The Save System in Batch command is designed to allow you to run
backup functions in batch that require the restricted state. This
includes Save the Entire System (Option 21), Save System Data (Option
22), and Save User Data (Option 23). This allows scheduling of these
functions using the Job Scheduler or the SBMJOB SCDDATE/SCDTIME
function. Both tape and virtual tape are supported.
The job must be submitted to a job queue in the controlling
You must have *SAVSYS special authority to use SAVSYSBCH.
If the media on the specified devices cannot hold the save content,
the command will fail as the restricted state prevents a user from
responding to any messages.
A job log is always output and the TAA commands CHKSAVRST and
PRTSAVLBL are optional to provide additional output.
Getting started
If you are going to use virtual tape, see the CRTVTP TAA Tool which
can simplify operations.
The S/R system defaults used by the system save functions need to be
entered or reviewed. Enter:
and request Option 20.
The interactive display will describe the defaults that will be used
for the SAVETYPE options.
Set at least the following:
Devices Describe at least one device
Prompt for commands N
Message queue delivery *NOTIFY
A list of devices could be entered if you have more than one and the
save data will not fit on a single media.
If virtual tape is used, a single device should be named and the
DUPTAP function to write to tape is simpler if the maximum size of a
single virtual volume is large enough to hold the entire save.
Other options should be set based on your requirements.
You should ensure that the media you are using does not contain any
files you need. Using *OPT21 or *OPT22 will cause a clear of the
media and the save begins at sequence 1.
If you want to clear the media first, a good command to use is the
TAA CLRTAP command which extracts the current information from the
media label and uses INZTAP:
If the CRTVTP tool is being used, RPLVTP is a good tool to use both
before the save to ensure the proper readiness state and after DUPTAP
is used to free up the storage.
Assume you want to test the function without entering the restricted
state or performing a full save. The SAVETYPE option *TEST1 is
intended to assist you in understanding the function:
The *TEST1 function does not require the restricted state. It
performs basic checking and saves the TAACTL *DTAARA in TAATOOL to
your media. The command may also be entered interactively.
Now assume that you want to try the restricted state at an off peak
time. You may want to have a program such as described for the EXIT1
parameter to send messages to any active users informing them that a
shutdown is about to occur. Assume you created this program as
Your SAVSYSBCH command could be entered with a SBMJOB command to run
at a specific time using the SBMJOB SCDDATE and SCDTIME parameters.
The job must be submitted to a job queue in the controlling
SCDDATE(nnnnnn) SCDTIME(nnnnnn)
The *TEST2 function also saves the TAACTL *DTAARA in TAATOOL, but in
this case, messages would be sent by SNDBRKACT (if any interactive
jobs exist), the restricted state entered, the save would occur, and
the controlling subsystem would be re-started.
Assume you are satisfied with how SAVSYSBCH operates and are now
ready to enter a job schedule entry for an *OPT21 save (entire
system) each Sunday morning at 2:00 AM. Assume you know the save
will fit on a single media (or you have specified multiple devices
for the S/R defaults) and you know the time it takes is less than 4
hours (240 minutes) so that you can take the default for the
RSDTIMLMT parameter.
Using ADDJOBSCDE entry (or the prompt from WRKJOBSCDE), you would
would enter:
SCDTIME(020000) +
If you are saving directly to tape, you will want to ensure you have
a tape mounted when you go home Friday evening. A good technique
would be to add another job schedule entry to send a break message to
a specific message queue:
MSG('Mount a clean tape for +
Sunday *OPT21 backup.') +
TOMSGQ(xxxxx)) +
SCDTIME(160000) +
Virtual tape
The use of virtual tape offers several advantages such as:
** A single tape device can be used even if multiple volumes must
be written.
** Media errors do not abort the save.
** Writing to tape can be handled by normal first shift
operational personnel.
** Multiple copies of the same backup media can be made easily.
See the CRTVTP tool for simpler handling and explanation.
Controlling subsystem
The SAVETYPE *OPT21, *OPT22, *OPT23, and *TEST2 functions all cause
the controlling subsystem to be started at completion of the job
running SAVSYSBCH unless POWERDOWN(*YES) is specified.
Starting the controlling subsystem causes the program defined for the
QSTRUPPGM system value to be run which normally causes other
subsystems to be started as if an IPL has occurred.
If you have specified POWERDOWN(*YES) on SAVSYSBCH, the controlling
subsystem does not start and the system is powered down. Specifying
RESTART(*YES) will cause the system to be powered up again.
A900 0370 System Reference Code
While running in the restricted state caused by a batch program, the
system will set the System Reference Code to A900 0370.
If the restricted state lasts for more than the specified time for
RSDTIMLMT value (default is 240 minutes), the system starts the
controlling subsystem.
Handling of error conditions
If an error occurs, the STRSBS command is used to start the
controlling subsystem. STRSBS may fail with two typical conditions:
** CPF1099 Attempting to end. A prior request has been made to
end the subsystem. This could occur if the system cannot
reach the restricted state and is still trying to end the
controlling subsystem when STRSBS is used.
** CPF1010 Already started.
In both cases, the job waits 2 minutes and re-tries the command
again. After 5 retries (or if an unexpected STRSBS error occurred),
The intent is to either complete the function normally or ensure the
system has been re-IPLed.
SAVSYSBCH escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
The command would typically be submitted to batch by either a job
scheduling function or the time delay of SBMJOB (or DLYSBMJOB).
** A job log is forced by specifying CHGJOB LOG(4 0 *SECLVL).
** The job ensures that it is running in the controlling
** The authority for *SAVSYS is ensured. The command aborts
without this special authority.
** The S/R defaults are accessed (See GO SAVE Option 20).
** The named Exit programs are checked for existence.
** If SAVETYPE(*TEST1) is specified, the Exit programs are not
run. The TAACTL *DTAARA in TAATOOL is saved. The restricted
state is not requested thus allowing the function to be
performed either interactively or in batch. The command ends
after the save occurs.
** For other SAVETYPE options, the parameters of SAVSYSBCH are
sent as messages to the job log.
** If an Exit 1 program is specified, it is called.
** ENDSBS is used to enter the restricted state. The command run
where the BCHTIMLMT value from the RSDTIMLMT parameter is
The *IMMED option will cause the system to end any jobs
immediately. The job waits 5 minutes before checking to see
if the restricted state has been reached.
If the restricted state has not been reached, the job waits 60
seconds and tries again. This loop continues until either the
restricted state is achieved or the RSDMIN limit is reached.
If the limit is reached, WRKACTJOB is used to list the jobs
which cannot be terminated (along with the SAVSYSBCH batch
job), the controlling subsystem is restarted, and the job ends
** If the restricted state is reached and an Exit 2 program is
specified, it is called.
** If SAVETYPE(*OPT21) is specified, the TAA command CHKSAVDEV is
run with SEQ(1) and CLEAR(*ALL). This saves a single object
to the media at sequence 1 with an expiration date of the
previous day. CHKSAVDEV provides a sanity check to ensure
that the device can be both written to and read and that the
save and restore operations are operating correctly.
The system program QMNSAVE is called to do the save. This
always begins at sequence 1 of the media. The last step of
the program runs STRSBS to start the controlling subsystem.
** If SAVETYPE(*OPT22) is specified, the TAA command CHKSAVDEV is
run with SEQ(1) and CLEAR(*ALL). This saves a single object
to the media at sequence 1 with an expiration date of the
previous day. CHKSAVDEV provides a sanity check to ensure
that the device can be both written to and read and that the
save and restore operations are operating correctly. The
system program QSRSAVIA is called to do the save. The last
step of the program runs STRSBS to start the controlling
** If SAVETYPE(*OPT23) is specified, the system program QSRSAVU
is called. The last step of the program runs STRSBS to start
the controlling subsystem.
** If SAVETYPE(*TEST2) is specified, the TAACTL *DTAARA in
TAATOOL is saved. If the SAVOBJ command completes normally or
fails, the controlling subsystem is started.
** If an Exit 3 program is specified, it is called.
** The TAA CHKSAVRST command is optional and may be run with or
** The TAA PRTSAVLBL command is optional to produce a listing
which can be used as an external label for the media.
** If POWERDOWN(*YES) is specified, PWRDWNSYS is used with the
RESTART parameter specified on SAVSYSBCH.
SAVSYSBCH Command parameters *CMD
SAVETYPE The save type to be used. All options except *TEST1
require the restricted state which is invoked when
*OPT21 saves all system data, user data, IFS data
etc. This is a full save of the system which uses
the same system program as provided for GO SAVE
Option 21. Prior to running the system QMNSAVE
program, the TAA CHKSAVDEV tool can be run to
provide a sanity check of the device and S/R code.
See the CHKSAVDEV keyword.
*OPT22 saves the system data only. This uses the
same system program as provided for GO SAVE Option
22. Prior to running the system QSRSAVIA program,
the TAA CHKSAVDEV tool can be run to provide a
sanity check of the device and S/R code. See the
CHKSAVDEV keyword.
*OPT23 saves the user data . This uses the same
system program as provided for GO SAVE Option 23.
The program QSRSAVU is used to save the data.
*TEST1 is a testing function that can be run
interactively or in batch. It does not require the
restricted state. It saves one object (TAACTL
*DTAARA in TAATOOL). Any exit programs are checked
for existence, but not run. The intent of *TEST1 is
to let you become familiar with SAVSYSBCH and ensure
that your save device(s) are properly specified, and
any Exit programs exist.
*TEST2 is a testing function that requires the
restricted state. It saves one object (TAACTL
*DTAARA in TAATOOL). The intent of *TEST2 is to
allow you to try the full function of the tool
without performing a large save operation. STRSBS
of the controlling subsystem occurs after if
POWERDOWN is not requested. Exit programs will be
called and the POWERDOWN and RESTART parameters are
RSDMIN The number of minutes to wait before the restricted
state is achieved. 15 minutes is the default. The
value entered must be between 10 minutes and 420
minutes (7 hours).
The SAVSYSBCH command begins by requesting that all
subsystems be ended with the command:
The system performs an immediate cancel of any
active jobs (other than the SAVSYSBCH job).
If the restricted state cannot be achieved in the
number of minutes specified, WRKACTJOB is used to
produce a listing of the jobs which are still
active, the SAVSYSBCH command ends abnormally and
the controlling subsystem is restarted.
RSDTIMLMT The number of minutes the system can remain in the
restricted state. 240 (4 hours) is the default.
The value must be between 30 and 999.
If the value is exceeded, the system ends the
SAVSYSBCH function and restarts the controlling
If the requested save operation completes before the
time limit, the controlling subsystem is started
which ends the restricted state.
POWERDOWN A *YES/*NO option for whether the system will be
powered down after the save is performed.
*NO is the default. The controlling subsystem would
be restarted when the job running SAVSYSBCH ends.
This causes the program specified for the QSTRUPPGM
system value to be run.
*YES may be specified to power down the system. See
also the RESTART parameter. If *YES is specified,
the power down occurs after EXIT3 and the
RESTART A *YES/*NO option for whether the system should be
restarted after a powerdown.
*NO is the default.
*YES may be specified to restart the system after
the powerdown if POWERDOWN(*YES) is specified. The
function runs by using PWRDWNSYS RESTART(*YES).
EXIT1 An optional program to be called before ENDSBS is
used to enter the restricted state. If the library
qualifier is blank, *LIBL is used to find the
The intent of this parameter is to allow a function
such as sending messages to any interactive jobs
stating that the system is shutting down and that
jobs will be cancelled. A good command to consider
is SNDBRKACT such as:
/* SNDBRKACT program */
TAATOOL/SNDBRKACT MSG('Please signoff. We +
are shutting down for +
backup in 5 minutes.')
EXIT2 An optional program to be called after the
restricted state is reached and before any saves
have begun. If the library qualifier is blank,
*LIBL is used to find the program.
EXIT3 An optional program to be called after the save
operations are completed and before the
library qualifier is blank, *LIBL is used to find
the program.
Because the use of the system programs QMNSAVE,
QSRSAVIA, and QSRSAVU tend to specify ENDOPT(*LEAVE)
when saving, a tape device may need to be unloaded.
You could use the following TAA command to unload
the tape in an Exit 3 program.
When the SAVSYSBCH job ends (and POWERDOWN(*NO) is
specified), the system starts the controlling
subsystem. This invokes the program in the
QSTRUPPGM system value. This normally starts
various system jobs as if an IPL had occurred.
CHKSAVRST An option for whether the TAA Tool CHKSAVRST command
should be run.
*ERRORSONLY and *YES are limited to upper or lower
case English systems. Use *NO if you do not have an
English language option.
The default is *ERRORSONLY which causes the
CHKSAVRST command to be run with ERRORSONLY(*YES).
This nets out the job log to describe any error
*YES may be specified to filter out some of the
detail completion messages from the job log.
*NO may be specified to prevent the CHKSAVRST
PRTSAVLBL An option for whether the TAA Tool PRTSAVLBL command
should be run.
*YES is limited to upper or lower case English
systems. Use *NO if you do not have an English
language option.
*YES causes a label to print for each volume saved
to that is intended to be attached to the media.
*NO prevents the PRTSAVLBL command from being used.
CHKSAVDEV An option for whether the CHKSAVDEV TAA command
should be run.
*YES causes the CHKSAVDEV command to be run just
prior to the save. This will leave an active file
on the tape that will normally be overwritten by the
save. If you use BRMS, your policies may not allow
the save to occur if there is an active file on the
*NO will skip the CHKSAVDEV. If you use BRMS, your
policies may require you to use this option.
The job must be submitted to a job queue in the controlling
You must have *SAVSYS special authority to use SAVSYSBCH.
If the media on the specified devices cannot hold the save content,
the command will fail.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
ADDDAT Add date
CHKRSDSTE Check restricted state
CHKSAVDEV Check save device
CHKSAVRST Check save restore
CHKSAVSYS Check save system
EDTVAR Edit variable
PRTSAVLBL Print save label
RTVIPLSTS Retrieve IPL status
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDJLGMSG Send job log message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------