TAA Tools

The Send Break Message  to Active Workstations command allows  a simple
means for  an operator to communicate to end  users for critical needs.

It is contrasted with the following system commands:

  **   SNDBRKMSG  requires  that  a  specific  workstation  or  user be
       named.  You  can also  send a message  to all workstations,  but
       there is no support to send only to the active workstations.

  **   SNDMSG supports  sending messages to the active  users, but does
       not have  a break option.  You must  rely on the users to either
       be in break mode or to periodically display their messages.

SNDBRKACT will allow  a simple message  to be sent  to just the  active
users and a specific  subsystem may be named.   A typical command would

    SNDBRKACT   MSG('We are shutting down in 5 minutes')

The  Operational Assistant provides  a similar function,  but it cannot
be executed  from  a  command  (you  must  pass  through  a  series  of

When  SNDBRKACT sends  a message,  the  name of  the  user sending  the
message  and the time  of day  are also  displayed as part  of standard
message handling support.

The UNIQUE parameter supports 3 values:

  **   If  *WRKSTN is specified  (it is the  default), only one message
       is sent to a  unique job name.  For  example, if the user  did a
       system request  or started a group  job, the device name  is the
       same and  only a single message would be  sent.  If the user did
       a system request and  signed on with a  different name, the  job
       name is  still the same.   You may  include or omit  specific or
       generic device names.

       If  the device supports  a 'hot key',  a different job  name may
       be assigned.

  **   If *USER is specified, messages  are sent to the workstation  of
       unique user names.   If the user  has multiple jobs at  the same
       workstation  or  the  same user  name  is  signed onto  multiple
       workstations,  the user will  receive a single  message.  If the
       user did a system request  and signed on as a different  user, a
       second  message  would  be  sent.    You  may  include  or  omit
       specific or generic device names.

  **   If  *CURUSER is specified, messages are  sent to the workstation
       of a  unique current user.   The  current user  may differ  from
       the job  user if the  profile swap function  has been used.   If
       the   same  current   user  has  multiple   jobs  at   the  same
       workstation  or  the  same  current  user  name  is  in  use  on
       multiple workstations, the  user will receive a  single message.
       You may include or omit specific or generic device names.

If the user  is active when the command starts,  but signs off prior to
the  sending of  the break  message, the  message will  be sent  to the
workstation message queue.

There are a  few exceptions to  the user not  being interrupted when  a
break  message  is  sent.    The CHGJOB  command  supports  the  BRKMSG
parameter.   If the user has specified  *HOLD or *NOTIFY he can prevent
the break message  from occurring.   If  the user has  a break  message
handling program for  the workstation message queue, he  can ignore the

SNDBRKACT escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    One or more failures occurred

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MSG           The   message   text  to   be  sent   to   the  active

   UNIQUE        Whether to  send  the  message  to  unique  job  names
                 (workstations), unique  user names, or  unique current
                 user names.

                 *WRKSTN  is  the default  for  sending  to unique  job
                 names.    The  name of  the  job  is the  name  of the
                 workstation  that  will  be  sent  the  message.    If
                 *WRKSTN  is   specified,  USER(*DFT)  must   be  used.
                 *WRKSTN  must be used  if a subsystem is  named in the
                 SBS parameter.   The  OMITDEV and  INCLDEV  parameters
                 may be used.

                 *USER  will send  to  the  first workstation  of  each
                 unique   user   name.     The   OMITDEV   and  INCLDEV
                 parameters may be used.

                 *CURUSER will send  to the first  workstation of  each
                 unique current  user of the  job (a current  user will
                 differ from  the user of  the job if  the profile swap
                 function  has  been used).    The OMITDEV  and INCLDEV
                 parameters may be used.

   USER          If UNIQUE(*USER)  or  UNIQUE(*CURUSER), a  list of  up
                 to  40 user  names may  be  entered.   The default  is
                 *DFT   to  send   a  break   message  to   all  active

                 A generic name  may also be  used.  If  the user  name
                 specified is  active, a  break message  will be  sent.
                 If  the user name  specified does not  exist, no error

   OMITDEV       A list of  up to  40 devices or  generic devices  that
                 may be omitted.  The default is *NONE.

                 If an  omit device  is specified,  a message will  not
                 be sent  to the device  if it is  active regardless of
                 the UNIQUE value specified.

   INCLDEV       A  list of  up to 40  devices or  generic devices that
                 should be included.  The default is *ALL.

                 If include devices  or generic devices are  specified,
                 a  message   will  only   be  sent  to   those  active

                 If  omit devices or  generic devices  are specified, a
                 message   will   not   be   sent   to   those   active

                 No check  is made if  the same  device is on  both the
                 omit  list  and  the  include  list  nor if  there  is
                 overlap between  individual device  names and  generic
                 names.  Omit processing occurs first.

   SBS           The subsystem of  users to send  the message to.   The
                 default is *ALL for all subsystems.

                 A  specific  subsystem   may  be  named  so  that  the
                 message  will only go  to users who  are active in the
                 subsystem.    If   a  specific  subsystem   is  named,
                 UNIQUE(*WRKSTN) must be used.

   LOGMSG        A *YES/*NO  value for whether job  log messages should
                 be sent for the job that was sent a break message.

                 *NO is the default to not send a message.

                 *YES  may be  specified to send  a message  to the job
                 log  of  the  job  issuing  SNDBRKACT  with   the  job
                 number, user,  and job name of  the job that  was sent
                 a break message.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      CHKGENERC    Check generic
      CVTWRKACT    Convert the WRKACTJOB display to a data base file
      EDTVAR       Edit variable
      EXTLST       Extract list
      SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
      SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
      SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   SNDBRKACT     *CMD                      TAAMSGB        QATTCMD
   TAAMSGBC      *PGM          CLP         TAAMSGBC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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