TAA Tools
ENDSBS2         END SUBSYSTEM 2                        TAAJODV
The End  Subsystem 2 command  is similar to  the system ENDSBS  command
except  ENDSBS2 does not  complete until  the subsystem has  reached an
inactive  state.    Wait  time  options  may  be  specified.    ENDSBS2
simplifies writing  a CL  program that  ensures a  subsystem has  ended

A typical command would be:

                          IMMEDWAIT(180) SBSWAIT(180)

The same  values as  used for the  defaults for the  xxxWAIT parameters
have been specified.  The following would occur:

  **   The  following  system  command  would  be  run  for  the  named


       This signals  a shutdown  to any  active jobs  and prevents  new
       jobs from  starting.   No messages are  sent to  the interactive
       users.   A shutdown request may be checked  in a program such as
       with the RPG SHTDN operation.

  **   The ENDJOBWAIT  value  of  180  seconds  specifies  the  maximum
       amount of  time that  ENDSBS2 will  wait for jobs  to be  ended.
       Rather  than   waiting  for  the  full  amount   time  and  then
       checking,  ENDSBS2  has an  internal  10 second  loop  delay and
       then checks if any jobs are still active in the subsystem.

       If no  more jobs  are  active, the  status of  the subsystem  is
       checked as described in a later step.

  **   If  an ENDJOBWAIT timeout  (180 seconds  is the  default) occurs
       where  one or  more jobs  are still  active, ENDSBS2  checks the
       value of the  ACTION parameter.   If *ESCMSG  is specified,  the
       TAA9892 escape message is sent and ENDSBS2 ends abnormally.

       If *IMMEDEND  is specified, the  following system  command would
       be run for the named subsystem.


       If  the  jobs have  not  ended after  the  IMMEDWAIT  value (180
       seconds is the  default), the  escape message  TAA9893 is  sent.
       Instead of  waiting for  the full  IMMEDWAIT value, ENDSBS2  has
       an internal  10 second delay loop which checks  if all jobs have

  **   When  no  jobs exist  in the  subsystem,  an internal  10 second
       loop occurs waiting for  the system to reach an  inactive state.
       If  the  the *INACTIVE  state  cannot  be  reached in  the  time
       specified  for   the  SBSWAIT  parameter  (180  seconds  is  the
       default), the escape message TAA9894 is sent.

       If the  subsystem  reaches  the  *INACTIVE  state,  the  ENDSBS2
       command  completes normally.   If  the subsystem  is already  in
       the *INACTIVE  state when ENDSBS2 is  run, the command completes

Notifying interactive jobs of the planned termination

You may  inform any  existing users  that the  subsystem is  ending  by
sending a break  message with the  SNDBRKACT TAA command, use  a delay,
and then ENDSBS2 such as:

             SNDBRKACT   MSG('Please signoff in 5 minutes or +
                           your job will be ended abnormally') +
             ENDSBS      SBS(xxx)
             DLYJOB      DLY(300)
             ENDSBS2     SBS(xxx)

The  ENDSBS system  command will prevent  new jobs  from signing  on by
using  the default of OPTION(*CNTRLD).   This same command is also used
within the ENDSBS2  processing.  ENDSBS for  the same subsystem may  be
used multiple times as long as OPTION(*CNTRLD) is specified.

After  a  300  second  delay,  ENDSBS2  would be  used  to  ensure  the
subsystem has reached an inactive state.

ENDSBS2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    Active jobs still exist after ENDJOBWAIT
                   timeout and ACTION(*ESCMSG) was specified
      TAA9893    Active jobs still exist after IMMEDWAIT timeout
      TAA9894    *INACTIVE state not reached after SBSWAIT timeout

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   SBSD          The  qualified  name of  the  subsystem to  end.   The
                 library value  defaults to  *LIBL.   *CURLIB may  also
                 be used.

                 If the  subsystem is  already in  an *INACTIVE  state,
                 ENDSBS2 ends normally.

   ENDJOBWAIT    The  number of  seconds to  wait for  the jobs  in the
                 subsystem to end.   The  default is 180  seconds.   If
                 active  jobs  still  exist  after   the  timeout,  the
                 ACTION parameter  value is used to  determine the next
                 processing step.

                 If  the ENDJOBWAIT  value exceeds 10  seconds, a check
                 is made at  every 10 second  interval to determine  if
                 active jobs still exist.

   ACTION        The  action to  take  if jobs  still  exist after  the
                 ENDJOBWAIT timeout.

                 *IMMEDEND   is   the  default   which   causes  ENDSBS
                 OPTION(*IMMED) to  be used.   This  causes the  system
                 to end the jobs abnormally.

                 *ESCMSG  may be  specified  to cause  ENDSBS2 to  send
                 the TAA9892 escape message.

   IMMEDWAIT     The  number of  seconds  to wait  if ACTION(*IMMEDEND)
                 was specified and jobs  are still active after  ENDSBS
                 OPTION(*IMMED)  was   used.     The  default  is   180
                 seconds.   If a timeout occurs, TAA9893  is sent as an
                 escape message.

                 If  the IMMEDWAIT  value exceeds  10 seconds,  a check
                 is made at  every 10 second  interval to determine  if
                 active jobs exist.

   SBSWAIT       The number  of seconds to  wait when no jobs  exist in
                 the  subsystem  and  the  subsystem  is attempting  to
                 reach  the  *INACTIVE  state.    The  default  is  180
                 seconds.  If  a timeout occurs, TAA9894 is  sent as an
                 escape message.

                 If  the SBSWAIT value  exceeds 10 seconds,  a check is
                 made at  every  10  second interval  to  determine  if
                 active jobs exist.


*JOBCTL special authority is required.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKJOBCTL       Check *JOBCTL special authority
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVSBSD         Retrieve subsystem description
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ENDSBS2       *CMD                   TAAJODV       QATTCMD
   TAAJODVC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJODVC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 1, 2005

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