The Check ASP (Auxiliary Storage Pool) Threshold tool provides an
additional method of notifying the system operator when an ASP has
reached its threshold of storage used. A message is sent to QSYSOPR
(or a named message queue) that describes the current percentage and
remaining storage available. In addition, a separate threshold
percentage may be named in conjunction with the SHOUT tool.
The system sends a message (CPF0907) describing an ASP storage
threshold problem, but the first level text does not describe any
values for the operator. The second level text must be accessed to
determine which ASP and the amount the threshold has been exceeded.
CHKASPTHD would send a message such as:
ASP 2 exceeds threshold. Used 93%. Remaining ASP stg 2,360 MB.
In a situation where it is normal to exceed the threshold, the
operator can more easily determine if a real problem exists.
*JOBCTL special authority is required to use CHKASPTHD.
CHKASPTHD submits a batch job for one or all ASPs. A typical use of
The submitted batch job would wake up every 5 minutes and check the
usage percentage of ASP 1.
If the usage percentage went above 80%, the QSYSOPR message queue
would be sent a message. This would only cause a 'break' at the
workstation if the message queue was set to break mode.
If USERA and/or USERB were signed on, a break message would be sent
to their workstation.
More details
The batch job would wakes up according to the WAKEUP number of
seconds and checks the status of the named ASPs. The QYASPOL API is
used to access the ASP information. For each ASP that had exceeded
its threshold, a message would be sent to QSYSOPR (a different
message queue could be specified).
The job queue QSYSNOMAX is used for the batch job which causes the
job to run in the QSYSWRK subsystem.
A different percentage threshold can also be specified on the command
to utilize the function to the TAA SHOUT command. For example, if
the normal threshold percentage is 90%, you could specify the SHOUT
percentage at 95%. If 95% was reached, the list of users named on
the USERS parameter would be notified with a break message. This
could be helpful if the System Operator is not available or has not
noticed the condition.
Performance considerations
Between WAKEUP intervals, the batch program is in a delayed state for
the number of seconds you specified. When the interval ends, the
program uses the QYASPOL API to access the ASP information. The API
function always accesses the information for every ASP defined to the
system. The program determines which ASP to check based on your
command specification.
Based on this, you should consider the following:
** The WAKEUP interval should not be too short as each wakeup
causes overhead.
** Checking all ASPs does not cause significantly more overhead
as the API always returns all information.
** You can have multiple batch jobs that are checking one or more
ASPs. This would only make sense if you had different message
queues to send messages to, or different SHOUTPCT thresholds,
or a different list of users to notify using SHOUT.
You can test the CHKASPTHD function by determining the current
percentage usage for the required ASP with WRKASP. CHKASPTHD will
check against the 'usage percentage'. Then use CHKASPTHD to specify
a percentage slightly higher than is currently being used. Name
yourself in the USERS parameter.
Copy some large file to a temporary library. Check WRKASP to see if
the percentage used has been reached. If not, keep copying until the
percentage is reached.
At that point you should receive a message.
Delete the temporary library.
End the current CHKASPTHD job.
You are now ready to implement the CHKASPTHD command as required.
CHKASPTHD escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
MSGQ The qualified name of the message queue to be sent
the standard message if the ASP storage threshold is
exceeded. The default is *SYSOPR meaning the
QSYSOPR message queue in QSYS.
A specific message queue may be named. If the
library qualifier is blank, *LIBL is assumed. A
library name may be entered or the special values
WAKEUP The wakeup interval of the batch job in seconds.
The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes). The value
entered must be between 5 seconds and 86,400 seconds
(24 hours).
ASP The list of ASPs to be checked. The default is
*ALL. See the previous documentation for the
performance considerations.
A maximum of 16 ASPs may be entered.
JOB The job name for the submitted batch job. The
default is CHKASPTHD.
SHOUTPCT A percentage may be entered to allow the CHKASPTHD
function to shout at the list of users specified in
the USERS parameter. The default is *NONE, meaning
only the standard message will be sent to the
message queue described by the MSGQ parameter.
The intent of allowing another threshold percentage
is to provide the function of the TAA SHOUT tool to
cause break messages to be sent to specified users.
*SAME may be specified to cause the same ASP
threshold percentage as defined to the system to be
A different percentage may be entered such as a
value higher than the value defined to the system to
allow for a more serious notification. For example,
if the threshold defined to the system is 90%, the
SHOUTPCT could be set at 95%. This will allow more
users to be made aware of an increasing critical
There is no check made relative to the current ASP
storage threshold set thru DST/SST or the TAA
CHGASPA2 command. The SHOUTPCT value can be less
than, equal or greater than the ASP storage
If a value is entered, it must be between 01-99.
The SHOUTPCT value applied to all ASPs named in the
ASP parameter.
USERS A list of up to 10 users for the SHOUT tool to send
a message to if the SHOUTPCT ASP threshold storage
value is reached. The default is *FIRSTUSER. This
allows for the active user with the highest user
class to be notified. For full details, see the
USERS parameter on the SHOUT command.
*JOBCTL special authority is required to use CHKASPTHD.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKDUPLST Check duplicate list
CHKJOBCTL Check job control
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
EDTVAR Edit variable
EXTLST Extract list
EXTLST2 Extract list 2
MOVCHRDEC Move character to decimal
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
SHOUT Shout message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
The TAAASPAC2 program is submitted to batch by TAAASPAC.