directory thus  avoiding complex  keying of  a
long description.   The *RTV function  assumes that the  matching entry
in  the system distribution  directory can be  found by using  a unique
address (first two parts of TOUSRID).

Generic support of list names

The  system allows a distribution list to be  created by any value.  It
could be 123 or 123* or AB*C.

CHGDSTLE supports a generic  naming convention for the LSTID  parameter
to allow  easier processing  if your distribution  lists use  a typical
naming  structure.  If  a trailing * is  found at the  end of the LSTID
name, it is  assumed that the previous  characters represent a  generic
name and all lists that match the generic name would be processed.

CHGDSTLE escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    No distribution list was found to match the LSTID
      TAA9893    No entries were found to match the From User ID
      TAA9894    The TOUSRID value specified does not exist

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LSTID         The name  of the  list to  be processed.   A  specific
                 name,  a generic name,  or the special  value *ALL may
                 be specified.

                 The system allows  a distribution list  to be  created
                 by any value.  It could be 123 or 123* or AB*C.

                 CHGDSTLE  supports  a generic  naming  convention  for
                 the  LSTID  parameter to  allow  easier processing  if
                 your   distribution   lists  use   a   typical  naming
                 structure.   If a trailing  * is found  at the end  of
                 the  LSTID  name,  it  is assumed  that  the  previous
                 characters  represent  a generic  name  and  all lists
                 that match the generic name would be processed.

   FROMUSRID     A 3 part parameter.

                 Part  1  is  the  user   ID  as  it  appears  in   the
                 distribution list.

                 Part  2   is  the  address   as  it  appears   in  the
                 distribution list.

                 Part  3  is  the  description  as  it appears  in  the
                 distribution list.    The default  is  *FIRST  meaning
                 the first  entry that matches  the first 2  parts will
                 be processed.

   TOUSRID       A 3 part parameter.

                 Part  1   is  the  user  ID  as   it  appears  in  the
                 distribution directory as displayed by WRKDIRE.

                 Part   2  is  the   address  as  it   appears  in  the
                 distribution directory.

                 Part  3 is  the  description  as  it  appears  in  the
                 distribution directory.   The default  is *RTV meaning
                 the  description  will  be  retrieved  from  the first
                 entry that matches the first two parts.

   ACTION        The action to be taken.

                 *TEST is  the  default meaning  that no  changes  will
                 occur.   The output  listing will describe  what lists
                 would   have  been   changed   if  *CHANGE   had  been

                 *CHANGE may  be specified  to  cause changes  for  any
                 From User ID that is matched.


You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use CHGDSTLE.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKDIRE         Check directory entry
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RSNALLMSG       Resend all messages
     RTVDIRE         Retrieve directory entry
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHGDSTLE      *CMD                   TAADSTG       QATTCMD
   TAADSTGC      *PGM       CLP         TAADSTGC      QATTCL
   TAADSTGR      *PGM       RPG         TAADSTGR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools March 26, 2007

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