TAA Tools
CMDDTAQ         COMMAND DATA QUEUE                     TAADTQF

The Command Data Queue  tool is designed to allow  asynchronous command
requests.   The  typical use  is  for users  who are  capable  of using
commands,  but the function is  general purpose and can  be used in any
application including batch jobs.

Assume you are a  programmer entering various commands.   Most commands
would  be done  interactively.   Some  commands would  be submitted  to
batch  such as  CRTxxxPGM.   However,  there is  often a  middle ground
category where you would like  a command performed asynchronously,  but
you do  not want  the overhead  of a  separate batch  job or  have your
command be stuck on a batch job queue.

The major  advantage of the CMDDTAQ tool is that  you can get more work
done  because   you   can   cause  some   commands   to   be   executed

To use the  command data queue  for this situation, you  would normally
include the following command as part of your initial program:


This  submits a batch  job which waits  for an  entry on a  data queue.
When  an entry is  received, the entry  is processed as  a command.  To
simplify  STRCMDDTAQ, defaults  are  used.    The data  queue  name  is
assumed to  be the  same as the  user profile and  is created  in QGPL.
Since  the job will operate  much like an interactive  job, the default
is to submit it to  the QINTER job queue.   By default, the data  queue
is  created  with  PUBLIC(*EXCLUDE)  so that  no  other  user  can  run
commands in the job.

Then  you  just  send  requests to  the  data  queue.    There are  two
commands designed  for this  purpose.   The SNDCMDDTAQ  command is  the
formal command.  You would specify:

            SNDCMDDTAQ  CMD(xxxx)

Like SBMJOB, you can do the following:

        - Enter the command named SBMJOB and press F4
        - Enter the command you want to run and press F4
        - Enter the command prompts and press Enter

The command  is then sent  to the  data queue.   The DTAQ parameter  on
the command  defaults to *USRPRF  in QGPL.   You can use  SNDCMDDTAQ to
send to any command data queue.

The  second command  SQ is  the informal  command that is  designed for
interactive use  where  you want  a minimum  of  keystrokes and  always
prompt  for the command  to be  executed.   You must  use a  data queue
with the same name as your user profile.

For  example, if you wanted  to create a  data area asynchronously, you
would do the following:

        - Enter 'SQ CRTDTAARA' and press Enter.
        - Enter the command prompts and press Enter

The command would be  sent to the command data  queue of the same  name
as your  user profile  in QGPL  (there is  no parameter  for where  the
data  queue  exists).   SQ  operates  as somewhat  of  a  shorthand for

When SQ  completes, it  sends  the generated  SNDCMDDTAQ command  as  a
Request message and  receives it.   It then sends a  completion message
stating the command was sent to the command data queue.

If you operate from the Command Entry display, you would see:

    Command sent to data queue YYYYY in QGPL.

The purpose of  resending the command as a  Request message is to allow
you  to use the  F9 Retrieve function  for commands.   You would use F9
and then key  over the top  of the command  for minor modifications  or

The intent  of SQ  is to add  a minimum number  of key strokes  to what
you  would  need  to  do  if  you  wanted  the  same function  executed

SQ can only be used in  an interactive environment.  SNDCMDDTAQ can  be
used in any environment.

With either  SNDCMDDTAQ or  SQ, the command  is sent  to the  batch job
submitted by  STRCMDDTAQ.  The command is  executed using QCMDEXC.  You
can  submit  as  many  commands  as  are  needed.    The  commands  are
processed in FIFO sequence from the data queue.

When you are ready to end the Command Data Queue function, use:


It sends a special entry to the data queue which ends the job.

The STRCMDDTAQ  command first attempts  to allocate the  specified data
queue  and then  deallocates  it.   The  batch job  allocates  the data
queue  to  *EXCLRD.   This  ensures that  multiple  STRCMDDTAQ commands
cannot be used for the same data queue.

If users forget to end  their Command Data Queue batch jobs,  a special
command (ENDCMDDTAQ)  is available  for the system  operator.   It will
end all jobs that have a function specified as EXCCMDDTAQ.

CMDDTAQ escape messages you can monitor for

Most  of the commands do not provide  specific escape messages that can
be monitored for.  The following does

      SNDCMDDTAQ escape messages you can monitor for

           TAA9897    Special 'end' message not valid unless
                         the data queue is active

Valid commands

STRCMDDTAQ starts a batch  job.  Any command that  is valid in a  batch
job may  be run This  includes commands  such as CALL,  SBMJOB, DSPxxx.
Because  the system considers  the job to  be a batch  job, the default
OUTPUT(*) parameter on many DSP commands will operate correctly.

Commands such as DCL,  RTV cannot be used  because they are only  valid
in CL programs.   Commands such as GO  cannot be used because  they are
restricted to the interactive environment.

                 The command cannot exceed approximately 512 bytes.


When  the batch  job handles requests,  it sends  messages back  to the
user  profile message queue  that used SNDCMDDTAQ or  SQ.  The messages
are designed  to  be used  with the  STSMSG TAA  Tool  which turns  the
messages  into  status messages.    The  messages  still exist  in  the
message  queue, but  STSMSG  provides a  simple solution  for receiving
feedback without being interrupted.

To use  the STSMSG  tool, you  would normally  name  your User  Profile
message queue with the command:


The STSMSG tool has been enhanced so that it handles:

  **   TAA9851 as a status message.

  **   TAA9852 as  a 'no action' message.   The message remains  in the
       message  queue, but no  status message  is sent nor  does DSPMSG
       occur.    This  allows  the  CMDDTAQ  tool  to  send  additional
       information   to  your   message   queue  without   causing   an

The following approach is used for the handling of messages.

  **   If   the  command  completes   normally  without   a  completion
       message,  a standard message  is sent as  TAA9851 which states a
       normal completion and  shows the first  40 bytes of the  command
       that was executed.

  **   If  the command  completes normally  with a  completion message,
       the completion message text is sent as TAA9851.

  **   If  the  command  fails with  an  escape  message,  the previous
       diagnostic message text (if any)  is sent as a TAA9852  message.
       The escape message  text is also sent  as a TAA9852 message.   A
       general  message stating the failure  and the first  40 bytes of
       the command is sent as a TAA9851 message.

In most cases, the  messages sent will be  sufficient to determine  the
problem.  In  some cases, you  will need to review  the job log  of the
batch Command Data Queue job.

Batch job identification

If you use  WRKSBMJOB or WRKACTJOB you will see  the batch job that was
submitted  by STRCMDDTAQ.  If  the defaults are taken,  the name of the
batch job  will be the  same name as  the user  profile.  The  function
description will  show 'CMD-EXCCMDDTAQ'.  The EXCCMDDTAQ  command is an
internal  command and is only used to  provide a better description for
the 'function'  column  on  WRKACTJOB  rather  than  just  calling  the
processing program.

If  you want  to end  all jobs  with  EXCCMDDTAQ as  the function,  use

If  you want  to  write a  program that  finds the  Command  Data Queue
jobs, you could use the TAA Tool  CVTWRKACT to create a data base  file
and search for the value EXCCMDDTAQ in the AJFNCN field.

When   the   batch   job   is   submitted,   it   is   specified   with
JOBMSGQFL(*WRAP) to  avoid abnormally terminating the batch  job if the
job log message queue becomes full.

Other uses of the Command Data Queue

While  the default use of the Command Data  Queue makes it easy for any
user to have  a separate  asynchronous job for  commands, there are  no
restrictions to prevent other use.

For example, you could have:

  **   A  separate Command  Data Queue  that  is used  for system  wide

  **   A unique Data Queue for a specific application.

  **   A unique Data Queue for a specific batch job.

Each  time STRCMDDTAQ  is  run, a  separate job  is established  on the

Handling of the Data Queue by STRCMDDTAQ

Because the data queue object type  can be easily damaged and has  poor
performance characteristics  if a  large number of  unprocessed entries
ever  exist, the STRCMDDTAQ  command batch  job will attempt  to delete
and re-create the data queue when it first begins processing.

If the data queue  does not exist, it  is created automatically in  the
batch job and processing continues normally.

If the  data  queue exists,  the batch  job determines  if any  entries
exist.   If not, the  data queue is  deleted and re-created.   The same
library  is used where  the data queue was  found.  If  the user is not
authorized to  delete  the data  queue,  processing continues  normally
with a message in the job log.

If  entries exist when  the batch  job starts,  they will  be processed
normally and the data queue will not be re-created.

Thus  if entries exist in  the data queue when  STRCMDDTAQ is run, they
will be processed.   If one  of the entries  found is from  EXCCMDDTAQ,
the batch job will end.

STRCMDDTAQ Command parameters                         *CMD

   DTAQ          The qualified  name of  the data  queue.  The  default
                 is  to use the  same name as  the users profile.   The
                 library  defaults  to  QGPL.     *LIBL  may  also   be
                 specified,  but  only  when  the  data  queue  already
                 exists.   See the  previous discussion  on re-creation
                 of the data queue.

   JOBQ          The  qualified  name of  the job  queue to  submit the
                 batch job  to.    The default  is  QINTER as  the  job
                 tends to  operate as an interactive job.   The library
                 defaults to *LIBL.

   JOBD          The  qualified name of the job  description to be used
                 for the batch  job.   The default  is *USRPRF  meaning
                 the job  description found in  the user profile.   The
                 library defaults to *LIBL.

   JOB           The  job  name to  be used  for  the batch  job.   The
                 default is  *DTAQ which  means the  same name  as  the
                 DTAQ parameter value.

   AUT           The  authority  for  the  created  data  queue.    The
                 default  is *EXCLUDE meaning  the *PUBLIC  is excluded
                 from  using  the data  queue.   The other  entries are
                 the standard values  of *LIBCRTAUT, *CHANGE,  *ALL, or

SNDCMDDTAQ Command parameters                         *CMD

   CMD           The command  to be executed by the  Command Data Queue
                 function.   The CMD  parameter can be  prompted for in
                 the same  manner  as  you  prompt  for  a  command  on

                 Any  command  that  can be  successfully  executed  by
                 QCMDEXC  in   batch  may  be  used.     This  includes
                 commands such as  CALL, SBMJOB, DSPxxx.   Because  the
                 system  considers the  job  to  be  a batch  job,  the
                 default  OUTPUT(*)  parameter  on  many  DSP  commands
                 will operate correctly.

                 The command cannot exceed approximately 512 bytes.

                 Commands  such  as  DCL, RTV  cannot  be  used because
                 they are  only valid in  CL programs.   Commands  such
                 as GO  cannot be used  because they are  restricted to
                 the interactive environment.

                 A  special value  exists to  allow a  user to  end the
                 batch job.    The  command XCMDDTAQ  sends  a  special
                 request  that ends  the batch  job.   The default  for
                 listing  the job  log is accessed  from the  JOBD that
                 the job started with.

                 The XCMDDTAQ  entry  is  not  valid  unless  the  data
                 queue is active meaning  that it is in use  by another
                 job.    If not  active,  TAA9897 will  be  sent as  an
                 escape message.

                 For  example, if  you have  not done  a STRCMDDTAQ, it
                 is invalid to send  the special message as  this would
                 result  in immediately  ending the  job the  next time
                 STRCMDDTAQ was used.

   DTAQ          The  qualified  name of  the  data queue  to  send the
                 command to.  The  default is to use  the same name  as
                 the users  profile.   The library  defaults to  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be specified.

SQ Command parameters                                 *CMD

   CMDNAM        The  command name to be  prompted for.   When Enter is
                 pressed, the  prompt  for the  desired  command  would
                 appear.   When Enter is  pressed, the command  is sent
                 to the data queue.

                 The  data queue  is searched  for  using a  default of
                 the user profile name and the library list.

                 The   command  XCMDDTAQ  may  be  entered  to  send  a
                 special message to  end the batch  job.  The  XCMDDTAQ
                 entry  is not valid  unless the  data queue  is active
                 meaning  that it  is in  use by another  job.   If not
                 active, TAA9897 will be sent as an escape message.

                 For example, if  you have  not done  a STRCMDDTAQ,  it
                 is invalid to  send the special message  as this would
                 result  in immediately  ending the  job the  next time
                 STRCMDDTAQ was used.

ENDCMDDTAQ Command parameters                         *CMD

There are no parameters.  You  must have the special authority  *JOBCTL
to use the command.

EXCCMDDTAQ Command                                    *CMD

This  is  an  internal  command  which  is  not  intended  to  be  used
externally.   The  function of  EXCCMDDTAQ is  to provide  a meaningful
name  for the function field displayed  by WRKSBMJOB and WRKACTJOB when
the batch job that is submitted by STRCMDDTAQ is displayed.

XCMDDTAQ Command parameters                         *CMD

XCMDDTAQ is a  special command that can  only be entered on  SNDCMDDTAQ
or SQ to end the batch job.


A few minor restrictions exist throughout the documentation.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKACTOBJ       Check active object
     CHKJOBCTL       Check job control
     RTVJOBSTS       Retrieve job status
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message

While not  required, the  Command Data Queue  is intended to  work with
the tool:

     STSMSG          Sending received messages as status messages


None, the  tool is ready to use.  To  use the STSMSG tool, you must set
your user  profile  message queue  to  the  break handling  program  as
described previously.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   STRCMDDTAQ    *CMD                   TAADTQF       QATTCMD
   SNDCMDDTAQ    *CMD                   TAADTQF2      QATTCMD
   ENDCMDDTAQ    *CMD                   TAADTQF3      QATTCMD
   SQ            *CMD                   TAADTQF4      QATTCMD
   EXCCMDDTAQ    *CMD                   TAADTQF5      QATTCMD
   TAADTQFC      *PGM       CLP         TAADTQFC      QATTCL
   TAADTQFC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADTQFC2     QATTCL
   TAADTQFC3     *PGM       CLP         TAADTQFC3     QATTCL
   TAADTQFC4     *PGM       CLP         TAADTQFC4     QATTCL
   TAADTQFC5     *PGM       CLP         TAADTQFC5     QATTCL


   TAADTQFC   CL pgm
     Submits the EXCCMDDTAQ command as a batch job

   TAADTQFC2  CL pgm

SQ Cmd
   TAADTQFC4  CL pgm
     TAADTQFC2  CL pgm

   TAADTQFC3  CL pgm

   TAADTQFC5  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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