TAA Tools
JOBACG          JOB ACCOUNTING                         TAAACGB

The Job  Accounting tool  is a  series of  commands that  let you  work
with  the job  accounting entries from  the QACGJRN  journal.   You may
either  display  the entries  using several  different access  paths or
print the entries  using different  selection and sequencing  criteria.
Job  accounting entries  from multiple  systems  may be  stored in  the
same data base.

Trying it out

There  are a lot  of things you  can consider with  Job Accounting, but
if you just want to try it out, do the following:

  **   Create a journal receiver:

              CRTJRNRCV    JRNRCV(QGPL/ACG00001)
                             TEXT('Accounting receiver')

  **   Create a journal  (it must have  the name QACGJRN  and exist  in

              CRTJRN       JRN(QSYS/QACGJRN)
                             TEXT('Accounting journal')

  **   Use  WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL(QACGLVL).   Use  the Change  option.   The
       value should at least include *JOB.

  **   Create  the files  needed for  the JOBACG tool  in a  library of
       your choice:

            CRTJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx)

  **   Let several new jobs complete  before converting the entries  in
       the next step.

  **   Convert the QACGJRN entries  to the JOBACG files in  the library
       you specified.

             CVTJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx)

  **   Display the entries with the command

             DSPJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx)

  **   Analyze the entries with the command

             ANZJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx)

More on Job Accounting

It is  not necessary to use  job accounting codes to  gain the benefits
of  the job accounting tool.   You may display the  entries by date, by
job,  or  by  user without  using  job  accounting  codes.    You  must
however, have the Job Accounting journal in existence.

A separate tool (PRTACG) exists to handle print accounting entries.

The  QACGJRN journal  entries must  be converted  to a  data  base file
before  the display or print  functions may be used.   Special commands
exist to create the required  data base files and convert the  journal.

Additional  tools you  may want  to consider  are DSPACGRCD,  DSPACGSGN

Creating the Job Accounting Journal

If  you  have  not  already  created  the  Job Accounting  journal  and
specified the  QACGLVL system  value,  do the  following steps  as  the
Security Officer (the  library QGPL is  used for the  Journal receiver,
but any user library may be used):

  **   Create a journal receiver:

              CRTJRNRCV    JRNRCV(QGPL/ACG00001)
                             TEXT('Accounting receiver')

       The  Job  Accounting  tool does  not  require  a special  naming
       convention  for the  journal receivers.   However,  a convention
       such as ACG00001 is recommended.

  **   Create a journal  (it must  have the name  QACGJRN and exist  in

              CRTJRN       JRN(QSYS/QACGJRN)
                             TEXT('Accounting journal')

  **   Use  WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL(QACGLVL).   Use  the Change  option.   The
       value should at least include *JOB.

Creating the required data base files

The  CRTJOBACG command creates  the files used by  the JOBACG function.
A typical command would be:

            CRTJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx)

You can have multiple  sets of job accounting  files, but only one  set
per library.  A  single physical file JOBACGP is  created and 5 logical

The  default for public  access is *USE  on CRTJOBACG.   You may change

If you have created  the required files and  then wish to delete  them,
the special command DLTJOBACG should be used.

Converting the journal entries

You need to convert  the journal entries to the data  base files before
displaying or  printing them.  There are two  methods of converting the
accounting entries:

  **   CVTJOBACG  command which is  part of the JOBACG  tool is a batch
       like function which would be used periodically.

  **   CVTJOBACG3  command  which  is  part  of   the  CVTJOBACG3  tool
       provides  a  solution  for  continuous  conversion  by  using  a
       program  which waits for entries to arrive  on the journal.  See
       the discussion with the CVTJOBACG3 tool.

The following discussion refers to the CVTJOBACG command.

To convert the QACGJRN entries from your own system specify:

             CVTJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx)

CVTJOBACG should  be  specified on  a regular  basis  such as  once  or
twice a day.  If  you have a 'start of day' or  'end of day' procedure,
CVTJOBACG  could be included or  as a 'time  dependent scheduling' job.
If you change  the Job Accounting  journal receiver at  the end of  the
day, you should follow this process with a CVTJOBACG command.

An option  exists on CVTJOBACG  to allow a  new journal receiver  to be
generated.   You may use  this option on  CVTJOBACG and then  a command
like  the TAA  Tool MTNJRN  to delete  the old  receivers.  If  you use
both JOBACG  and  PRTACG,  you will  want  to  use both  CVTJOBACG  and
CVTPRTACG before deleting the old receivers.

CVTJOBACG  has  the  smarts  to  determine  the  last  entry  that  was
converted  for the  current system  and will  only convert  the journal
entries that have occurred  after that point.   Therefore, you may  run
CVTJOBACG  whenever required  to  convert the  current entries  without
concerning yourself about duplicating the entries.

The  process that CVTJOBACG  uses is to  determine the last  entry that
was converted previously.   The journal  receiver containing the  entry
will be  converted to a  data base  file and read.   Conversion to  the
Job  Accounting file does  not start until  entries which do  not exist
in   the  Job  Accounting  file  are  read.    Therefore,  to  minimize
conversion  of  the  journal  receivers  during  your  regular  use  of
CVTJOBACG,  you   should  switch  to   a  new  receiver   before  using
CVTJOBACG.   This  causes both the  old and  new receivers  to be read.
Once the entries  from the old  receiver have been  converted, the  old
receiver will never be converted again.

In V5R3,  the system CRTJRN  command changed the  default of  MNGRCV to
*SYSTEM.   This means  the system will  change the journal  receiver at
each IPL and reset the sequence number to 1 for the new receiver.

The Job  Accounting  tool  was also  changed  in  V5R3 so  that  it  is
tolerant of a reset in sequence numbers.

convert the  journal.  The information  will only be as  current as the
last use of CVTJOBACG.

You  must periodically clean out old  entries from the data base files.
A special command  MTNJOBACG is  provided for this  function.  See  the
later discussion.

A  special command CVTJOBACG2  is used  for converting  journal entries
from other  systems that you want to store in  the same data base.  See
the later discussion of CVTJOBACG2.

Displaying the entries

The DSPJOBACG  command is  used to  display the  accounting  data in  a
subfile.  There are two approaches in the use of the command:

  **   Using  the  defaults  (no   selection  criteria)  to  begin  the
       display  with  the  first  job of  the  current  day.   Use  the
       'position to' and F9  key to limit  and resequence the  display.

  **   Specifying selection  criteria to  determine what is  displayed.

Both approaches may  be used, but it is  generally advisable to not use
both on the same use of the DSPJOBACG command.

There  will be will be one journal entry  for each job completed on the
system  (more  entries may  exist  if  you  use  CHGACGCDE  during  job

Journal  entries have  a  common  set of  standard  fields followed  by
variable  information termed  'entry data'.   Each journal  entry has a
one byte  journal code  and a  2 byte  journal entry  type.   Different
journal codes  may appear  in the  QACGJRN journal,  but you will  only
see  the 'A'  codes which  are  the 'accounting  entries' and  the 'JB'
journal entry  types  which are  the  job summary  entries  (See  later
discussion of Job Accounting Segments caused by CHGACGCDE).

The F6 key is also  supported to allow you to prompt  for the PRTJOBACG

The  DSPACGRCD tool allows  you to  display the  last record for  a job
name.  See the discussion with the DSPACGRCD tool.

Option  6  from  the  subfile display  prompts  for  the  DSPAUDCMD TAA
function.     The  user   must   have  been   specified  as   CHGUSRAUD
AUDLVL(*CMD).   You must  be using  the Audit  Journal (QAUDJRN).   The
commands entered for the job would be displayed.

Securing the JOBACGP file

The  *PUBLIC has *USE  authority to  the JOBACGP.   While this prevents
any changes from  being made by the  *PUBLIC user, there  is no way  to
prevent an *ALLOBJ  user from changing one  or more records.   What you
can do is audit that a change occurred.  See the CHKJOBACGP tool.

Using the DSPJOBACG defaults

The  command would be entered  without any of  the selection parameters
specified using the default STRDATE(*CURRENT):

             DSPJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx)

A subfile is displayed with the  first record that matches the  current
date.   The 'job end  date' in  the accounting record  is used for  the
comparison.   If no record  matches the current date,  the first record
prior  is displayed.  You may use  the 'position to' values to position
to a  prior date  and time.   You  may use the  F9 key  to request  the
prompt that  changes the sequence  in which the records  are displayed.

Using the DSPJOBACG selection parameters

DSPJOBACG  supports  several parameters  to  allow you  to  select what
will appear in the  subfile.  If you  use the selection criteria,  only
the accounting  records which  are selected  will appear regardless  of
the  use of  the  'position to'  values  or the  F9 key  to  change the
access path being used.

A typical command  would be  to display  all accounting  records for  a
specific job name between a date range such as:

             DSPJOBACG   JOBACGLIB(xxx) STRDATE(yymmdd)
                           ENDDATE(yymmdd) JOB(xxxxx)

Some selection  options may be  used, but the  information can only  be
seen on  the detail display.  For example,  you may specify the minimum
'number  of transactions' and  the jobs that meet  the criteria will be
displayed in  the  subfile.    However, the  'number  of  transactions'
information can only be seen on the detail display.

Analyzing the entries (ANZJOBACG)

The  ANZJOBACG command  should  be  used instead  of  the old  versions
PRTJOBACG and PRTJOBACG3 which are still included in the tool.

ANZJOBACG  defaults  to  display  a listing  of  the  entries  you have
selected.  Using SEQBY(*USERTOT) provides  a one line summary by  user.
Using  SEQBY(*JOBTOT) provides  a  one line  summary by  job  name.   A
variety of  sequencing and selection options exist.   The basic listing
is one  line per  data  base record.    Additional information  may  be
listed on additional lines  using the EXTPRT parameter.   This includes
print  information such as  how may pages  were output by  the program,
but  it is not known  whether the spooled file  was actually printed to
hard copy.

A typical command  to list job accounting  entries for a specific  user
in job start time sequence would be:


Printing the entries (PRTJOBACG and PRTJOBACG3)

The  Print Job  Accounting  command  allows you  to  print the  entries
using  different selection and sequencing.   For example, if you wanted
to print in  order by user name  for a specific  entry type, you  would

             PRTJOBACG   SEQ(*USER) JOBACGLIB(xxx)

SEQ(*USER2)  outputs  the  same  listing with  totals  for  each  user.
SEQ(*USER3) outputs only the summary lines for each user.

The  command uses OPNQRYF to  select and sequence the  records and then
prints the records in a standard format.

There is not enough  room to print all  of the possible information  in
a single line  of print.  By default,  a fixed set of fields  prints on
a single line.  Two options exist to change the printing:

  **   AVGRSP(*YES)  may   be  specified  to   substitute  the  Average
       Response  time for  the Auxiliary  I/O field.   AVGRSP(*YES) may
       only  be  specified  when  requesting  all  job  types  or  just
       interactive job types.

  **   EXTPRT(*YES)  may  be  specified  to print  multiple  lines  per
       accounting entry.

The  PRTJOBACG3 command  is similar.   It provides  a simple  method of
finding the jobs by completion code.

Maintaining the Job Accounting files

The CVTJOBACG command  converts entries into  the job accounting  file.
A separate command MTNJOBACG is used to delete entries.

You  would   typically  run   MTNJOBACG  periodically  based   on  your
retention period  of Job Accounting entries.   The command supports the
RTNDAYS parameter which  allows you  to name your  retention period  in

A typical command would be:

             MTNJOBACG    RTNDAYS(30) JOBACGLIB(xxx)

This  would remove  all  the entries  that  are 30  days  prior to  the
current date.

Swapping a user profile

The system  program QWTSETP allows  a swap of  a user profile  during a
job (see also the simple front end TAA Tool SWPUSRPRF).

The  system job accounting function is  not informed of a profile swap.
The user  profile of  the job is  still considered  for job  accounting
purposes and not the current user.

Comparison with the Print Accounting tool

The  Job Accounting  entry  will contain  summary  information for  the
number  of print files, pages  and lines written.   This information is
based on what the program does  and does not consider whether any  hard
copy print actually occurred.

Print  Accounting has  the  hard copy  information.    The system  will
generate one  journal entry for every file  that is actually printed to
hard copy  either  from a  spooled  file  or directly  printed  from  a


The PRTJOBQTIM  tool  will allow  an analysis  of the  time that  batch
jobs have spent on a job queue waiting to go active.

Locking considerations

CVTJOBACG and CVTJOBACG2 require *SHRNUP locks on the JOBACGP file.

MTNJOBACG  requires an  *EXCL lock  on the  JOBACGP  file (the  file is
cleared as part of the processing).

Writing your own programs against the JOBACG files

The  PRTJOBACG and PRTJOBACG3  commands provide basic  listings and are
limited to printing the entries from a single system.

You may write  your own programs or  queries against the JOBACGP  file.
It is  an externally  described file in  arrival sequence.   The format
name is ACGRCDR.

Job Accounting Segments

When  Job  Accounting is  active, the  system  writes a  job accounting
journal entry  at the  end  of every  job.   A  journal entry  is  also
written whenever  CHGACGCDE is  used.   The intent  of CHGACGCDE is  to
allow  for different segments  of a job  to be considered  in different
accounting codes.  A  different segment may also  exist in other  cases
such as when a user profile is swapped during a job.

The  Job  Accounting  tool does  not  do  any  special  processing  for
segments.   It considers each journal entry  separately.  The ANZJOBACG
tool will allow sequencing and a summary by job number.

Converting journal entries from other systems

The  JOBACG tool lets you  have a single data  base with job accounting
entries from one  or more systems.   The high  order key field  for all
logical files is the system name.

Or you  may want to use  JOBACG for multiple systems,  but would rather
have  unique files for each system (this  would require one library for
each system).

The steps  described are  the same  whether you  have  one or  multiple
sets of files.

In  the  following  discussion,  the term  'master  system'  means  the
system where  JOBACG will be run.   The term 'remote  system' means the
system that is  only capturing  job accounting entries,  but not  using
the JOBACG tool.

The CVTJOBACG  command is used  to convert  the Job Accounting  entries
from the master system.

The  special  command CVTJOBACG2  is  used to  convert  journal entries
from  the  remote  systems.    CVTJOBACG2 must  be  run  on  the master
system.  The  remote system must  do DSPJRN to  get the Job  Accounting
journal entries into  a data base file that can  be used by CVTJOBACG2.

Do the following steps:

  **   Use  DSPJRN on the  remote system to convert  the Job Accounting
       journal entries to  a data base file.   A good  time to do  this
       would be just  after converting to a new journal  receiver.  You
       do  not have  to concern  yourself with  ensuring that  the same
       entry will  only  be converted  once  from the  journal.    When
       CVTJOBACG2  is run,  it  will bypass  any  journal entries  that
       already exist in the JOBACG data base files.

       When  DSPJRN is  used,  you must  specify  OUTFILFMT(*TYPE4) and
       ENTDTALEN(*CALC).  A typical command would be:

                        OUTFILFMT(*TYPE4) OUTFILE(xxx/DSPJRNP)

  **   You  would then transfer the DSPJRNP  file to the master system.

  **   Then  run  the CVTJOBACG2  command  on  the  master  system  and
       specify a system  name: You must ensure that  the date format of
       the  job that ran  DSPJRN is the  same as the job  that will run


The system name  is needed because  the *TYPE4 format  is used for  the
journal outfile which does not contain the system name.

The job  accounting information  is then  available to  be reviewed  or

Security discussion

To  work with the  Job Accounting journal,  the user must  have *ALLOBJ
authority.  JOBACG  provides a method  where a system  operator may  be
authorized to perform the CVTJOBACG function.

This occurs  by use of  the TAAJOBACG  authorization list which  allows
an  authorized user  to the list  to use  CVTJOBACG.   CVTJOBACG adopts
the  Security Officers  profile during  the conversion  of the entries.
A user  who  has  *USE authority  to  the  authorization list  may  use
CVTJOBACG to any set of job accounting files.

The user authorized  to the TAAJOBACG authorization list  does not have
the automatic right to use DSPJOBACG, PRTJOBACG, and PRTJOBACG3.

The  user who uses CRTJOBACG  becomes the owner of  the data base files
that are  created.    To  minimize exposures,  you  must  have  *ALLOBJ
special  authority to  use CRTJOBACG.    The JOBACGP  physical file  is
created as  AUT(*USE).  This prevents any  other user from changing the
data in the file by default  (access to the logical files is  *PUBLIC).
Allowing *USE means  that any user  may use the functions  of DSPJOBACG
or the DSPACGRCD tool.

The  MTNJOBACG command  deletes old entries  in the  JOBACGP file.   To
run  the command, the user must  have *ALL authorization to the JOBACGP

The CVTJOBACG2  command adds records  to the  JOBACGP file from  remote
systems.  A  user with *ALLOBJ authority on the  remote system must use
DSPJRN  to convert  the QACGJRN  journal entries to  a data  base file.
The file is then  placed on the master system.   To run the  CVTJOBACG2
command, the  user must  be authorized  to the TAAJOBACG  authorization

To summarize the security:

       CRTJOBACG      *ALLOBJ authority
       CVTJOBACG      *USE to TAAJOBACG authorization list
       CVTJOBACG2     *USE to TAAJOBACG authorization list
       MTNJOBACG      *ALL authority to JOBACGP file
       DLTJOBACG      *ALL authority to JOBACGP file
       DSPJOBACG      *USE authority to JOBACGP file
       PRTJOBACG      *USE authority to JOBACGP file
       PRTJOBACG3     *USE authority to JOBACGP file
       RTVJOBACGR     *USE authority to JOBACGP file

Resetting the journal sequence number

In  V5R3, the system  change to the  CRTJRN command using  a default of
MNGRCV(*SYSTEM) causes the  system to  change the receiver  at IPL  and
restart the sequence number.

The job  accounting tool was changed  to be tolerant  of this.   You do
not  have to clear  the job  accounting files  if either the  system or
you reset the sequence numbers.

CRTJOBACG Command parameters                          *CMD

   JOBACGLIB     The  name  of  the library  where  the  Job Accounting
                 files will be created.   The physical file JOBACGP  is
                 created along with several logical files.

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.   The default  is *TAAARC.  If  a full license
                 exists, the source is used  from the TAA Archive.   If
                 a  demonstration license  exists, the  source is  used
                 from the QATTDDS file in the TAATOOL library.

                 A specific  user library may be  named, but the source
                 file must be QATTDDS.

   AUT           The authority to  the JOBACGP  file.   The default  is
                 *USE which  allows any  user to  use DSPJOBACG or  the
                 DSPACGRCD  tool.   *LIBCRTAUT or  *EXCLUDE  could also
                 be entered.

CVTJOBACG Command parameters                          *CMD

   RMVALLLFM     A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for whether  the  logical file
                 members should  be removed  before the update  program
                 runs  and   then  added  back   after.    This   is  a
                 performance  option.     It  is  generally  faster  to
                 remove the members and then  add them back if a  large
                 percentage of records will be added to the file.

                 *NO is the  default which should be used  when a small
                 percentage of records are added.

                 *YES  should be  specified to improve  the performance
                 when adding a large percentage of records.

   GENNEWRCV     Whether to generate  a new journal  receiver.  *NO  is
                 the default.

                 *YES may be  specified to cause the CHGJRN  command to
                 occur with JRNRCV(*GEN).

   JOBACGLIB     The  name  of the  library  where  the Job  Accounting
                 files  exist.   The  default  is *LIBL.    *CURLIB may
                 also be used.

   FIRSTENTRY    The first  entry  to be  converted.   The  default  is
                 *LASTENTRY  meaning  to  begin  from  the  last  entry
                 converted.    If  this entry  does  not  exist  in the
                 journal, an error  will occur.   For  example, if  you
                 deleted  a receiver  without  converting the  entries,
                 the  last  entry  will not  exist  and  an error  will
                 occur.    You  can  bypass  the  error  by  specifying

                 *FIRST  causes  all  entries  in  the  journal  to  be
                 output from  DSPJRN.  Only those entries  which do not
                 exist in the JOBACGP file will be converted.

DSPJOBACG Command parameters                          *CMD

   JOBACGLIB     The  name  of  the library  where  the  Job Accounting
                 files exist.    The default  is  *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may
                 also be used.

   STRDATE       The job  start date to  start the first display.   The
                 date  is compared  against the  'job end date'  in the
                 accounting record (not  the 'job  start date' nor  the
                 'date the  job entered the  system').  The  default is
                 *CURRENT  which  means the  current day.    A specific
                 date may be entered in YYMMDD format.

                 If a record does not  exist for the date entered,  the
                 previous record is displayed.

                 If *CURRENT  is used, the  STRDATE and  STRTIME values
                 are  used as 'position  to' values  in the  data base.
                 They   are   not   used   as   'selection   criteria'.
                 Therefore,   when  the   subfile   is   displayed,   a
                 'position to'  date may  be entered to  re-position to
                 an earlier date and time.

                 The  other  selection  parameters  (including  ENDDATE
                 and ENDTIME) prevent records  from being displayed  in
                 the  subfile regardless  of  where  the 'position  to'
                 values are set.

                 STRDATE(*START)  may  be  used  to  start the  display
                 with the first record (oldest  job end date) found  in
                 the file.

                 If a specific  date is entered for STRDATE,  the value
                 (and STRTIME)  are considered as  'selection criteria'
                 and  're-positioning'  prior  to the  date  entered on
                 the command will  not cause any additional  records to
                 be displayed.

   STRTIME       The  start time  of the  jobs  to be  selected.   This
                 value   is  used   in  conjunction  with   STRDATE  to
                 determine what accounting  records are  selected.   If
                 the accounting record  'job end date' matches  the the
                 STRDATE   value,  the   STRTIME  value  is   used  for
                 selection.  A specific time  may be entered in  HHMMSS

                 For example,  if  you want  all jobs  for the  current
                 day that  fall between 10:00:00 and  11:00:00 take the
                 defaults     for    STRDATE/ENDDATE     and    specify
                 STRTIME(100000) and ENDTIME(110000).

                 If  you want  all  jobs  from  05/10/09  beginning  at
                 18:00:00  and ending on  05/11/09 at  06:00:00 specify
                 STRDATE(051009)  STRTIME(180000)  ENDDATE(051109)  and

   ENDDATE       The  job end  date  to  be  included.    The  date  is
                 compared  against the  'job  end date'  (not the  'job
                 start  date'   nor  the  'date  the  job  entered  the
                 system').   The default  is *CURRENT  which means  the
                 current  day.   A  specific  date  may be  entered  in
                 YYMMDD format.

   ENDTIME       The end  time of the  job to be selected.   This value
                 is  used  in  conjunction  with  ENDDATE  to determine
                 what jobs  are selected.   The default  is *END  which
                 means   all  jobs   of  the   ENDDATE  day   would  be

                 If  the accounting record  'job end  date' matches the
                 the ENDDATE  value,  the  ENDTIME value  is  used  for
                 selection.  A  specific time may be  entered in HHMMSS

   SYSTEM        The  system  name  to be  selected.    The default  is
                 *CURRENT for the current system name.

                 A specific system name may be entered.

   JOB           The job  name to  be selected.   The  default is  *ALL
                 for all job names.

                 A specific job name may be entered.

   USER          The user  profile name  to be  selected.  The  default
                 is *ALL for all user names.

                 A specific user name may be entered.

   JOBNBR        The job  number to be  selected.  The  default is *ALL
                 for all job numbers.

                 A specific job number may be entered.

   ACGCDE        The  accounting code to  be selected.   The default is
                 *ALL for all accounting codes (or blanks).

                 A specific accounting code may be entered.

   JOBTYP        The job  type to  be selected.   The  default is  *ALL
                 for all job types.

                 A specific job type may be entered of the following:

                              B  =  Batch
                              A  =  Autostart
                              I  =  Interactive
                              M  =  Subsystem monitor
                              R  =  Spool reader
                              S  =  System job
                              W  =  Spool writer
                              X  =  Start CPF

   COMPCODE      The completion  code to be  selected.  The  default is
                 *ALL for all completion codes.

                 A  specific  completion  code  may  be  entered.   The
                 completion  codes   are  described   in  the   CPF1164
                 message.   For  example, 00  =  Normal, and  20 =  Job
                 exceeded   the    End   Severity   (typical   abnormal

   CPUSECS       The number of CPU seconds used  by the job.  The  jobs
                 CPU  seconds must  be GE  than  the number  specified.
                 The  default  is  0   which  allows  all  jobs  to  be

                 A  specific number of  seconds may be  entered such as
                 100 or 5.125.

   NBRTRANS      The number  of transactions  used  by the  job.   This
                 applies only  to interactive jobs  (JOBTYP = I).   The
                 number  of  transactions must  be GE  than  the number
                 specified.  The  default is  0 which  allows all  jobs
                 to be considered.

                 A specific number of transactions may be entered.

   AVGRESP       The  average response  time in  seconds  for the  job.
                 This  applies only to  interactive jobs  (JOBTYP = I).
                 The average response time must  be GE than the  number
                 specified.   The default  is 0  which allows all  jobs
                 to be considered.

                 A specific  average response time may  be entered such
                 as 2 (2 seconds) or 1.75 (1.75 seconds).

   OMITJOB       A  list of  up to  100 jobs to  be omitted.   *NONE is
                 the default.

   OMITUSER      A list of  up to 100  users to be  omitted.  *NONE  is
                 the default.

MTNJOBACG Command parameters                          *CMD

   RTNDAYS       The  number  of  days  of Job  Accounting  entries  to
                 retain.    The  default is  30  meaning  that  any Job
                 Accounting entries with  a date prior  to 30 days  ago
                 will be deleted from the file.

   JOBACGLIB     The  name of  the  library  where the  Job  Accounting
                 files  exist.   The  default  is *LIBL.    *CURLIB may
                 also be used.

PRTJOBACG Command parameters                          *CMD

   STRDATE       The start date  to be  used.  The  default is  *TODAY.
                 If a date is entered, it must be in job format.

                 *FIRST may  be entered to  use the  date of the  first
                 job found.

   ENDDATE       The  end date  to be  entered.   The default  is *LAST
                 which  means  the  last  journal entry  found.    If a
                 specific date  is needed,  it must be  entered in  job

   SYSTEM        The system to  print the entries for.   The default is
                 *CURRENT  meaning   the  current  system.    Only  the
                 entries from a single system may be printed.

   USER          Whether to print  only a specific  user.  The  default
                 is *ALL  for all users.   A specific user name  may be

                 Depending  on  the USRTYP  parameter,  either  the job
                 user   or   the   current   user   is   used.       If
                 USRTYP(*CURUSR) is  entered, all  other references  to
                 'user' refer to the current user of the job.

   USRTYP        The type  of user to be used.   *JOBTYP is the default
                 meaning  the  user  name in  the  fully  qualified job

                 *CURUSR may  be entered to  mean the  current user  of
                 the job.

   JOBTYP        The job  type to  be selected.   *ALL is  the default.
                 The    following    are   supported:    *BATCH,   *INT
                 (interactive),  *SBSMON  (subsystem  monitor),   *AUTO
                 (auto  start   job),  *SPLRDR   (spool  reader),   and
                 *SPLWTR (spool writer).

   SEQ           The sequence  of the report.   The default is *STRDATE
                 meaning the oldest date is printed first.

                 *USER will sequence the report  by user with a  detail
                 line per job.

                 *USER2  will  sequence  the  report  by  user  with  a
                 detail line per job and a summary for each user.

                 *USER3 will  sequence the report  by user with  only a
                 summary line for each user.

                 *CPU  will  sequence the  jobs  by the  amount  of CPU
                 used  with  the  job  with  the  highest  amount  used

                 *TRANS  will  sequence  the  jobs  by  the  number  of
                 transactions  entered.    The  job  with  the  highest
                 number is  shown first.    Jobs with  no  transactions
                 (e.g.  batch) are excluded.

                 *ACGCDE  will  sequence  the jobs  by  the  Accounting
                 Code  assigned to  the job.    This causes  a slightly
                 different format than  the other SEQ  values.   Totals
                 are provided  for each  Accounting Code.   EXTPRT(*NO)
                 must be specified.

                 *ACGCDETOT  will sequence the  jobs by  the Accounting
                 Code  and  provide only  a  total for  each accounting

   AVGRSP        A *YES/*NO value that  defaults to *NO which causes  a
                 column  to  print  for   Auxiliary  I/O  usage.    The
                 average response time does not print.

                 *YES  may be  entered to cause  a column  to print for
                 average   response   time.      The   Auxiliary    I/O
                 information does not print.

   EXTPRT        A  *YES/*NO  value   that  defaults  to  *NO   for  an
                 extended   print  option.     Specifying  *YES  causes
                 multiple  lines   to  be   printed  per   job.     The
                 additional  information   includes  start   date/time,
                 active  and  suspended  time,  data base  writes,  and
                 data base updates/deletes.

   SELTRANS      Select  on the  number of  transactions.   The default
                 is 0.

   SELCPU        Select on the amount of  CPU.  The default is 0.   The
                 value  should be  entered  in seconds  such  as 12  or
                 seconds and hundredths of seconds such as 1.05.

   SELAVGRSP     Select  on the average response time.   The default is
                 0.  The value should  be entered in seconds such as  2
                 or seconds and  hundredths such as 2.14.   The average
                 response  time   does  not  print  if  AVGRSP(*NO)  is

   SELPRTLIN     Select on the number of  print lines.  The default  is

   SELDBRDS      Select  on  the  number  of  data  base  reads.    The
                 default is 0.

   SELAUXIO      Select  on the  number  auxiliary I/O  requests.   The
                 default  is 0.   The number of  auxiliary I/O requests
                 does not print unless AVGRSP(*NO) is specified.

   SELJOBTIM     Select on the  amount of job  time (wall clock  time).
                 The  default is  0.   The value  should be  entered in
                 minutes  such  as 35  or  minutes and  tenths  such as

   JOBACGLIB     The name  of  the  library where  the  Job  Accounting
                 files  exist.   The  default is  *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may
                 also be used.

PRTJOBACG3 Command parameters                         *CMD

   STRDATE       The  start date to  be used.   The default  is *TODAY.
                 If a date is entered, it must be in job format.

                 *FIRST may be  entered to  use the date  of the  first
                 job found.

   ENDDATE       The end  date to  be entered.   The  default is  *LAST
                 which  means  the last  journal  entry  found.   If  a
                 specific  date is  needed, it  must be  entered in job

   SYSTEM        The system to print  the entries for.  The  default is
                 *CURRENT  meaning  the  current   system.    Only  the
                 entries from a single system may be printed.

   USER          Whether  to print only  a specific user.   The default
                 is *ALL for all  users.  A specific  user name may  be

   USERTYPE      The type of user to be selected.

                 *JOBUSER is the  default meaning the user  of the job.

                 *CURUSER  may be  specified to  mean the  current user
                 profile that was swapped to during the job.

   JOBTYP        The job type  to be  selected.  *ALL  is the  default.
                 The   following    are    supported:   *BATCH,    *INT
                 (interactive),  *SBSMON   (subsystem  monitor),  *AUTO
                 (auto   start  job),   *SPLRDR  (spool   reader),  and
                 *SPLWTR (spool writer).

   SEQ           The sequence of the  report.  The default is  *STRDATE
                 meaning the oldest date is printed first.

                 *USER can  be entered to sequence the  report by user.

   COMPCODE      The  completion code to select.   The default is *ALL.
                 A 2 digit code may  be entered in the range of  00-99.

   JOBACGLIB     The  name of  the  library  where the  Job  Accounting
                 files  exist.   The  default  is *LIBL.    *CURLIB may
                 also be used.

ANZJOBACG Command parameters                        *CMD

   SEQBY         How to sequence the output.

                 If you have only one job  segment per job, use one  of
                 the following values:

                  *STRDATTIM is the default for job start date/time
                  *ENDDATTIM - by job end date/time
                  *USER      - by user profile with total by user
                  *USERTOT   - one line summary by user name
                  *JOB       - by job name
                  *JOBTOT    - one line summary by job name
                  *JOBNBR    - by job number
                  *JOBNBRTOT - one line summary by job number
                  *JOBTYP    - by job type (batch, interactive...)
                  *CMPCDE    - by completion code
                  *ACGCDE    - by accounting code
                  *ACGCDETOT - one line summary by accounting code
                  *AVGRSP    - by the average response time
                  *NBRTRANS  - by the number of transactions
                  *SYNAUXIO  - by the synchronous auxiliary I/O count
                  *ASYNAUXIO - by the asynchronous auxiliary I/O count

                 A value  of *USER or  *JOB will cause  an intermediate

                 If you  have multiple segments per  job, the following
                 may  be  used  which  will also  count  the  number of

                  *JOB2      - by job name and job number
                  *JOBTOT2   - one line summary by job name/job number
                  *JOBNBR2   - by job number

                 *AVGRSP and *NBRTRANS  values are only  meaningful for
                 interactive jobs.

   USRPRF        The  user  profile  to  be  selected.    *ALL  is  the
                 default.   A  specific name or  a generic  name may be

   USERTYPE      The type of user to be selected.

                 *JOBUSER is the default meaning  the user of the  job.

                 *CURUSER may  be specified  to mean  the current  user
                 profile that was swapped to during the job.

   JOB           The  job to  be selected.    *ALL is  the default.   A
                 specific name or a generic name may be entered.

   BYPSYSJOB     Whether to bypass system jobs.   *YES is the  default.

                 *NO may be specified to include system jobs.

                 The definition of a system job to the command is:

                      - The job and user name both start with Q

                      - The  job does not  start with  Q, but the  user
                      profile  is supplied  by the  system.   This does
                      not  include  the user  profiles  QPGMR, QSECOFR,
                      QSYSOPR, and QUSER.

   FROMDATE      Whether to select  on the From  date and time the  job
                 was started.   If the job was started  on or after the
                 specified  date and  ended on  or before the  To date,
                 the accounting record will be selected.

                 The date  defaults  to *FIRST  meaning the  first  job
                 accounting entry.   A  specific date  (in job  format)
                 may  be  entered  or  the  special  value  *TODAY  for
                 todays date.

                 If a date/time is specified  that is greater than  the
                 last   entry  converted   from   the  job   accounting
                 journal, no information will be output.

                 The  time value defaults  to *FIRST meaning  the first
                 time  of  the specified  From date.   A  specific time
                 may be entered in HHMMSS format.

   TODATE        Whether to  select on  the To  date and  time the  job
                 was  ended.  If  the job  was ended  on or  before the
                 specified  date and  started on  after the  From date,
                 the accounting record will be selected.

                 The  date   defaults  to   *LAST  meaning   the   last
                 converted job accounting  entry.  A specific  date (in
                 job  format)  may  be  entered  or  the special  value
                 *TODAY for todays date.

                 The time  value defaults  to  *LAST meaning  the  last
                 time of the  specified To date.   A specific  time may
                 be entered in HHMMSS format.

                 A typical  error is to  not convert all  the available
                 entries.   Check the listing  for the date/time of the
                 last converted journal entry.

   CMPCDE        Whether to  select on the  completion code.   *ALL  is
                 the default for all completion codes.

                 *NORMAL  may  be specified  to  select  the jobs  that
                 completed normally (00 completion code).

                 *FAILED  may be specified to select  the jobs that did
                 not complete normally.

                 A single  completion code  may be  requested from  the
                 values 00,  10, 20, 30,  40, 50,  60, 70, 80,  and 90.
                 For  an explanation of  the completion  codes, see the
                 CPF1164 message ID.

                 The system  also  assigns  99 to  an  accounting  code

   ACGCDE        Whether to  select on  the accounting  code.  *ALL  is
                 the default  which will select  all records regardless
                 of whether they have an accounting code.

   JOBTYPE       Whether to select on the type of job.

                 A specific job type may be entered of the following:

                    B  =  Batch
                    A  =  Autostart
                    I  =  Interactive
                    M  =  Subsystem monitor
                    R  =  Spool reader
                    S  =  System job
                    W  =  Spool writer
                    X  =  Start CPF

   NBRTRANS      Whether  to  select  on  the  number  of transactions.
                 This is  only meaningful  for interactive  jobs.   Any
                 non-interactive  jobs will  have 0  for the  number of

                 If  a number is  entered, any jobs that  have the same
                 or  a   greater  number   of  transactions   will   be

   AVGRSP        Whether  to  select  on  the  average  response  time.
                 This  is only  meaningful for  interactive jobs.   Any
                 non-interactive jobs will  have a  0 average  response

                 Response times  are in  hundredths of  a second.   For
                 example,  you could specify  '.44'.   Any jobs  with a
                 response time equal or greater would be selected.

   CPUUSE        Whether  to select on the  number of CPU seconds used.
                 The default is 0.

   SYNAUXIO      Whether  to  select  on  the  number   of  synchronous
                 auxiliary storage I/O occurrences.

                 If a  number is entered,  any jobs that have  the same
                 or  a greater number of  occurrences will be selected.

   ASYNAUXIO     Whether  to  select  on  the  number  of  asynchronous
                 auxiliary storage I/O occurrences.

                 If a  number is entered, any  jobs that have  the same
                 or  a greater number of  occurrences will be selected.

   SYSTEM        Whether  to  select  on  the  system  where  the   job
                 accounting entry occurred.   *CURRENT is  the default.

                 If  you do  not  convert job  accounting  entries from
                 other  systems to a centralized  JOBACGP file, use the

   EXTPRT        Whether to use  one or more extended  print functions.
                 One  or  more  options   may  be  specified  and  each
                 produces an additional line of information.

                   - *NONE is the default for no additional lines
                   - *ALL of the values
                   - *TOTALS all values except *DATENT
                   - *DATENT - when the job entered the system
                   - *TRNTIM - transaction time in seconds
                   - *AVGRSP - the average response time
                   - *PRINT - the number of pages, lines, files
                   - *DBF - the number of gets, puts, upd/dlts
                   - *COMM - the number of gets, puts
                   - *AUXIO - the number of synch/asynch aux I/Os

   JOBACGLIB     The  name  of  the library  where  the  Job Accounting
                 files exist.    The default  is  *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may
                 also be used.

   OUTPUT        How  to output  the  results.   *  is  the default  to
                 display  the spooled  file if  the command  is entered
                 interactively.  The spooled  file is deleted after  it
                 is displayed.

                 If  the command  is  entered  in  batch or  *PRINT  is
                 specified,  the spooled file  is output  and retained.

DLTJOBACG Command parameters                          *CMD

   JOBACGLIB     The  name  of  the library  where  the  Job Accounting
                 files will be deleted.

CVTJOBACG2 Command parameters                         *CMD

   JRNOUTF       The name  of  the  qualified file  that  contains  the
                 journal  entries from  another  system.   The  library
                 defaults to *LIBL and *CURLIB may be used.

                 DSPJRN  must have  been  used to  create the  file and
                 must have  been  specified  as  OUTFILFMT(*TYPE1)  and

   SYSTEM        The  system  name  to   be  used  for  the  accounting
                 entries.   This is  a required parameter.   You cannot
                 use  the  current  systems  name  (use  the  CVTJOBACG
                 command instead).

                 The reason  that the system  name is required  is that
                 the  *TYPE1  format is  used  for  the DSPJRN  outfile
                 which does not contain the system name.

   RMVALLLFM     A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for whether  the  logical file
                 members should  be removed  before the update  program
                 runs  and   then  added  back   after.    This   is  a
                 performance  option.     It  is  generally  faster  to
                 remove the members and then  add them back if a  large
                 percentage of records will be added to the file.

                 *NO is the  default which should be used  when a small
                 percentage of records are added.

                 *YES  should be  specified to improve  the performance
                 when adding a large percentage of records.

   JOBACGLIB     The name  of  the  library where  the  Job  Accounting
                 files  exist.   The  default is  *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may
                 also be used.

RFMJOBACG Command parameters                          *CMD

   JOBACGLIB     The  library where the  JOBACG data base  files exist.

   WRKLIB        The  work  library  that  will  be  used  to  copy the
                 current files to.   A unique  library is desirable  so
                 you can simplify review and deletion.

                 After the  command completes, the old  versions of the
                 files  will be  retained  in the  work library.   When
                 you are satisfied  with the  new versions, delete  the
                 files from the work library.

RTVJOBACGR Command parameters                         *CMD

   JOB           The qualified  job name.  This  is a 3  part parameter
                 value where  each part (Job, User,  and Job number) is

   SYSTEM        The  system  name  to  be  used  for  the   accounting
                 entries.   The  default is  *CURRENT  for the  current

   JRNSEQ        The  10 digit  sequence number  of the  journal entry.
                 This  is an  optional return  value that  if used must
                 be specified as *DEC LEN(10 0).

   JRNSEQ2       The 20  digit sequence  number of  the journal  entry.
                 This  is an optional  return value  that if  used must
                 be specified as *CHAR LEN(20).

   ENTDATE       The  date the job  entered the system  in CYMD format.
                 This is an  optional return  value that  if used  must
                 be specified as *CHAR LEN(7).

   ENTTIME       The  time  the  job  entered   the  system  in  HHMMSS
                 format.   This  is an  optional  return value  that if
                 used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(6).

   STRDATE       The date the  job was  started in CYMD  format.   This
                 is  an optional  return  value that  if  used must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(7).

   STRTIME       The time  the job was started in  HHMMSS format.  This
                 is  an  optional return  value  that if  used  must be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(6).

   ENDDATE       The date the  job was ended in  CYMD format.  This  is
                 an  optional  return  value   that  if  used  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(7).

   ENDTIME       The  time the  job was ended  in HHMMSS  format.  This
                 is an  optional  return value  that  if used  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(6).

   ACGCDE        The  accounting  code  for  the   job.    This  is  an
                 optional  return value that if  used must be specified
                 as *CHAR LEN(15).

   JOBTYP        The job  type  for  the  job.   This  is  an  optional
                 return value that  if used must be specified  as *CHAR

                 It will contain one of the following values:

                              B  =  Batch
                              A  =  Autostart
                              I  =  Interactive
                              M  =  Subsystem monitor
                              R  =  Spool reader
                              S  =  System job
                              W  =  Spool writer
                              X  =  Start CPF

   COMPCODE      The job  completion code.  This is  an optional return
                 value   that  if  used  must  be  specified  as  *CHAR
                 LEN(2).   See the CPF1164  message for  a list of  the

   CPUSECS       The number  of CPU seconds used  by the job.   This is
                 an  optional   return  value  that  if  used  must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(7 1).

   NBRTRANS      The number  of  transactions used  by  an  interactive
                 job.   This is an optional  return value that  if used
                 must be specified as *DEC LEN(11 0).

   AVGRESP       The  average  response  time  used  by an  interactive
                 job.  This is  an optional return  value that if  used
                 must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 2).

   JOBACGLIB     The  name of  the  library  where the  Job  Accounting
                 files  exist.   The  default  is *LIBL.    *CURLIB may
                 also be used.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT          Add date
     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ authority
     CHKACTOBJ       Check active object
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CPYTAADDS       TAA Archive
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTJRNA         Convert journal attributes
     CVTTIM          Convert time
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RMVALLLFM       Remove all logical file members
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base attributes
     RTVIBMPRF       Retrieve IBM profiles
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     WRTSRC          Write source


None,  the tool is ready to use.   You must use CRTJOBACG to create the
required files and  CVTJOBACG to convert  the entries before using  DSP

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB       QATTCMD
   CVTJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB2      QATTCMD
   DSPJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB3      QATTCMD
   DLTJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB4      QATTCMD
   PRTJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB6      QATTCMD
   MTNJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB6      QATTCMD
   CVTJOBACG2    *CMD                   TAAACGB7      QATTCMD
   PRTJOBACG3    *CMD                   TAAACGB8      QATTCMD
   ANZJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB9      QATTCMD
   RFMJOBACG     *CMD                   TAAACGB10     QATTCMD
   RTVJOBACGR    *CMD                   TAAACGB11     QATTCMD
   TAAACGBC      *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC      QATTCL
   TAAACGBC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC2     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC3     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC4     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC4     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC5     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC5     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC6     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC6     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC7     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC7     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC8     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC8     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC9     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC9     QATTCL
   TAAACGBC10    *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC10    QATTCL
   TAAACGBC11    *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC11    QATTCL
   TAAACGBC13    *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC13    QATTCL
   TAAACGBC15    *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC15    QATTCL
   TAAACGBR2     *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR2     QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR3     *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR3     QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR5     *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR5     QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR8     *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR8     QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR9     *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR9     QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR11    *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR11    QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR12    *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR12    QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR13    *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR13    QATTRPG
   TAAACGBR15    *PGM       RPG         TAAACGBR15    QATTRPG
   TAAACGBC23    *PGM       CLP         TAAACGBC23    QATTCL
   TAAACGBP      *FILE      PF          TAAACGBP      QATTDDS
   TAAACGBL      *FILE      LF          TAAACGBL      QATTDDS
   TAAACGBM      *FILE      LF          TAAACGBM      QATTDDS
   TAAACGBN      *FILE      LF          TAAACGBN      QATTDDS
   TAAACGBO      *FILE      LF          TAAACGBO      QATTDDS
   TAAACGBX      *FILE      PF          TAAACGBX      QATTDDS

The TAAACGBX file is only used to create programs against.

Note  that the PRTJOBACG2  command does  not exist  here because  it is
part of the PRTJOBACG2 tool.

The files created from CRTJOBACG use the following source.

        File          Source       Description
        ----          ------       -----------

        JOBACGP       TAAACGBP     Physical
        JOBACGL       TAAACGBL     LF by system, date, and time
        JOBACGM       TAAACGBM     LF by system, acctg code, date, time
        JOBACGN       TAAACGBN     LF by system, user, date, time
        JOBACGO       TAAACGBO     LF by system, job, date, time
        JOBACGQ       TAAACGBQ     LF by system, curr user, date, time


   TAAACGBC   CL pgm

   TAAACGBC2  CL pgm
     TAAACGBR12  RPG Pgm
     TAAACGBR2   RPG Pgm

   TAAACGBC3  CL pgm
       TAAACGBD   Display file
       TAAACGBC15  CL pgm
       TAAACGBC23  CL pgm

   TAAACGBC4  CL pgm

   TAAACGBC5  CL pgm
     TAAACGBR15  RPG Pgm

   TAAACGBC8  CL pgm
     TAAACGBR12  RPG Pgm

   TAAACGBC6  CL pgm

   TAAACGBC7  CL pgm
     TAAACGBR12  RPG Pgm

   TAAACGBC9  CL pgm
     TAAACGBR9   RPG Pgm
     TAAACGBC13  CL pgm
       TAAACGBR13  RPG pgm

   TAAACGBC10 CL pgm

Structure - Continued

   TAAACGBC11 CL pgm
     TAAACGBR11  RPG Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 1, 1997

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