The Check ASP object command is designed to assist you in determining
if any old style ASPs (auxiliary storage pools) exist. You must have
*ALLOBJ special authority to use CHKASPOBJ.
The old style of ASPs existed prior to Release V1R3. The old style
only allowed SAVF, JRN or JRNRCV objects to be placed into a user ASP
even though the library was in the system ASP. The ASP parameter had
to be used when the individual object type was created into the user
The new style ASP allows a library object and most object types to be
placed into a user ASP. The ASP parameter on CRTLIB must be used.
Any objects created into that library will automatically be in the
ASP specified on CRTLIB.
The system determines which style of ASP exists by which type of
object is first created into an empty ASP. There is no external
indication of which style is in existence. If a library is created
first, it is the new style of ASP. The system prevents mixing the
new and old styles within a single ASP. The only way to determine
the type is to attempt to create a library into the ASP. If it is
successful, it is a new style ASP or you have just specified it to be
a new style. If the command fails with the escape message CPF2197,
it is an old style ASP.
The new style of ASPs offers more capability and easier recovery.
Therefore, you should migrate to use the new style ASPs.
The CHKASPOBJ command finds all of the objects that are in an ASP
where the library object is not in the same ASP. Diagnostic messages
are sent for any occurrences. If any diagnostics are sent, an escape
message will be sent when the command completes. A spooled file will
also contain the exceptions.
If the command finds no old style ASPs, a completion message is sent
and the command completes normally. A spooled file will describe the
CHKASPOBJ is a long running command and should be submitted to batch.
The command has no parameters and would be specified as:
Placing a journal receiver (JRNRCV) in a separate user ASP is still a
good performance function to take advantage of. The journal (JRN)
object must be in the same ASP as the objects being journaled. The
JRN object does not have to be in the same ASP as the JRNRCV object
and should not be if you want to isolate the JRNRCV into a user ASP.
The following describes the two typical situations where you want to
migrate from the old style ASPs to the new style. Any SAVFs should
be deleted in either case. A SAVF is a *FILE object type with a SAVF
Old style ASP with just a journal receiver
If you have an old style ASP with a JRNRCV object in the user ASP and
the JRN object in the system ASP, do the following to create the new
style ASP:
** Use CRTJRNRCV to create a new journal receiver into an
existing library. You will probably want to follow your
naming convention. The current receiver name can be
determined by the use of WRKJRNA. Default the ASP parameter.
** Use CHGJRN to attach the journal receiver you just created
(you cannot use JRNRCV(*GEN) because it will honor the
existing ASP).
** Delete all objects in the user ASP (Save first if needed).
CHKASPOBJ should assist you in determining what to delete. If
you know what is in the ASP, you do not need CHKASPOBJ.
** Use CRTLIB to create a library in the user ASP. Specify the
ASP parameter. If there are still other objects in the user
ASP, the CRTLIB command will fail with an indication that the
ASP is specified as an old style.
** Use CRTJRNRCV to create a journal receiver into the new
library. You will want to establish a naming convention or
continue your current method. Default the ASP parameter.
** Use CHGJRN to name the new receiver you just created in the
JRNRCV parameter. After the new journal receiver is created,
any subsequent journal receivers can be created into the same
Old style ASP with both a journal and a journal receiver
If you have an old style ASP with a journal (JRN) object, deleting
the journal requires that journaling be ended. If many files are
being journaled, this can be very tedious to make the complete change
manually. See the CVTJRNA TAA tool command for how to capture the
journaling environment. The companion RSMJRN command will allow you
to easily re-create the journal environment and specify a different
library for the journal.
** Use CVTJRNA to capture the environment.
** End journaling for both access path journaling and physical
file journaling (ENDJRNAP/ENDJRNPF).
** Delete all objects in the user ASP (Save first if needed).
You must delete the journal object before you can delete the
journal receiver object. CHKASPOBJ should assist you in
determining what to delete.
** Use CRTLIB to create a library in the user ASP. Specify the
ASP parameter. If there are still other objects in the user
ASP, the CRTLIB command will fail with an indication that the
ASP is specified as an old style.
** Use CRTJRNRCV to create a journal receiver into the new
library. You will probably want to establish a naming
convention so that subsequent journal receivers can be created
using CHGJRN JRNRCV(*GEN). Default the ASP parameter.
** Use CRTJRN to create the journal into an existing library (not
the library you just created). The journal and the files
being journaled must all be in the same ASP. Specify the
journal receiver just created for the JRNRCV parameter.
** Use RSMJRN and specify the OLDJRN and NEWJRN parameters to
restart journaling.
Command parameters *CMD
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check all object authority
EDTVAR Edit variable
PRINT Print from a CL program
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDDIAGMSG Send diagnostic message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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