TAA Tools
ENDACTJOB       END ACTIVE JOB                         TAAJODW
The End Active  Job command ends jobs  for a specific job name,  a user
name, or  both.  All batch  and interactive jobs would be  ended.  Jobs
on the job queue would not be ended.

You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use ENDACTJOB.

A typical command would be:

            ENDACTJOB     USER(xxx)

All  jobs for  the named  user would  be ended.   It  is also  valid to

            ENDACTJOB     JOB(xxx)
            ENDACTJOB     JOB(xxx) USER(yyy)

The default  is for  a *CNTRLD  end  which times-out  after 30  seconds
(same defaults as on ENDJOB).

Comparison with the system ENDJOB command

  **   ENDJOB requires that  a JOB name be entered.   The user name and
       job number are optional.

       ENDACTJOB  defaults the JOB and USER name  to *ALL, but at least
       one  of  the  parameters  must  be  entered.    No   job  number
       parameter exists.

  **   ENDJOB ends  a single  job at  a time.   If duplicates  exist, a
       menu  of the duplicates  is shown.   Additional interactive jobs
       may be ended by use of the ADLINTJOBS parameter.

       ENDACTJOB ends any active jobs for the JOB/USER specified.

  **   ENDJOB will end a job that is on the job queue.

       ENDACTJOB will only end active jobs.

ENDACTJOB escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9896    No jobs exist for the job and user
      TAA9897    One or more jobs could not be ended

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   JOB           The active  job  name  to  be  ended.    *ALL  is  the

                 *ALL may not be used if USER(*ALL) is specified.

                 All active  jobs with the  combination of the  JOB and
                 USER parameters will be ended.

   USER          The user  name of the  job to be  ended.  *ALL  is the

                 *ALL may not be used if JOB(*ALL) is specified.

                 All  active jobs with  the combination of  the JOB and
                 USER parameters will be ended.

   OPTION        How to end the job.

                 *CNTRLD is  the default  meaning a 'shutdown'  request
                 is signalled to  the job.  If the job  does not end on
                 its  own, the job  will be ended after  the DELAY time

                 *IMMED may be  specified to  end the job  immediately.

   DELAY         How  long to  wait for  a *CNTRLD  type of  end.   The
                 default is 30 seconds.

   SPLFILE       A  *YES/*NO option for  whether to  delete any spooled
                 files created by  the job.   Regardless of the  value,
                 job  logs  will  be kept.    See  the  ENDJOB  command
                 parameter for a complete description.

                 *NO is the default to retain any spooled files.

                 *YES may be specified to delete the spooled files.

   LOGLMT        Specifies the  maximum number of messages  that may be
                 written  to the  job log when  the job ends.   See the
                 ENDJOB command parameter  for a complete  description.

                 *SAME is  the default  meaning the logging  limit does
                 not change from that specified within the job.

                 *NOMAX  may  be specified  to output  all  messages to
                 the job log.

                 A specific number  of messages  up to 999,999,999  may
                 be specified.   A  0 value is  valid and  will prevent
                 the  job log  from being  output  if no  messages have
                 been written to the spooled file.


You must have *JOBCTL special authority.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKJOBCTL       Check *JOBCTL special authority
     CVTWRKACT       Convert WRKACTJOB
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ENDACTJOB     *CMD                   TAAJODW       QATTCMD
   TAAJODWC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJODWC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2005

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