TAA Tools
CHKTAACHG       CHECK TAA CHANGES                      TAATOMQ

The  Check  TAA  Changes command  helps  provide  an  understanding  of
potential incompatibilities  when moving to a new  update or version of
the  TAA  Productivity Tools.   The  tool is  run automatically  at the
time of install using the  last used date of the previous  TAA version.
A listing  is output.   The information may  not be 100%  complete, but
should provide a review of what you should consider.

While CHKTAACHG  is a normal TAA tool on  your system, it is of primary
use when you are installing a new TAA version.

The tool  compares the changed  tools in  the new  version against  the
last  used  date of  the  old  version  and  lists the  changes  to  be

Note  that only  the  information regarding  the tools  that  are being
used on your system  appears in the  listing.  For  a complete list  of
the changes, do DSPTAA TAAINCOMP.

Assume that you  are upgrading from V5R4M0 to  V6R1M0.  As part  of the
installation of  the V6R1 TAA  Productivity Tools, the date  of the TAA
version  previously installed on the system  is extracted.  Each change
that is described in the  TAAINCOMP source member is checked to  see if
it occurred  after the install date.   If so, the changed  tool is then
checked to  see if it has been used on  your system.  If so, the change
description is listed.

The tools  are listed  in  version date  order describing  the  version
date and  the last time  you used one of  or the only  command provided
by the tool.

Differences  are  described  as  either  *OPER  (operational)  or  *PGM
(programming).  *OPER typically means  that a command that is  normally
entered  interactively  has  been  changed  or   the  output  has  been
changed.   For  example,  a command  default  may have  changed.   *PGM
means  that if one of  your programs is using  the command, the program
may have to  be changed.  For  example, you may  need to monitor for  a
new escape message.

The *OPER/*PGM  indication may be helpful in  understanding the change,
but  it is only  an indication of the  typical use.   In some cases you
may be using a  DSP type of  command in a CL  program that may have  to
be  changed.   CHKTAACHG supports  an  option to  specify either  type.
The version that runs with install specifies the default of *ALL.

The  use of  a  tool is  determined  by the  'last used  date'  for any
command object provided by  the tool.  In  some cases another TAA  Tool
may be  using the  changed tool  as a  sub-function.  If  this is  your
only  use  of the  changed  tool,  the change  can  be  ignored as  the
primary tool has already been modified to handle the change.

It  is possible  to reset  the 'last used  date' for  the TAA commands.
If this has occurred, misleading information may be provided.

Finding the source or objects of changed tools

  **   To search  object  programs, use  the  system command  PRTCMDUSG
       (does not operate on ILE programs).

  **   To  search  source  members,  use  SCNALLSRC (if  you  know  the
       library  where the member  may exist) or SCNALLSRC2  if you want
       to scan all or a list of libraries.

TAA Commands outside of TAATOOL

The most  significant  problem  users  have  in moving  to  a  new  TAA
version is if they  have duplicated a TAA command  to a library outside
of  TAATOOL (an exception  is the optional  the command library  if one
was specified on the install of the product).

If the TAATOOL  version of  the command  adds a  new parameter  (upward
compatible), any reference to  the command in a user  library will fail
because there  is a mismatch  of the parameter list  versus the command
processing  program.   This has  been especially  true of  TAA commands
such as ADDDAT, RTVDAT, or other RTV commands.

When you install the  TAA Productivity Tools, the CHKTAAPRD  command is
run  automatically to  list  any use  of  TAA function  that exists  in
libraries  outside  of TAATOOL.   If  you  did not  see  or act  on the
listing, you can use CHKTAAPRD again  to see if you have TAA  functions
outside of TAATOOL.

If you  have TAA commands outside  of TAATOOL, you should  either place
TAATOOL  on the  library list  or library  qualify the  use of  the TAA
command to  TAATOOL.   Delete the  non-TAATOOL library  version of  the

CHKTAACHG escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CHKTAACHG Command parameters                          *CMD

   VERDATE       The date that  you want to begin checking  for changed
                 tools.   The  date should  be  entered in  job format.
                 The  date does not have to be  an actual date of a TAA

              Any tools  changed  after the  date  will appear  in  the
              output if  a command within  the tool has been  used (see
              the BYPNONUSE parameter).

              The  earliest date that  may be entered is  Feb 16, 2006.

   BYPNOTUSE     A *YES/*NO parameter for  whether to bypass the  tools
                 that have not been used.

                 *YES  is the  default to  bypass the  tools that  have
                 not  been used.   Any commands  supported by  the tool
                 are checked for the  last used date.   If none of  the
                 commands supported  by the tool  have been  used since
                 the VERDAT entered, the tool is not listed.

                 *NO  should  be  entered  to  list all  changed  tools
                 regardless  of  whether they  have  been used  on your
                 system.   This is essentially  a listing  of what  can
                 be seen using DSPTAA TAAINCOMP.

   CHGTYPE       *ALL  is  the default  to  list  tools  that have  had
                 either operational or programming changes.

                 The   *OPER/*PGM   indication   may   be  helpful   in
                 understanding  the   change,  but   it  is   only   an
                 indication  of the  typical use.   In  some cases  you
                 may  be using a  DSP type of  command in a  CL program
                 that may have to be changed.   The default of *ALL  is
                 used when the tool is used at install time.

                 *OPER may  be entered  to list  only those tools  that
                 have had operational changes.

                 *PGM  may be  entered to  list  only those  tools that
                 have may require programming changes.

   OUTPUT        How  to  output  the results.    * is  the  default to
                 display the  spooled file  if the  command is  entered
                 interactively.   The spooled file is  deleted after it
                 is displayed.

                 If  the  command  is entered  in  batch  or  *PRINT is
                 specified, the spooled  file is  output and  retained.


The last  used date  information is  based on  the last  used date  for
objects.   This  assumes that the  information has  not been  reset for
the TAATOOL library


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     RTVTAAD         Retrieve TAA description
     RTVTOLCMD       Retrieve TAA commands for a tool
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKTAACHG     *CMD                   TAATOMQ       QATTCMD
   TAATOMQC      *PGM       CLP         TAATOMQC      QATTCL
   TAATOMQC2     *PGM       CLP         TAATOMQC2     QATTCL
   TAATOMQR      *PGM       RPG         TAATOMQR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2010

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