The Check CPP Authority command checks command objects in one or more
libraries that are specified as *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE. If the Command
Processing Program (CPP) is not *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE, the command is
flagged. If your intent is to prevent access by the *PUBLIC user to
a command, the CPP should also be considered for *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE to
prevent the use of the CALL command to the CPP.
The intent of CHKCPPAUT is flag those situations where your security
may not be as good as you think it is.
A typical command would be:
All the commands in the named library that have an *EXCLUDE
authorization would be checked to see if the CPP was also *EXCLUDE.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use a LIB value beginning
with Q, or the special values *LIBL, *ALL, *ALLUSR, *ALLUSR2,
You will have authorization exceptions if you specify libraries
containing objects that you are not authorized to. You can omit
these libraries with the OMITLIB parameter.
If your library request will cause the processing of the Q libraries,
the TAATOOL library, or a separate library containing TAATOOL
commands (based on a TAATOOL install option), you may want to omit
them with the OMITLIB parameter such as:
QSECURITY System Value and Object Domain
If your system has a QSECURITY system value of Level 40 or above, the
system provides automatic protection in that any programs in the
system domain cannot be called using the CALL command. This includes
all programs used as CPPs for system commands. Only system programs
can exist in the system domain. Programs created by commands such as
CRTCLPGM or CRTBNDRPG only exist in the user domain. You can see the
domain of a program by using the TAA DSPOBJD2 command.
Objects controlled by an Authorization List
You may secure a command and/or its CPP using the same or different
Authorization Lists (*AUTL). CHKCPPAUT determines that if an
Authorization List exists and the *PUBLIC authority to the object is
*AUTL, that the authority comes from the Authorization List.
Commands which specify *LIBL or *CURLIB for the CPP
If a command specifies a qualified library name of *LIBL or *CURLIB,
the library list of the user running the CHKCPPAUT command is used.
If *LIBL is used, the first program found on the library list is
considered to be the CPP.
This may provide misleading information.
TAA Productivity Tool Exceptions
CHGUSRPWD The tool requires the user to modify programs and
place them in the TAASECURE library. Since this is
a secure library, the function cannot be used by a
*PUBLIC user.
SNDUSRBRK The SNDUSRBRK CPP is intended to be run in a CL
program. This allows a CL program to determine that
the user needs to send a break messages. The
command is *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE and the program TAAMSHJC
is *PUBLIC *USE. The SNDUSRBRK2 command requires
the user to be authorized to the TAASNDBRK
Authorization List. It uses the same TAAMSHJC
program as the CPP.
The function only sends a break message to a user
and is not a significant security concern. Calling
the CPP directly from a command line would be
difficult because the user must key a 256 byte
SBMJOB2 The SBMJOB2 and SBMJOB3 commands use different
defaults than the system SBMJOB command. The TAA
commands use the SBMJOB CPP in QSYS. If you are at
Security Level 40 or above, the CPP cannot be called
CHKCPPAUT escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 No libraries were found to process
TAA9892 No commands were found to process
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
LIB The list of libraries to be processed. Up to 300
libraries may be entered (including generic names)
or the special values *LIBL, *USRLIBL, *CURLIB,
For *LIBL and *USRLIBL, if a current library exists,
it will be considered before the libraries on the
user portion of the library list. If the current
library is also part of the user portion of the
library list, it will only appear once.
*ALLUSR means any library that was not created by
the system according to the CHKIBMLIB command.
*ALLUSR2 means any library that meets the criteria
specified for the SAVLIB LIB(*ALLUSR) function.
This excludes # libraries such as #SEULIB and
includes QUSRSYS, QGPL, etc. See the help text for
the SAVLIB LIB parameter for a complete description.
*ALLNONQ means any library that does not begin with
the letter Q.
An entry of *IBM causes all libraries to be included
as per the definition of the CHKIBMLIB tool.
Product libraries (those in the product portion of
the library list) are never included.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use a
value of *ALL, *ALLUSR, *ALLUSR2, *ALLNONQ, or *IBM.
LIBTYPE Whether to select all or a specified library type.
*ALL is the default to select all types.
*PROD may be used to select only production (PROD)
*TEST may be used to select only test (TEST)
OMITLIB A list of up to 300 libraries or generic library
names that should be omitted. *NONE is the default.
An omit list may not be entered for LIB(*CURLIB).
Any library entered is checked for existence.
No check occurs to see if an omit library would have
been selected. For example, if LIB(*LIBL) is
entered with OMITLIB(ABC) and library ABC is not on
the library list, no error occurs.
See previous comments.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check *ALLOBJ special authority
CHKDUPLST Check duplicate list
EDTVAR Edit variable
EXTLST Extract list
EXTLST2 Extract list 2
RTVCMDA Retrieve command attributes
RTVOBJAUT Retrieve object authority
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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